Brain Bench Course Contents For Core Java - 7

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Brain Bench Course Contents for Core Java – 7

 Class Definition
o Access Modifiers
o Method & Fields
o Inheritance
o Polymorphism
o Generics
 Core Libraries
o I/O
o Java Bean
 Creating a javaBean component
 Making its properties available to users
 List of listeners for a javaBean component
o Java Utilities
 java.util Package
 Java Collection Utility Class
o Math
 java.math Package
 java.math.RoundingMode
 Constants for java.math.RoundingMode
o Components
 Integration Libraries
o OS Integration
 The Desktop API
o Scripting
 javax.script package
o Web Services
 Practical Software Engineering
o Best Practices
o Object Design
o Design Patterns
 Introduction to Design Pattern
 Usage of the behavioral / structural / creational pattern
o Refactoring
 Need of refactoring
 Refactoring via
 Renaming / Moving Class / Extracting Method / Extracting Superclass
 Replace Conditional with Polymorphis
 Refactoring Tools
o Testing
 Testing with JUnit
 JUnit Overview
 JUnit API
 JUnit - Using Assertion
 assertion methods useful for writing tests
 Support Libraries
o Internationalization
 java.util.Locale
 Locale format of currency
 Locale specific components for Localization and Internationalization
o Networking
o Security
 Package
 Implementing custom permission in the Java Security System
 Java Web Start and JNLP File
 Mechanism to change an XML file from one DTD into another
 Reading an XML file with a DOM / SAX parser

 Syntax
o Comments & Javadoc Tool
 Documentation Comments
 Commenting the Source Code
 Javadoc Tags (@tag)
 Where Tags Can Be Used
 Purpose of the class DocumentationSample
 javadoc-style comments
o Data Types
o Exception Handling
o Expressions
o Flow of Control
 Tools
o Annotation Processing
o Complier
o Debugging
o Deployment
 Virtual Machine
o Memory Management
o Thread Management
 Including java.util.concurrent
o Parallelism
o VM Internals

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