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I. Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest ( 2.5 pts)
1. A. method B. breathe C. bathroom D. tooth
2. A. chooses B. houses C. rises D. horses
3. A. climber B. lamb C. timber D. debt
4. A. hatred B. decided C. beloved D. washed
5. A. challenge B. change C. character D. chance
II. Find out the word which is stressed differently from the rest (2.5 pts)
6. A. comedy B. command C. comfortable D. compass
7. A. commentary B. alert C. legal D. model
8. A. register B. regular C. request D. reference
9. A. famous B. curious C. suspicious D. numerous
10. A. voluntary B. compulsory C. necessary D. stationary

I. Choose the one whose underlined part is incorrect (10pts)
11. In the (A) novel, everyone (B) they encounter (C) try to thwart their (D) efforts .
12. (A) Some of the most (B) famous Middle Eastern newspapers, the Pyramids, was (C) established in
Egypt (D) in 1875.
13. Included in (A) this series (B) are “ the enchanted horse”, (C) among other famous (D) children’s
14. All (A) them who share a common (B) interest in music (C) are brought together (D) by the Music
15. (A)The seemingly endless attacks of mosquitoes, (B) fly, and other pests can (C) ruin an otherwise
enjoyable (D) outing in the woods.
16. (A) That the museum includes (B) displays of the papyrus-making process (C) are yet another reason
for not missing (D) it.
17. The (A) illustrated and photographs of (B) fish and corals (C) of the Great Barrier Reef (D) are
18. The Freedom of Information Act, (A) passed by the US Congress in 1966, (B) gives US (C) citizen the
right of (D) access to public records .
19. (A) The sale of pet (B) turtles was banned because of the disease risk (C) they posed to young (D)
20. Dr.August Raspet was (A) a researcher and designer of (B) sailplanes and (C) inventors of the flying
(D) bicycle

11. C 12. A 13. B 14. A 15. B
16. C 17. A 18. D 19. C 20. C

Select the word that best fits the gap (5 pts)
21. We believe that these animals could be saved if our plan were …………
A. adopted B. taken up C. practised D. exploited
22. Local people are concerned about pollution from ………oil wells.
A. maritime B. sea-going C. off-shore D. coastline
23. He bought a pair of sunglasses with silver…………
A. rims B. brims C. edges D. boundaries
24. The ………….from a nearby tree were scratching against the window.
A. trunks B. boughs C. twigs D. barks
25. Those campers are really………….They have no idea how to set up a tent.
A. green B. blue C. white D. black
26. …………beans are sweeter and tastier than big ones.
A. Dwarf B. Microscopic C. Minimal D. Miniature
27. Some sportsmen ……… relax before a contest.
A. predict B. contemplate C. meditate D. conceive
28. I can smell the perfume.........
A. with faintness B. faintly C. faintly D. faint
29. “ Did you remember to give Ann the money you owe her?”
“ Yes.........I saw her, I remembered.”
A. Momentarily B. While C. Suddenly D. The instant
30. send for our free brochure by..........the coupon below
A. answering B. responding C. completing D. filling
Select the one that best fits the gap (5 pts)-grammar
31. The plane ..........until 9 p.m
A. is not due to arrive B. is not dued to arrive
C. is due to arrive D. is dued to arrive
32. I supposed, as ………we all, that the meeting would be cancelled.
A. did B. would C. only D. just
33. Although the Moon appears………, it reflects on average only 7 percent of the light that falls on it.
A. bright to the eye B. brightly to the eye
C. bright in the eye D. brightly in the eye
34. Spacecraft have contributed further knowledge to the moon studies……..1950s.
A. in the B. in C. since the D. since
35. Sorry I’m late, but I ……….call in at the supermarket on the way home.
A. must B. was to C. had to D. needed
36. Illnesses with human causes…………..a result of violations of the basic rules of behaviour, anger or
A. should be B. would become C. must become D. may be
37. How well you remember things………on how many different factors.
A. depends B. depend C. depended D. depending
38. The context…………you learn something can affect how well you remember it.
A. which B. in which C. on which D. that
39. The more often you recall a memory, the …… are to remember it. If you don’t use your memory,
you will lose it.
A. most likely B. likelier C. more likely D. likely
40. Why don’t you try………..honey instead of sugar in this case?
A. using B. to use C. to using D. and use


Select the one that best fits the gaps (5 pts)
41. If you are hard ………… hearing, you will find our hearing aids invaluable.
A. on B. of C. in D. at
42. The prospective buyer had decided to look........the property before committing himself.
A. about B. out C. over D. up
43. The old lady’s savings were considerable as she had put....... a little money each week.
A. by B. in C. apart D. down
44. I’m afraid I’m not very good ………………. animals.
A. at B. on C. in D. with
45. I heard you went for a new interview. How did you make ……………?
A. up B. over C. out D. with
46. My mother never gives anyone a tip ……………. principle.
A. at B. on C. in D. with
47. I was ……………… the impression that you liked Indian food.
A. at B. on C. with D. under
48. He invested money when that stock was low. Now it has tripled and he is cleaning ….
A. on B. up C. over D. out
49. All her hard work paid ……………… the end and she’s now successful.
A. off B. up C. out D. in
50. She’s cunning. Don’t be ……………….by her apparent shyness.
A. up B. in C. out D. into

I. Read the passage below and select the best answer
Valerie Jones runs a company called Peanuts whose job it is to look after pop stars and pop groups
when they go on tour. She is the person who feeds the stars and she’s been doing it for the past ten years.
When the stars are playing at a festival Valerie may have to cook for up to a thousand people which
includes all the crew and the people who work backstage. She erects a marquee-a huge tent-and the food is
served buffet style from a central serving area. She has to cater for different tastes, so there are normally four or
more choices of menu. She also has to look after people who may be on special diet or some singers don’t eat
dairy food before a concert.
She drives an enormous truck full of kitchen equipment and hires at least three walk-in refrigerators, a
dishwashing unit and portable cabins which act as storerooms and office.
All the bands have to queue up to be served and everyone has to have a meal ticket. The stars are usually more
relaxed when they are eating as noone is bothering them for autographs, although Valerie says that sometimes
the security men and the stars’ managers are more trouble than the stars themselves.
There are certain things which she always has to keep in stock like herbal teas and her own particular
mixture of honey, lemon and ginger which singers like to keep in flasks on stage with them when they are
singing. Years ago bands used to drink quite a lot of alcohol, but these days they’re much healthier. Most bands
drink fresh fruit juice and prefer to eat salads.
A lot of people in the bands are quite young and they’re not used to very expensive food, so Valerie
prepares plain food unless a band sends her a “rider”. This is a list of special requirements. When people are
tired, unwell or homesick they like to have familiar” confort” food so she keeps a stock of people’s
requirements just in case. As a result of all this Valerie says she has become an expert shopper and in less than
an hour in a supermarket she can spend £1000.
A lot of bands won’t eat before a concert because they’re too nervous, so Valerie and her staff can end
up working very long hours as they have to be around to provide what people want at two or three in the
morning. One thing Valerie has noticed is that the more mad a band is on stage, the more normal they are when
they are off it. She says she is amazed at the change in behaviour. A really wild singer can turn out to be really
quiet and polite off stage.
51. Peanuts is the name of
A. a pop band
B. a pop star
C. a pop concert
D. a company
52. Valerie has to provided a range of food because
A. people are very fussy about what they eat
B. people are used to eating in restaurants
C. there is such a wide variety of preferences
D. there is such a demand for special menus
53. The singers are less nervous when they are eating because
A. their security men are with them
B. there are no fans hanging around
C. their managers fuss over them
D. the bands enjoy eating together.
54. Why does Valerie have to keep a supply of certain drinks?
A. the bands really rely on a special recipe
B. the bands prefer herbal tea to coffee
C. the bands take fruit juice on stage
D. the bands like to drink alcohol
55. What do most bands like best to eat?
A. rich food
B. cheap food
C. junk food
D. simple food
56. “What does just in case” in line 43 refer to?
A. Valerie’s supply of more expensive food
B. Valerie’s list of “riders” from the different bands
C. Valerie’s supply of special food for various people
D. Valerie’s understanding of people feeling sick
57. Why do you think Valerie has become an “expert shopper”?
A. She has a lot of money to spend each week
B. She has learnt to find what individuals want
C. she has to buy as much as possible for £ 1000
D. She has to shop very quickly in a supermarket
58. Why is a band likely to be hungry after playing?
A. They feel more relaxed after the concert
B. They work long hours with little food
C. They only have a snack before a concert
D. They like to wait until they eat together
59. What does Valerie think about the singers?
A. They are completely crazy on and off stage.
B. They behave differently on and off stage
C. They are less rude when they are off stage
D. They are normally more noisy on stage
60. How does Valerie feel about the behaviour of the singers
A. surprised
B. angry
C. uncomfortable
D. pleased
I. Select the one that best fits the gap
Everyone knows that our energy is derived ...(1)…from the sun. It is wiser for mankind to…(2)…it
immediately, rather than wait for the slow forces of nature to …(3)…it into fossil fuels. The simplest way is
to utilise the flat-plate collector sited on the …(4)… of a house.
It operates when pipes on the plate channel water to and from the …(5)…hot water tank. As sunshine
rapidly…(6)…the plate, the prevailing heat is absorbed by the water as it passes. A sheet of glass serves a
dual purpose - It …(7)…the sunshine in, and traps the infra-red radiation. The plate is kept warm by…(8)…
the release of infra-red radiation.
It is essential that the sun must be high enough in the sky to …(9) … the water. On cloudy days and in
winter a flat-plate collector may fail to provide sufficient …(10)…to warm a full tank of water.
1. A. henceforth B. originally C. piecemeal D. beginning
2. A. imprison B. capture C. lock D. enclose
3. A. mould B. trigger C. process D. spin
4. A. roof B. wall C. bathroom D. window
5. A. domestic B. national C. private D. international
6. A. warms B. sparkles C. simmers D. gleams
7. A. allows B. extols C. entices D. lures
8. A. preventing B. discharging C. promoting D. rectifying
9. A. boil B. flush C. warm D. burst
10.A. energy B. strength C. vitality D. muscle
II. Select the one that best fits the gap
Do you think computer games ae just for kids? The you (71)……….. think again. You might be surprised to
learn that the games industry now (2)……..more money than Hollywood. (3)……….a family buy a new
PC, all they really want to do is to play games.
It is hardly surprising that video gaming has become one of the most popular (5)………of entertainment
today. A good game is like a good film; it will hold your (6)……….., capture your imaginationand play with
your emotions.
The big difference, however, is that watching a movie is a passive (8)……….You have no say in how the
plot develops or which characters dominate the story. With computer games, you direct the action and that
is what makes them so exciting. Finding the (11)……… is likely to signal the beginning of a lasting
love (12)………with the interactive world of make-believe.
It is (14)…… think of gaming as something simply for children and teenagers. In fact, the (15)
……….growth area of the market is the 25-35 age group.
71. A. ought B. should C. will D. may
72. A. has B. makes C. does D. gains
73. A. As soon as B. As well as C. As far as D. As long as
74. A. makes B. branches C. shapes D. forms
75. A. gaze B. attention C. breath D. control
76. A. pastime B. task C. routine D. employment
77.A. accurate B. right C. complete D. proper
78.A. match B. story C. secret D. affair
79.A. immoral B. wrong C. false D. dishonest
80.A. longest B. widest C. biggest D. deepest

I. Fill in each gap with one suitable word ( 10 pts)
The human race is only one species of beings in the living world. Many other species exist on this
planet. However, human beings have a great influence on the rest of the world. They are changing the
environment by building cities and villages where forests once stood. They are affecting the water supply by
using water for industry and agriculture. They are changing weather conditions by cutting down trees in the
forests and are destroying the air by adding pollutants to it.
It can be said that human beings are changing the environment in all respects through their actions and
by their habits. This has resulted in two serious consequences. The first is that many kinds/ types of animals
are killed. The second is that the environment where these animals are living is badly/ heavily destroyed. As
the result, the number of rare animals is decreasing so rapidly that they are in danger of becoming extinct.
In order to make sure that these rare animals do not disappear, efforts have been made to protect
endangered nature. Scientists have made lists of these species and suggested ways to save them. Many
organizations have been set up and funds have been raised. Thousands of national parks all over the world have
been established to protect endangered animals. Laws have been introduce to prohibit killing endangered
animals and destroying the habitat/ environment where are animals are living.
If people’s interference with the environment decreases, more species will survive and produce off-
spring. The earth will be a happy planet where human beings, animals and plants peacefully co-exist.

81. being 82. by 83. pollutants 84. resulted 85. types/ kinds
86. badly/ heavily 87. efforts 88. national 89. killing 90. habitat/ environment

II. Fill in each gap with one suitable word (10 pts)
If you are dreaming of a career in the music industry, don't be put off by parents who say it's not as
glamorous as you think, or that it won't make a fortune. They're probably right about one thing though: you're
not likely to become a star. But if job satisfaction means more you than pay, then music could actually be a
good choice. And you don't have to know how to play an instrument either. There are many other branches of
the industry, such as recording studios, publishers and record shops, where they are looking for people who are
really keen on and who know what they're talking about when it comes to the music business. Although you
don't actually need to have done a particular subject at university, a relevant degree could help, and some
courses are now on offer with aspects of the music industry in mind.

I. Supply the correct forms of the words provided (10pts)
101. Home-made ice-cream is one of our specialities. SPECIAL
102. The meeting has been provisionally arranged for 3 p.m next Friday. PROVIDE
103. The audience was disappointingly small because of the heavy rain. DISAPPOINT
104. The Hawaiian Islands are no longer a dependency of the USA. DEPEND
105. His letters have lost his former intimacy. INTIMATE
106. You look rather preoccupied. Are you worrying about something? OCCUPY
107. The government’s uncompromising approach has brought criticism. COMPROMISE
108. It’s much more economical to buy larger size packets. ECONOMY
109. The meeting adopted a resolution calling for Smith to resign. RESOLVE
110. Various malpractices by police officers were brought to light by the enquiry.

101. specialties 106. preoccupied
102. provisionally 107. uncompromising
103. disappointingly 108. economical
104. dependency 109. resolution
105. intimacy 110. malpractices

I. Rewrite the sentence in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the sentence printed
before. Use the word provided (10pts)
121. Steady work is sure to be rewarded eventually. RUN
Steady work is sure to be rewarded in the long run.
122. We have more important things to do at the moment. FISH
We have other fish to fry at the moment
123. Jack has become confident as a result of his success. TURNED
Jack’s success has turned him into a confident person.
124. You have said exactly the right thing. NAIL
You have hit the nail on the head.
125. He maintained his position against his adversary. GROUND
He stood / kept/ held his ground against his adversary.
126. Twenty years ago this region produced twice as much coal as it does now. HALVED
Coal production in this region has been halved in the last twenty years.
127. You will have to take a chance. POT
You will have to take a pot luck.
128. After the scandal he was asked to resign. HAND
After the scandal he was asked to hand in his resignation.
129. Something told me to say exactly what I thought but I didn’t. SORELY
I was sorely tempted to say exactly what I thought
130. He became famous but it cost him his privacy. EXPENSE
His rise to fame was/ came at the expense of his privacy
121. Steady work is sure to be rewarded in the long run.
122. We have other fish to fry at the moment
123. Jack’s success has turned him into a confident person
124. You have hit the nail on the head.
125. He stood / kept/ held his ground against his adversary.
126. Coal production in this region has been halved in the last twenty years.
127. You will have to take a pot luck
128. After the scandal he was asked to hand in his resignation
129. I was sorely tempted to say exactly what I thought
130. His rise to fame was/ came at the expense of his privacy
II. Finish each of the sentence in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the sentence
printed before. (10pts)
131. I’m not to blame for your financial problem.
You can’t hold me responsible for your financial problem
132. I won’t change my mind about this, whatever happens
Come what may, I won’t change my mind about this
133. The audience didn’t enjoy his performance.
His performance did not go down well with the audience
134. She was definitely displeased when I told her.
She was anything but pleased when I told her
135. We only came to this restaurant because you insisted that we did so.
It was at your insistence that we came to this restaurant.
136. £6000 is a better offer than you have ever had before.
You have never had so good an offer as £6000 before
137. There is no justification for your behaviour.
Your behaviour is quite unjustifiable
138. There was so much uncertainty that the financial markets remained closed.
Such was the uncertainty that the financial markets remained closed.
139. The best solution was tought of by Thomas.
Thomas came up with the best solution
140. In summer, there are thousands more tourists than locals.
In summer, the locals are vastly outnumbered by the tourists

131. You can’t hold me responsible for your financial problem
132. Come what may, I won’t change my mind about this
133. His performance did not go down well with the audience
134. She was anything but pleased when I told her
135. It was at your insistence that we came to this restaurant.
136. You have never had so good an offer as £6000 before
137. Your behaviour is quite unjustifiable
138. Such was the uncertainty that the financial markets remained closed.
139. Thomas came up with the best solution
140. In summer, the locals are vastly outnumbered by the tourists
 
Môn thi : TIẾNG ANH – THPT (Bảng A)
ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC Ngày thi : 14/09/2011
(Thời gian : 90 phút – không kể thời gian phát đề)
Circle the best alternative to fill the gap in each of the following sentences (20 ms):
1 General Custer was confident of victory despite being vastly ......................... by the enemy.
A outnumbered B outclassed C overcome D overtaken
2 Don't tell me you've read War and Peace...................... !
A yet B still C already D just
3 Steve................his chances of passing by spending too much time on the first question.
A threw out B threw off C threw away D threw in
4 Mr Jones gave his sons some money to.....................them up in business.
A get B set C put D make
5 ..............comes a time when you have to make a decision and stick to it.
A It B Therefore C There D That
6 Michael was the..................force behind the company's rapid expansion.
A managing B leading C rising D driving
7 Can you take..................of the shop while Mr Bentall is away?
A management B running C charge D operation
8 You'd rather speak to him yourself, ..................... ?
A hadn't you B didn't you C wouldn't you D won't you
9 Douglas took.................of his meeting with the Prime Minister to argue his case.
A opportunity B advantage C chance D effect
10 This painting stands a good....................of winning the prize.
A possibility B chance C opportunity D certainty
11 "I'm freezing."
"You ........ more warmly."
A could dress B should have dressed C may have dressed D must have dressed
12 The picture looked very impressive but in fact it had been ………….from another.
A imitated B copied C emulated D faked
13 "Where's Anne?"
"She's busy…………..the washing up."
A doing B be doing C have done D to do
14 "The Government appear to have made up their minds at last."
"It's about time! They've spent months .........………. this issue."
A debating B to debate C having debated D have been debating
15 "Are you coming to the wedding?"
"Yes but I would prefer the reception afterwards."
A going B to go C having gone D to have gone
16 This car is.......of the two models in the showroom.
A the more modern B the most modern C more modern D one of the most modern
17 .......... I been informed, I'd have attended the meeting.
A Should B Were C Had D Would
18. I'd rather you.....a noise last night; I couldn't get to sleep.
A wouldn't make B hadn't made C didn't make D haven't made
19 "......... had we arrived at the beach when it started pouring with rain."
A No sooner B The minute C As soon as D Hardly
20 "....... I dislike Winston, I have to admit that he came up with some brilliant suggestions at the management
"That's true. I particularly liked his introduction to the 'Research & Development' project."
A Much as B No matter C However D For all
II. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in
the position of the main stress in each of the following questions . (5 ms):
21. A. admire B. ambitious C. duration D. category
22. A. embarrass B. require C. competent D. maturity
23. A. caution B. complaint C. dependent D. computer
24. A. suspect B. influence C. physical D. character
25. A. emotional B. quality C. equality D. controllable
English Students and Culture Shock
Culture shock is a feeling of (0).......................... experienced by someone CONFUSE
visiting a new country and being confronted with an (1)................................ FAMILIAR
culture. It is experienced by many of the thousands of students who leave home to study
English in an English-speaking country.

These students have to cope with changes in weather, food, language and
behaviour. (2)...................... ………have found that there are several stages of RESEARCH
culture shock and that adjusting to life in a new country is an ongoing and gradual process.

Initially, students may feel (3)…..................and delight at the new culture. EXCITE
They take to their language studies with enthusiasm and make significant progress.

Once the (4).....................….of being in a foreign place wears off, feelings of NOVEL
(5)....................…. , depression and homesickness may arise, and homesick ANXIOUS
students may call home repeatedly. (6).....................…problems, due to locals COMMUNICATE
speaking too quickly and using strange idioms and slang, are also very
common. (7).....................…., stress may be caused by racial discrimination, ADDITION
(8)....................……problems or safety concerns. FINANCE

During the next stage, the student is more (9).........................and begins to REAL
accept the positive and negative aspects of both cultures. They begin to feel
at home and realise that problems are also (10)…………… opportunities. LEARN

For questions 1-11, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each
gap. There is an example at the beginning (0). (11 ms):
Write your answers
Example: (0) W H I C H
Look for any clues which are not obvious or which come much earlier or later in the sentence. j

1 Sanjay couldn't get his parents' permission to buy an expensive car.
Sanjay's buy an expensive car.
2 Ann got this painting ten years ago.
Ann............................................................................................................................................ten years.
3 Let's visit the art gallery this afternoon.
WE the art gallery this afternoon?
4 You should book your ticket beforehand if you want to get a good seat.
Your ticket................................................................................................if you want to get a good seat.
5 We don't have any milk left, so we must go and buy some.
We.....................................................................................................milk, so we must go and buy some.
6 I could never have finished the job without your help.
I could never have finished the job
7 Sophia was often ill when she was a child.
Sophia.....................................................................................................................when she was a child.
8 Parking here is free after 5pm.
It doesn't after 5pm.
For each of the sentences below, write a new sentence as similar as possible in meaning to the original sentence, but
using the word given. This word must not be altered in any way.
9 At 3 p.m. the visiting football team had still not arrived. SIGN
10 If we tried to force him to repay the debt, we would be wasting our time. POINT
Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the sentence printed
before it.
EXAMPLE: We expect he will arrive by nine o'clock.
ANSWER: He is expected to arrive by nine o'clock,
1 Jack plays football more skilfully than Paul.
Jack is....................................................................................................................
2 'Hand over the bag or I'll shoot you!' said the robber to the security guard.
The robber threatened............................................................................................
3 Mrs Fielding is too old to make such a journey.
Mrs Fielding is so..................................................................................................
4 I am always short of time.
I never ...................................................................................................................
5 I had only just watered the garden when it began to rain.
6 I haven't visited any countries in South America except Venezuela.
Venezuela is...........................................................................................................
7 We cannot exchange tickets in any circumstances.
Under ………………………………………………………………….
8 It was the ability to incorporate loan words that made English so rich in vocabulary.
English became rich in vocabulary ...............................................................
9 Harry pays £50 a week for bed and breakfast.
Bed and breakfast .........................................................................................
10 The report has still not been written.
The report has yet..........................................................................................
]f you walk into any bookstore there is an entire shelf were more successful than my attempts, at this later stage
dedicated to booksAChange
Scenery who
to left behind her
change in routine
my life,lifetoand headeda for
acquire newthelanguage.
Italian hills
I persevered,
their lives by relocating to another country. This however, and after a few weeks of lessons I actually had
usually involves selling their house and car in the UK, a short conversation with a local - OK, I only asked for
buying a run-down old house abroad and renovating it, directions to the train station. In my mind, though, this
experiencing amusing cultural misunderstandings and was a triumph of communication and I was satisfied with
meeting charming locals along the way. I used to sneer my modest progress.
at those kinds of books and wonder why anyone would It was at one of these language classes that I heard a fellow
put themselves through the discomfort of going to live student, John, mention that his neighbour, Sandro, was
in a foreign country - all in pursuit of a simple life! moving to Rome and selling his farmhouse for a song(line
One day, instead of walking straight past this 51). John said he wished he had the money to purchase it
section, I found myself stopping to browse, and ended himself, as the property was sure to be snapped up soon. I
up selecting a book to read on the train. The cover couldn't believe that it cost less than half the amount that I
showed a cluster of villages clinging to a steep cliff, had sold my tiny apartment for. Would I dare to copy the
surrounded by blue-green water. It was about an writers of all those books, and the couple on the TV reality
accountant who realised one day how boring her life show?
was, so she bought a ticket to Italy. After reading the I had to go and have a look, of course. The farm house
book, I started watching a reality TV show called A New was located on the top of a lush hill, and although it was
Home in Tuscany, about a couple who leave London and very run-down, it possessed charm. There were extensive
move to the Italian hills. I became so hooked that if orchards with well-kept trees, so I would have nature's
friends called on Tuesday nights I would make some bounty literally on my doorstep. I bought it straight
excuse not to go out. Soon the idea of moving abroad away.
had lodged itself in my mind and was turning into a The project wasn't without its difficulties, though. The
magnificent possibility. farmhouse was constructed entirely of stone and wood in
I resigned from the hospital where I worked, sold 1857, and was collapsing in several places. My first
my apartment and moved to the region of Umbria in priority, therefore, was to hire some local craftsmen to
Italy. Once there, I rented an apartment and hired a little add supports to the building. I also strengthened the
motorbike. I loved sampling the local cuisine and I even foundations, installed a new kitchen and renovated the
signed up for a short cooking course. A very charming rest of the property. In the end, all the cost and effort were
local called Francesco ran the course. When he told me worthwhile, because I felt I belonged here as much as I
that I cooked like a local myself, I didn't care whether did anywhere in the world, and I was determined to
this was a little white lie or genuine praise. By the end make it my home. I must say I sometimes look at my
of each lesson, not only had we learnt how to prepare an collection of books on Italy and think I'd like to have a go
authentic Umbrian dish, we were also rolling around the at writing one myself! I'd like to share my experience and
floor in fits of laughter, since Francesco was a natural let other dreamers out there know that the difficulty is
storyteller and we enjoyed his talent for imitating worth it. I didn't quite find the simple life, but I did find
people. what the Italians call the sweet life - la dolce vita
I also took a three-month Italian language course.
It is fair to say that my attempts at cooking
1 What did the writer originally think of books about going to live in a foreign country?
A They took up too much space in bookstores.
B They contained many entertaining stories.
C They didn t interest her in any way.
D They included a lot of useful information.
2 The author didn't want to go out on Tuesday nights because
A she was busy making plans to move abroad.
B she was really interested in her book about Italy. C she wanted
to watch a television programme.
D she preferred not to see friends during the week.
3 The impression that the writer gives of Francesco is that
A he could only cook local food.
B he wasn't honest with his students. C his
cookery course was too short. D his students found
him amusing.
4 What did the writer realise about learning the Italian language?
A that she could learn Italian easily in spite of her age
B that a three-month course of lessons would be enough
C that it was harder than learning to cook local dishes
D that it would help her to get on better with the locals
5 The writer uses the phrase 'for a song' (line 52) to suggest the farmhouse was being sold
A as quickly as possible.
B for personal reasons.
C for reasons of pleasure. D at a very
low price.
6 When she first went to see the farmhouse, the writer
A believed it could be made into a charming home.
B mistakenly thought it would be easy to repair it.
C was surprised by how run-down the property was.
D thought the orchards were too close to the farmhouse.
7 What did the writer conclude about her decision to move to Italy?
A She felt that the unexpected difficulties had spoilt her dreams.
B She was disappointed that she couldn't find the simple life she wanted.
C She knew anywhere else in the world would feel just as much like home.
D She felt that, despite the problems, her decision had been a good one.
8 How did the writer's attitude change, during the time she writes about, towards books about
moving to Italy?
A She began to understand why their authors write them.
B She now realised they made it seem easier than it really was.
C She began to rely on them for information on moving to Italy.
D She started to enjoy collecting them as a hobby.

Thời gian làm bài: 180 phút

1. The two little boys were lying on the floor giggling ……………
A. uneasily B. irresponsible C. helplessly D. intimately
2. The original design was ………… by a team of architects working in close consultation with the gallery
A. originated B. initiated C. started D. conceived
3. The five Olympic rings are a ………… of the five continents.
A. logo B. sign C. symbol D. emblem
4. How much ………. do Jerry’s opinions carry with the committee?
A. weight B. value C. importance D. worth
5. …………. reference to your letter of September 17, 2000, I wish to inform you that your application has
been accepted.
A. On B. At C. With D. By
6. Mentioning anything to do with overpopulation in front of Bill is like a red …………. to a bull.
A. cloth B. dress C. robe D. rag
7. Be careful what you say to John. He’s like a bear with a sore …………. this morning.
A. paw B. stomach C. head D. tooth
8. She’s always ……….. clichés like ‘money doesn’t grow on trees’ and so on.
A. putting out B. giving out C. passing out D. trotting out
9. A study that’s just been published …………… our theory completely.
A. puts up B. holds up C. backs up D. takes up
10. He calls her ‘Funny Face’, but she says it’s a(n) …………. of endearment.
A. expression B. phrase C. term D. sign
11. He had a momentary ………. of concentration and before he knew it the car had spun out of control.
A. mistake B. slip C. error D. lapse
12. I know I can speak without fear of …………. when I say that George Wilson has always been a tremendous
asset to the company.
A. difference B. correction C. argument D. contradiction
13. The film was really ……….. We were all on the edge of our seats.
A. grasping B. gripping C. griping D. grinding
14. The garden had become rather ………….. .
A. outgrown B. overgrown C. ingrown D. grown
15. She was ………… to do anything about the date of the examination.
A. empowered B. powerless C. powerful D. impotent
16. The Russian team ………… control of the situation in the second half of the match.
A. won B. earned C. gained D. obtained
17. You really can’t swim in the ocean here without a ………….. .
A. jumpsuit B. tracksuit C. wetsuit D. spacesuit
18. Classes are scheduled early in the morning. ………… many working people cannot attend.
A. As consequence B. In a consequence C. Consequently D. For consequence
19. The moon lent a ……….. glow to the softly rolling hills.
A. ghastly B. beastly C. ghostly D. vastly
20. Periodically she could see the ………. of a spent cigarette tossed overboard into the ocean.
A. flutter B. flap C. flight D. flash
IV. Matching – There are a number of ways of talking about obligation and necessity. Match the sentences
with their definitions (9 ms):
1. I needn’t have taken half my clothes. . => 1. …………….
2. We didn’t even need to book. 2. …………….
3. I really must send the form off to the insurance people. 3. …………….
4. You should take some warm clothing. 4. …………….
5. You’ve to start them 2 weeks before you leave. 5. …………….
6. You really must avoid drinking the water. 6. …………….
7. You don’t have to do it if you don’t like to. 7. …………….
8. Visitors have to submit their currency declarations. 8. …………….
9. There ought to be more discipline at home and in school 9. …………….
A. Giving simple advice
B. Saying that something is not necessary
C. Stating a strong internal obligation.
D. Saying that something is a duty or requirement.
E. Saying something was not necessary so you didn’t do it.
F. Making a strong recommendation.
G. Saying you did something that was not necessary.
H. Giving an order/an external obligation.
I. Saying it’s very necessary for people to do it.
V. Supply the correct verb form (8 ms):
1. I’m exhausted because it (be)……… very busy at work and I (be) …………… on the go all day.
2. It’s just as well I remembered to take the map with me, or we (find/ never) ….…….. out our way there.
3. There’s no need to get upset just because I (say) ..……… I don’t agree with you.
4. Most fans regarded him as one of the best players in the country and (astonish)………. when the selectors
didn’t pick him for the national team.
5. He’s treated me badly for a long time and I think the time (come/ now)…….. for me to stand up to him.
6. When all the facts came to light, there was such a scandal that he (force) …………. to resign.
7. It (decide) ……… that, in the light of all the criticism it has received, the scheme (abandon) ………….
8. I feel a bit guilty about what happened; still, there’s nothing I (do) …… to prevent it so I know I shouldn’t
feel bad.
VI. Supply the correct form of the words to complete the sentences (5 ms):
1. Many colleges and universities provide professional education for person who function at the
(administration) …………………..
2. and management levels and also for those who teach business at the secondary and (college) ……………..
3. Especially, many business schools now offer education in areas not usually (class) …………………
4. as business, such as (government) …………….or public administration and institutional management.
5. One current trend in technical education is toward education beyond high school, with more skilled
technicians and (technology) ……………completing either two or four years of college.
=> 1. ……………….., 2. ……..………….., 3. ……..………….., 4. ………….……..., 5. ………………..
VII. Choose ONE suitable word to complete the passage. Pay attention to the form of the words.
(10 ms)
apply add succeed require fail
profession negotiate assist able secretary
The question “what makes a manager (1) _______” often comes up. First of all, a manager needs the right kind
of (2) _______support. In other words, a good manager requires the (3) _______of a good secretary. A good
secretary needs to have the right kind of (4) ________skill. These include the (5) _____ to use modern
technology, such as computers. These are (6) ________skills that are just as important. More and more
managers need secretaries who can speak several foreign languages. Success or (7) _________in international
(8) ________can depend on this. This (9) _______is often stressed in job advertisements today. Many (10)
________are rejected because the candidates lack such skills.
C. READING (56 ms)
VIII. Lexical cloze - Circle the best answer to complete the passages:
A. Here’s a new game for you. Watch a documentary with the sound turned down and make up your own
commentary. It’s great for parties. You (1)________all your guests to stand outside and then they come in one
at a time and have a (2)________at guessing what it’s about. `It’s only when turn down the sound that you
realize just how (3)________the pictures are to most documentaries. I expect you’ve noticed by now that
television is primarily a visual medium. TV directors get into a terrible (4) _______it there’s nothing to show
you. They don’t mind so much if there’s nothing to tell you – 80% of television has nothing to say– but no
director has ever turned to a cameramen and asked: ‘What are you doing here?’
The most insuperable problem with a large (5) ________ of documentaries is that they are working in
the wrong medium. They ought to be newsprint articles. You can say more in print. You can say it better. And
it’s interactive. The readers can go at their own (6) _________. Television is hampered by having to fill the
screen and move at the approximate speed of the slowest member of the audience.
1. A. have B. sort C. get D. settle
2. A. bid B. stab C. venture D. speculation
3. A. irrelevant B. incompatible C. inconsistent D. incongruous
4. A. lather B. fuss C. ado D. stir
5. A. fraction B. proportion C. ratio D. bulk
6. A. time B. flow C. course D. pace
B. The London Tea Trade Centre is on the north bank of the River Thames. It is the centre of an industry of
great importance in the (7)______ lives of the British. Tea is without doubt the British national drink: every
man, woman and child over ten years of age has (8)________ average over four cups a day or some 1500 cups
annually. Some thirty per cent of the world’s exports of tea makes its (9)________ to London. British is by far
the largest importer of tea in the world.
Samples of the vast amounts of tea brought into the country to (10)______ the national thirst go to the
London Tea Trade Centre, where they are tasted by skilled professional tea tasters before being sold at each
week’s tea sale. It is fascinating to see them at work. Over a hundred samples are (11)_______ in a line on long
tables. They are generally tasted with milk, since that is how the majority in Britain drink their tea. The tasted
move down the line with surprising (12)________, tasting each sample from a spoon and deciding what is a fair
price for each tea.
The types of tea that are popular in Britain are comparatively inexpensive but they are of a very high quality.
The best are delicate (13)______ of numerous kinds from different sources and countries of origin.
7. A. common B. typical C. everyday D. usual
8. A. for B. by C. at D. on
9. A. route B. way C. direction D. journey
10. A. satisfy B. match C. answer D. serve
11. A. composed B. put up C. settled D. laid out
12. A. speed B. hurry C. rush D. dash
13. A. mixtures B. associations C. unions D. gatherings.
IX. Read the passage and then circle the best answer to each of the questions:
The study of control processes in electronic, mechanical, and biological system is known as cybernetics.
The word was coined in 1948 by the American mathematician Norbert Wiener from the Greek word meaning
pilot or steersman. Cybernetics is concerned with the analysis of the flow of information in both living
organism and machines, but it is particularly concerned with systems that are capable of regulating their own
operations without human control.
Automatic regulation is accomplished by using information about the state of the end product that is fed
back to the regulating device, causing it to modify or correct production if necessary. The concept of feedback
is at the very heart of cybernetics and is what makes a system automatic and self- regulating. A simple example
of a self- regulating machine is a thermostat, which reacts to continual feedback about the outside temperature
and responds accordingly to achieve the temperature that has been programmed into it.
The applications of cybernetics are wide reaching, appearing in science, engineering, technology,
sociology, economics, education, and medicine. Computers can keep a patient alive during a surgical operation,
making instantaneous modifications based on a constant flow of information. In education, teaching machines
use cybernetic principles to instruct students on an individual basis. In the home, automatic is present in such
everyday products as refrigerators, coffee makers, and dishwashers. In industry, automation is increasing its
applications, although it is currently applied primarily to the large-scale production of single units. In industries
in which a break in the flow of production can ruin the product, automatic controls are invaluable. Chemical
and petroleum plants are now almost completely automatic, as are industries involved in the production of
chemicals and atomic energy. Automation has become the answer when human safety is the number one
14. Cybernetics is the study of control processes in all of the systems EXCEPT
A. ecological B. biological C. mechanical D. electronic
15. According to the passage, the word “cybernetics” was coined from the Greek word meaning
A. information B. automatic C. pilot D. regulator
16. According to the passage, cybernetics is primarily concerned with systems that
A. are controlled by humans B. analyze flaws of information
C. are self-regulating D. have wide-reaching applications
17. According to the passage, how is automatic regulation accomplished?
A. By modifying and correcting production procedures
B. By feeding information to the regulatory device
C. By analyzing the flow of information to the organism
D. By making modifications in cybernetic principles.
18. According to the passage, what makes a system automatic and self-regulating?
A. Information B. Production procedures C. Human control D. Feedback
19. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as an area in which cybernetics has applications?
A. Technology B. Engineering C. Philosophy D. Education
20. According to the passage, automation in industry is primarily used in producing
A. large quantities of a single unit B. every day household products
C. small amounts of many different products D. high-tech surgical instruments
X. Sentence transformation – Complete the sentences, using exactly the words suggested or the number of
words required (16 ms)
1. The repairs to my roof were very expensive. (cost)
=> Repairing …………………………………………………………….
2. I couldn’t understand what I was reading. (sense)
=> What …………………………………………………………….
3. Bloggs was found guilty of a serious crime. (use five words)
=> Bloggs ………………………………………………………….
4. There is something wrong with your brakes. (use three words)
=> Your ………………………………………………………….
5. I was woken by the thunder at seven o’clock. (slept)
=> I ………………………………………………………….
6. This is the last warning I’ll give you. (after)
=> I ………………………………………………………….
7. Regular exercise would do wonders for the way you look at life. (to/ improved)
=> Your ………………………………………………………….
8. They haven’t told me clearly what I will have to do in the next project. (made/ required)
=> It ……………………………………………………………………………...

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