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SPE 021513 (MCcray) Decl Curve An for Var Pressure Drop

Var Flowrate
Petroleum Engineering Seminar (Texas Tech University)

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M@wtJ@xan EnLmm’s

Decline Curve Analysis for Variable Pressu, J Drop/Variable Flowrate Systems

by T.A. Blaslngame, T,L. McCray, and W,J. Lee, Texas A&M U.

This is a preprint -- subject to correction.

cop~hhl t99\, S&ety of Pe!rdeum Engineers, Inc.

This fmper WA8 prepeti Psvpmsenlatim a? dm SPE Qat Tedmbgy Symposium held in Hwston, Texas, January 23-24,1691.

TM paprx was $elemed for presenlalicm by m SPE Program Commitrtoe following mtiew of inlormetkm conleined In an ●Mrnc4 wbmirted by the author(s), C%nmn,s of Um paper, ac
pmwnted, ham not bean revkwed gmesoc*volPlrk e o urn I%qineem tnd are subject 10 C&motion by tie eulhor(t). The materiel, ● : presented, does not necosaanly rellecr any
poslrim_Iof rho Sodaly of Petdeum nglneem, 11solfioerc, m members, Papera presented at SPE meetings are wbjact to publidon ravbw by Editorkil committees of the Sodary of
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~~t~ *m ●@ @ fim me paper is Pmmmtad. write puMic.atas hkwer, SPE, P.O Sex S3S9SS. Ridurd$on, TX T5C8S-21S6, Telex, 730369 SPEOAL

The motivationfor the workdescribedin this paper arose from formed into an cquivslcmconstantrate ca.wfor both gas and liquid
a need to analyze production dcclinc data where the flowing flow data. Camacho9indcpndcntly vcnficd that this equivalent
bottomhole pressure varies significantly, The varirtncc of the constant rate formulation is exact for the constant pressure
bottomhole rcssur@with time CXCIUS.ICS the use of the exponential production of a sli htly comprtssiblc liquid during boundary
decline mJ c1for conventional dcclinc curve analysis (scmilog dominri:ti flow con#‘mons,
plots arid type curves). Using pressure nonmalizcd flow rate
rather than flow rate usually does not remedy this problem. The McCrayto sought to develop a method to transform variablc-
rncthmi wc present uscs a rigorous superposition function to rate/vanablc pressure drop data into an equivalent constant
account for the variance of rstc and pressure during production. pressure case. In doing this, McC!raydcvclopcd a recursion
This furwdon is the constant rate analog for vanablc.rate flow formula to compute an cquivdcnt time for constant wellbore
during post-tmnsicnt conditions and can bc used to develop a pressure production, tcp, that could bc used with pressure drop
constant pressure analog for the dcclinc curve analysis of field normalized flowrate to perform dcclinc CUTVC analysis using type
data. curves.

The constant pressure antdog time function is computed from Although the approach st,rggcstcdby McCray was verified
the constant rate function using the identity that cumulative using simulation, wc sought a rigorous foundation for the
production for both cases must be qud. Using the cumulative applicationof this result, As it turns out, a relativelysimple proof
production identity, wc SOIVC recursively for the time function can bc shown for the application of the rcp function during
usin~ trapczoirlal rule integration and, as an altcrna!ivc, frnitc boundary dominated flow conditions, This prcmf is given in
diffcrcncc formuhtc, Wc have also dcvclopcda const;mtpressure AppendixA.
analog time rchuion which is rigorous for bounrky domimttcd
flow and stxvcs as an accuraIcapproximationfor tmnsicntflow, In addition to the proof of McCray’sresult, wc also provide
mcthmls to compute the constant pressure equivalent time, 2 CP,
We apply theserelationsto analyticalsolutionsfor verification using recursion formuhm in Appendix B. In Appendix C wc
and then usc the boundary dominntcdflow relation on simulated provide relations which can bc used to compute the constant
and ticld cascst These wmuhuioncases include htrgc rmdsmall pressure dimcsionlcss mtc solution given the ccnsutnt rate
step chun ‘CSin bottomhole tlowirtgpressures,and pcricxiicshut- dimensionlesspressure solution, In the text wc will pmvc thtitthe
ins. Finn]! y, wc apply these relationsto a gus w.’IIfield case, computatiortalmethods wc provide ylcld csscntittllyexact results
during boundarydominated flow and give very good pcrfornmncc
during transientflow.

The widespread usc of ty~rcCUI-VCSIJ to analyze mlc dcclinc ~

data has motivated us to consldcr the implicationsof varying rate
and pressure drop production. ‘1’hcorcticallys~aking, for the Our first goaJ is to establish that our new mcttisxi actually
flow of a slightly compressibleliquid, the analytical stems cmthe transforms a variable.ratclvariablc pressure drop systcm into an
Fctkovichl ty curve arc valid only for the ccm!ant wellbore equivalent constant rcssure systcm, Wc begin with a proof of
pressure pr z uction CMC,+6 In previous worksv,a wc have the validity of our soPution by transforminga constantrate system
shown that variablcwatdwtriablcpressuredrop data may bc trans- into a constant prcssutv s stcm. Because these solutions arc
frqucntly used in dimonsrSMIMSformat, wc will perform this
Rcfcrcnccsand=tmtions at cnd of paper verificationusingdimcnsionhw variabkx.

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2 DeclineCurve Analysisfor VariablePressureDrop/VariableFlowrateSystcn?s SpE 21513

The computationalformulaearc givenin AppcndiccsB and C functions. Wc will demonstrate the ap~licationof the boundary
and wc will verify each. Thcsc include the fcilowing rccuraion dominatedflow mcthcxion a simulatedhquid productioIIaqucncc
formulae; the integral method proposed by McC!ray10and the 2- and a fic!dcaac for a gas WCIIthat has been analyzedpreviouslyin
and 3-point brickwarddtifcmncomethodsdcvclopcdin this work the literature.ZM
The recursion relations for this part of the verification arc
dcvclopcdin AppendixB and summarizedin AppendixC,
We will also use the boundarydominatedflow relationswhich
result from tsating the constant rate and constant pressure
anal tics! SOIU7 or..’,This dcvclopmcntand the pertinentrelations In this section wc will apply the tcP-tcrtransform describediri
for ti is psxtof the verificationam given in AppendixB. the previous section to a simulatedproduction squcrtcc in an Oil
WCI1.The mscrvoirdata and flow historyarc given in Table 1.
Fi . I shows the log-log behavior of the qo functions vcraus
tD ant tcp~ function for tic cssc of a well ccntcrcd in abounded TABLE 1
cimulaxreservoir (r~=NP), Duc to the number of mcthcds being
cansidcm we will discuss the transientand boundarydominated WellimdReservdr Parameters
flow behavior separately, First wc note that, during early times (Well Centered in alloundedCircular Resemoir)
(transient flow), all of the tcpp methods yield a good
approximation to tic q~(t~) sohmon, cxccpt at very early times B, RB/STB 1,00
(t@20). This implies that all of these methods yield a reasonable cl, psia-l 15.0 X 1o-I5
approximation to the analytical solution during transient flow, h, ft
Obviously,the analyticalsolutionfor tmundarydominatedflow is 4 0.::
not valid during transient flow as shown by the deviation of this \i, Cp
solution and the transientflow sohstion. rW, ft 0°2:
re, ft 745 (40 acre)
Now if wc consider the late time (boundary dominated flow) k, md 1,0
portion of Fi&.1 (rD>3x105),wc find that virtually all of the to D s
mcthds agrc.cwry closdy with the qD(lD) Solution.Athough &ls
pi, psia 48~
scale prccludcs very CIOSC
inspection,it dots appear that t D2 for
the dcnvativc mcth(xl1 dots show signi!lcantdeviation, ‘f%iswill CA 31.62
bc invcstigsttcdmore closely when these dara arc rcplottcd on a
scmilog q~ gmph in Fig. 2. Using the WC]!and rcscswoirparametersgiven above and Eqs. A-3
to A-5, wc computethem and b paramctwsand wc obtain
Fig. 2 is a rcplot of Fig. 1 using a scmilog scale for the qD
fLSnctiOnS and a cancsian scsdcfor the tD functions. Wc nOtCthat m= 2,3&/09x10-z@/S~/D/D
the scsulta for dcnvativc method 1 do begin to diverge from those b = 32.8948 pSi& ~@
r f the Othermcthtsds,which cIwly ovcr]ay the correct solution,
Fig, 2 sug~sta that dtivativc rrscthod1 should not be used in
racticc, but that the integraltncthw dcnvativc mcthcx!2, and the Flom History
L undarydominatd flow methodshould give accuratewsults.
flow scqucncc r, days q,STBfD p~, psia
Of these, the boundary dominatti flow method is the easiest 180 50 constantrate
to apply since it dots not rcqtlirc recursion calculations, but ; 180 const~t p~ 2000
instead provides a dhtct Uansf{“mationbctwccn t D (or tc,D) and .. shut in
tcp (Eq.B-2), tc~o is the is the dimensionless matcnaI balance 1:0 constantp~ 4000
time function, introduced by Blasingamcand UC7 and later (and : 180 Constyt p)@ 3000
indcpcndcntly) b Camacho9as an quivalcnt constant rate time .. 3 shut in
function for variai lc-ratchriablc pressuredrop flowconditions. 5 3s00
6, 1500
Onc problcm that tic boundarydominatedflow method might .. shut in
b pcrccIvcdto have would bc that in field applications,formation 7 180 constantp~ 2500
proptics arc rquircd to computethe m and b constantsin the tcr 8 S40 const~x p~ 1500
tcftransform relation, Eq, IV1. However, these constants arc
easily dctcm~incdfrom a cartesian plot of A@Qversus tc+=Q/q)
during boundarydominatul flow. This proccdurc is verified for a The flow mtc profiles that WCIEobtained from the simulation
variety of cases in Ref. 7, Also, bccausc this is a rigorous cases arc shown in Fig, 3, Wc have inchsdcdan arbitrary base
formulation for boundary dominated flow, the m and b constants case (p~30Mt psia) to orient the analysisof all of tic data, That
arc unique and will provide theoreticallyconsistent results when is, when wc have obtained the correct transformationof data, all
used in Eq. B-1, cases including the base case should overlay the same trend,
Although it is conceivable that these rate profiles could bc
Additionally,Mcthylo reportedinconsistentresults using the analyzed separatelyusing dcdinc curve analysis, the cawistcncy
integral method to compute the rc function when Iargc pressure of the rcsuhs would b dcpcndcnton the ability of the analyst, In
changes ancl/or shut-ins occurc# McCray was forced to usc particular, the transient spikes caused by pressure changes and
cmpisicalextrapolationpointsto cause the imcgralmethodto yield shut-ins would be difficult to interpret, and the non-uniform
correct results, Again, the boundarydominated flow method will behavior after the effect of the spike has subsided would
not have these roblcms Iwausc tic m and b parameters arc inevitablyyield ambiguousrcstdts.
unique and the formulation of the tq+ transfo~ 0%. B-1) iS
rigorous, Onc method used to align variable rate pressure data with the
correct cccnstantrate solution is rate norrnahsstionof the pressure
For these rcmons, wc rccommcnd that the bounda drop. In dwlinc curve analysis, many analystsusc prcsstsrt dmp
dominated flow rncthod which uscs Eqs. B-l (field) or B-T normalisation of the flow mtc profile in an attempt to obtain the
(dimcnsionlcss) be used for computation of the tcp or ?CPD

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SPE 21513 T.A. B!usingamc,T.L. McCrayand W,J, La 3

II prcs:
“correct”constant pressure solution. It can be seen in Fig. 4 that
xc drop normalization does not yickl a constant nrcssure
analog solution,
Well~Reservoir par~ters
(Assumed Geometry: Well Centered in
Clearly, wc must usc other techniques which are more a Bounded Circular Reservoir)
rigorous than psessumdrop normalizationfor field applica{{,ons
decline curve analysis, The method of choice will be the onc B, R13/MSCF 0.70942
proposed by Blasmgamc and Lec7 whit: converts variablc-
ratchriablc rcssure tip data to the equiwdcm constant rare et, psia-l 1.870 X 10”4
h, ft
case. From t is anal sis wc will obtain the m and b parameters
rquired by Eq.
‘! B-1 or transformation to an equivalent constant # 0.;:
pressure system, & Cp 0,02167
Fw,ft 0,354
Fig, 5 shows the cartesian plot of alp/q vs. tcr(=Q/q) rquircd -5,30 *
to determine them and b parameters. m is the slope of this plot ~, md 0,0786S *
and b is the intcrcc t. Although thcte is some data scatter, it is p.~ psia 710
ckar that them an1 b psramctcra do rcprmcnt a best fit trend of pi, psia 4175
the dam. Therefore, the step of determining the m and b C* 31,62
parameters is illustrtttcdas a simple and straightforward process. G, Bscf (!’ef,2) 3.360
Fig. 6 shows the log-log plot of Ap/q vetmssrc, that could be used G, Bscf (rcf,3) 3.035
for type curve matching on constant rate type curves. Fig. 6 also
shows that the concept of using Aplq and fcr appears to also be * Averageof valuesobtainedfrom ref. 2 and 3.
valid for transientflow, given the agreementbetweenthe constant
rate and constant pressure base case (pW~3000 psia) during From the results of ref. 8 wc have
transientflow (rcrc50days).
ma = 2,O5536X1O-3ps@lSCFP/D
The next step is to usc them and b parameters in Eq. B-1 to b. = 1.3094psi/MscF/D
convert from tcr (constant rate analog time) to tcp(constant G= 2.6281 Bscf
pressure analog time), This is also a simple and straightforward
procedure. Once tc is computed, a log-log plot of q/@ vs. Gp is Fig. 8, which is a log-log plot of @a/q versus tc~,a,is taken
made. Fig. 7 is suci a plot and wc immcxiiatclynote that all cases directly from rcf, 8 and shown here for complctcmess. Wc htwc
overlay the same trend during both transient and boundary included the computedresponseduting boundarydominated flow
dominated flow. obviously, the analyticalsolution for boundary as prescribed by Eq. A-1, T hc Apa/4 and tcr,a variables arc the
dominatedflow (exponentialdecline) will not agree with transient pseudotimc and pseudopressureas defined and computed in ref.
flow solution. 8, This nomenclature may seem awkward, but defining these
variablesin this manner allowsus to usc liquid flow quations for
Fig, 7 represents the endpoint of our effort to determine art analysis, Therefore, any equationswc preaem are valid for either
quivalent anstant pressuretransformationfor variablc-rate/vari- liquid or gas flow as long as the correct time and pressure
~blcpressuredrop flow data, Wc are satisfiedthat this is a logical variablesarc used.
and consistent procedure that should yield accurate rcsuhs when
applied to field data, The verification of this method is that all Wc note that the boundary dominated flow sohstiondoss not
cases overlay the base case @~-30fXt ]’sia), where ~IAPand t model the transient flow behavior of the data in Fig. 8. This is
were used as the plotting functions for I$C base case. At this cxpectcdand wc only state this observationfor completcncss, Wc
point, Fig, 7 can & used for decline curt c analysis using type could use Fig. 8 in a type curve matching analysis with constant
curves such as the one presentedby Fctkovich,l rate type cwves. However, it is our objective to analyze these
data with a constant pressure typeCUIVC so wc must proeecd with
transfomningthe tcr~variableto yieldCcp,a.
This analysisrquircs that wc modify the variables in Eqs, A-
1, A-3, A-4, and B.1 for analysis of gas WC]]test data using
In this section wc will apply the ICrtc, transform @q. B-1) to pscudoprcssurc and pscudotimc, For gas analysis Eq. A-1
the analysis of vttriablc rate gas well data as described in becomes
rcfcrcnccs 2,3, and 8. Unfortunately, the complexity of this
analysis is compounded because gas WCIIanalysis requires the
used of paeudoprcssurcand pscudotime, Wc will refer to ref. 8 (1)
for the pseudopressure and pscudotimc functions as WCIIas for
the msulta of an iterative procedure to dctcrminc the m and b Eq, A-3 becomes
parameters and the gas-in-place, G. This iterative procedure, as ~a=_&
described in ref. 8, simulau+ntmuslydctcrmincs these parameters (2)
tsauac the pseudotime function requires Icnowlcdgcof the gas-
in-phw for matcdal balancecomputations. Eq. A-4 becomes

The reservoirdata and flow hiworyarc given in Table 2.

For a closed cyhl.rkxd swemoir Eq, 3 becomes


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4 DcclincCur-wAnalysisfor VariablePressureDrop/VaririblcFlowrateSystetm SPE21513

And finally,for gas weil test analysisEq. B-1 hxomes Also, for a bounded cirat!ar reservoir, the fosmation permeabi-
lity, k, can be computed using
(5), -g_
We have usedEq. 5 to eomjwtcthe tc~ functionsused in Fig.
9. Note that Fig, 9 is a log-log lot ot q fAP~ versus tcp,~and that
the the boundary dominated h ow sOIWiOn(Computccfq14Pa
~w 4

Using Eq. 8, wc can estimate the gas-in-place, G, This calcula-


function) agrees very wcli with the data during boundary

dominated flow but not during transient flow. This is expected tion gives
and we shouldnot be conccrncdabout this difference.
Once we have created Fig, 9 using the q/Apa versus rCPadata,
wc will want ‘omate} this data upon the Fetkovichl type curve, G = 2.6278 B~f
Fig. 10 reprc%ms this type curve match. Note that the data agree
with the t curve during the transition from transient to Using Eq, 10, wc can cs:imatc tthe formation permeability, k,
boundary r ominated flow and throu hou; boundary dominated This calculationyields
flow , T he sc a m it y of data for tc ~<1h days (4 points) iimits our
~ ~ ,41 ~~0.70942 0.02167
interpretation of the transient Fiow portion of the data, but an (;0) +@o)-ii(w)
estimateof r#W’=20 for the tmnsientstem seemsreasonable. k= ().()5432md
Once the data are overlain and matched to the type curve, we The computed values of gas-in-place and permeability
will determine a match point from the coordinates of both plots, compare very WC]] with those obtained in ref. 8, In fact, the
The match point for Fig, 10 is results arc vimsally identical. The reason for this is quite simple,
The constant rate analog method (using @a/q and tcr,a) and the
RateFunctionMatchPoint: constant pressure analog method presented in this work arc
qD= 1.0 rigorously related, Therefore, if wc are consistent,both methods
shouldyield the same results.
q{dp = 0,78 MSCFiD/psi
Time MatchPoint: Our estimate of gas-in-place, G, is 22 percent less than the
estimate of Fctkovich, et al,q and is 14 percent Icss than the
t&=l estimate given by Fraim and Wattcnbarger.j However, wc
tcP~= 630 days express confidence that our estimate is as acclqratt as the ones
given by the other investigators. And wc feel that our approachis
more rigorous, because of the pscudoprcssurc and pscudotimc
,. soiutionfommiation.
Once the match point is determined for a data set on the Our estimate of permeability is within 31 pcrccnt of the
Fctkovichl type curve, we can computethe volume of fluids in the average of the estimates given in refs. 2 and 3. We feel that our
reservoir and the formation permeability, k. We need permeability estimate is consistent with these vahsesof the other
computational relations for liquid (oil) and for gas where the investigatorsand ccstainlyreasonable,even given the sparsedata
correct pseudopressureand pseudotimefunctionsare used. trend in the transient flow region. These data arc used to identify
ths rJrWc value finm the tmnsicntstem type curves.

The oil-in-place,N, can be computedusing SJMMARYANDCOKLJJSIONS

~ This paper introduces a method that can be used to analyze
variable-rate/variable pressure drop production data using a
N=.~ & h constant pressure analog time function, The most significant
ct [()(1]
9dD mp rdD rnp (6) result is that of the boundary dominated time transformationfor
The formationpermeability,k, can& computedusing constant mte or constant pressure flow, This transform, given by
Eq. II-1, allows an analyst to compute an equivalent time for
constant pressure production, quickly and easily, based on the
parameters m and b, obtained using Eq. A-1, For gas wclis this
prcdurc is lCSSstraightforwardand rquircs an iterativesolution
(7) developed in ref. 8.
Wc considered four diffcmnt methods to tratyfomrtvariable.
rate data into the constant pressure solution profile, Wc
The gas-in-place,G, can bc computed using considered three recursion formulae which compute the constant
pressure~uivalcnt time function, tc,by panel summationsbased
on trapezoidalrule intcgrationloan{’fmitc diffcrcnccexpansions,
Each of these relations was ap lied successfully to convert the
‘=*[(~)mp(~~)mj (8) constant rate dirncnsionlcss soPution into the constant pressure
dimcnsionlcs solution. Iiowcvcr, McCraylo found that
The formationpermeability,k, can be computedusing application of the trapezoidal rule integration method gives poor
results when a plied to erratic data or data with cxtcncded shut-
ins, This bc[ avior makes the general application of these
rccrnsionfwrrwlacdifficultat best,

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SPE21513 T,A. Blnsirsgime,T,L. McCray and W.J. Lee 5

The fourth method developed was a rigorous identity which Cp = constantpressureor constantpressureanalog
equates the kxtndary dominated solutions for constant rate and D= dirncnsionlcssvariable
constant pressure production. The resulting two-parameter mp = matchpoint on a typecurve
relation @q. B-1) may bc used for dimensionless solutions or
field data applications. When the m and b parameters are
determined using the methods developed in ref, 7, data scatter
should have Iittlc effect on the VSIUCS
of the parametersbecause a
best fit trend is established. These characteristics make the Wc gratefully acknowledge the assistance of Elizatwth
boundary dominated flow method the most useful product of this BarbozattndJemniferJohnston for their hcIp in the preparationof
work. dds manuscript.
Wc recommend using the methods prcscntcd in this work thr
the type curve analysis of variable-rate/variable pressure drop 1. Fetkovich, M.J.: “Dcclinc Curve Analysis Using Type
production data, The methcd is relatively simple and should be Curves,”JPT (June 1980) 1065-77,
applicable to a wide range of WCI1test problems, including the
analysisof gas well test data demonstratedin this work. 2. Fetkovich,M.J., et UL“Decline-CurveAnalysisUsing Type
Curves.-Case Histories,”SPEFE (Dec. 1987) 637-56.
3. Frairn, M.L. and Wattcnbmgcr, R,A.: “Gas Reservoir
1, The recursion fonnulae discussed in this work should not be Decline-CusvcAnalysis Using Type Curves With Real Gas
applied in practice due to problems associatedwith the erratic Pseudopressureand NormalizedTime,” WEFE (&c, 1987)
nature of field data, which could cause poor results. 671-82,

2. The boundarydominatedflow method is the methodof ckaicc 4. Ehlig-Economides, C.A. and Ramcy, H,J., Jr.: “Transient
to transform the constant rate analog time function ir,to a Rate Dcclinc Analysis for Wells Produced at Constant
constant pressure analog time function, This mcthid is prCSSUR,” :PEJ (Fcbo1981)98-104,
consistent, easy to apply, and should give accuratercsuits for
a wide range of problcmtypes. 5. Ehlig-Economides, C.A. and Ramey, H,J,, Jr,: “pressure
Buildup for Wells produced at a Constant pressure,” $PEJ
3. The boundary dominated transform method can be used co (FcIJ. 1981) 105-114.
model constit wellborepressure productionbehaviorcxaciy
during boundary dominated flow and should give accurate 6. Blasingamc, T,A. and Lee, W.J.: “Properties of
results during transient flow. Homogeneous Rcscrvoi.m,Naturally Fractured Reservoirs,
and HydraulicallyFracturedReservoirsfrom Decline Curve
Analysis,” paper SPE 15018 presented at the 1986 SPE
NO a PcrrnianBasin Oil and Gas RecoveryConfcrencc,Midland,
TX, March 13-14, 1986.
Dimensionless Variables
bD = dimensionlessconstant defined by Eq, B-4 7. INasingamc,T.A. and Lee, W.J.: “Variable-RateReservoir
CA = dirrmsionless shape factor Limits Testing,” paper SPE 1.5028presented at the 1986
= dimensionlessconstant defined by FA.B-3 SW? Permian Basin Oil and Gas Recovery Conference,
%’ = dimensionlesspressure (conslantmtc case) Midland,TX, March 13-14, 1986.
f@ = dimensionlessslltc(constantpressurecase)
Y = Euler’sconstant (0.577216 .,, ) 8. Blasingamc: T.A. and Lee, W.J.: “The Variable-Rate
Reservoir Limits Testing of Gas Wcllst paper SPE 17708
Field Variables(Formationand Fluid ProDerliexJ prcscntcd at the 1988 SPE Gas Technology Symposium,
fo~ation volume factor, RB/$IT3 ‘ Dallas, TX, June 13-15, 1988,
constant as defined by Eq, A-4 (liquid) and Eq, 3 (gas)
to:sI compressibility,psiai 9. Camacho-V,, R,G,: Well Pe@ormance Under Solution Gas
gas-in-place,MSCF (or 13scfas in the fieldexample) Drive, Ph,D, Dissertation, University of Tulsa, Tulsa, OK
total formationthickness,ft (1987),
constant as defined by Eq. A-3(liquid) and F.q,2 (gas) 10, Iviccrav.T,L,: Reservoir AnalvsisUsing Productwn Decline
oil-in-place,ST13 Data &d Adjusted Time, ‘M,S, Tkis, Texas A&M
initial reservoirpsessurc.psi3 University,College Station, TX (1990),
flowing bottomholepressure,psia
flowrate,STB/Dor MSCWDfor the fieldexample
cumulativeproduction,STB Appendix A: ~ ,&!&QWtm
wcllbom radius, ft of v~ .
reservoir chainagcradius, ft
re/rw, dimensionlessrescmoir drainageradius
porosity, fraction We will start with a relationwhich allows for the constantrate
viscosity, cp analysis of vsiriablc-ratekwiablc-pressure drop test data during
boundary dominated f!ow, This relation has been verified for
Subscripts liquid flow by Bhsingamc and Lec’;~ro?d”~~machog, This relation
a = “adjusted”variable for gas well test analysis. Usc of has also been verified for gas flow by IMsingarnc and IA@, The
these variables in gas well test analysis yields an constantrate analog,wlationis given as
&. constantrate or conwmt rate analog

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6 DeclineCurveAnalysisfor VariablepressureI)rop/VaricblcF!mvratesystems SPE21513

—=mtcr+b We need to prove the right-h~.,ld-side(RHS) of ~., A-8. This is
N) (A-1) done by integrating Eq. A-7 so it is the same form as the RHS of
where W,. A-8. This gives
= --1’-
‘Cr f?(r) *
q(t)dr = —
‘(t) (time in Days)
@hcfi (A-3)

() eTCA r~2 (A-4) (A-11)
and CombiningEqns. A-7 and A-11 gives
rw = rw e-s
We will also need the general solution for a well producing at a
constant pressureduring boundarydominatedflow. Thk solution (A-12)
is given by Ehlig-Economides and Ramey~,Sand later by
Blasingameand Lec.c This so!utionis Notice that the right-hand-sides of Eqs. A-10 and A-12 arc
identical, This result proves that Eq. A-8 is exact for boundary
‘row) (A-6)

Our objecciveis to develop a general time function that allows us AppendixB: ~J%!@Jl
‘ “
to use Eq. A-6 to model a variable-rate/vanable-pressur~ drop
process, This generalrelation is arv 130ml~
The objectiveof this swion is to developa methodto computethe
rcpfunction. A relatively simple relation is obtained by quating
Eqs. A-1 and A-7 and solving for tcp.This gives
~ Exp(~@), “ *
where tcp is the time at which the constant pressure solution is
valid for a general variable-rate/variable-pressuredrop response. or
In this sense, ICPis an unknown which must lx dctcrmincri.
%/2 =$ql +fpcr) (B-1)
McCray10proposed [he following rcl.~tionas a defining refwion or in termsof dimcnsimless variables
for tcp
‘c/)D =m
D td
) (R-2)
—. &l ~T
mp=L. tirW2
M(t) o A’P(o r@2 A (B-3)
1 (A-8)
McCray developed Eq, A-8 via induction from the constant
pressure solution where ~(?) would be constant and could be
factored out, (B-4)
Although McCray proved Eq. A-8 cmpincal;y using simulation,
wc sought a more rigorous justification. In the fcJlowing
dcnvtitions we provide a rigorous proof of Eq, A-8 for boundary
dominate ! flow. Although Eqs. B-1 and B-2 are strictly valid for boundary
d~ot~a$d flow, we find that, for short times, these relations
Frst we rquire the coustant rate analogresult, Eq, A-1, and
Q. A-2, CombiningEqs. A-1 and A-2 gives tcp Z tcr (K3-5a:
9#1.mQ~+h and, in dimcnsiortlcssfomr
(A-9) tq)J)
= t@ (}1-5b
Solving Eq. A-9 for Q(t)/dp(t) gives Although wed? not present a rigorous proof, J@ B-5a and B:51
do suggest thut Khctcpfunction can M approximated by the tc
Q(O .1 ,- b-@- function during transient flow: General applicationof I@ B-5
AP(t) m [1 Ap(t) (A-10) and B-5b requiresfurlhcr invcstigaticm,
Eq, A-10 provides us with the Icft-’:and.sidc(I,HS) of Eq, A-l?.

Heruntergeladen durch Gon Za Li To (


SPE21513 T,A. T,L,

131asingamc, McCray and W,J, lee 7

I And combining Eqns. B-8, B-9, and B-11, and solving for AtCP,i
Integral hiethod
McCmylo proposed to compute the tc functionby approximation . ~ @(ti) Q(ti.$ 4Q(ti-1)+ ~
of the integral in Eq. A-8 using ti c trapezoidal rule, This
essentiallyresults in a recursion formula where the tcpfunciion is
‘rep’l 1
%(ti) [Ap(ri.2) @(ti-1) AP(ti)
Appendix C: ~~
‘Cp= f At.p,i
i= 1
The AtCP,i
terms are computedusing individualtrapumid panelsof
In the calculations, the constant pressure dimensionless rate
*C q(1) solution is definedas
— function. For an individualtrapezoidwc have qcpD = ~
APO) (c-1)
Theequivalentdimensionlesstime is
Ii .%!?L * + ~ti-l) I
2 [@(ti) &(ti. 1) 1 tcpD = i~l AtcpD,i

where the ZMCpDj

are given for the integralmethod as
- Q(tJ . —
/i .—. Q(ti.])

[AP(ri) Wi-1) 1 =2[%%+1

~ ~ ~-
for a given pane!. [PD,i F’D,i-l1 (c-3)
and fol dxivative method 1 as
Combiningand solving for AtcP,igives tD,i pfi,i
AtcPD,i = tD,i - ——
‘ @2iL. aLIL PD,i-1 (c-4)
[ ~(ti) A~ti- J and for derivativemethod2 as
t~p,i =
,- pll,i tD,i-2 . 4tD,i- 1 &
&,. 4U.L
[@(ti) AP(~i.] ) 1 (B-7)
AlcpD,I 2 [PD,i-2 PD,i-1 PE,; 1 (c-5)

DerivativeMetlwds We can also u~eihc Imund.uydominatedflow method to compute

Other methods, which are based on the dcnvativc of Eq. A.7, can the tcpDfunct]on, In this case, tcpD is obtained using E+ R-2, I
be developedto compute the tcpfunctionusing Eq. B-6.Differen- B-3 and B-4.
tiationof Eq. A-7 with respect to rCPyields
q(t) - d Q(O I
dtcp ()Ap(i) (B-8)
Ret%) .,ICgeneral flnitc diffcrcncc cxp~nsion for the first
f’(x) s k
dxi (B-9)
~(x) = fi~t derivative
Af = differenceexpansion
a = constant for a given differenceexpansion
‘xi = panel width for the differenceexpansion.
in our case we will use the first and second backwardsdiffcrcncc I
Expansions,These arc
CaSCl:&=$i -fi.l, U=l m-lo)

case 2 Zw= fi.z - 4fi.1 + 3fi , CS~2 (B-11) I

Combining I@. B-8, B-9 and I3-10and solving for Mclj,igives

.= MQ.L?U. M!UL
~(ti)[A/l(li)*(ti.1)1 (I-.12)

Heruntergeladen durch Gon Za Li To (


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Heruntergeladen durch Gon Za Li To (





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Heruntergeladen durch Gon Za Li To (


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Heruntergeladen durch Gon Za Li To (


. 0 ~(jo 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000

120 I 1 1 I I
~ 120
~ p=+()!ltl psia ~

j)o-. — —.—. ..-..--—- .-.—-.-—_______

............. ........ ............... ..... ....... ......... .................. ........................... . .. .....
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2 40 ............. ....-

q=50 S?’B/l) ~?.~z~ p~a ! pWf=15U0 psia ~

@W;] ; (ficw 2) ~ (fl~v~ @ ;
i \ i 1 i
o 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
L (=Q/q),days

F@ITe 5- ~afi~sja~ plot of Ap/q versus ta for the liquid simulation cases.

\ ‘

Heruntergeladen durch Gon Za Li To (



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Heruntergeladen durch Gon Za Li To (





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Ca I

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Heruntergeladen durch Gon Za Li To (




!.-! ’10

“t’ ,,
...,,,,,,, ... .. ....,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. - “o


1 1 I I
IWu) 1 r 1
1 I
et I ne
1 i I I
“o ‘G

cI/LnswsLl ‘I)/”dv

Heruntergeladen durch Gon Za Li To (


sPE 21513

10° 101 102 103 104

‘ ‘ “’’’” ‘ ‘ “’’’”
1 n 1 1 1 1


6 / 4
Bmmdaiiy Dominated Flow Solution
@APa=(l/ba) El:p[-(rnJbJtcP,.l \:
-). or 2
@Pa=[% 1.,,, + baJ-l
............ .... .............................+....
..... ................................ ................................................... ....................
6 Results of Gas ~aterial J3alance Iterative
4- ~
solution ( 131asinmrne and Lee8~ f
ma =2.05536x10-3 Psi/MSCF~~
2- ba =1.3094 @./lvlSCF/D 2
G=2.6281 Bscf [tW,.= (bJmJ ~[1 + (m@.J&J I
i 1 # I1#I#J
10° 101 102 “4
103 10
t.P,a, days

Figure 9- Plot of q/Apa versus tCP,afor d~.ta of Fetkovich, et aL2

t~P,afunction computed using IC,,
. and the equation shown.

Heruntergeladen durch Gon Za Li To (


Ill 111
102 I I I 3 I 1 11 I a I I ! I I 1 I t f a 1 1 t I I I a I 9 I I I
u .

r=k”’= 1
.......................... ..8.

JII 1 1
.. .... ........ ........ ..........
* 1 r~
... . ... .......
: 102
1 1

Mat~h #oint

(@A)m; = 0.78 MSCF/Dfi i

1 1:1
; 103
111 1 1 1 I

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
...-................................. @

(qdD)mp ~ = 1-0
(~q,~w 630days : =
(td~):np ; = l.~
------rJr’w : = 20.0
1......~~ ................................
! 1 no
10° W



.- 1 .. . ..... . .. ... . ... ..... . ... ... ...... .. .. ... ... ....... ........ ....... . .....
10-] .........................<6............ ..8.. .... ........ . .... ...... ...... ............ ... ...... . ....... . ..... ....?......
~ 4

; 2

m 2
~o-2 1 L -l?~ I # 8 I 1. t 1(
a n 1 4 13if 1 8 1 8 x JI I &I Iv1II
-loi ‘ ,1
io4 10-’ tm,a,days 10-L 10-’ 10°‘u 1011“ 102

Figure 10- Type curve match of q/Apa versus tCP,,for data from Fetkovich, et al.2
Fetkovich type curve for radial flow.

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