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Pulong Gubat, Balagtas, Bulacan

A Research Paper


Online Games: Addiction or for fun?


Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements


English 10

Presented to:

Mrs, Ailene Jill S. Andaya


Marc Larry D. Palces

10 – Narra

For every success, there are person behind it. I would like to give my sincere and deepest
gratitude for all the people who help me carry out this research paper.

God, I thank you for guiding me every day of my life. Thank you for all the provisions you
provide for me to finish this paper. You are truly faithful to Your Words.

Papa Larry and Mama Mercy, thank you for all the support you give. You are really the best!
Thank you for supporting me not just holistically but even financially.

Kuya Marlon and Ate Rose, I thank you for assisting and giving advices to me in doing this
research paper. Thank you for lending your hands so I can finish it on time

Mrs. Andaya, thank you for giving me the opportunity to do this research paper. It stretches my
capacity and my capabilities as an individual and student. Now, I know I am more
knowledgeable than before in this topic.

- The Researcher


1.1 Background of the Study

Since today’s world is in digital age, the researcher cannot diminish the fact that people are into
it. Simply because they make life easy and can provide entertainment at the same time. One form
of entertainment it provides is Online Game.

Online games refer to games that are played over some form of computer network, most often
the Internet. Online games can range from simple text-based games to games incorporating
complex graphics and virtual worlds populated by many players simultaneously. (IGI Global,

Online gaming or electronic game is playing over a computer network, particularly over
the Internet. Electronic game worlds have generated billions of dollars, with millions of players
around the world fighting, buying, crafting, and selling in a variety of online environments. (Ray,

Although it must be using the Internet browser and requires Internet connection, some online
games can still be used for an unlimited time and are available for free. This is called a freeware
online game. Flash, Shockwave, and Java languages primarily conquers the percentage of web
games nowadays. In that case, it features more primitive game play than downloadable games.

Online games are now used to generate from advertising or to promote the downloadable version.
Promotional web-games are normally feature-(level) limited and developed in order to get the user buy
the full version.
1.2 Statement of the Problem

1.3 Importance of the Study

1.4 Scope and Limitations

1.5 Definitions of Terms

Imagine the world without technology as a form of entertainment, does it sounds cool? Can
people live the day without it? Technology plays an important role in people’s lives but like
every other things, it includes positive and negative effects.

Online games are one in the many results of technology as a form of entertainment. Users
are very hook to these because it can gives enjoyment and at the same time challenges the
users to finish the necessary levels. It is good if people will not abuse it. This research aims
to bring out points to establish whether playing online games can be for fun and how can it
become addictive. This study can be a help to those users who become addicted to the
online games for this research will give tips how to avoid it.

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