Question Bank For First IA Test

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Part - A

1. What are the benefits of having RISC architecture?

2. Define Brown out reset mode.
3. Write about the Status Register of PIC Microcontroller.
4. List out all the addressing Modes in PIC Microcontroller.
5. Difference between Microcontroller and PIC Microcontroller.
6. Mention the interrupt available in PIC Microcontroller.
7. Write an ALP to initialize the PORT A using PIC microcontroller.
8. What is the minimum and maximum clock frequency for PIC 16CXX?
9. What is the role of TRISx register in I/O port Management?
10. Define Subroutine.
11. Mention the different peripherals available in PIC16Cx family of microcontroller
12. Draw the Harvard and Von- Neumann architectures
13. Write the significance of Brown-out-reset and watchdog timer
14. What is the advantage of Harvard architecture over Von- Neumann architectures?
15. Mention any 3 instructions used for data transfer in PIC16x microcontroller and give its syntax
16. Mention the different addressing modes in PIC microcontroller.
17. Write the significance of timer 2 over the other timers in PIC16x
18. What is meant by Polling routine and Mainline overrun?
19. What is the Role of GIE in PIC microcontrollers?
20. Consider a Crystal frequency of 1MHz with Prescaler (C=4), main scaler (B=250) and post scaler
(A=2). Find the Period value in time.

Part – B
1. Draw and explain the architecture of the PIC16C74A microcontroller
2. Briefly explain about the different addressing modes in PIC16X
3. Explain the given instructions with example. 1. ADDWF (d=1) 2. BCF(use indirect addressing
mode) 3. MOVLW
4. Explain the Harvard architecture along with instruction pipelining
5. Explain the interrupt logic using timer2 interrupt (PIC16C74A) with necessary circuits
6. Explain in detail about the interrupt service routine and loop time subroutines along with
example programs.

7. Discuss in detail about memory organization of a PIC microcontroller.

8. With neat functional block diagram explain the architecture of PIC16C7X Microcontroller in
9. Explain the concept of interrupt logic and interrupt structure of PIC microcontroller with an

10. Briefly explain the Timer 1 operation of PIC 16C6X using schematic diagram.
11. Explain the functionality of Timer for PIC Microcontroller with a suitable diagram.

12. Write an ALP for addition of two 16 bit numbers.

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