Day 5 - Q It Necessary That Consequences of Ethical Actions Shall Be Ethically Correct? Critically Examine

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Day 5 – Q 3.

Is it necessary that consequences of ethical

actions shall be ethically correct? Critically examine.
November 9, 2018

3. Is it necessary that consequences of ethical actions shall be ethically correct? Critically


या यह आव यक है िक नैितक कायो के पिरणाम नैितक प से सही होंगे? समालोचना मक जांच करे।ं


Ethical actions are the one’s based on values which society and individuals typically think
are good values like honesty, fairness, equality, dignity and respect for individual rights.


When actions are performed based on these values, it is accepted that the consequences
that follow will be ethically correct.

Equality: when rich and poor, men and women, majority and minority are treated alike
in the society it would lead to egalitarian society.
Being honest would help individual to earn respect in both personal and professional
Truth is a universal value. Truthfulness is essential to make social bonds and feel

However, in reality this may not be true for example,

Positive discrimination by state to bring disadvantaged sections at par with

progressive sections of society through reservation has created further
fragmentation in the society. Thus, quest for equality has resulted into negative
consequence of division in the society, attributed to democratic polity where groups
are mobilised on identities to secure votes. Ex: reservation for SC&ST, protection of
In times of war or military action against terror sanctuaries, civilian casualties are
likely to occur. Though in the larger interest of security of nation and its citizens, still
innocent lives are lost.


Thus, in a world that is entangled in a complex scenario (social, political, economical&

security) it would be too idealistic to assume that ethical actions will automatically lead to
ethical scenarios.
You can use following examples to explain your point of view:

Domestic Violence Act.

Maternity Benefit Act.
Construction of dams.
On speaking Truth.

Best answer: Mritunjay Kumar


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