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Module 1 Errata v1.

1: Missions
Note: The following edits have been incorporated into the
Note: All changes noted in blue are changes and
revised Missions posted on, and available to print from, the
clarifications added in v1.1.
GMT LHY page.

Charts & Tables Mission 2.0:

Note: The following edits have been incorporated into the • The sector number should be 10 instead of 11.
corresponding Tables posted on, and available to print from, • Disposition of Force, third sentence: Change to read:
the GMT LHY page. “Although both players are considered to be attacking, the
player winning the Initiative is considered the attacker on the
Game Track: Casualty Track, goes first and has his choice of either the
• Sniper Random Event: Change to read: “One randomly remaining force nationality or remaining setup hex.”
selected non-hidden platoon leader suffers a casualty.” • Add: MSR: 4. Neither player can setup in an IP.
• Medic Random Event: Change third sentence to read: Mission 11.0: Change the number of LATWs in the American Force
“The returning unit is placed, concealed if in cover terrain, from 4 to 3.
with or as close as possible to a unit of the same platoon and Mission 4.0:
not adjacent to an enemy unit.” • Mission Objective: Change to read: “The mission ends if at
Combat Table: the end of the game turn a player controls 5 of the 7 Mission
• Assault Value Modifiers: Change the Assault DRM for Objective Points (MOP), or a player exceeds his Casualty
Envelopment from 1 to 2 as it is on the Envelopment marker. Differential Limit, or the Time Lapse is > 32 minutes.”
• Anti-Tank Fire DRM Table: Delete (Optional) after • MSR 2. and 3.: These should be combined to read: “Mission
Opportunity Fire. Objective Points: (MOP) - Each rural building hex is worth
• Small Arms/Mortar Fire Resolution Table, second on MOP for a total of 3 building hexes and each grove
[group of contiguous woods/forest hexes] is worth one MOP
bullet: Replace “If Final Attack die roll is” with If Final
for a total of 4 groves. The last player to occupy a rural
Fire Attack Result is”.
building hex or any uncontested grove of woods has control
Terrain Table:
of that rural building hex or grove.”
• footnote 3: Change to read: “MP cost for each bold contour • Victory Level: Change to read: “The player wins if at the
line crossed when maneuvering uphill. Not applicable if
end of any game turn, he controls 5 of the 7 possible MOP.
along a road.”
Otherwise it is a draw.”
• Walls, TEM for Non-Vehicular Units: Change DRM Mission 5.0:
from -1 to -1/04
• Mission Objective: Change to read: “Mission ends if at
the end of the game turn there are no German tanks south of
Rule Book the river or within 2 hexes and LOS of hexes D6, D11 and
Note: The following edits and rule clarifications will be G2, or it ends when one side exceeds its Casualty
incorporated into the Living Rules and posted on, and Differential Limit, or when the Final Score is ≥ 36.”
available to print from, the GMT LHY page in September Mission 9.0: MSR 3: Should read: “The German 8cm mortar
2019. section…”
Mission 12.0:
4.1.9c, first sentence: DELETE the phrase: “and towed gun” • US Forces: Able Infantry Co., should be Bold and the
4.2.1f, first sentence: DELETE the phrases: “or dismounted 7.5cm AT guns listed and the PaK 40 AT counters are one
towed gun” and or “towed gun”. and the same.
5.0 Sequence of Play, I. Initiative: Add the following sentence to • Disposition of Forces: Change to read: “The Americans are
the end of the first paragraph: “If neither player has a platoon leader or the attackers; all American vehicles begin in motion and all
AFV in play, play proceeds to VI. Determine Time Lapse.” non-vehicular units enter as Riders/Passengers. The lead
American vehicle sets up in hex F5. The remaining vehicles
13.6.3 Retreat: DELETE Case e)
begin set up two hexes behind the lead vehicle, in single file, Retreating Adjacent to an Enemy Occupied Hex:
one vehicle per hex extending off board as if on the road of
Add: Case c) The hex entered is an Urban hex. an imaginary adjacent sector. Play begins with the German
20.0 Step 6 last sentence in subsections a, b, and c: Replace reaction and all American units considered activated.
the word reaches with the word exceeds. Normal play returns at the beginning of game turn two [see
MSR 2].”
• MSR 2. Change to read: “Each unit entering from offboard
must enter along the road on the FBE paying the MP cost of
each offboard road hex entered as they maneuver onto the
Play Book Corrections
Note: The following edits will be incorporated into the Play
Book and posted on the GMT LHY page at a later date.

22.1 Infantry and Mortar Example of Play:

Page 4, left column, 3rd paragraph: change the last sentence to
read: “The American 3rd squad of the second platoon did not observe
the German 2nd squad fire action (no LOS) and therefore it could not
react and remains in hex J4.”
Page 13, left column, Mortar Fire Adjustment Phase, 5 th
sentence: Change the MDRM from 1 to 0.
Page 14, right column, Assault Resolution Phase:
• 5th line: change: Total Assault from Value from 5 to 4
• 6th line: change +3 to +2, and the Cohesion Differential to
• 8th line: change the +3 to +2, and the 5 to 4.
• 9th line: change the +3 to +2 and the assault DRM from 8 to
• Page 16, left column, 1st paragraph: Add at the end of
the first paragraph: “Lt. Lang conducted his Leader Loss
Check and passed.”
Page 17, left column, Fire Resolution Phase:
• American 1st Squad, 2nd Platoon: change to read: “The die
roll is 3, +1 for the SADRM marker and -1 [because Lt.
Cherry Cohesion is > the first squads Cohesion] = 3.”
• American 3rd Squad, 2nd Platoon, second sentence:
change the 8 to 7.
Page 17, Assault Resolution Phase:
• Left column 3rd line: change the +3 to +4
• Left column 4th line: delete: -1 for the Regrouping marker].
• Left column 5th line: change the +9 to +10
• Right column 3rd line: change to read: “Cohesion
Differential (6 - 5), and +1 because the Germans are marked
with a Regrouping marker].”
• Right column, 2nd paragraph, second sentence: change to
read: “German section d is eliminated because it is a single
step unit and Lt. Lang suffers a casualty, is removed from
play and placed on the Time Track in the box equal to 19
• Right column, 2nd paragraph: add the following sentence
after the bracketed text in italics: “Lt. Murphy successfully
passes his Leader Loss Check.”
Page 17, Mortar adjustment Phase:
• Right column 2nd line: change the 5 to 4.

Note: These corrections will be included in the next module.
• US Mortar Section Counters: Spotter and
corresponding target marker for company “A” should have
a red circle and company “B” a white circle. This also
applies to the Mortar platoon as well.
• German Overrun Marker: Sheet 4 back, column 10,
row 8: The number in the upper right corner should be 3
instead of 2.

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