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Table of Contents

1 Executive Summary
1.1 Company Description
1.2 Strategic Focus
1.3 Goals
1.4 Current Situation
1.5 Competitive Advantage

2 Situation Analysis
2.1 Market Research
2.1.1 Research Findings
2.1.2 Growth Projections
2.2 Competitor Analysis
2.2.1 Competitor #1
2.2.2 Competitor #2
2.2.3 Competitor #3
2.2.4 Competitor Matrix
2.3 Customer Analysis
2.4 Environment Analysis
2.5 Industry Analysis
2.6 Market Definition and Segmentation
2.7 Market Analysis
2.8 Target Market
2.9 Target Market Strategies
2.10 SWOT Analysis
2.10.1 Identifying Internal Strengths And Weaknesses
2.10.2 Identifying Opportunities and Threats

3 Products and Services

3.1 Description of Products/Services
3.2 Comparison
3.3 Products/Service Features
3.4 Other Considerations

4 Market Strategy
4.1 Image
4.2 Positioning
4.3 Promotion Strategy
4.4 Price Strategy
4.5 Price Comparison
4.6 Customer Service
4.6.1 Retaining Customers
4.6.2 Customer Complaint Handling

5 Sales Forecast
5.1 Sales Forecast By Product
5.2 Sales Forecast By Type
5.3 Sales Forecast By Market
5.4 Sales Forecast By Location

6 Budget Determination
6.1 Budget By Type
6.2 Budget By Month
6.3 Budget by Team Members

7 Marketing Organizations
7.1 Organization Chart
7.2 Roles & Responsibilities

8 Action Plan and Implementation

8.1 Schedule
8.2 Action Items
8.3 Implications for staff involvement

9 Communication Plan
9.1 Sales Material
9.2 External Communications
9.3 Distribution Groups

10 Tracking, Evaluation & Control

10.1 Tracking
10.2 Evaluation
10.3 Control

Marketing Vision

Titicus Realtors seeks to make first-time home buyers comfortable, happy, and worry-free both during the home
buying process and even after their closings. By doing this, Titicus hopes to build a reputation as THE real estate
agent in southern Connecticut for first-time home buyers, effectively eliminating competition within their market.

This marketing plan details the current and new marketing programs and practices of Titicus Realtors which will lead
to establishing and consolidating this reputation.


Titicus Realtors will pursue the following specific goals:

Personal Goals for Earl Estates, owner of Titicus Realtors:

• Hire an additional agent before workload cuts into time necessary for marketing and company direction
• 20 invitations to area speaking engagements in 2012

Business Goals:

• Exceed $1 million in revenue in 2010, $1.3 million in 2011, $1.7 million in 2012
• Exceed 900 leads in 2012

Strategic Goals

• Be ranked in the top 5 real estate agencies for first-time home buyers in Fairfield County by Fairfield Homes
• Achieve 100% customer satisfaction

Tactical Goals

• Customer testimonials of at least three sentences written by 75% of successful home buyers
• Increase number of agents employed by Titicus Realtors to four by the end of 2012


Titicus Realtors seeks to make the process of buying a first home a relief for clients, offering them such great service
that all of their fears associated with the process will disappear. Through this, Titicus Realtors hopes to make home
ownership, and the financial, emotional, and psychological value that comes with it, happen for as many people as
possible. Ideally, the ideas and process of how customers are treated at Titicus will be shared with similarly-minded
real estate agents in other towns and states so that the reach of the company's impact goes well beyond its locale.


A couple signing up with Titicus Realtors will find themselves surprised from their first interaction about the level of
care and thoroughness. Through simple language and some probing questions, the real estate agent will unearth the
couple's desires for their home as well as their fears. The Titicus agent seems to have seen it all before, yet does not
come off as cocky or dismissive of these fears - such as the couple's fear of being taken advantage of, of buying
more home than they can afford, of learning about issues with the home only after the closing, or of spending more
than they should. On the contrary, the Titicus agent will provide information and assistance that shows the couple
from the start that there is no need to be exceedingly anxious through this process. That anxiety will slip away as the
couple's trust for their agent builds and it will be replaced by a feeling of excitement and adventure as the couple
starts to see each home as a possibility.

Gap Dashboard

The Gap Dashboard represents the quantification of the key personal, business, strategic and tactical goals for
Titicus Realtors. The results in all of these areas will be tabulated once a month based on the accumulation of the
week's key marketing metrics as well as other items which are not tracked by the company's systems (such as the
personal goals). Furthermore, rating by Fairfield Homes occurs on an annual basis only and will be entered when the
ratings are released. Earl Estates is responsible for accumulating the data to check against the goals each month. He
will note gaps and decide whether original goals were too lofty or whether the shortfalls were within the control of
Titicus Realtors.

Gap Dashboard

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3


Invitations to speaking engagements 8 14 20

Other 0 0 0


Revenue $1,039,500 $1,307,700 $1,727,820

Leads 692 830 996


% of customer writing testimonials 60% 70% 75%

Number of agents 2 3 4


Rating by Fairfield Homes for first-time home buyers 8 6 4

Customer satisfaction rate 90% 98% 100%

Ideal Customer

The ideal customer for Titicus Realtors is a young couple (let's call them the Smiths). The Smiths have been renting a
home in New York City, but now seek to move to the suburbs, although within commuting distance of New York. They
have a one-year-old child and would like to live in an area with the best possible public school system and a
comfortable environment, similar to the small towns they grew up in. The Smiths are not familiar with Ridgefield,
Connecticut, beyond what they have read on their own and having driven through a few times. They desire help not
just with finding a home that meets all of their needs, but also advice from someone who knows the entire town and
the ins and outs of moving in. Furthermore, this is the first home the Smiths will buy and they are a bit out to sea on
all of the implications and legal hurdles. Although they are well-read on the subject, most of what they read suggests
that they find a real estate agent who they feel they can trust, especially if the agent may be working under dual
agency. Therefore, trustworthiness, knowledge, and experience are the key elements the Smiths look for in a real
estate agent.

Market Description

The ideal customer market for Titicus Realtors has the following characteristics:

• Living in NYC
• Interested in living in southern Connecticut
• Generally aged 30 - 45 years old
• Household income of at least $125,000 annually
• Generally a married couple with or expecting at least one child
• Interested in living in a beautiful place (home, neighborhood, and town)
• Feel there is a "right" home for them and that they should not have to "settle" for anything less

Remarkable Difference
Titicus Realtors is THE real estate agency for first-time home buyers in Ridgefield, Connecticut. While second home
or retirement home buyers may feel they should look elsewhere, first-time home buyers quickly understand that
Titicus focuses specifically on their needs and has the experience to make them comfortable with the entire process
and even the prospect of moving to a new town.


Titicus Realtors differentiates itself through its focus on the specific market niche: first-time home buyers looking for a
suburban Connecticut residence within commuting distance of NYC. Titicus seeks to represent only individuals and
couples buying their first home, although others will not be turned away.

To this end, Titicus takes a decidedly "non-slick" approach by holding careful and thoughtful sessions with clients to
answer all of their questions, as well as general information sessions and seminars for prospective clients. Titicus
publishes a "how to buy your first home" guide on their website with the best information from the web along with their
own advice. Titicus seeks to align all of their activities with serving this market niche.
Core Strategy

Titicus Realtors will position itself as experts on shepherding first-time home buyers comfortably through the process
of buying a home they like and can afford.

These measurable results will show Titicus that it is achieving its goals over the next three years:

• Increase in qualified leads (first-time home buyers) by 50% in 2010 over 2009 and 20% in the following
• Decrease in non-qualified leads to under 5% of total leads
• Conversion of qualified leads to clients increasing to 30%
• Decrease of client switching to other real estate agents to under 10%
• Increase in percentage of clients that successfully buy a home within one year of inquiry to 75%
• Customer testimonials of at least three sentences written by 75% of successful home buyers

Core Branding Elements

Titicus Realtors brands itself by paying attention to the following:

• Simplicity: All marketing materials and written statements are jargon-free. Images are not busy, but focused
on one clear idea. The effect is intended to show that Titicus is comfortable in its choice to serve a particular
market niche and serve it well.
• Customer relief: Images (photos of past clients) on the website, advertisements, and marketing materials
focus on the happy couples and families that Titicus has placed in homes and include captions with short
statements from the clients describing the relief they felt by being shepherded through the process by a real
estate agent that they could trust and that understood their particular needs.
• Consistent logo: The name of Titicus Realtors will always appear in blue and white in a simple,
consistent type face.
• Transparency: Paramount to retaining the trust of customers is that answers to key questions can all be
found easily within materials and are volunteered to customers in all interactions. For example, Titicus must
explain that while it does make a higher commission from a higher selling price, it bases its entire business
model on satisfied customers who are treated fairly and the referrals and testimonials that result from doing
• Tagline: "Your First Home Purchase Made Easy"
• Product/Service Innovation
• Titicus Realtors acts as an agent between home buyers and sellers as its basic service, but will offer the
following services and products geared toward moving individuals up the chain:
• Suspects: Titicus will publish a monthly column with advice for first-time home buyers and print this in their
monthly listing bulletin. Titicus will also hold an information session once a month which will either be a talk
by Earl Estates, a small panel discussion, or a talk by a relevant expert. These events will all be of interest to
first-time home buyers or those planning to become a home buyer eventually. They will be held in
Ridgefield, CT locations of a suitable size.
• Prospects: Those who contact Titicus Realtors by phone, walk-in, or email and those who attend the
monthly talks are considered prospects. Titicus will offer to meet with prospects for the purpose of
discussing working with them as well as educating them about the Ridgefield, CT home market and first-time
home buying in general. These first sessions can last up to three hours in order to make sure the prospect is
• Clients: Clients are shown homes, as well as given additional time to answer questions and consult on
options. When clients wish to make an offer, Titicus takes care of all paperwork and represents the buyer
through the negotiation process. When clients close, Titicus sees that their interests are represented and
that all paperwork is processed swiftly.
• Champions: As Titicus works exclusively with first-time home buyers, they do not seek repeat customers.
However, Titicus believes that "champions" are those who refer the five prospects or more to Titicus. Titicus
stays in touch with all past clients at least once every six months to see how they are settling in and to offer
additional advice (recommendations on vendors and services, schools, etc.) to maintain a relationship.
Titicus will refer past clients to another real estate agent when they are interested in buying another home
and will earn a small finder's fee from the other agent for these referrals.
• Price Rationale
• Pricing for real estate commissions is highly standard in the industry although prices become somewhat
negotiable in down markets. The standard real estate commission is 6% of the selling price in Ridgefield,
CT, with 3% going to the buyer's agent and 3% to the seller's agent. Prices are set by the selling agent for
each home and the commission is paid by the seller out of their receipts from the sale.
• Other informational services offered by Titicus Realtors are free of charge and offered with the purpose of
building a reputation as a Ridgefield real estate and first-time home buying expert

Marketing Materials
The following marketing materials and methods are used to reach the target market:

• Monthly listing bulletin

• Marketing kit (with versions geared towards clients and towards professional offices)
• Website
• Newspaper ads
• Direct mail postcards
• Signage outside Titicus Realtors office
• "How to buy a first home" guide

Each marketing kit will feature three case studies consisting of a one page story, a photo of the client(s), photo of the
home, and testimonial statement from the client. The website will feature three video testimonials consisting of one-
minute videos narrated by a client along with pictures of their home, the process of working with Titicus, and the
Titicus office. Estates will ask some clients if they would be willing to take part in a testimonial/case study one month
after closing during the follow-up meeting. They will be offered a $250 gift certificate to a home goods store for their
trouble. A professional videographer/photographer will be brought in to work on this and a freelance writer will be
employed to write the case study.

The marketing kit prepared for professional offices will include all of the information in the client version as well as
details on the gift certificate offer. Also, the case statement will be adjusted for this version to reflect the other benefits
to their office from having a referral relationship with Titicus Realtors.

Direct mail postcards will be sent to a target list of 1,000 individuals who currently rent in New York City and
potentially fit the ideal target market. These lists will be purchased based on income, age, and lifestyle elements
suggesting they may be looking to move to a suburb. One postcard will be sent every other month with an invitation
to the next information session. A new 1,000 individuals will be chosen every six months.

Web Plan
The Titicus Realtors website will aim to impress qualified prospects with the trustworthiness and expertise of the
office. The following elements and pages will support this:

• Selections from the "How To Buy a First-Home" Guide and information on how to send for the complete
• Collected columns/articles from the monthly listed bulletin presented as a blog
• Wrap-up descriptions of key takeaways from past information sessions
• Details on upcoming information sessions - bios of speakers, location, time, RSVP contact, content of the
• Bio of Earl Estates in form of narrative about his interest in working with first-time home buyers and
experience helping them
• Bios of other real estate agents with the firm, as they are added
• Video testimonials of past clients
• Written case studies of past clients
Social Media Plan

The company will send Earl Estates' blog posts to article databases and other real estate blogs in the hope that the
name of Titicus Realtors will be promoted elsewhere and that more incoming links to the website will be generated

Lead Generation Plan

Leads will be generated through the following tactics:

• Advertising in local newspapers: Each will specifically advertise the upcoming information sessions as
well as encourage direct calls from home buyers looking for an agent. Often those moving from other
communities with Ridgefield as a target will purchase these newspapers when looking at real estate listings.
• Advertising in New York Times real estate section: To better target NYC couples intending to move to
the suburbs.
• Free monthly listing bulletin: This short, printed bulletin will be printed on a monthly-basis and distributed
to local community centers, general stores, restaurants, and other areas where a small pile can be offered in
an entryway to visitors. The bulletin will encourage direct calls about listings as well as attendance at the
upcoming information sessions.
• Online pay-per-click advertising: Local PPC search engine ads around keywords such as "Ridgefield real
estate," "Ridgefield homes," "Ney York commuter home," "Connecitcut bedroom communities," etc.
• Local radio ads: Featuring short statements about the experience of working with Titicus Realtors by past
clients and information on the upcoming information sessions.
• Client referrals: Requested after closings and rewarded with gift certificates.
• Professional referrals: From professional offices serving the same target market as Titicus.


Media Tracking Kits Requested

Contact Contact Total

Advertising Medium Distribution Cost/Ad
Name # CPM

Ridgefield Press omitted omitted omitted omitted omitted

WREF 850 AM omitted omitted omitted omitted omitted

Connecticut Magazine omitted omitted omitted omitted omitted

Fairfield County Homes

omitted omitted omitted omitted omitted

New York Times real estate

omitted omitted omitted omitted omitted
section ads

Online pay-per-click omitted omitted omitted omitted omitted

Community access calendar omitted omitted omitted omitted omitted

Titicus Realtors will publish ads in these media outlets including information on the upcoming talks or information
sessions, link to or URL for the Titicus website and its tagline of "Your First Home Purchase Made Easy".


Titicus Realtors will target referrals from the following sources:

1. Past clients
2. Baby stores and service providers
3. Accountants
4. Financial Advisors
5. Mortgage brokers and bankers

One month after the closing, Titicus Realtors will speak with the past client, setting an appointment to visit them at
home if possible, and deliver a customer satisfaction survey. At this time, the agent will ask the past client if they can
provide the names of other friends, colleagues or family who are thinking about buying a first home in Ridgefield. The
agent will request the name, phone number, and email address of the referrals and carry a pad which the client can
write the information on directly. The agent will specifically ask the client for their consent to contact these prospects
and let them know who referred them. The agent will explain that the company thanks past clients for every referral
that closes with a $250 gift certificate to a local home goods store.

Baby stores and service providers (such as classes for parents and children) are another possible source of referrals.
As they work with couples with new children who are potentially moving into a home as their family grows,
these businesses will be informed of a similar deal for referrals that close on deals through Titicus Realtors. They will
be given a $250 office supply store gift certificate for every referral that closes.

Accountants, financial advisors, and mortgage brokers/bankers may be working with suspects who are saving up a
down payment in the hope of buying a first home. They are in a position to refer these clients to Titicus Realtors if the
clients are thinking of buying in Ridgefield. Titicus will reach out to these offices with information and an offer of the
same $250 office supply store gift certificate for every referral that closes.

Lead Conversion Plan

Titicus will use its initial appointment with a prospective client as the main tool to convert them into a client. When
clients inquire, they will be asked to come into the office for a meeting where they will learn everything they would
like to know about buying their first home as well as about how Titicus works. These appointments will not be hard
pitches where a client is pressed with all of the reasons to work with Titicus. Instead, they will attempt to show the
client the specific expertise of Titicus by answering their specific questions and providing general advice relevant to
first-time home buyers. Through this process, the prospect will also learn about the care that Titicus takes in its
process with clients in order to make sure they are comfortable before each decision and have all of the relevant
information they need.

Both suspects and prospects will be invited to the monthly information sessions, described earlier, which show both
the direct expertise of Estates through his presentations and Titicus Realtors's genuine desire to make the home
buying process easier by bringing in experts from related fields (renovation, landscaping, school system, mortgage
brokers, bankers, financial advisors, and other even other real estate agents).
Lead Conversion Plan

Titicus will use its initial appointment with a prospective client as the main tool to convert them into a client. When
clients inquire, they will be asked to come into the office for a meeting where they will learn everything they would
like to know about buying their first home as well as about how Titicus works. These appointments will not be hard
pitches where a client is pressed with all of the reasons to work with Titicus. Instead, they will attempt to show the
client the specific expertise of Titicus by answering their specific questions and providing general advice relevant to
first-time home buyers. Through this process, the prospect will also learn about the care that Titicus takes in its
process with clients in order to make sure they are comfortable before each decision and have all of the relevant
information they need.

Both suspects and prospects will be invited to the monthly information sessions, described earlier, which show both
the direct expertise of Estates through his presentations and Titicus Realtors's genuine desire to make the home
buying process easier by bringing in experts from related fields (renovation, landscaping, school system, mortgage
brokers, bankers, financial advisors, and other even other real estate agents).

Marketing Calendar
Earl Estates will fit marketing activities in on a daily and weekly basis through the following disciplines:

• Devoting 9-10 AM every morning to the marketing "theme" of the month

• Devoting a weekly time, Monday 1 pm - 3 pm, to review the last week's numbers against projections and
previous weeks
• Devoting a weekly time, Friday 1 pm - 2 pm, to schedule work on the marketing theme as well as other
marketing activities for the next week
• The office assistant will be responsible for handling all incoming calls during these times and making sure
they stay clear on the office schedule

Earl Estates will hire an additional agent at the point when he can no longer handle the volume of clients, which is
projected to be when he has eight clients at a time, if not earlier. This will ensure that he retains his own time for
marketing activities and delegates additional work to new hires.

The Milestones table represents the key development activities over the next year as new systems are implemented
and old systems are redesigned or updated.

Months Marketing Theme

1 Information session design review & planning

2 Monthly bulletin

3 Professional referral program

4 Customer satisfaction survey process

5 WOW tactics

6 Website

7 Blog
8 Marketing Kit

9 Advertising methods

10 Marketing training process

11 Customer referral program

12 How-to guide


Advertising Start Date End Date Budget Manager Executed By

Record new radio spot 2/1/2010 2/15/2010 $2,000 JL Marketing firm

Design new print ad campaign 2/1/2010 2/28/2010 $2,000 JL Marketing firm

Choose printer for bulletin 1/15/2010 1/31/2010 $0 JL JL

Total Advertising Budget $4,000

PR Start Date End Date Budget Manager Executed By

Set up online alerts for PR tracking 1/15/2010 2/28/2010 $0 JL Assistant

Brainstorm 20 ideas for info sessions 3/1/2010 3/15/2010 $0 JL JL & Asst.

Choose 5 potential locations for info

3/15/2010 3/31/2010 $0 JL JL

Total PR Budget $0

Direct Marketing Start Date End Date Budget Manager Executed By

Choose next target list 4/1/2010 4/15/2010 $0 JL Asst.

Redesign postcard 4/1/2010 4/15/2010 $1,500 JL Marketing firm

Total Direct Marketing Budget $1,500

Web Development Start Date End Date Budget Manager Executed By

Identify 20 websites to target with blog posts 6/1/2010 6/15/2010 $0 JL Asst.

Choose and post how-to guide selections on

5/1/2010 2/15/2010 $0 JL Asst.

Create and post 3 video testimonials 5/15/2010 7/15/2010 $1,500 JL Videographer

Total Web Development Budget $1,500

Other Start Date End Date Budget Manager Executed By

Rewrite customer satisfaction survey 3/1/2010 3/15/2010 $0 JL Asst.

Redesign marketing kit 3/15/2010 3/31/2010 $3,000 JL Marketing Firm

Plan first info session featuring past clients 9/1/2010 9/30/2010 $0 JL JL

Total Other Budget $3,000

Totals $10,000

Critical Numbers
The key drivers of increased revenue will be improvements in the lead conversion rate and more overall leads.
Increases in the average commission as more luxury and standard homes are sold relative to condominiums will also
contribute the revenue growth. These critical numbers will be tracked by, the firm's sales and lead
information database, and QuickBooks, the firm's accounting software. Additional software will pull results from both
programs into custom reports.

Sales Forecast

The commissions on home sales are broken into three categories which represent the average commissions for
homes in their category. Condominiums average $200,000 in Ridgefield for a $6,000 average commission. Standard
homes from $300,000 to $1 million are expected to average $600,000 per sale for an $18,000 average commission.
Luxury home sales range from $1 million to $2 million and average $1.25 million per sale for a $37,500 average

Luxury home sales to first-time home buyers are relatively rare, compared to sales of less expensive homes.
However, professional couples who have worked for a number of years in New York City or Stamford, CT can save a
great deal of cash for a down payment while renting apartments. These individuals are often given substantial help by
relatives or are beneficiaries of trusts which help them raise the $100,000 - $400,000 down payment. Ridgefield is an
affluent community and a target location for these high-net-worth couples.

Unit sales will increase over the next year through the marketing efforts of Earl Estates alone. By the end of the year
he will bring on an additional new agent and add more agents over the next two years. Direct costs include travel
costs and gifts given to clients.
Sales Forecast

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

Unit Sales

Luxury Home Commissions 5 7 10

Standard Home Commissions 30 39 55

Condominum Commissions 52 57 63

Total Unit Sales 87 103 127

Unit Prices Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

Luxury Home Commissions $37,500.00 $37,500.00 $37,500.00

Standard Home Commissions $18,000.00 $18,000.00 $18,000.00

Condominum Commissions $6,000.00 $6,000.00 $6,000.00


Luxury Home Commissions $187,500 $262,500 $367,500

Standard Home Commissions $540,000 $702,000 $982,800

Condominum Commissions $312,000 $343,200 $377,520

Total Sales $1,039,500 $1,307,700 $1,727,820

Direct Unit Costs Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

Luxury Home Commissions $1,875.00 $1,875.00 $1,875.00

Standard Home Commissions $1,800.00 $1,800.00 $1,800.00

Condominum Commissions $1,200.00 $1,200.00 $1,200.00

Direct Cost of Sales

Luxury Home Commissions $9,375 $13,125 $18,375

Standard Home Commissions $54,000 $70,200 $98,280

Condominum Commissions $62,400 $68,640 $75,504

Subtotal Direct Cost of Sales $125,775 $151,965 $192,159

Marketing Expense Budget

The marketing expenses listed will generally rise with inflation over the next two years, except for referrals which are
expected to account for an increasing number of the leads each year. Advertising will be increased in the spring and
summer months to better publicize larger monthly information sessions. However, even during the off-peak home
buying seasons these information sessions will continue to cultivate prospects. Other expenses remain regular in
order to continue to cultivate suspects who may start thinking about moving months or years before they are ready to
buy. The direct mailing, sent out every other month, will cost $1,500 each time it is mailed. The monthly information
session has a budget of $1,500. Some months will be more extensive events and will exceed this budget and other
months will be more intimate events with only Earl Estates speaking and will be under $1,500.

Gift certificates of $250 given out to customers for referrals and testimonials, and fees for the videographer and
copywriter used for creating case studies, are also included.
Marketing Expense Budget

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

Advertising $41,000 $42,640 $44,346

Information Sessions $18,000 $18,720 $19,469

Direct Mail $9,000 $9,360 $9,734

Website $6,000 $6,240 $6,490

Testimonials: Gift Certificates $3,750 $4,500 $5,000

Testimonials: Videographer/copywriter $7,500 $9,000 $10,000

Referral Program $5,250 $8,750 $10,000

------------ ------------ ------------

Total Sales and Marketing Expenses $90,500 $99,210 $105,038

Percent of Sales 8.71% 7.59% 6.08%

Key Marketing Metrics

Leads generated will often not convert into clients for months, and those clients will not yield revenue for additional
months. Leads are somewhat seasonal, as fewer house hunters search in the winter and fewer closings occur in
those months. Referrals will yield a growing portion of sales and will be generated by an increasing number of clients
and other sources. Testimonials are now secured from roughly 50% of clients and the goal is to increase that number
to 75%.

Key Marketing Metrics

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

Revenue $1,039,500 $1,307,700 $1,727,820

Leads 692 830 996

Leads Converted 15.50% 23.00% 25.00%

Avg. Transactions/Customer 1 1 1
Avg. $/Customer $11,610 $12,696 $13,605

Referrals 144 152 160

PR Mentions 37 72 79

Testimonials 49 72 95

Other 0 0 0

Marketing Training Game

Titicus Realtors's staff currently consists of one full-time office assistant. This individual deals with both clients and
potential clients as they call or email questions to the office. Although this individual will be involved in the
implementation of most of the marketing programs and service processes, it is important that the person in this
position review the marketing of Titicus Realtors on a strategic basis. Earl Estates will meet with the office assistant
once every two weeks for a two hour meeting to discuss the following:

• Marketing vision and core message of Titicus Realtors

• Current marketing efforts
• Review of the measurable results of marketing efforts
• Changes to marketing efforts - both planned and potential
• Suggestions on how to improve the marketing tactics to achieve better results and better align with the core

New real estate agents or new office assistants, when brought on-board, will require a thorough orientation in the
marketing of Titicus Realtors. Over the course of the first week, new agents must read and be familiar with all of the
past resources and writing on the website, blog, how-to guide, and marketing kit. The new agent or assistant will role
play with Earl Estates to demonstrate their understanding of how customer interactions should work. During the first
week of employment/orientation, the new staff person will include a lower salary and will be considered a trial period
for both parties. There will be ten hours of meeting between Earl Estates and the new hire over the first week to allow
for training and role playing sessions.

Sales Forecast
Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Month 10 Month 11 Month 12

Unit Sales

Luxury Home Commissions 0% 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0

Standard Home Commissions 0% 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 2 2 2

Condominum Commissions 0% 2 3 4 5 5 5 6 6 7 4 3 2

Total Unit Sales 3 4 6 8 8 9 10 11 12 7 5 4

Unit Prices Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Month 10 Month 11 Month 12

Luxury Home Commissions $37,500.00 $37,500.00 $37,500.00 $37,500.00 $37,500.00 $37,500.00 $37,500.00 $37,500.00 $37,500.00 $37,500.00 $37,500.00 $37,500.00

Standard Home Commissions $18,000.00 $18,000.00 $18,000.00 $18,000.00 $18,000.00 $18,000.00 $18,000.00 $18,000.00 $18,000.00 $18,000.00 $18,000.00 $18,000.00

Condominum Commissions $6,000.00 $6,000.00 $6,000.00 $6,000.00 $6,000.00 $6,000.00 $6,000.00 $6,000.00 $6,000.00 $6,000.00 $6,000.00 $6,000.00


Luxury Home Commissions $0 $0 $0 $37,500 $0 $37,500 $0 $37,500 $37,500 $37,500 $0 $0

Standard Home Commissions $18,000 $18,000 $36,000 $36,000 $54,000 $54,000 $72,000 $72,000 $72,000 $36,000 $36,000 $36,000

Condominum Commissions $12,000 $18,000 $24,000 $30,000 $30,000 $30,000 $36,000 $36,000 $42,000 $24,000 $18,000 $12,000

Total Sales $30,000 $36,000 $60,000 $103,500 $84,000 $121,500 $108,000 $145,500 $151,500 $97,500 $54,000 $48,000

Direct Unit Costs Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Month 10 Month 11 Month 12

Luxury Home Commissions 5.00% $1,875.00 $1,875.00 $1,875.00 $1,875.00 $1,875.00 $1,875.00 $1,875.00 $1,875.00 $1,875.00 $1,875.00 $1,875.00 $1,875.00

Standard Home Commissions 10.00% $1,800.00 $1,800.00 $1,800.00 $1,800.00 $1,800.00 $1,800.00 $1,800.00 $1,800.00 $1,800.00 $1,800.00 $1,800.00 $1,800.00

Condominum Commissions 20.00% $1,200.00 $1,200.00 $1,200.00 $1,200.00 $1,200.00 $1,200.00 $1,200.00 $1,200.00 $1,200.00 $1,200.00 $1,200.00 $1,200.00

Direct Cost of Sales

Luxury Home Commissions $0 $0 $0 $1,875 $0 $1,875 $0 $1,875 $1,875 $1,875 $0 $0

Standard Home Commissions $1,800 $1,800 $3,600 $3,600 $5,400 $5,400 $7,200 $7,200 $7,200 $3,600 $3,600 $3,600

Condominum Commissions $2,400 $3,600 $4,800 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 $7,200 $7,200 $8,400 $4,800 $3,600 $2,400

Subtotal Direct Cost of Sales $4,200 $5,400 $8,400 $11,475 $11,400 $13,275 $14,400 $16,275 $17,475 $10,275 $7,200 $6,000

Marketing Expense Budget

Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Month 10 Month 11 Month 12

Advertising $3,000 $3,000 $4,000 $4,000 $4,000 $4,000 $4,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000

Information Sessions $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500

Direct Mail $1,500 $0 $1,500 $0 $1,500 $0 $1,500 $0 $1,500 $0 $1,500 $0

Website $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

Testimonials: Gift Certificates $250 $250 $250 $500 $250 $500 $250 $500 $250 $250 $250 $250 $250

$500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $1,000 $500 $1,000 $500 $1,000 $500 $500 $500

Referral Program $250 $0 $0 $0 $250 $750 $750 $750 $750 $750 $750 $250 $250

------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------

Total Sales and Marketing

$7,250 $5,750 $8,500 $7,000 $9,750 $7,500 $9,750 $6,500 $8,500 $6,500 $7,500 $6,000

Percent of Sales 24.17% 15.97% 14.17% 6.76% 11.61% 6.17% 9.03% 4.47% 5.61% 6.67% 13.89% 12.50%
Key Marketing Metrics
Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Month 10 Month 11 Month 12

Revenue $30,000 $36,000 $60,000 $103,500 $84,000 $121,500 $108,000 $145,500 $151,500 $97,500 $54,000 $48,000

Leads 80 72 75 76 78 80 44 30 22 50 55 30

Leads Converted 10% 11% 12% 13% 14% 15% 16% 17% 18% 19% 20.00% 21.00%

Avg. Transactions/Customer 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Avg. $/Customer $10,000 $9,000 $10,000 $12,938 $10,500 $13,500 $10,800 $13,227 $12,625 $13,929 $10,800 $12,000

Referrals 4 5 6 8 21 20 19 18 17 16 5 5

PR Mentions 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 5 6 6

Testimonials 2 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 7 4 3 2

Other 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Gap Dashboard
Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Month 10 Month 11 Month 12


Invitations to speaking
0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Other 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Revenue $30,000 $36,000 $60,000 $103,500 $84,000 $121,500 $108,000 $145,500 $151,500 $97,500 $54,000 $48,000

Leads 80 72 75 76 78 80 44 30 22 50 55 30


% of customer writing

Number of agents 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2


Rating by Fairfield Homes for

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8
first-time home buyers

Customer satisfaction rate 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 90%

This is the marketing plan of_____________________________________


A. Target Market - Who are the customers?

1. We will be selling primarily to (check all that apply):

Market Segment Total Percent of Business

a. Private sector %

b. Wholesalers %

c. Retailers %

d. Government %

e. Other %

2. We will be targeting customers by:

a. Product line
We will target specific lines _________________

b. Geographic area? Which areas? _________________

c. Sales? We will target sales of _________________

d. Industry? Our target industry is _________________

e. Other? _________________

3. How much will our selected market spend on our type of product or service this coming
year? $_______________

B. Business Competition

1. Who are our business competitors?

NAME _____________________________________

ADDRESS _____________________________________

Years in business ___________________

Market share ___________________

Price/Strategy ___________________

Features ___________________

NAME ______________________________________

ADDRESS ______________________________________


Years in business ___________________

Market share ___________________

Price/Strategy ___________________

Features ___________________

2. How competitive is the market?

High Competitive Market ____________________

Medium Competitive Market ____________________

Low Competitive Market ____________________

3. List below your strengths and weaknesses compared to your business competition
(consider such areas as location, size of resources, reputation, services, personnel, etc.):

Strengths Weaknesses

1.________________________ 1._______________________

2.________________________ 2._______________________

3.________________________ 3._______________________
4.________________________ 4._______________________

C. Market Environment

1. The following are some important economic factors that will affect our product (such as
country growth, industry health, economic trends, taxes, rising energy prices, etc.):




2. The following are some important legal factors that will affect our market:




3. The following are some important government factors:




4. The following are other environmental factors that will affect our market, but over which
we have no control:





A. Description

1. Describe here what the product/service is and what it does:




B. Comparison

1. What advantages does our product/service have over those of the competition (consider
such things as unique features, patents, expertise, special training, etc.)?




2. What disadvantages does it have?




C. Some Considerations

1. Where will you get your materials and supplies?


2. List other considerations:




A. Image

1. First, what kind of image do we want to have (such as cheap but good, or exclusiveness,
or customer-oriented, or highest quality, or convenience, or speed, or ...)?

B. Features

1. List the features we will emphasize:




C. Pricing

1. We will be using the following pricing strategy:

a. Markup on cost ____ What % markup? ______

b. Suggested price ____

c. Competitive ____

d. Below competition ____

e. Premium price ____

f. Other ____

2. Are our prices in line with our image?

YES___ NO___

3. Do our prices cover costs and leave a margin of profit?

YES___ NO___

D. Customer Services

1. List the customer services we provide:

a. ____________________________________________

b. ____________________________________________
c. ____________________________________________

2. These are our sales/credit terms:

a. _____________________________________________

b. _____________________________________________

c. _____________________________________________

3. The competition offers the following services:

a. ______________________________________________

b. ______________________________________________

c. ______________________________________________

E. Advertising/Promotion

1. These are the things we wish to say about the business:




2. We will use the following advertising/promotion sources:

1. Television ________
2. Radio ________
3. Direct mail ________
4. Personal contacts ________
5. Trade associations ________
6. Newspaper ________
7. Magazines ________
8. Yellow Pages ________
9. Billboard ________
10. Other___________ ________

3. The following are the reasons why we consider the media we have chosen to be the most



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