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The temporal evolution of chemical and physical

properties of magmatic systems
Section of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Rue des Maraı̂chers 13,
1205, Geneva, Switzerland
School of Earth Sciences, University of Bristol, Wills Memorial Building, Bristol BS8 1RJ, UK
Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, California Institute
of Technology, 1200 E. California Blvd, Pasadena, CA 91125, USA
*Corresponding author (e-mail:

Abstract: Exactly 100 years ago the great Canadian-born petrologist N. L. Bowen published two
seminal works on the chemical differentiation of magmas in which he posed the basis for a physico-
chemical understanding of the fractionation of crystals from melts in molten rock. A subsequent
century of research and technological advances has enhanced our understanding of the physics
and chemistry of magmatic systems and their temporal evolution. The image of sub-volcanic mag-
matic systems has evolved greatly in that time, from a simple ‘boiling vat’ concept of molten rock
in which bubbles, crystals and melt separate gravitationally to a recognition that magma vats are
relatively rare and that most magmatic systems spend much of their lifetime in a partially molten,
or mushy, state. Real magmatic systems appear to be organized into a series of storage regions peri-
odically connected by feeding structures transferring magma (and heat) at different fluxes. Magma
fluxes between the different portions of this plumbing system, and the variation of the chemical and
physical properties of magma as it rises through the crust, exert essential controls on the eruptive
modalities of volcanoes and the geochemistry of their products. This book presents a collection of
contributions that use petrology, geochemistry, geochronology and numerical modelling to iden-
tify the processes operating at different depths within magmatic systems and to characterize the
fluxes of magma between them.

The foundations of modern igneous petrology were needs to be re-evaluated. First, thermal models of
laid approximately 100 years ago by Norman Levi crustal magmatism reveal the difficulty in generat-
Bowen who, working at the Geophysical Labora- ing and then sustaining large bodies of true
tory of the Carnegie Institution of Washington magma (.40% melt) in the shallow crust (Glazner
(USA), used a combination of high-temperature et al. 2004; Annen et al. 2008; Annen 2009; Schöpa
experiments and field observations to assert that & Annen 2013). Volcanic eruptions of relatively
chemical differentiation was controlled primarily crystal-poor magma testify to the existence of
by the settling out of crystals from molten rock in such bodies, but thermal models together with geo-
magma chambers (e.g. Bowen 1915a, b; Fig. 1). chronological and geochemical data require that this
In Bowen’s own words (1915b): ‘The decision is is a relatively transitory physical state (Wilson &
reached that [igneous] differentiation is controlled Charlier 2009; Cooper & Kent 2014; Wotzlaw
entirely by crystallization. The sinking of crystals et al. 2014). Second, petrological studies of igneous
and the squeezing out of residual liquid are consid- rocks reveal a level of geochemical and textural
ered the all-important instruments of differentia- complexity that cannot be reconciled with simple
tion’. This was a significant step forward in our precipitation from a melt, instead suggesting physi-
understanding of the chemical evolution of mag- cal and chemical interaction of crystal residues with
matic systems and much of the subsequent work melts over long periods of time in a thermally fluc-
on igneous differentiation has been predicated on tuating mush environment (Paterson et al. 2011;
the existence of magma chambers as vats of crystal- Humphreys et al. 2012; Thomson & Maclennan
poor magma in the crust wherein heat loss to the 2012; Cashman & Blundy 2013). Intrusive bodies
surroundings causes crystallization that drives dif- from small laccoliths to giant batholiths appear to
ferentiation. However, several lines of evidence have formed not in one large belch of magma, but
suggest that the magma chamber paradigm is not via the amalgamation of many smaller, interacting
appropriate for many crustal magmatic systems and pulses over time periods of more than 100 000

From: Caricchi, L. & Blundy, J. D. (eds) 2015. Chemical, Physical and Temporal Evolution
of Magmatic Systems. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 422, 1 –15.
First published online August 19, 2015,
# 2015 The Author(s). Published by The Geological Society of London. All rights reserved.
For permissions: Publishing disclaimer:
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years (Coleman et al. 2004; Michel et al. 2008; 1915a, b). It follows that the timespan over which a
Schoene et al. 2012). Even volcanic rocks produced residual melt of a given composition exists in a mag-
during some of the largest known eruptions (e.g. matic reservoir is inversely proportional to the rate
Taupo, New Zealand or Bishop Tuff, USA) testify of cooling (Marsh 1981). In other words, the longer
to several disparate melt-rich lenses or pockets the time a given melt is present in the system, the
that only coalesced shortly before or during eruption higher is the probability that melt of that composi-
(Hildreth & Wilson 2007; Cashman & Giordano tion will be extracted from the system (Fig. 2).
2014; Ellis et al. 2014; Wotzlaw et al. 2014), rather When Bruce Marsh published this idea at the begin-
than one giant pre-eruptive magma chamber. Lastly, ning of the 1980s, the accumulation of magma in
geophysical techniques, such as seismology, grav- the crust was considered to occur on much shorter
ity and magnetotellurics, have been signally unsuc- timescales than the duration of cooling. Within
cessful in identifying large melt-dominated regions this assumption the residual melt composition that
in the shallow crust beneath most arc volcanoes would have been present for the longest time in a
(Hill et al. 2009; Paulatto et al. 2012). Where large, magmatic reservoir would correspond to the tem-
crustal geophysical anomalies do exist, such as the perature at which the release of latent heat of crys-
Altiplano–Puna Magma Body beneath Bolivia tallization was at a maximum (Marsh 1981). In
(Ward et al. 2014; Comeau et al. 2015), these are effect, chemical differentiation then became a
better reconciled as large bodies of partially molten question of how heat is lost from a single body of
rock rather than giant liquid-rich chambers. Thus, initially crystal-poor magma. In the last 20 years,
the standard, background state for most magmatic petrology, thermal modelling, structural geology
system appears to that of a partially molten mush and geophysical monitoring of restless volcanoes
with ≪40 vol% melt that grows incrementally over have demonstrated that magmatic systems are con-
time through repeated additions of new magma structed by the periodic injection of magma over
(Marsh 1981, 1989; Bachmann & Bergantz 2006; prolonged periods of time (de Saint-Blanquat et al.
Hildreth & Wilson 2007; Fig. 2). 2001; Coleman et al. 2004; Glazner et al. 2004;
Although it is straightforward to envisage crustal Annen 2009; Biggs et al. 2011; Caricchi et al.
magmatic systems as multiple reservoirs of mush 2012; Humphreys et al. 2012). Piecemeal emplace-
distributed at different depths, it is important to ment complicates the temporal pattern of heat loss
identify the main factors controlling the temporal and, consequently, the inferences that can be drawn
evolution of the chemistry and physical properties about the chemical evolution of the system and the
of magmatic systems to understand their behaviour probability of extracting melt of one composition
over time. This, in turn, impacts on our ability to versus another. For example, Melekhova et al.
anticipate volcanic hazards, interpret geophysical (2013) showed that a combination of the variation
signals at restless volcanoes or model crustal differ- of crystal content as a function of temperature in
entiation. The contributions in this book focus on the injected magma and the rate at which that
magmatic systems with different physical and chem- magma is supplied to the reservoir controls the rel-
ical characteristics and use different approaches ative volumes of residual melts of different compo-
to their study, so providing a wide perspective on sitions present at different times.
the variety of modern methods that can be applied The effect of phase equilibria on the distribution
to understanding the chemical, physical and tempo- of residual melt composition can be illustrated by
ral evolution of magmatic systems. This book dem- considering the evolution of residual melt fraction
onstrates how the capability, effort and intuition of (F) and silica content of an H2O-bearing basalt
N. L. Bowen a century ago triggered a stimulating undergoing fractional crystallization (Nandedkar
research field that can today be investigated with a et al. 2014; Fig. 3). Rapid decrease of F as a function
bewildering variety of approaches that transcend of temperature (T ) occurs when the crystallizing
traditional disciplinary boundaries within the earth assemblage has a chemical composition similar to
sciences. In this introduction we will draw upon the melt. In this temperature interval the silica con-
some fundamental, yet familiar, thermodynamic tent of the residual melt changes little (low ∂SiO2/
aspects of magmatic systems to provide a context ∂T; interval I in Fig. 3). Conversely, the onset of
to the contributions to this book. crystallization of hornblende, which has a much
lower SiO2 content than the melt from which it pre-
cipitates, leads to small ∂F/∂T and high ∂SiO2/∂T
Magma fluxes and phase equilibria (interval II in Fig. 3). At still lower temperatures,
when the residual melt approaches the granitic
Heat loss leads to magma crystallization and, minimum compositions, ∂F/∂T increases and
because crystals and melt chemistry are physically ∂SiO2/∂T decreases. Eutectic crystallization is an
and chemically different, the chemical composition extreme version of this process with ∂F/∂T ¼ 1
of the residual melt changes during cooling (Bowen and ∂SiO2/∂T ¼ 0.
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Fig. 1. Illustration of a model magma chamber as imagined on the basis of the pioneering work of N. L. Bowen
and others.

Even for the case of continuous injection of be magma that cooled below the injection tempera-
magma, the average temperature within the volume ture and, therefore, the temperature averaged over
of emplaced magma decreases (Marsh 1981; Car- the total volume of the magmatic system will be
icchi et al. 2014). A simple thought experiment lower than the initial magma injection temperature.
helps to understand this somewhat counterintui- In turn, the cooling rate of an intrusion for a fixed
tive statement. At the moment a parcel of magma magma injection rate is controlled by the tempera-
is injected into the crust, the total volume of the ture difference between magma and host rock and
magmatic system corresponds to the volume of the rate of latent heat release. Where crystallization
injected magma. At this instant, the temperature is driven by volatile exsolution during decompres-
averaged over the entire magmatic system volume sion and ascent, as is the case for many hydrous
is equal to the injection temperature. With continu- silicic magmas, the release of latent heat may even
ous magma injection, even if the total amount of lead to a rise in magma temperature (Blundy et al.
heat added to the system increases, there will always 2006).
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Fig. 2. Schematic illustration of a crustal magmatic system composed of various storage regions connected by
sub-vertical feeding structures. Magma injected from the mantle fractionates at depth and residual melts are eventually
extracted to feed middle to upper crustal reservoirs. With decreasing depth within the system the residual melt becomes
progressively more evolved chemically. Crustal melting at different depths may also contribute to the chemical
evolution. The extent to which the magmatic system is vertically continuous or discontinuous (as shown) remains
unknown. A key feature is that melts, crystals and gases can move independently of each other through the system.

Considering the phase diagram in Figure 3, the & Blundy 2009). In a contribution to this book,
largest rate of latent heat release and the minimum Bouvet de Maisonneuve et al. (2015) report petro-
in dSiO2/dT are achieved in temperature intervals graphic, geochemical and temporal constraints on
I and III and, therefore, the residual melt composi- the interaction between basaltic and dacitic magmas
tions present within these temperature ranges should that preceded the andesitic Plinian eruption of
be those most likely to be found in magmatic sys- Tavurvur volcano (Papua New Guinea) in 2006.
tems. This would suggest that some intermediate, True andesitic melts can be produced simply by
andesitic magmas commonly erupted in arcs may crystallization provided that the melt fluxes from
be the result of mingling/mixing of mafic residual the mantle are sufficient to generate the appropri-
melt produced in the lower crust and felsic melts ate melt fractions. To show this we performed ther-
occupying the shallower portions of magmatic sys- mal modelling to simulate the injection of basaltic
tems, rather than true intermediate liquids (Reubi magma into the lower crust using the experimental
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1 50
Melt fraction 0.8 Hornblende 51

SiO2 (wt.%)
Interval III Interval II Interval I

Quartz 53.5
0.4 60
0.2 75

Pressure 0.7 GPa, tholeiitic basalt+3wt.% H2O

600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300
Temperature (oC)
Fig. 3. Variations of melt fraction and SiO2 content of the residual melt as function of temperature for an H2O-bearing
tholeiitic basalt during fractional crystallization. Modified from Nandedkar et al. (2014).

phase relations of Nandedkar et al. (2014). The 1995; Murphy et al. 1998; Nakagawa et al. 1999;
description of the model, for the analogous case Frey & Lange 2010; Humphreys et al. 2012; Jeffery
of upper crustal intrusion, is reported in Caricchi et al. 2013; Kilgour et al. 2013).
et al. (2014); in the present simulations the initial Magma flux is demonstrably a fundamental
temperature of the rock surrounding the intrusion parameter in determining igneous differentiation.
was increased to 9008C to better match the lower One contribution in this book approaches the deter-
crust. The diameter of the system was kept fixed mination of intrusive magma fluxes at different
at 24 km for all simulations; each new magma depths within the crust using the structure of
pulse was injected into the core of the intrusion; the metamorphic aureole surrounding intrusions
and the final injected volume was always 1000 km3. (Floess & Baumgartner 2015). This paper shows
The model results (Fig. 4) show that the most that the relative distance and thickness of metamor-
abundant residual melt compositions present in phic isograds depend not only on the total volume of
the lower crust become more felsic with decreas- magma injected, but also on the frequency at which
ing flux of basaltic magma from the mantle and single magma batches are injected. In another con-
that a compositional gap appears between 53.5 and tribution, Muir et al. (2015) combine radiometric
about 60 wt% SiO2. The lower SiO2 end of this dating with remote sensing to constrain extrusive
compositional gap corresponds to the silica content magma fluxes from Uturuncu Volcano in the Boliv-
of the residual melt at the onset of hornblende crys- ian Altiplano. Their data show that the periodicity of
tallization (Fig. 3; Nandedkar et al. 2014). These the eruptions and the volume released in each extru-
simulations demonstrate how magma fluxes can sive event are not constant. The temporal evolution
play an important role in controlling the chemical of temperature within a magmatic system is also
composition of residual melt present within mag- controlled by the depth of the different storage
matic systems. The thermal modelling results also regions (Annen et al. 2006; Solano et al. 2012).
indicate that residual melt with SiO2 contents Zanon (2015) use fluid inclusion microthermome-
between 53.5 and 60 wt% are relatively rare because try and geochemistry to determine the structure of
amphibole crystallization changes significantly the the magmatic plumbing system in a volcanic sector
SiO2 content of the residual melt over a restricted of the Azores Archipelago.
T range (Fig. 3). Consistent with the rarity of andes-
itic melts generated by this mechanism in the lower Phase equilibria, physical properties of
crust, many andesite magmas show petrographic
evidence of mingling/mixing; in these cases a sim-
magma and melt extraction
pler explanation for their genesis would be interac- The evolution of residual melt chemistry and crys-
tion between mafic and felsic magmas (Nakamura tallinity during cooling has a profound effect on
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Injection rate: 0.05 km3/yr



Increasing time

Bin size=400ky

Relative volume of residual melt

0.025 km3/yr




0.01 km3/yr
Compositional gap



50 55 60 65 70
Residual melt SiO2 (wt.%)
Fig. 4. Histograms showing the distribution in time of the relative volume of residual melt present in magmatic
reservoirs assembled at the base of the crust (30 km) by the continuous injection of basalt from the mantle. The
calculations were made using the approach to thermal modelling presented in Caricchi et al. (2014) combined with the
basaltic phase equilibria of Nandedkar et al. (2014). The histograms are shaded for time from the beginning of magma
intrusion and show the relative volumes of residual melt of different compositions present within the magmatic
reservoir. From top to bottom the rate of basalt injection into the system decreases and a compositional gap appears in
the silica range corresponding to temperature interval II in Figure 3.
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the physical properties of magma and residual melt volume of different residual melts. In this section
(e.g. density and viscosity; Caricchi et al. 2007; we use simple, schematic binary systems to illus-
Giordano et al. 2008; Mueller et al. 2011). The trate the relationships between phase equilibria, the
interplay between the thermal evolution of a mag- physical properties of magmas and the chemistry
matic system and changes in magma chemistry of residual melts that are most likely to be extracted
and physical properties controls the temperature and transported within the magmatic system.
window in which residual melt can be extracted It has long been recognized that over the crystal-
from crystallizing magmas (Dufek & Bachmann lization interval between liquidus and solidus the
2010). Extracted residual melt is mobile and thus proportions of melt and solid do not change linearly
can be transported to different levels within the with temperature: this is abundantly clear from
magmatic plumbing system or potentially erupted simple binary eutectic systems (Fig. 5a). In a binary
at the surface. Moreover, the evolution of the phys- (A –B), with a eutectic point (e), crystallization
ical properties of magmas interacting at different for any composition terminates at the eutectic tem-
levels within a magmatic system as they evolve perature. The relative proportions of residual melt
towards thermal equilibrium has an important effect and crystals as a function of temperature are very
on the geophysical signals produced by the periodic sensitive to the initial magma composition (Fig.
replenishment of magma storage regions (Longo 5b). The observed difference in the evolution of
et al. 2011). In the previous section we explored crystallinity as a function of temperature for mag-
the combined action of magma fluxes and phase mas of slightly different compositions becomes
equilibria in controlling the chemistry and relative exaggerated in more complex, natural systems more

(a) (c) 1000 T(K) 1200

Heat content system (kJ)

TII 1600

A+Liquid B+Liquid
TIII 1400

TS 1200

A+B 1000

(b) (d) 2000

Heat content system (kJ)

Crystal fraction

e 1400



0 800
TS TIV TIII TII TI 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Crystal fraction

Fig. 5. (a) Schematic binary phase diagram used to calculate the evolution of crystal fraction as a function of
temperature as presented in (b), for two compositions X (in grey) and Y (in black). The horizontal dashed lines in
(a) show the temperature at which the fraction of crystals in the magma reaches a value of 0.5, while the vertical lines
indicate the corresponding residual melt composition. Dashed lines in (b) show the temperature at which the crystal
fraction is 0.5. Note that the evolution of crystal fraction with temperature is sensitive to the starting composition.
(c) Heat content of the system as a function of temperature for X (grey) and Y (black), calculated as described in the text.
(d) Heat content of the system as a function of crystal fraction for X (grey) and Y (black). Calculations were performed
for 1 kg of rock.
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similar to natural magmas in which eutectic, peri- function of temperature (Fig. 5b). The temperature
tectic and cotectic reactions occur. This is shown at which the two magmas reach a crystal fraction
in Figure 6 by means of a binary (A–C), with an of 0.5 is significantly different even if the initial
intermediate, incongruent phase (B). Such systems composition and liquidus temperature are similar
contain both a eutectic (e) and a peritectic (p). (Fig. 5b). As a consequence the residual melt com-
There are abundant examples of such systems in position that is most likely to be extracted from
nature (e.g. Mg2SiO4 –SiO2); for illustrative pur- two magmas with similar initial compositions is
poses we adopt a schematic phase diagram with potentially very different. Additionally, because the
standard topology. For all compositions lying temperatures at which crystal fractions reach 0.5 for
between A and B in Figure 6, crystallization ter- X and Y are different, the physical properties (e.g.
minates at the eutectic, whereas between B and viscosity) of the extracted melts also differ. Follow-
C the last residual melt is exhausted at p. For ing the same argument, the composition and physi-
compositions between A and p crystallization termi- cal properties of the extracted residual melts will be
nates at the eutectic. Between p and B crystalli- even more distinct for the two examples shown in
zation also ends at the eutectic point; however, Figure 6. In more complex natural systems, the evo-
the peritectic reaction of C and residual melt of lution of melt fraction (F ) with temperature (T ) is
composition p leads to the crystallization of B and less tractable. The behaviour of such systems is
an important decrease in residual melt fraction poorly understood because a relatively small num-
(Fig. 6a, b). ber of experimental studies have embraced the full
The most efficient mechanisms responsible for crystallization interval for a given starting composi-
extraction of felsic residual melts from crystallizing tion (Piwinskii & Wyllie 1968; Piwinskii 1975;
magma operate at crystallinities higher than c. Whitney & Stormer 1985; Melekhova et al. 2013;
50 vol% (Bachmann & Bergantz 2004; Dufek & Nandedkar et al. 2014). This, in part, reflects the dif-
Bachmann 2010). In the example shown in Figure 5, ficulty of performing experiments close to the soli-
we consider two different initial melt compositions dus, where quenching effects tend to obliterate the
(X and Y ) and track the variation of crystallinity as a prior presence of melt and is, in part, due to an

(a) (c) 1000 T(K) 1200

Liquid 1800
C + Liquid
Heat content system (kJ)


A+ 1200
Liquid B + Liquid B+C
e 1000
(b) (d) 2000

Heat content system (kJ)

Crystal fraction


0.50 e 1400

p 1200

0 800
TS TIV TIII TII TI 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Temperature Crystal fraction

Fig. 6. Same as Figure 5 but for a different schematic binary diagram (a) containing both a eutectic and a peritectic point
p. Calculations were performed for 1 kg of rock.
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understandable focus on the liquid lines of descent an intermediate temperature range over which crys-
that drive differentiation. As a consequence, almost tallinity changes little (Fig. 5b).
all dynamic models of magmatic behaviour employ The slope of the enthalpy versus crystallinity
either linear T–F relationships or overly simplified curve provides information on how a magmatic sys-
ones. The complexity that arises from analysis of tem responds to additions or subtractions of heat.
simple binary systems suggests that modelling of When the slope is low (flat), small changes in
magmatic system should be based upon appropriate enthalpy result in large changes in crystallinity.
phase diagrams. The thermodynamic software Conversely, when the slope is high (steep) large
MELTS (Ghiorso & Sack 1995; Asimow & Ghiorso changes in enthalpy lead to negligible changes in
1998) and its later derivatives offer an excellent crystallinity. This situation arises near the liquidus
platform with which to approach the complexity and the solidus of the system and, for compositions
of the relationship between melt fraction and tem- X and Y, at crystallinities of 0.65 and 0.55, respec-
perature for complex, natural systems. Improved tively. We will use the term ‘critical’ to describe
calibration of MELTS for hydrous phases, such as the three regions where the enthalpy changes steeply
amphibole and mica, will greatly enhance its use with crystal fraction. Magmas of compositions
in modelling evolved, hydrous crustal magmas. Y and X that are emplaced at their liquidus temper-
The crystallization (and melting) phenomena atures and lose heat to their surroundings will tend
described above become even more interesting to migrate down-temperature to these three criti-
when heat (enthalpy) rather than temperature is cal crystallinities; conversely rocks of composition
cast as the progress variable. Experimental petrolo- Y and X, once heated to super-solidus temperature,
gists, such as Bowen, set the temperature of their will tend to migrate up-temperature towards the cor-
experiments and adjust the heat content of the exper- responding critical melt fractions. Outside the criti-
imental charge to maintain constant temperature by cal values, X and Y have crystal (or melt) fractions
varying the power input to the furnace. In nature that are extremely sensitive to small enthalpic per-
temperature varies as heat moves into and out of turbations. In other words, small changes in added
the system. A number of studies have looked at or subtracted heat lead to large changes in crystallin-
enthalpy (or entropy) as a process variable in basal- ity above or below the critical values. Because
tic, mid-ocean ridge magmatic systems (Asimow magma rheology is very sensitive to crystallinity,
et al. 1997; Stolper & Asimow 2007; Katz 2008), magmas outside the critical regions can be readily
but such approaches are rare in continental mag- remobilized if heat is added to the system. Very sim-
matic systems. ilar behaviour can be deduced for compositions X
For illustrative purposes we calculated the heat and Y in the peritectic system (Fig. 6), although
content for the four systems described in Figures 5 the intermediate critical crystallinity is displaced
and 6 as functions of temperature and crystallin- to 0.80 and 0.58, respectively. It is important to
ity by assigning a fixed specific heat to the solid emphasize that critical crystallinity is a function of
phase (Cps) and to the residual melt (Cpm) and com- bulk composition and phase diagram topology and
puting the enthalpy (H ) as: we cannot simply generalize from one system
to another.
These simple calculations have a direct impact
H = Xs Cps T + Xm Cpm T + LXm (1)
on the probability of magma of a given crystallinity
and residual melt composition being present in res-
where Xs is the fraction of solid, Xm is the residual ervoirs periodically refilled by magma injections
melt fraction, T is temperature and L is the heat of and the likelihood of that magma having a suffi-
fusion. For Cps, Cpm and L we adopted the values ciently low viscosity to be erupted. For example,
presented by Caricchi & Blundy (2015). The high- considering initial composition Y in Figures 5 and
est liquidus temperature (i.e. for composition X in 6, the magma present for the longest times within
both Figs 5 & 6) was taken to be 10008C and the a reservoir will have crystallinities that lie close to
solidus (i.e. eutectic) temperature was set at 7008C critical values, i.e. near-liquidus, crystal fraction
for all calculations. The results highlight the nonlin- of 0.55 (0.58 in Fig. 6d), or solidus (Figs 5d &
ear variation of the heat content of magmas as a 6d). Indeed, it is in these regions where increasing
function of both temperature (Figs 5c & 6c) and of crystallinity towards lower temperatures is limited
crystallinity (Figs 5d & 6d). Particularly interesting by the release of latent heat in proximity to a region
are the figures showing the variation of enthalpy as a of critical crystallinity, whereas addition of heat
function of crystal fraction (Figs 5d & 6d). In results in the rapid resorption of crystals until the
Figure 5d, three regions are evident where signifi- next critical crystallinity is achieved. Because,
cant variations of enthalpy occur across a restricted even with periodic magma injection, the average
range of crystallinity. These regions correspond to temperature in a reservoir tends to decrease, the
near-liquidus and near-solidus temperatures and to largest portion of magma in a reservoir will
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progressively evolve towards lower temperatures, reactive flow through the matrix (Solano et al.
increasing the probability of finding magmas at 2014). Chemical models that are predicated upon
near-solidus temperatures (Figs 5d & 6d). crystal-melt fractionation in a melt-dominated mag-
Two contributions in this book explore various matic system are unable to capture the complexities
aspects of the chemical and physical evolution of of reactive melt transport, as has been demonstrated
periodically replenished magmatic reservoirs. Car- for mantle melting regimes (e.g. Navon & Stolper
icchi & Blundy (2015) performed experiments to 1987; Reiners 1998).
obtain a phase diagrams for dacite magmas of the By reviewing existing data on U-series crystal
variety that commonly feed large eruptions. In ages Cooper (2015) shows that accessory minerals,
line with the simple arguments developed above, such as zircon, record protracted pre-eruptive resi-
they show that natural magmas tend to evolve to a dence times while approximately half of the major
physical and thermal state at which the variation phases collected in eruptive products are less than
of crystallinity and residual melt chemistry as a 10 kyr older than the eruption. These data have
function of enthalpy is minimized. Montagna been interpreted to result from the long-term storage
et al. (2015) use numerical simulations to explore of zircons in highly crystallized or solidified magma
the consequences of contrasting physical properties bodies, which are rapidly remobilized before erup-
of resident and injected magma, together with dif- tion (Wilson & Charlier 2009; Charlier & Wilson
ferent reservoir geometry, for subvolcanic reservoir 2010; Storm et al. 2011). Interestingly, zircons
dynamics. from the same rock sample crystallized over differ-
ent periods of time, which suggests that zircons from
different portions of the subvolcanic reservoir are
Architecture of subvolcanic reservoirs assembled before eruption (Davidson et al. 2007;
Storm et al. 2014). This implies that zircons provide
Geophysical and geochemical evidence suggests information on the thermal and chemical conditions
that subvolcanic reservoirs are, in many cases, com- of a volumetrically larger portion of the magmatic
posed of multiple pockets of eruptible magma that reservoir than that erupted. Zellmer et al. (2015)
may have been separated for most of their lifetime show that erupted magmas contain a significant
(Miller & Smith 1999; Bachmann & Bergantz fraction of crystals that are recycled from different
2008; Cashman & Giordano 2014; Cooper & Kent portions of magmatic reservoirs. Together these
2014; Ellis et al. 2014; Wotzlaw et al. 2014). The studies paint a complex picture of magmatic reser-
accumulation of residual melt in these separate res- voirs, which is quite different from the idealized
ervoirs has been modelled hitherto solely as a single, model of Figure 1.
large accumulation in the upper portion of a single The increasing amount of experimental data
reservoir. However, the recent data call for a revi- available for magmas of different compositions
sion of our conceptual understanding of the thermal and the increasing reliability of thermodynamic
and chemical structure of magma storage regions in models (e.g. MELTS and its derivatives – Gualda
the crust. Understanding magmatic interactions et al. 2012; Gualda & Ghiorso 2014), in combi-
within and between different storage regions will nation with the greater spatial resolution at which
inform models for eruption triggering, which are chemical analysis of minerals can be performed,
currently based on reservoirs with relatively simple provide ample opportunity to study the complexity
geometry. Recently, Wotzlaw et al. (2014) showed and evolution of physical conditions in subvolcanic
the possible influence of the arrangement of erupt- reservoirs using mineral chemistry (e.g. Cashman
ible pockets of magma within larger volumes of & Blundy 2013). Furthermore, the increasing
highly crystallized magma on the mechanisms precision of geochronological methods is already
potentially leading to large eruptions. The connec- enhancing our ability to constrain timescales of
tion of eruptible and buoyant magma pockets dis- magmatic processes and the dynamics of eruptible
tributed at different depths within a magmatic magma extraction, assembly and eruption (Storm
reservoir can lead to a significant increase in buoy- et al. 2011; Schoene et al. 2012; Wotzlaw et al.
ancy overpressure and eventually bring the mag- 2013; Barboni & Schoene 2014; Caricchi et al.
matic system into a critical state (Wotzlaw et al. 2014; Cooper & Kent 2014; Wotzlaw et al. 2014).
2014). Movement of melts relative to their crystal-
line framework by mechanisms such as compaction
(e.g. McKenzie 1984; Rabinowicz & Vigneresse Volcanic conduits
2004; Solano et al. 2012; Connolly & Podladchikov
2015) or deformation (Stevenson 1989; Holtzman Movement of melts between interconnected crustal
et al. 2003) can further complicate the picture in reservoirs gives rise to the different magma fluxes
terms of both the physical distribution of melt-rich described above. How melts move depends criti-
pockets and the chemical evolution of melts via cally on their physical and chemical characteristics.
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The final rise of magma to the surface is accompa- perspectives on how crystals and melts move and
nied by a decrease in volatile solubility (Newman evolve beneath our feet.
& Lowenstern 2002). This leads to the formation
We are grateful for the support of Angharad Hills in pro-
of gas bubbles (Gonnermann & Manga 2007)
ducing this book, for the efforts of reviewers in improving
and crystallization once magma becomes water- the content, and to Jessica Pollitt for professional and effi-
saturated (Blundy & Cashman 2001), thereby cient editorial support. L. C. acknowledges the support of
causing significant changes in the chemistry and the Swiss National Science Foundation and thanks the stu-
physical properties of the ascending magma (Gon- dents of the second-year (2015) physical volcanology
nermann & Manga 2007). While the drop in volatile course for inspiring discussions. L. C. would also like to
solubility decreases magma density, the release of thank Eva Hartung, David Flöss, Guy Simpson and Urs
H2O increases magma viscosity both because of Schaltegger for many thoughts about the long-term evolu-
its effect on residual melt viscosity and through tion of magmatic systems. J. B. acknowledges support
degassing-driven crystallization (Caricchi et al. from a European Research Council Advanced Grant
‘CRITMAG’ and a Wolfson Research Merit Award. He
2007; Giordano et al. 2008). The relative magnitude is grateful to the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation
of these decompression-induced modifications to for providing sabbatical support at the California Institute
the properties of magmas can either enhance or of Technology where many of the ideas expressed in this
inhibit their ascent to the surface. Ultimately, the short introduction were refined through discussions with
balance between the different processes and the Ed Stolper and Paul Asimow. Simon Powell is thanked
rate of gas loss during ascent plays a fundamental for drafting Figure 1. The comments of Bruce Marsh and
role in controlling eruption dynamics. Reubi et al. an anonymous reviewer were very helpful and served to
(2015) determine the rate of magma degassing dur- improve the clarity of this introduction.
ing ascent using 210Pb– 226Ra disequilibria in mag-
mas erupted between 1998 and 2010 at Colima
Volcano (Mexico). Their study reveals that volcanic References
activity at Colima is sustained by the repeated intru-
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