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May 2015
Table of Contents
Introduction ................................................................................................................ 1
Welcome to the Hurricane Access Control and Security System ................................ 2

Setting up the Software.......................................................................................... 3

Overview - Setting up the Software.......................................................................... 3
Setting up Communication Ports ............................................................................. 4
Network Trunk Lines ................................................................................................. 4
System Properties ..................................................................................................... 5
System Properties .................................................................................................... 5
Startup ..................................................................................................................... 6
Login ........................................................................................................................ 9
PIN Algorithm ......................................................................................................... 10
Server .................................................................................................................... 10
Display ................................................................................................................... 11
Print........................................................................................................................ 12
Fields ..................................................................................................................... 13
Auto Void/Validate.................................................................................................. 14
Audit Configuration................................................................................................. 15
Panel Definitions...................................................................................................... 16
Shared Input and Output Points ............................................................................. 19
Reader Configuration .............................................................................................. 22
Door Unlock Time .................................................................................................. 22
Door Held Open Time ............................................................................................ 23
Pre-Alert Time ........................................................................................................ 23
Anti-Passback Time ............................................................................................... 23
Door Pre-Alert ........................................................................................................ 23
Door IN/OUT Mode ................................................................................................ 23
Door Interlock ......................................................................................................... 24
System Code Mode................................................................................................ 24
Dual Custody Mode................................................................................................ 24
Unlock on RTE ....................................................................................................... 24
Lock Out ................................................................................................................. 24
Timed Anti-Passback ............................................................................................. 24
Local Anti-Passback............................................................................................... 25
Global APB Levels ................................................................................................. 25
Exit Button Operation ............................................................................................. 26
Door Open/Close ................................................................................................... 26
Access Granted Messages .................................................................................... 26
Keypad Options...................................................................................................... 26
PIN Algorithm ......................................................................................................... 26
PIN Retry Count ..................................................................................................... 27
PIN Bypass Range ................................................................................................. 27
Elevator Floor Sets .................................................................................................. 27
Schedules ................................................................................................................. 29


Access ................................................................................................................... 30
Unlock .................................................................................................................... 31
Shunt...................................................................................................................... 32
Output .................................................................................................................... 32
System ................................................................................................................... 32
Holiday Schedules ................................................................................................... 32
Scheduled Events .................................................................................................... 33
Profiles ..................................................................................................................... 35
Attribute Profiles ..................................................................................................... 36
Control Profiles....................................................................................................... 41
Operator Profiles .................................................................................................... 45
Associations ............................................................................................................ 50
Attribute/Control Profile Association ....................................................................... 50
Panel Holiday Schedule Association ...................................................................... 51
System Holiday Schedule Association ................................................................... 52
Reader Unlock Schedule Association .................................................................... 53
Elevator Unlock Schedule Association ................................................................... 53
Input Shunt Schedule Association.......................................................................... 54
Output Activation Schedule Association ................................................................. 54
CCTV/DVR Cameras ............................................................................................. 55
Groups ...................................................................................................................... 55
Input, Output and Reader Groups .......................................................................... 55
Cardholder Groups................................................................................................. 56
Alarm Instructions ................................................................................................... 57

Managing Card Holders ....................................................................................... 59

Overview - Managing Card Holders ....................................................................... 59
Editing Card Holder Records .................................................................................. 59
Field Titles ................................................................................................................ 66
Card Templates ........................................................................................................ 67

Device Commands ................................................................................................. 69

Overview - Device Commands................................................................................ 69
Reader Commands .................................................................................................. 69
Point Commands ..................................................................................................... 70
Global Anti-Passback Command ........................................................................... 71
Run Macro ................................................................................................................ 71

Reports ...................................................................................................................... 73
Overview - Reports .................................................................................................. 73
Audit Reports ........................................................................................................... 73
Date and Time........................................................................................................ 73
Events .................................................................................................................... 74
Personnel ............................................................................................................... 76
Devices .................................................................................................................. 77
Circuit Reports ......................................................................................................... 78

Table Of Contents

Select Tab .............................................................................................................. 78

Panels Tab ............................................................................................................. 79
Readers Tab .......................................................................................................... 80
Points Tab .............................................................................................................. 80
Format Tab ............................................................................................................ 81
Personnel Reports ................................................................................................... 82
Cards Tab .............................................................................................................. 82
Match Tab .............................................................................................................. 82
Include Tab ............................................................................................................ 83
Format Tab ............................................................................................................ 84
Profile Reports ......................................................................................................... 85
Include Tab ............................................................................................................ 85
Format Tab ............................................................................................................ 86
Schedule Reports .................................................................................................... 87
Type Tab ................................................................................................................ 87
Format Tab ............................................................................................................ 88
Access Reports........................................................................................................ 89
Usage Reports ......................................................................................................... 91

Configuring the System ....................................................................................... 93

Overview ................................................................................................................... 93
System Display Overview ....................................................................................... 94
Tabbed Views ........................................................................................................ 94
System Views......................................................................................................... 95
Transaction View ................................................................................................... 100
Device View ............................................................................................................ 101
Graphic Map View .................................................................................................. 105
Status Bar ............................................................................................................... 106
Tool Bars ................................................................................................................ 107
Command Tool Bar .............................................................................................. 107
Edit Tool Bar ........................................................................................................ 107
Association Tool Bar ............................................................................................ 108
DVR Control Bar .................................................................................................. 109
Map Tool Bar........................................................................................................ 109

System Maintenance ........................................................................................... 111

Overview - System Maintenance .......................................................................... 111
Setting Date and Time ........................................................................................... 111
Downloading Panels.............................................................................................. 111
Restoring Communications .................................................................................. 112
File Backup ............................................................................................................ 112
Displaying Communications Status..................................................................... 113
Displaying the Status of System Queues ............................................................ 114


Emergency lockdown functions must operate totally independent of the access

control system and must not rely on operation of card readers, access control
panels, communications networks, communications devices or host software.
Cansec accepts no responsibility for direct or consequential damages resulting
from the failure of emergency lockdown functions which are dependant in any
way on the operation of card readers, access control panels, communications
networks, communications devices or host software.

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Operator Guide May 2015 • Rev 1.3

Welcome to the Hurricane Access Control and Security

Welcome to the Hurricane family of access control software. Hurricane is available in

two packages, Hurricane Standard and Hurricane Enterprise. Hurricane Standard
provides the high performance Hurricane Server and Client software and associated
software tools to implement robust physical security for any installation. The
Enterprise version builds on the Hurricane Standard by including off-site alarm
annunciation/management, remote system management, Personnel Trace and
several other features.

Either package can be complemented with Hurricane Badge for photo ID badge
creation and Hurricane Attendance Reporting for assisting in the management of
employee attendance and payroll functions. If Hurricane does not directly provide
certain key requirements, the Sage SDK is available for third party software add-on
development allowing packages to seamlessly integrate into the Hurricane family.

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Setting up the Software
Overview - Setting up the Software
Hurricane includes a large set of customizable features to allow it to be tailored to
your specific requirements. This section reviews the mandatory and optional features
which should be reviewed when configuring a Hurricane system. The topics covered

Communication Ports
Network Trunk Lines
System Properties
Panel Definitions
Shared Input and Output Points
Reader Configuration
Elevator Floor Sets
Holiday Schedules
Scheduled Events

Access Profiles
Attribute Profiles
Control Profiles
Operator Profiles

Attribute/Control Profile Association
Panel Holiday Schedule Association
System Holiday Schedule Association
Reader Unlock Schedule Association
Elevator Unlock Schedule Association
Input Shunt Schedule Association
Output Activation Schedule Association
CCTV/DVR Cameras

Input, Output and Reader Groups
Cardholder Groups

Alarm Instructions

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Setting up Communication Ports

Trunk serial communications ports are set up under the menu item Edit > System >
Define Trunk Communication Ports.

Hurricane supports up to 16 serial based trunk lines through the use of optional multi-
port serial cards, on board serial ports and the CLA-USB RS485 adapter. Define a
trunk by assigning a descriptive name and selecting the associated communications

Network Trunk Lines

In addition to the 16 supported serial trunk lines, it is possible to define virtual trunk
lines using the Canlan ethernet to RS485 controller. The Canlan controller acts as a
TCP/IP interface module for 1 to 16 Hurricane access control panels. Each Canlan
must be configured with an IP address and port number (see the Canlan Installation
and configuration guide for more details). Once configured and operational, panels
may be defined referencing trunk addresses from 17 to 255.

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Setting up the Software

Network trunk definitions are set up under the Edit > System > Define Network
Trunk Addresses menu item. Select a trunk address by highlighting the trunk
number. Each trunk may be given a descriptive name which will be referenced
throughout the Hurricane software. Enter a name, the corresponding IP address and
port number and either select OK or choose another trunk line to edit.

System Properties
System Properties
The System Properties dialog contains start up and operational settings for the
Hurricane software. System Properties are accessed from the Edit > System >
Configure System Properties menu item. The properties are organized into 9
separate tabs:

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PIN Algorithm
Auto Void/Validate
Audit Configuration

The Startup tab contains items related to how the Hurricane software first starts up.

The following items can be configured to establish the way Hurricane starts:

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Setting up the Software


System Name

This is the name which is displayed in the title bar and is used as the basis of
data files created which are specific to this system.

Date Format

Choose from one of the three available date representations used by the

 Day, Month, Year

 Month, Day, Year
 Year, Month, Day

Restore Window Positions

This option saves the placement of the main window and the child transaction,
mail and map windows such that they are restored to the same positions when
the software is re-started.

Single Instance of Hurricane

This option permits only a single copy of the Hurricane software to be executed
on the specified computer.

Auto-Start GAPB

This option automatically enables Global Anti-Passback when Hurricane or the

Hurricane server software is first started.


Command Tool Bar

Defines the startup state of the Command tool bar (ON/OFF).

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Edit Tool Bar

Defines the startup state of the Edit tool bar (ON/OFF).

Status Bar

Defines the startup state of the Status bar (ON/OFF).

Association Tool Bar

Defines the startup state of the Association tool bar (ON/OFF).

Alarm Queue

Alarm Wav File

This is the wave file which will be played while alarms are present in the Alarm
Queue. This feature requires a sound card.

Enable Alarm Queue

Determines the state of the Alarm Queue at startup. Can be overridden from the
File menu.

Group Acknowledgements

This option, if checked, permits multiple alarms to be selected and

acknowledged in a single operation.

Enable Alarm Horn

Determines the state of the Alarm Horn at startup. Can be overridden from the
File menu.

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Setting up the Software

Pop-Up Alarm Queue

Determines whether or not the alarm queue will pop up on top of all existing
windows when a new alarm is placed in the queue.

This tab allows you to specify an operator login policy for Hurricane.

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PIN Algorithm
This tab selects the keypad PIN algorithm that will be used by all keypad readers. The
value selected determines the PIN (Personal Identification Number) that must be
entered by each user. Up to 10 algorithms are available for generating PIN numbers.

The Server tab is only visible in the network version of Hurricane. The entry specified
here identifies the computer running the Hurricane server software.

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Setting up the Software

The data entered here is typically the machine name of the server computer. This can
be found by right clicking the My Computer icon and selecting Properties from the pop
up menu. The Computer Name tab specifies the system name in the Full Computer
Name field entry.

Alternatively, the IP address of the system can often be entered on computers

running on an IP network. Changes made here take effect once the dialog is closed.

The Display tab provides the ability to select the type of events to display in the
transaction window, while filtering others out. In addition, the colour associated with a

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specific class of event can be chosen along with the window background colour to call
attention to specific events as they occur in real time.

The Print tab provides the ability to select the type of events to be output to a tractor
style dot matrix printer, while filtering others out. Note that typically laser printers will
not output a page until a complete page buffer has been received. For this reason,
only tractor feed type printers are useful in this application.

Like the Display tab, the desired event types may be chosen by checking the
associated event. The Printer port entry specifies the LPT port number of the desired
output printer.

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The Fields tab allows the enforcement of mandatory data fields in card holder

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Entries that are checked indicate card holder fields where data must be entered. The
last option, Automatic conversion to uppercase, re-maps all alphabetic characters to
their uppercase equivalent upon saving.

Auto Void/Validate
The Auto Void/Validate feature of Hurricane allows cards to be programmed for
activation at a specified date and time in the future. Conversely, cards can be
programmed for automatic voiding at a specified date and time in the future. Void &
validate dates are specified when a cardholder record is added.

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Setting up the Software

The voiding/validating of cards is done daily at a user defined time (typically off
hours). Select the Activated checkbox and an appropriate time to run the function. In
the case of Auto Void, the additional Set Profile to No Access option will set the
access profile of each card to No Access in addition to setting its status to Inactive.

Audit Configuration
Allows you to configure how Audit Trail Files are managed. Audit data is written to a
“current” Audit Trail File as transactions occur. When a specified file size has been
reached or a specified interval has elapsed (a day, week or month), the system
closes the “current” Audit Trail File, archives it and creates a new “current” file. You
are able to specify the number of archived files to retain.

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Panel Definitions
One of the first steps when setting up Hurricane for the first time is the definition of
control panels. This is done from the Edit > Panel Definitions menu.

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Setting up the Software

The following data must be defined for each panel:

 The address of the panel (1-16) as set on the panel’s address switches
 The Trunk Line to which the panel is connected
 The type of expansion board used (None, 16 point I/O, or 16\64 floor elevator
 The user defined logical reader numbers (1-512) for the two associated
 The user-defined reader name (maximum 30 characters).
NOTE: It is not necessary to enter a name for the exit reader, if one is being
used, as there is only one text field for each reader name. The software will
identify the exit reader by adding “(Exit)” after the reader name.

If the panel is equipped with a 16 point I/O board, the following additional information
must be defined for each of the 16 points:

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Point Id Number: Enter a number from 1-4096. Each point in the system must be
assigned a unique number no matter which panel or trunk line the point is on. Points
may be assigned in any order on the control panel.

Point Name: Enter a descriptive name of up to 30 characters for each point being

Point Type: Define the point as an Input or Output.

Point Sharing: Indicate whether or not the point is shared. Shared Inputs are those
whose "Shunt" state may be controlled by more than one potential source over time.
These sources may be operators, control profiles or macros. Similarly, Shared
Outputs are those whose activation state may be controlled by more than one
potential source over time. When more than one input or reader event turns "On" a
Shared Output, it will not turn "Off" until it receives an equal number of "Off"
commands. Similarly, when more than one input or reader event "Shunts" a shared
input, the shunt will not be removed until it receives an equal number of "Remove
Shunt" commands. See the next section, Shared Input and Output Points, for
additional information.
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Setting up the Software

Offline Mode: This is an optional entry for “Off-Line” output control for input points
controlling output points on the same I/O Board. These control functions will take
effect approximately one (1) minute after communications to the control panel have
stopped. Enter the number of the output relay from 01 to 16 and specify the offline
operation mode (MOMENTARY or FOLLOW). MOMENTARY will cause the output to
turn “On Momentarily” when the input goes into Alarm. Duration of the
"MOMENTARY” is equal to the Door Unlock Time programmed for “Reader A” on the
control panel. FOLLOW will cause the output to turn “ON” when the input goes into
Alarm and turn “OFF” when the input goes Secure.

IMPORTANT: If communications are intermittent, panels will not go into offline

mode as sporadic polls will be received. Also, if you are using Request to Exit
devices on input points controlling strikes\mag-locks on output points, you
must use MOMENTARY mode.

Contact Type: For input points, define whether the input is Normally Open or
Normally Closed (N\C is the default).

If the panel is equipped with a 16\32\48\64 floor elevator board, the Elevator Floor Set
(1 to 256) to which the elevator reader is assigned must be specified. See Elevator
Floor Sets for further information.

Shared Input and Output Points

Shared Points operate as follows:

 Each Shared Point has a counter in Hurricane.

 For each "Output On" or "Shunt On" command received from a point or reader,
the count is incremented by one.
 For each "Output Off" or "Shunt Off" command received from a point or reader,
the count is decremented by one.
 The Shared Input Point is "shunted" when the count is greater than zero and is
“armed” when the count returns to zero.
 The Shared Output Point is "On" when the count is greater than zero and
turned “off” when the count returns to zero.
 Momentary commands do not affect the counts.
 When Shared Points are "On", manual commands issued by the operator from
the PC will increment the counter. Therefore, if the operator issues "On"
commands to a Shared Point which is already "On", an equal amount of "Off"
commands will be required to return the counter to zero.

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Example 1: Shared Output Application

Both a door contact (input) and a motion detector (input) are to be monitored by one
video camera activated from an output. We want the camera to stay “On” as long as
either one of the inputs is in alarm.

To program this application:

 Define the output point connected to the video camera as "Shared" (under Edit
> Panel Definitions).
 Create an Input Control Profile and program the "Shared Output" to turn "On"
when the input goes into alarm, and turn "Off" when the input goes secure
(under Edit > Profiles > System Control Profiles). Don’t forget to assign a
Control Schedule during which the specified device functions will be
performed. The default schedule assignment of “00” means that the specified
functions will never be performed
 Assign the Input Control Profile to both the door contact and motion detector
inputs (under Edit > Associations > Input Control Profiles).

Example 2: Shared Output Application

A door without a reader is secured with a mag lock. The lock is controlled by an
output point which is assigned to a schedule (to keep it unlocked during the day). In
addition, the lock is controlled by an exit button connected to an input which is
programmed to momentarily turn the output "Off" for egress.

If a "Shared Output" is not used, the exit button will turn the output "Off" should
someone use it while the output schedule is in effect. This is because the "Momentary
On" command is actually an "On" command followed by an "Off" command. The use
of a "Shared Output" overcomes this problem.

To program this application:

 Define the output point connected to the mag lock as "Shared" (under Edit >
Panel Definitions).
 Create an Output Schedule defining the times during which the output should
be ON (under Edit > Schedule > Output Activation Schedules).
 Assign the Output Schedule to the output point (under Edit > Associations >
Output Activation Schedules).
 Create a Control Profile (under Edit > Profiles > System Control Profiles)
and program the "Shared Output" to turn "On Momentarily" (for 5-7 seconds)
when the input goes into alarm. Don’t forget to assign a Control Schedule
during which the specified device functions will be performed. The default

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Setting up the Software

schedule assignment of “00” means that the specified functions will never be
 Assign the Control Profile to the Exit Button input (under Edit > Associations
> Control Profiles).

Example 3: Shared Input Application

A group of card holders defined in a "Cardholder Access Group" (see "Cardholder

Groups" under "Groups" in “Setting up the Software”) require the ability to disable or
"Shunt" a group of motion detectors or sensors which are located in their work area.
The sensors need to be shunted while any member of the Access Group is in the
area and re-armed after the last member of the Access Group has left. To accomplish
this, you must have readers controlling both entry and exit to the area in question.

To program this application:

1. Define each of the input points connected to the sensors or motion detectors
as “Shared” (under Edit > Panel Definitions).
2. Enter these inputs into an Input Group (under Edit > Groups > Define Input
3. Define a Card Group (under Edit > Groups > Define Cardholder Groups)
with the card holders who will need to "Shunt" the Input Group defined in step
4. Create a Reader Control Profile for the IN reader and program the reader
event "AG Group" using the Card Group # defined in step 3 to turn the Shunt
Mode "On" for the Input Group defined in step 2 above (under Edit > Profiles
> System Control Profiles). Don’t forget to assign a Control Schedule during
which the specified device functions will be performed. The default schedule
assignment of “00” means that the specified functions will never be performed.
5. Assign the Reader Control Profile to the “In” reader (under Edit >
Associations > Link Readers and Control Profiles).
6. Create a Reader Control Profile for the OUT reader and program the reader
event "AG Group" using the Card Group # defined in step 3 to turn the Shunt
Mode "Off" for the Input Group defined in step 2 above (under Edit > Profiles
> System Control Profiles). Don’t forget to assign a Control Schedule during
which the specified device functions will be performed. The default schedule
assignment of “00” means that the specified functions will never be performed.
7. Assign the Reader Control Profile to the “Out” reader (under Edit >
Associations > Link Readers and Control Profiles).

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Reader Configuration
Each reader has a set of configurable parameters which may be altered to suit
specific requirements. Select the desired reader to modify from the Edit > Reader
Configuration menu item. The following settings may be modified:

Door Unlock Time

Values range from 01-60 seconds (default 7 seconds).

With the exception of Elevator Cab readers, Door Unlock time refers to the time
period that the reader will unlock the door for when a card is granted access, an
"unlock momentary" command is received from the computer, or the exit button is
operated (on doors equipped with an exit button). The door will re-lock when it is
closed or the unlock time has expired.

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Setting up the Software

For Elevator Cab Readers, Door Unlock Time is the time period that the floor selector
buttons for controlled floors remain activated and lighted after the card is used on the

Door Held Open Time

Select a "Door Held Open Time" from 10-300 seconds in increments of 10 seconds
(default 60 seconds). This is the time that the door may be open before a Door Held
Open alarm is initiated (not applicable to Elevator Readers).

Pre-Alert Time
Select a "Pre-Alert time" from 10%-90% in increments of 10% (default 60%, not
applicable to Elevator Readers). Values are specified as a percentage of Door Held
Open Time.

Pre-Alert Time is the time that the door may be open before the reader sonalert will
sound to warn personnel that they will shortly cause a Door Held Open Alarm if the
door is not reclosed. For example, if Door Held Open Time is set to 60 seconds and
Pre-Alert is set to 60%, Pre-Alert will sound at the reader after the door is held open
for 36 sec. To function, the option must be enabled as described under "Door Pre-
Alert" below.

Anti-Passback Time
Select an "Anti-Passback Time" from 04-60 minutes, in increments of 1 minute
(default 4 minutes, not applicable to Elevator Readers).

Anti-Passback Time specifies an amount of time that must elapse before an access
card can be reused in a reader having Timed Anti-Passback. This option must be
enabled under "Operating Modes" below.

Door Pre-Alert
Turns Pre-Alert warning on/off. NOTE: Do not Enable on Elevator Readers.

Door IN/OUT Mode

Door IN/OUT mode is used where one reader on a control panel controls entry and
the other reader on the same control panel controls exit. The Entry reader, door
locking device and door contacts must be connected to the A side of the control

The Exit reader is connected to the B side of the panel. In this configuration, Exit
reader "B" operates as a "Slave" to Entry reader "A". All Programming including
Access Cards, Configuration Parameters, schedules, etc., programmed for Reader
"A" will also affect Reader "B". Changes made on Reader "B" will not take effect.
NOTE: Do not Enable on Elevator Readers.

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Door Interlock
When Interlock Mode is "Enabled", access will not be granted at a reader until the
door controlled by the other reader on the same control panel is closed and locked.
When access is denied because of Interlock, the RED LED at the reader at which
access is being attempted will flash twice and the sonalert will sound a long beep.

Cards must be programmed for both readers in order to allow cardholder access
through both doors.

Interlock mode can be overridden by access cards having “Unlock Command

Privilege”, leaving the doors locked but allowing both to be opened at the same time.
Transactions which occur while Interlock Override is in effect are followed by the
letters "IOR" on an Audit-Trail printout.

System Code Mode

System Code Mode causes the reader to bypass individual card numbers and grant
access based only on Customer Code. Since Customer Code is factory programmed
on all cards issued to a particular installation, System Code Mode is most often used
to get a newly installed system into operation quickly, prior to programming the
access parameters of each individual card. NOTE: Do not Enable on Elevator

Dual Custody Mode

When Dual Custody Mode is "Enabled", the reader will not grant access to a valid
card unless a second valid card is used within 10 seconds. After reading the first
card, the reader will beep rapidly to indicate that it is awaiting the second card.

Readers in Dual Custody Mode cannot be unlocked using the cardholder initiated
Unlock Command Privilege feature. NOTE: Do not Enable on Elevator Readers.

Unlock on RTE
When Unlockk on RTE is “Enabled”, the reader’s lock power will be applied and the
Door Contact Input shunted when the Exit Button Input is activated. When “Disabled”,
the lock power will not be applied but the Door Contact Input will still be shunted as
normal. Normally, this feature is "Enabled” but when a motion detector is being used
as a means of egress and an electric strike is being used as a locking device, you
need to “Disable” the lock power so that persons walking by the exit do not cause the
door to unlock.

Lock Out
When this feature is “Enabled”, the reader will not allow access to any cardholder.
This feature is used in emergency situations to restrict all cardholder access.

Timed Anti-Passback
Anti-Passback is used to prevent authorized cardholders from allowing unauthorized
people to gain entry at a reader by passing their cards back to them.

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Timed Anti-Passback operates on a single reader to prevent an access card from

being reused at the reader for the Anti-Passback Time Interval specified. Timed Anti-
Passback is often used on Parking Lot gates. NOTE: Do not Enable on Elevator

Local Anti-Passback
Local Anti-Passback operates on both readers of a control panel to prevent a card
from being re-used at one reader of a control panel until it has been used at the other
reader on the same control panel. If Local Anti-Passback is enabled on either reader
of a control panel, Hurricane automatically applies it to the other reader on the control
panel. NOTE: Do not Enable on Elevator Readers.

Global APB Levels

Global APB Levels are used to define the "from" and "to" anti-passback levels of a
reader. Global APB cannot be enabled until Global APB Levels are set above "00".

While Local Anti-Passback operates only on two readers sharing the same control
panel, Global Anti-Passback (GAPB) operates on as many readers as you wish,
allowing you to define readers which cardholders must use before they may use their
cards on other readers in the system, no matter which control panels the readers are

To set up Global Anti-Passback, each area of the building which is separated from
other areas by a card reader must be assigned a logical Global APB Level (01 to 99).
All readers controlling entry or exit from these areas are then assigned a “from level”
and a “to level”.

In operation, Hurricane keeps track of the Global APB level for which each card is
enabled. When a card is inserted in a reader, Hurricane will grant access only if the
card has been validated for use at the reader and the Global APB level for that card
matches the reader's Global APB "from level". Once access is granted, Hurricane
changes the card’s Global APB level to the "to level" defined for that reader.

In the example shown, Global APB Area numbers are programmed as follows (under
Edit > Reader Configuration):

Reader Global APB Levels:

A from 01 to 02
B from 02 to 01
C from 02 to 03
D from 03 to 02
E from 02 to 01

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When Global Anti-Passback is "Enabled", Hurricane records a card used at Reader

"A" as "Enabled at Global APB Level 02" because the card was used to go from Level
01 to 02. Henceforth, the card may only be used in a reader allowing passage from
Level 02 (i.e. Readers "B", "C" or "E"). At this point, the cardholder cannot use his
card again at Reader "A" until it has first been used at Reader "B" or "E" at which time
the card will be re-recorded as "Enabled at Global APB Level 01". Similarly the card
cannot be used at Reader "D" until it has first been used at Reader "C" since Reader
"D" requires the card to be enabled at Global APB Level 03 before granting access.
This will not happen unless the card is first used in Reader "C" to gain access to a
Level 03 area.

Cards which have Unlock Privilege assigned to them are not subject to Global APB
control at readers for which they have been given Unlock Privilege. Global Anti-
Passback is turned on and off on a system wide basis under Commands > Global
Anti-Passback. GAPB cannot be turned on or off on an individual reader basis.
NOTE: Do not Enable on Elevator Readers.

Exit Button Operation

If checked off, an audit message will be generated each time the Exit Button is

Door Open/Close
If checked off, an audit message will be generated each time the door is opened and
closed without the use of a card. Applies only if no Exit Button is present.

Access Granted Messages

If checked off, both Access Granted and Access Denied transactions will be audited.
Otherwise, only Access Denied transactions are audited.

Keypad Options
 Card Only Mode: When set, only a valid card is required to gain access at the
reader. The PIN is not required.
 Card + Pin: When set, a valid card followed by a valid PIN is required to gain
access at the reader. Applies only to PIN equipped readers.
 Pin Only: When set, only a pin number is required.

PIN Algorithm
Select an “Algorithm” from 01-10 (default = 01).

Enter one of 10 PIN Algorithms from '01' to '10' to be used by the keypad. The PIN
Algorithm determines a unique PIN for each cardholder that must be entered at the
keypad to gain access. Changing the PIN Algorithm changes all cardholder PINs at
that reader. A cardholder's PIN will be the same for all keypads using the same PIN
Algorithm. NOTE: A single PIN algorithm should be used system wide to avoid
cardholder confusion.

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PIN Retry Count

Select a “Pin Retry Count” from 0-9 (default = 1).

A cardholder may make an error entering his PIN; the PIN Retry Count defines the
number of times a cardholder may try re-entering his PIN before an "Access Denied"
alarm is sent to the PC. Once "Access Denied" has occurred, no further PINs will be
accepted by the keypad until a cardholder again uses his card at the reader.

PIN Bypass Range

Select a range from 00001-40000 (default = 00000-00000).

PIN Bypass Range defines a range of "Card Numbers" that are not required to enter
a PIN even though the Operating Mode of the reader is set to Card+PIN. Card
Numbers referred to here are those encoded in the card, not those embossed on the

Elevator Floor Sets

In many cases, multiple elevators in a single elevator bank are equipped with card
readers. These elevators typically service the same floors in that elevator bank. For
each elevator, the floor relays (16\32\48\64) must be assigned to the floors which they
control. For example, where eight elevators in a bank control access to the same
floors, a separate definition for each of the eight elevator readers would be required.

Elevator Floor Sets were developed to address this. An Elevator Floor Set consists of
a common set of "relay to floor” mappings to which multiple Elevator Readers in that
bank can be assigned (under Edit > Panel Definitions). If, for example, there were
eight elevator readers in a single bank (serving the same floors), only one Elevator
Floor Set would have to be created with all eight Elevator Readers assigned to it. If
only one elevator is present, a single Elevator Floor Set would be created to which
that Elevator Reader is assigned. If there were four elevator banks (serving separate
floors) with only a single controlled elevator per bank, there would be four Elevator
Floor Sets with one Elevator Reader assigned to each.

256 Elevator Floor Sets are supported. Elevator Floor Sets are defined under Edit >
Elevator Sets.

Each Elevator Floor Set consists of three components:

 Elevator Floor Names

 Primary Schedule
 Alternate Schedule

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Under the Elevator Floor Name, select the number of floor control relays (16, 32, 48
or 64) associated with the current Elevator Floor Set. Then enter a description of each
floor associated with a floor control relay. Your system installer will advise you which
relays control which floors.

Once the floor names have been defined, select the Primary Schedule tab. Under this
tab, you can define up to 255 Floor Access Groups. Each Floor Access Group can be
assigned to one of 15 Access Schedules.

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Now select the Alternate Schedule tab. Here you can define a second set of 255
Floor Access Groups (with a second Access Schedule).

The Alternate Schedule allows a given cardholder to be granted access to two

different sets of floors, each with a different Access Schedule. For example, a
cardholder may have access to floors 1 through 9 during normal working hours only.
Access to floor 10 (his “home floor”) must be permitted at all times (24/7).

Access Groups are assigned to Elevator Readers under Edit > Profiles >
Cardholder Access Profiles.

The Edit > Schedules menu provides access to all of the schedules maintained by
the system. A schedule is an eight day week divided up into 48 individual 30 minute

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blocks. The eighth day in this case is treated as a holiday entry and over-rides the
otherwise designated day of the week. A sample schedule is shown below:

To set or reset a given interval, place the mouse over top of the square and hold the
left button down. Move the mouse to the destination square and release the mouse
button. The following schedules are available in Hurricane:

Access Schedules define times when access will be granted. Access Schedules are
used in Access Profiles where they are assigned to readers to specify times during
which access is allowed. This assignment is done under Edit > Profiles >
Cardholder Access Profiles. Hurricane supports up to 15 user defined Access
Schedules. Access Schedule “00” is Hurricane's default schedule for "No Access".

Access Schedules are stored in the Control Panels with backup copies kept in the
computer. The result of this is that the Control Panels function independently of the
computer and the computer is not required to be online to control access.

Example: It has been decided to give managers in the Marketing Department access
through the following doors at the following times:

1. Front Door: 24 hrs, Monday to Friday & Holidays.

2. Marketing Department: 24 hrs, Monday to Friday & Holidays.
3. Accounting Department: 9am-5pm, Monday to Friday.

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4. R & D Department: Never.

Two Access Schedules must be defined in order to program an access Profile for the
Marketing Managers:

 One allowing access 24 hrs/day, Mon-Fri and on Holidays.

 One allowing access only between the hours of 9am-5pm, Mon-Fri and not on

We would then have Access Schedules:

1. Unlimited Access: 24 hrs/day, Mon-Fri and Holidays.

2. Access 9am-5pm: Monday to Friday.

Access Schedule “01” would be assigned to the Front Door and Marketing
Department. Access Schedule "02” would be assigned to the Accounting Department.
Access Schedule “00” (no access) would be assigned to the R&D Department. The
assignment of Access Schedules to Readers is done under Edit > Profiles > Card
Access Profiles.

Door Unlock Schedules define when readers will automatically unlock and re-lock
doors to allow customers or employees without cards to access the protected area.
Unlock Schedules are stored in the Control Panels with backup copies kept by the
computer. The result of this is that the Control Panels function independently of the
computer and the computer is not required to be online for Unlock Schedules to
function. Door Unlock Schedules are assigned to Readers under Edit > Schedules >
Door Unlock Schedules.

Elevator Floor Unlock Schedules define when readers will automatically unlock and
re-lock elevator floors to allow customers or employees without cards to access the
protected area. Hurricane supports 15 Elevator Unlock Schedules (1-15). Schedule
“00” is Hurricane's default schedule for "No Elevator Unlock Schedule".

Elevator Unlock Schedules are stored in the Control Panels with backup copies kept
in the computer. The result of this is that the Control Panels function independently of
the computer and the computer is not required to be online for Elevator Unlock
Schedules to function. Elevator Floor Unlock Schedules are assigned to elevator
readers under Edit > Schedules > Elevator Unlock Schedules.

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Shunt Schedules are used to define the times/days when alarms from an Input Point
are to be ignored by the system. Shunt Schedules are assigned to Input Points under
Edit > Schedules > Input Shunt Schedules.

Output Schedules are used to define the times/days when an output point is to be
activated (i.e. turned ON). Output Schedules are assigned to Output Points under
Edit > Schedules > Output Activation Schedules.

System Schedules are schedules that are observed by the Hurricane system. They
are used in many different contexts such as the following:

 Alarms Queue Schedules: specify times during which Reader Events are to
be regarded as alarms and placed in the alarms queue for operator
 Logged Response Required Schedules: specify times when operators must
type in a response when processing alarms in the Alarm Queue.
 Alternate Instruction Schedules: specify times that alternate instructions are
to be used by Hurricane in place of primary instructions for response to alarms
in the Alarm Queue.
 Inhibit Manual Shunting Schedule: specify times during which manual
shunting of an input point by operators is not allowed.
 Device Print/Display Schedules: define when Input Point, Output Point and
Reader Events are displayed on the host computer or printed on the audit trail

Holiday Schedules
Holiday Schedules define the dates that Hurricane regards as Holidays for devices
(readers, points, elevators) connected to Control Panels. On a Holiday, Hurricane
substitutes the Holiday time frames defined in Access, Unlock, and I/O Schedules for
the normal schedules programmed for that day. Hurricane allows you the flexibility for
defining Holiday Schedules for individual Control Panels. This is useful for situations
in which you have different tenants in a building who celebrate different holidays.

When assigning Holiday Schedules to Control Panels, it is recommended that you

assign all holidays to all Control Panels (e.g. create identical Holiday Schedules for
each panel). Use the Holiday provisions within the Unlock, Access, and I/O
Schedules to designate what happens to each door or I/O point of a Control Panel on
holidays with respect to unlocking and who may gain access during which hours. It is

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especially important to assign Holiday Schedules to all Control Panels which have
doors with Unlock Schedules. This allows Hurricane to substitute a Holiday schedule
for the normal day schedule under which Hurricane would open these doors.

Panel Holidays are stored in the Control Panels with backup copies kept in the
computer. The result of this is that the Control Panels function independently of the
computer and the computer is not required to be online for Holiday Schedules to

Example: The Customer Service Door has been programmed to unlock for customers
between the hours of 8am-5:30pm Mon-Fri, 9am-12 noon Saturdays. At all other
times it shall be locked, including holidays. Since Christmas - Dec. 25, 1992 - falls on
a Friday, this date must be programmed as a holiday to prevent the door from
opening 9am-5:30pm on Christmas day.

Holiday Schedules are programmed under Edit > Schedules > Holiday. Holiday
Schedules are associated with their respective panels under Edit > Associations >
Link Controllers and Holiday Schedules.

Scheduled Events
Scheduled events provide an easy interface for scheduling the execution of device
commands and macros on a recurring or one shot basis. Select the Edit >
Scheduled Events menu item and then choose New to create a new event or select
an existing item and choose either Edit or Delete. The Scheduled Event time
selection tab is shown below.

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Select how the event should be scheduled from one of the four choices presented
and the corresponding time and date information as necessary.
The execute on scheduled holidays option permits flexibility for events that should not
otherwise be occurring. Note that these events are performed by the host computer
and are not stored locally and performed by the control panel.

Once the event has been scheduled, the event itself must be chosen. The second
tab, Command, provides a selection of available commands as well as the facility to
schedule the execution of macros themselves.

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Access Profiles
Access Profiles serve as the base unit of access permissions for card holders in the
Hurricane system. Each Access Profile consists of a list of readers and the times during
which each can be accessed. Access Profiles are created by the end user to address
the requirements of a group of people in the system. Each Access profile is given a
name which is used when assigning to card holders.

Select each reader or a group (by holding down the CTRL key) from the list and double
click on the Access Schedule (00-15) to be assigned. Access Schedule “00” is pre-
defined and designates "No Access”. Access Schedules 01-15 are user defined (under
Edit > Profiles > Cardholder Access Profiles).

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Attribute Profiles
When the host computer processes a device change of state or card reader
transaction, numerous actions may be taken. These actions include:

 Placing the transaction in the alarm queue for operator processing

 Displaying the event in the transaction window
 Printing the transaction
 Etc.

Attribute Profiles define a set of common parameters, which can be applied to

multiple devices (readers or points). The use of Attribute Profiles greatly reduces the
work required for initial system set up and ongoing system administration. Attribute
Profiles define a set of common parameters, which can be applied to multiple devices

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(readers or points). Attribute Profiles are defined under Edit > Profiles > Alarm
Attribute Profiles.

The Attribute Profile dialogue box contains four tabs: Options, Alarms 1, Alarms 2,
and Schedules.


Select the type of Attribute Profile (Reader, Input or Output) and assign it a name.
When naming an Attribute Profile, remember that it will be assigned to multiple
devices and should therefore be generic in nature.

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Alarms Tabs

This tab deals with the queuing of alarms for operator processing. Under Event,
select the type of event that is to queued. This will vary depending on the Attribute
Profile type. For example, for an input point, the types of events that can be queued

 Change of State to ALARM

 Change of State to SECURE
 Change of State to TROUBLE
 Loss of communications (OFFLINE)

A Reader can queue the following events:

 Tamper
 Forced Entry
 Door Held Open
 Door Unlocked
 Offline
 Access Violation
 Not Authorized

 Database
 Inactive Card
 Stolen Card
 Lost Card
 Destroyed Card
 Keypad Duress
 Access Granted

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Up to six (6) “trigger” events can be specified on the Alarms 1 tab. An additional six
can be specified on the Alarms 2 tab. For each selected trigger event, you must
specify the schedule during which alarms for the trigger event will be queued for
operator processing. In addition, you must specify the priority with which the alarm is
to be queued as well as a set of Primary and Alternate instructions.

In the case of an input point, you may wish to have Alarms queued for operator
processing with a high priority, while returns to Secure are to be queued with a much
lower priority. In this case, you would have two trigger events; one for Alarm and
another for Secure (presumably with different operator instructions). Alternately, you
may not wish to have returns to Secure queued at all. In this case you would have
only one trigger event defined.

Note that the instructions assigned here are created under Edit > Alarm

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The Schedules tab defines the following:

Operator Response Required

Specify a System Schedule during which the operator will be prompted to type a
comment on the alarm. This comment is typically the reason for the alarm and any
action taken by the operator. Specify schedule “00” (default) to inhibit this function.

Alternate Instructions
Specify a System Schedule during which the Alternate Instructions will be
presented to the operator in place of the Primary (or default) Instructions. This is
typically used where operator action during working hours differs from off hours
(i.e. personnel would be contacted at their home number as opposed to their office
number). Specify schedule “00” (default) to inhibit this function.

Screen Display
Specify a System Schedule during which alarms for this device are to be
displayed in the scrolling transaction window. Schedule “01” (24\7) is the default.

Audit Print
Specify a System Schedule during which alarms for this device are to be printed
on the Audit Printer. Schedule “01” (24\7) is the default.

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Control Profiles
It is often required to have an event (or multiple events) initiated when a particular
alarm condition occurs. For example, you may wish to turn on perimeter lights in the
event of a FORCED ENTRY alarm at the front door reader. Control Profiles are used
to define these “event initiated” functions.

As with Attribute Profiles, Control Profiles define a generic set of requirements which
can be assigned to multiple devices. This approach greatly reduces initial system
setup time and ongoing system maintenance. The Control Profiles dialogue box
contains three tabs: Options, Programming, and Macros. You can access the Control
Profiles definitions from the Edit > Profiles > System Control Profiles menu item.

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Define an appropriate name for the Control Profile. Remember to keep it generic, as it
will likely be assigned to multiple devices. Select the type of Profile (Reader, Input or
Output). Keep in mind that this is the initiating device - the one which will generate the
trigger condition.

The Control Schedule defines the times during which the event initiated functions
associated with this device will be executed. If the specified schedule is not in effect
when the trigger condition(s) occur, the output commands will not be executed. The
default schedule is “01” (24\7).


This tab is used to define up to five trigger events, the devices to be commanded and
the specific command to be initiated for each.

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Under Event, select the type of event that is to initiate the desired device command.
The type of events which can be selected will vary depending on the Attribute Profile
type. For example, for an input point, the types of events that can be initiated are:

 Change of State to ALARM

 Change of State to SECURE
 Change of State to TROUBLE
 Loss of communications (OFFLINE)

A Reader can initiate the following events:

 Access Granted
 Access Denied
 Keypad Duress
 Handicap Access Granted
 Group Access Granted
 Group Access Denied
 Not Authorized
 Forced Entry
 Door Held Open
 Tamper

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 Unlocked
 Offline

There are two types of reader events which allow a Card Group Number to be
assigned. These are:

 Group AG (Group Access Granted)

 Group AD (Group Access Denied)

This feature allows you to create a trigger event for a selected group of card holders.
Use the “?” button and select the appropriate Group from the list presented. The
trigger event can occur on an Access Granted or Access Denied condition.
Cardholder groups are created under Edit > Groups > Define Cardholder Groups.

Once the trigger event has been defined, select the device for which the command
will be initiated. Six choices are provided:

 Reader
 Input
 Output
 Reader Group
 Input Group
 Output Group

Use the “?” button and select the appropriate Device or Group from the list presented.
Groups are created under Edit > Groups > Define Input Groups, Edit > Groups >
Define Output Groups and Edit > Groups > Define Reader Groups.

Next, select the desired action to be performed for each trigger event. Note that the
choices provided under Action will vary depending on the type of trigger device.
Where a Momentary command is selected it is necessary to specify a Duration. The
Duration field applies only to the Momentary Shunt (Input) and the On Momentary
(Output) commands. For the Shunt Command, the duration is in minutes. For the On
Momentary command, the duration is in seconds.


Like the Programming tabs above, the Macro tab allows the triggering of a macro's
execution to be determined by an event. All the same trigger events discussed for
Programming also apply here as well. When the trigger event has been selected,
simply select the desired macro from the drop list beside the event.

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Operator Profiles
Operator Profiles allow operators to be assigned authority as broad or restricted as
desired. As with other “profiles”, Operator Profiles define a generic set of privileges
that can be assigned to multiple operators. Operator Profiles not only define a specific
set of commands which can be performed, they also allow Reader and Point access
to be limited to a specific set of devices. Operator Profiles are assigned to Operators
under Edit > Operators. The Operator Profiles dialogue box contains five tabs:
Name, Commands, Record Access, Readers, and Points.


Specify the name of the Operator Profile being created. Remember to use a generic
name, as this profile is likely to be assigned to multiple operators.

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Assign a System Schedule number during which the operator will be permitted to log
on to the system. The default schedule is “01” (24\7).

Specify a time out interval. After the specified idle time, the operator will be
automatically logged off.


The Commands tab provides a tree structure list of all available operator commands.
Access to each operator command can be individually enabled & disabled.

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Record Access

The Record Access tab allows access to data in the Personnel File to be restricted on
a field by field basis. For each field, the following access privileges can be assigned:

 No access
 Read Only access
 Read/Write access

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The Readers tab allows access to individual readers to be restricted. By default, all
devices are inaccessible. Click on the devices which you want to be available to the
operator (the available devices are displayed with a shaded background). Use the Ctrl
key to click and select multiple devices.

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The Points tab allows access to individual Input and Output points to be restricted.
Click on the devices which you want to be available to the operator (the available
devices are displayed with a shaded background). Use the Ctrl key and click to select
multiple devices.

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Attribute/Control Profile Association
Readers, Inputs and Outputs are each associated with two types of Profiles: Attribute
Profiles and Control Profiles (both described earlier).

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Attribute and Control Profiles are assigned to their respective devices under the Edit
> Associations menu. The first 6 options are the ones applicable to this section:

 Link Readers and Control Profiles

 Link Readers and Attribute Profiles
 Link Inputs and Control Profiles
 Link Inputs and Attribute Profiles
 Link Outputs and Control Profiles
 Link Outputs and Attribute Profiles

Once you have selected the appropriate item, you are presented with a list of devices
and profiles. Select each device in turn and double click on the profile which you wish
to assign.

Panel Holiday Schedule Association

Holiday Schedules are associated with Panels under Edit > Associations > Link
Controllers and Holiday Schedules. This function allows Holiday Schedules
(described earlier) to be associated with Panels. Select each Panel in turn from the
Panel list and double click on the Holiday Schedule you want associated with that

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System Holiday Schedule Association

The System Holiday Schedule is assigned under Edit > Associations > Link the
System and a Holiday Schedule. This function allows you to select which Holiday
Schedule to use for the System Schedule (there is only one System Schedule).

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Reader Unlock Schedule Association

Reader Unlock Schedules are associated with Readers under Edit > Associations >
Link Readers and Unlock Schedules. This function allows Readers to be
associated with Unlock Schedules (described earlier). Select each Reader in turn
from the panel list and double click on the Unlock Schedule you want associated with
that Reader.

Elevator Unlock Schedule Association

Elevator Unlock Schedules are associated with Elevator Readers under Edit >
Associations > Link Elevator Readers and Unlock Schedules. Select an Elevator
Reader from the list presented. For each floor, specify the Elevator Unlock Schedule
to be assigned. Elevator Unlock Schedules are created under Edit > Schedules >
Elevator Unlock Schedules.

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Input Shunt Schedule Association

Input Shunt Schedules are associated with Input Points under Edit > Associations >
Link Inputs and Shunt Schedules. Shunt Schedules are used where you want an
Input Point to be automatically "Shunted" on a scheduled basis. During "Shunted"
periods, input events are ignored by Hurricane. While the Input Point is shunted:

 Input events will not be displayed on the PC screen

 Input events will not be logged in the Audit Trail File
 Input alarms will not be placed in the Alarms Queue
 Input events will not trigger related Output Points

Example: The side entrance is used regularly during working hours, 6am-6pm
Monday to Friday, by employees going back and forth to the employee parking lot.
For after-hours protection, the Director of Security wants a motion detector in the
entrance vestibule to trigger an alarm between the hours of 6pm and 6am.

In this example, one Input Shunt Schedule would be created covering the normal
working hours. This schedule would then be associated with the motion detector

Output Activation Schedule Association

Output Activation Schedules are associated with Output Points under Edit >
Associations > Link Outputs and Activation Schedules. Output Activation
Schedules are used where you want an output point automatically turned on and off

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on a scheduled basis. Select each Output Point to which an Output Schedule is to be

assigned and double click on the desired schedule.

Note that the scheduled operation of output points takes place at the Control Panel
and will continue to function even if the PC is not operational.

CCTV/DVR Cameras
CCTV/DVR camera definitions are associated with Readers, Inputs, and Outputs
under the menu items Edit > Associations > Link Readers and CCTV Cameras,
Edit > Associations > Link Inputs and CCTV Cameras, and Edit > Associations >
Link Outputs and CCTV Cameras respectively. Associations made under this list are
used to link cameras with the various reader and IO devices. Associated cameras can
be called up for live video display from both the Device and Map View windows by
clicking on the associated device icon.

When acknowledging alarms from the alarm queue, the acknowledge screen provides
a live video call button as well.

Input, Output and Reader Groups
The device groups permit an easy means to batch together devices which later will be
acted upon as a whole. To that end the three device groups, Readers, Input, and
Outputs, are provided with editors to create and modify them, as well as group
specific commands to act upon them. Groups are created under the Edit > Groups
menu item.
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As an example, consider a warehouse which has 25 motion detectors which need to

be shunted and re-armed together. Without group capability, 25 individual commands
would be necessary. This situation is easily addressed by creating an Input Group to
which all 25 motion detectors are assigned. A single Group Shunt command can then
be performed to shunt or re-arm all 25 input points.

The editor is divided into two panes, Available items and Member items. Select items
from the Available pane and press the Add button to make them members of the
group. Select items in the Members pane and press Remove to remove them from
the group.

The Group Name entry is provided for a descriptive group name which will be used
later when referencing these groups.

Cardholder Groups
Like its device counterpart, Cardholder Groups consist of a set of card ID numbers
with some common characteristic. Unlike the device groups though, Card Groups are
not commanded in any way, but are used for the purposes of testing membership in
control profiles. Control profiles contain the Group AG and Group AD pseudo event

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types which also specify a Card Group. Group AG is true if access is granted to any
member of the specified group.

You can configure Cardholder Groups through the Edit > Groups > Define
Cardholder Groups menu item.

Alarm Instructions
Hurricane allows you to set up a library of instructions, any one of which may be
designated as the Primary or Alternate instruction for an alarm when programming
Reader or IO Point Attribute Profiles. You can set alarm instructions by going to Edit
> Alarm Instructions.

Up to 999 different instructions can be programmed and each can be used with as
many alarms as required. User defined names can be assigned to Instructions for
ease of reference. Each instruction can contain up to 10 lines.

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Managing Card Holders
Overview - Managing Card Holders
Hurricane provides features to make managing your card holder population and their
access rights within your premises easy and painless. Access Profiles which contain
access permission templates can be assigned to groups and later updated with the
modification automatically propagated out to the field hardware. If an Access Profile
almost fits the bill for a given user, it can be overridden on a per user basis as

Each card record contains 10 user definable fields which are fully indexed allowing
quick and ordered searches and reporting. Card templates ease the data entry
process by pre-loading user records with template data which can be selected when
new card records are created.

Topics in this section include:

Editing Card Holder Records

Field Titles
Card Templates

Editing Card Holder Records

Adding, updating and deleting card holder records is done from the Edit > Personnel
> Manage Cardholder Database menu. The search dialog is displayed initially,
which provides the interface for record searching, and record management.

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Select the New button to immediately begin entry of a new user. For editing or
deleting existing records, we must first load up one or more records in the search box.
The bottom-most drop list contains the fields which we can retrieve records on. The
"Select All Records" entry will load all database records into the list box and should
be used with caution when record counts exceed 10,000 or more.

Otherwise choose a search field and enter the search text in the box above it. Choose
from the two options "From start of field" and "Any where in field" when searching. In
the example shown, the text "0001" matches records with card ID numbers 00010
through to 00015.

Select a record and choose Edit to update a record or Delete to remove one from the
system. When a record is being edited or added, the record edit dialog below is

The first tab, Identification, contains the ID, PIN and name fields. The Handicapped
entries allow a user to be given extended timing at a door by increasing the unlock
and door held open times when the user is granted access.

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Managing Card Holders

The Dates tab provides validation and void date entries which may be used in
conjunction with Hurricane Auto Void and Validate feature. By default, the validation
date is set to today and the void date to Jan 1st, 2050.

The Card Status field designates the current access status. If the card is not set to
"Active", it will not be programmed at the controllers. The default state is inactive, and
there are other status dispositions such as lost, stolen, destroyed, etc., which may be
used as applicable.

If auto validation will be used, the card status must be set to Pending for the auto
validation function to process this card.

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The Access tab is where card holder access is established for the system. Choose a
base access profile from the drop list. The list below shows the card readers and the
associated access schedules that are assigned.

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Managing Card Holders

The Fields tab contains fields where you may fill in information on a cardholder.

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The Notes tab can be used to record additional information on a cardholder.

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Managing Card Holders

The Unlock tab can be used to set a cardholder's ability to unlock specific readers
using a credential.

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Field Titles
Field Titles are simply names that may be given to the 10 available user defined fields
in each card holder record. Select the Edit > Personnel > Define Cardholder Field
Titles menu item to display the editing dialog.

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Managing Card Holders

Enter the desired field names in each row and select OK. These titles are used
wherever card holder field data is displayed.

Card Templates
Card Templates are card records with pre-defined data entered into various fields.
Select an available template to edit from the Edit > Personnel > Define Cardholder
Record Templates menu item. The standard card record dialog is displayed and field
data, profiles, dates, etc., may be entered and saved for later recall.

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Device Commands
Overview - Device Commands
This section covers the commands available for manually controlling your system.
Topics covered include the following:

Global Anti-Passback
Run Macro

Reader Commands
The following commands are available under the Commands > Readers menu and
the Command toolbar:

 Relock
 Unlock Maintained
 Momentary Unlock
 Elevator Unlock
 Lock Out
 Remove Lock Out

The following additional group commands are available only under the Commands >
Readers menu:

 Group Unlock Momentary

 Group Unlock Maintained
 Group Relock
 Group Lock Out
 Group Remove Lock Out

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When the desired command is selected, you will be presented with a list of devices
which are appropriate for the command being issued. For example, if you are issuing
an Unlock Maintained command, the device list presented will include only those
readers which are not already unlocked.

Point Commands
The following Point Commands are provided under the Commands > IO Points
menu and the Commands toolbar:

 Remove Input Shunt

 Maintained Input Shunt
 Momentary Input Shunt
 Disable Output Activation
 Maintained Output Activation
 Momentary Output Activation

The following group related commands are only available under the Commands > IO
Points menu:

 Group Momentary Input Shunt

 Group Maintained Input Shunt
 Group Remove Input Shunt
 Group Momentary Output Activation
 Group Maintained Output Activation
 Group Disable Output Activation

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Device Commands

When the desired command is selected, you will be presented with a list of devices
which are appropriate for the command being issued. For example, if you are issuing
an Output Activation command, the device list presented will include only those
output points which are not already ON.

Global Anti-Passback Command

The Global Anti-Passback (GAPB) command is used to turn GAPB on and off on a
system wide basis (under Commands > Global Anti-Passback). This command has
an effect only on those readers with “from” area settings of non-zero (as defined
under Edit > Reader Configuration).

Run Macro
The Run Macro command allows the operator to select and execute a macro from the
selection list. Choose the desired macro and select OK to begin macro execution.

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Overview - Reports
Hurricane’s powerful report generation facility allows comprehensive reports to be
easily created. All reports are highly customizable allowing you to get the results you
need. This covers the following reporting options:

Audit Reports
Circuit Reports
Personnel Reports
Profile Reports
Schedule Reports
Access Reports
Usage Reports

Audit Reports
The Audit Report dialogue box (under Reports > Historical Audit Reports) contains
five tabs:

 Query Name
 Dates and Times
 Events
 Personnel
 Devices

The following selection criteria can be specified:

Date and Time

The specific date range is selected in this tab. The range is inclusive, meaning that
events which occurred on the start and end dates will be included in the report. Two
time spans are provided for the report. If the event occurs within the first time span, it
is included in the report. If not, the second time span is checked.

If the event has occurred within the second time span, it is included, otherwise the
event is discarded.

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The events tab allows a filter to be applied against events that have passed the date
and time span criteria.

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Ten general event classes may be configured:

Access Granted Events

This event class groups all of the granted events including system code mode,
global, timed and local anti-passbacks, dual custody, and interlock modes. It also
includes exit button and door contact related messages, such as Door
Opened/Door Reclosed.

Access Denied Events

The Access Denied group includes all failed access attempts. More specifically,
the standard time zone violations as well as anti-passback, aborted dual custody,
lockout, invalid PINs, and out of range card numbers.

Reader/Door Alarms
Reader/Door Alarms refers to alarm related events such as Door Held Open,
Tamper, Forced Entry, and Pre-Alert activation.

Reader/Door Mode Changes

This group of events is concerned with changes made to operational mode of a
door and/or card reader. Examples include Unlocking, Relocking, System Code
Mode, Dual Custody, Interlock, Anti-Passback, and Lockout.

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Programming Changes
This event class groups all of the programming related events that have occurred
at the control panels. Examples include card validation, schedule changes, and
database downloads.

System Events
This group defines events related to Hurricane such as Hurricane Startup,
Communication Failure, and Communications Restored.

Input Point State Changes

Input Point State Changes refer to input point alarm, secure, trouble and shunt

Output Point State Changes

Output Point State Changes refer to output point activation and de-activation

Operator Login Events

The Operator Login and Logoff messages are included in this group.

RTE and Door Contact Event

Request-to-Exit and Door Contact event messages are included in this group.

Communication Events
Communication status messages are included in this group.

Alarm Events
Alarms that have been acknowledged by an operator are included in this group.
Logged operator responses are also included.

This tab provides two means by which to filter card related events: a card id number
range, or card record field matching. The first is the simplest, and consists of a card
ID number range. If a card related event is encountered, it is first checked against this
range for inclusion in the report. Additionally, card related events can be filtered by
matching specific search strings against the card’s Name and User defined fields.
Searches are either case sensitive or insensitive. Any occurrence of a search string
within a field, regardless of position, will be matched.

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Up to four individual search strings may be entered. They will be evaluated based on
the boolean Or/And operators in the far right column. Evaluation will be done
beginning with the first search field, proceed with the next Anding or Oring as required
until the expression evaluates to FALSE, or all fields have been examined.

The Devices tab allows you to restrict the events further by only considering events at
specific readers or IO points. Select the desired devices by highlighting them using
the standard Windows key/mouse combinations.

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Circuit Reports
The Circuit Report dialogue box (under Reports > Controller and Device Circuit
Report) contains six tabs, which allow you to generate a variety of different reports
containing different information. Each of the tabs is described below.

Select Tab
The Select tab allows you to select devices by trunk, panel or individual device. Trunk
line icons can be exploded into Panel icons, which can be further exploded into the
panel’s constituent devices. By highlighting an icon, and then right clicking it with the
mouse, the icon will change to a check mark. This indicates that the object is to be
included in the report. By selecting a trunk line icon, all defined panels and devices
are included. By selecting a Panel icon, all of the panel’s readers and IO points are
selected. At the lowest level, individual devices may be selected for inclusion by
highlighting and right clicking. In this way, just the field devices required for the report
may be selected.

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Panels Tab
The Trunk Line and Panel sections simply place a report header at the start of each
new trunk line and panel, as shown below.

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Readers Tab
The Readers tab allows inclusion of a panel’s defined readers, each reader's setup
parameters, the associated unlock schedule, attribute profile, and control profile. The
various reader reports are shown below.

Points Tab
Like the Readers tab, the Points tab allows inclusion of a panel’s defined IO points,
each point's setup parameters, the associated IO schedule, attribute profile, and
control profile. The various point portions of the report are shown below.

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Format Tab
The Format tab provides some basic customization of the final output report. In
particular, the report's font size, bold and italic attributes may be customized.

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Personnel Reports
The Personnel report command allows the generation of card holder reports using a
variety of selection criteria, and customizable output formats. Each of the report’s tabs
are described below. You can get to this report command section from the Reports >
Cardholder Personnel Report menu item.

Cards Tab
The Cards tab allows you to select cards for inclusion in a report by specifying up to
three different card ID number ranges. As each record is read, it is checked to ensure
it matches at least one of the defined ranges before it is included, so for a single
range of cards, make sure the other two ranges are set to zero.

Match Tab
Records may be included in the report by matching search strings against the Name,
User Fields 1 through 10, and Access Profile fields. Each search string is evaluated
beginning with the first. If the string was found, the second is checked. Each of the 8
possible search strings are evaluated by applying the boolean And/Or operator
selected in the rightmost column.

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Include Tab
The actual record fields generated in the report are determined by the selections
made in the Include tab. To include a field, simply check off the check box preceding
it. Note that selection of all items will exceed several hundred columns in a One
Record Per Line style report.

If the Access Profile field is included, records which have overridden profiles are
flagged with an asterisk character at the end of the profile name.

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Format Tab
This tab allows you to define the format in which the report is to be printed (i.e. one
record per line, one field per line, sort order, font size, font attributes, etc.).

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Profile Reports
The Profile Reports dialogue box (under Reports > Access, Controller, and
Attribute Profile Reports) provides report generation for Access, Attribute, Control,
and Operator profiles.

Include Tab
Select the type of profile report you would like to create from the drop down list. Once
chosen, the selection list below displays all available profiles of that type. Highlight
the desired profiles in the box to include in the report.

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Format Tab
This tab allows you to define the format in which the report will be created. Font and
various text attributes may be changed.

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Schedule Reports
The Schedule Reports dialogue box (under Reports > Access, Unlock, IO and
System Schedule Reports) supports the creation of Access, Unlock, Input, Output,
Holiday or System schedule reports.

Type Tab
Select the type of schedule report you would like to create from the drop down list.
Once chosen, select a range of schedules to include in the report.

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Format Tab
This tab allows you to define the format in which the report will be created. Font and
various text attributes may be changed.

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Access Reports
Access Reports allow you to audit your system for card holder access rights. This
report allows queries by card reader and queries by card holder. The Access Report
option screen is shown below, and you can get to this screen from the Reports >
Cardholder Reader Access Report menu item.

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The left side of the window allows selection of the card readers to be included in the
report. The right side contains a card ID number range which can be used to restrict
the query and the actual report options themselves. The query can determine those
card holders who have access (i.e. a non-zero access schedule) at a door or those
whom have unlock privilege. Select the report type and choose how to order the data.
By Reader generates a Card Reader header followed by all those who have access
and their associated access schedule number. By Card Holder generates a Card
Holder header followed by all the readers the user has access to.

A sample report based on the criteria above is displayed below.

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Usage Reports
Usage reports are a customized form of Audit report for determining usage or non-
usage of the card holder population at one or more card readers in a given time span.
The Usage Report option screen is shown below, and you can reach this screen from
the Reports > Cardholder Reader Usage Report menu item.

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Select the card readers to include in the report from the left hand reader list. Select
the type of report, usage versus non-usage of cards, from the options on the right
hand side of the window and the corresponding date range. When the criteria has
been entered, press OK to begin generating the report.

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Configuring the System
Hurricane provides a flexible interface for system monitoring through real-time icon
based views and event windows. All views provide filters or other prioritizing
mechanisms so that the information you need to see is always available. Five dock-
able toolbars provide easy access to the most important frequently used commands.
This section discusses the display configuration options available in Hurricane, and is
organized in to the following topics:

System Display Overview

Tabbed View Windows

Transaction View
Mail View
Graphic Map View
Personnel View
Profile View
Circuit View

System View Windows

Device View
Event View
User View
Alarm View

Working with System View Windows

Docked Mode
Auto Hide Mode
Tabbed View Mode
Floating Mode

Task Bar

Tool Bars
Command Tool Bar
Edit Tool Bar
Association Tool Bar
DVR Control Bar
Map Tool Bar

Status Bar
Advanced Display Configurations
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System Display Overview

Tabbed Views
Hurricane displays information and activity in two types of display windows, Tabbed
View and System View Windows. A tabbed view is a display window with a tab
button at the bottom allowing window selection. By default, the Hurricane display
consists of three fixed tabbed views, the Transaction View, the Mail View, and if the
Graphic Map option is installed, the Graphic Map View.

Changing between one view and the next is accomplished by selecting the
appropriate tab on the bottom, or from the Window menu item drop down.

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Configuring the System

Additional tabbed views are created to display reports and when working with any of
the three database views.

System Views
System View windows are more flexible in their display options, providing the
following interface possibilities:

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In the docked configuration, the System View window binds with either the edge
of the main window, or another System View window itself.

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Configuring the System

Auto Hide

Auto Hide mode is similar to the docked configuration with the exception that
the window is only displayed when the mouse is over it. When the mouse
leaves the area of the window, it retreats into the docked side of the main
window leaving only a window tab visible. When the mouse is placed over this
tab, the entire window scrolls out into visibility.

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Tabbed mode functions identically to Hurricane's main Tabbed View windows,

with the System View window integrating itself among them.

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In a floating configuration, the System View window is no longer bound to the

main application window in any way. The window can float over top of the main
application window, or can be positioned along side it or even on another
monitor if a dual monitor configuration is being used.

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Transaction View

The transaction view screen displays current activity within the system. This is the
default view for Hurricane. The view can be configured to filter out various events as
well as assign color schemes to the different transaction classes via a right mouse
click (see System Properties - Display and Attribute Profiles for additional

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Configuring the System

Device View

The Device windows provide a real time status display of system card readers and IO
points. Each device entry consists of two icons and the device name. The first icon
indicates the type of device being monitored: reader, input or output. The second icon
displays the current device status. Status icons change in real time to reflect status
changes in the field hardware. You can bring up the Device View screens through the
View > System View Windows menu item. Hurricane supports two concurrent
device view windows.

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The following table summarizes device states and their respective icons:


Locked Unlocked
Held Dual Custody
Global Anti-Passback
Lockout No Communications
Code Tamper

Input Points

Alarm Global Shunt

Secure Local Shunt
Trouble No Communications

Output Points

On No Communications

Left clicking on one of the icons invokes a dialog specific to the device type. From
these dialogs, the device may be commanded, or the status verified. The Reader
dialog is displayed below.

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Configuring the System

Right clicking the mouse within the device display window invokes the Device Display
Selection dialog. From this window, the operator can choose the devices and states
they are interested in monitoring.

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Device states selected by the associated check boxes include devices with matching
states in the display window. The display can be further customized by selecting
specific devices for monitoring. The Readers, Inputs, and Outputs buttons invoke
device selection lists for the window.

Device Tool Tips add another level of convenience by displaying current device status
when the mouse cursor is hovering over a device. Sort Alphabetically orders the
devices in the window by name as opposed to the default of ID number ordering with
readers first and then IO points. Together these display features provide fine control
for your specific monitoring needs.

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Configuring the System

Graphic Map View

The Graphic Map view window displays vector based floor plan representations or
other representative bitmap images populated with device icons, system counters and
interactive macro buttons. Device and system counter icons change state in real time
to reflect changing conditions in the field hardware. A single left button click on a
device icon displays a device specific dialog showing current status as well as a
corresponding interface for commanding the device (see Configuring the Device
Display Window for an example). A single right mouse button click on a device icon
loads pre-programmed linked maps or a zoom selection if clicked elsewhere.

The Graphic Map view toolbar provides several map related commands for ease of

Open Map
Load a new map into the Graphic Map view.

Tool Tips
Turn device icon tool tips on or off.

Load By Reader

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Open the map associated with a selected reader.

Load By Input
Open the map associated with a selected input.

Load By Output
Open the map associated with a selected output.

Status Bar
The Status bar located at the bottom of the display contains several pieces of
information related to current system information. These fields are displayed in order

 Current Alarms: this area displays the current number of alarms in the alarm
queue pending operator processing.
 Operator: this area identifies the current logged in operator.
 Workstation Name: this field displays the workstation name as entered into the
Start Up tab of the System Properties.
 Connection Status: Hurricane server connection status.

The Hurricane server connection state may display one of the following possible
status messages:

 Online if a connection has been established.

 Offline if the Hurricane server is not running or the name entry in the Server
tab is incorrect.
 Incorrect Version if this client Hurricane version is incompatible with the server.
 Invalid Key if the client software key internal system code does not match the
 Auth Error if there was a general failure in the authentication process.

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Configuring the System

Tool Bars
Command Tool Bar
The Command Tool Bar provides a shortcut to the most commonly used operator
commands. The tool bar is displayed below followed by a description of each of the

 Reader Relock
 Reader Unlock Maintained
 Reader Unlock Momentary
 Elevator Floor Lock
 Lock Out Readers
 Remove Lock Out
 Remove Input Shunt
 Maintained Input Shunt
 Momentary Input Shunt
 Disable Output Activation
 Maintained Output Activation
 Momentary Output Activation
 Run Macro
 Alarm View
 Scroll Bar Toggle

The Command Tool Bar can be “docked” at the top, bottom or sides of the display by
dragging it (press and hold the right mouse button on a non-button area of the
toolbar) to the desired location. The default location is the top of the screen.

The tool bar will show only those functions permitted by the operator currently logged

Edit Tool Bar

The Edit Tool Bar provides a shortcut to the various edit and setup commands. The
tool bar is displayed below followed by a description of each of the buttons.

 Reader Setup
 Operators
 Cardholder Database
 Access Schedules

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 Unlock Schedules
 Elevator Unlock Schedules
 Shunt Schedules
 Output Schedules
 System Schedules
 Holiday Schedules
 Access Profiles
 Control Profiles
 Attribute Profiles
 Operator Profiles
 Input Groups
 Output Groups
 Reader Groups
 Card Groups
 Instructions
 CCTV Properties
 Enroller

The Tool Bar can be “docked” at the top, bottom or sides of the display by dragging it
(press and hold the right mouse button on a non-button area of the toolbar) to the
desired location. The toolbar will show only those functions permitted by the operator
currently logged on.

Association Tool Bar

The Association Tool Bar provides a shortcut to the various association commands.
The tool bar is displayed below followed by a description of each of the buttons.

 Reader Control Associations

 Reader Attribute Associations
 Input Control Associations
 Input Attribute Associations
 Output Control Associations
 Output Attribute Associations
 Panel Holidays Associations
 System Holiday Association
 Reader Unlock Associations
 Elevator Unlock Associations
 Input Shunt Associations
 Output Schedule Associations
 Reader Cameras
 Input Cameras
 Output Cameras

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Configuring the System

The Tool Bar can be “docked” at the top, bottom or sides of the display by dragging it
(press and hold the right mouse button on a non-button area of the toolbar) to the
desired location. The default location is the top of the screen.

The toolbar will show only those functions permitted by the operator currently logged

DVR Control Bar

The DVR Control Bar provides an easy means of controlling a DVR. The control bar is
displayed below followed by a description of each of the buttons and controls.

 Live Video
 Playback Video

Map Tool Bar

The Map Tool Bar provides an easy means of selecting and displaying graphic maps.
The tool bar is displayed below followed by a description of each of the buttons and

 Open map
 Tooltips
 Open map by Reader
 Open map Input
 Open map Output
 Zoom 50%
 Zoom 100%
 Zoom 200%
 Zoom 400%
 Zoom 800%

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System Maintenance
Overview - System Maintenance
Hurricane has a suite of utilities for maintaining the system. In this section we review
the features available in the Hurricane software itself:

Setting Date and Time

Downloading Panels
Restoring Communications
File Backup
Displaying Communications Status
Displaying the Status of System Queues
Database Utility

Setting Date and Time

The Date & Time command, available under Commands > Date and Time, causes
Hurricane to download the PC date and time to the control panels.

This function is performed automatically once every 12 hours.

Downloading Panels
This command, invoked under Commands > Controller Download, is used to
manually download one or more panels. This would typically be required only if the
panel has been replaced, its memory was manually cleared, or some other abnormal
condition is experienced.

Hurricane automatically updates the control panels as operator commands are

performed (i.e. adding cardholders, changing Access Schedules, etc.).

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Restoring Communications
This command, available under Commands > Restore Communications, causes
Hurricane to immediately poll any panels which had previously failed to respond to
system polls and have been flagged as “offline”. If a panel responds, an advisory will
be issued indicating that it has returned to "online” status.

Hurricane automatically attempts to restore communications with offline panels every

three minutes.

File Backup
The File Replication or Backup service is available only in the Enterprise version of
Hurricane. Set up the service parameters from the System View application. Select
the Backup service under services view and press the configure button. The
configuration dialog is displayed below.

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System Maintenance

Enter the destination path for the system backup and select the backup frequency in
the dialog box. The last backup run status is displayed in the backup log display box
beneath the frequency entry.

Displaying Communications Status

The View > Controller Communications command presents a display of Control
Panel polls\responses. Canlan network trunk lines also display the current connection
status with the Canlan device. This is useful for diagnosing communications problems
and will be used by the installing dealer.

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Displaying the Status of System Queues

The View > System Queues command presents a display of the internal system
queues. This information will be helpful to the installing dealer when diagnosing
system problems.

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