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e-ISSN : 2597-9345
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* Asirotul Ma'rifah *,Naning Puji Suryantini **

Maternity of Nursing STIKES BINA SEHAT PPNI

Tapel was a traditional medicine in the form of solid, pasta or like porridge used
by smearing on the mother's abdomen after delivery. Tapel caused touch to the
skin that was, a sense of cold, warm and also a refreshing smell. So it is
possible that the element can reduce the pain Afterpain due to uterine
contractions that are sometimes very disturbing mainly 2-3 days Postpartum. Tapel,
The effectiveness of Tapel use in postpartum mothers was analyzed using
descriptively by correlating tapel administration to afterpain. From the result of
data analysis using Wilcoxon test got that value of a-Symp. Sig (2 tailed)) of Afterpain,
0,000 due to asymp.sig (2-tailed) <α 0.05. The puerperal mother given Tapel
gets distraction from the tapel. This is due to the cold sensation and the warm
feeling that the patient feels when Tapel is smeared into the front of the Post Partum
stomach as well as the refreshing tapel smell (the smell of traditional medicine)
makes a distraction in the mother who experiences Afterpain.

INTRODUCTION muscles (Bobak, Lowdermilk, & Jensen,

The puerperium period begins after the 2005).
placenta is born and ended when the uterine
devices such as the condition before In the revolutionary period, a contraction is
pregnancy. The puerperium lasts for about required. Contraction of the uterine muscle
six weeks (Prawirohardjo, 2006). In the occurs due to stimulation of the hormone
puerperium period two important events, oxytocin released by the hypothalamus. The
namely uterine involution and lactation neural pulp is formed from stimulation of
process. Involution is the process of the mammary papilla is the primary stimulus
returning the uterus to a state before for oxytocin release, whereas the distension
pregnancy after childbirth. This process of the vagina and the uterus is the second
begins as soon as the placenta comes out stimulus. Estrogen will stimulate oxytocin
due to contraction of the uterine smooth production, whereas progesterone will, in
turn, inhibit oxytocin production. After the
I nt e r n a t i o n a l Jo u r n a l O f N u r si n g a n d M i d w i f e r y , V o l u m e 1 , I s s u e 2 , Au g u s t-December 2 0 1 7
mother undergoes labor, then the mother experienced pain after giving birth. And five
will feel the pain. In pharmacological action postpartum mothers experience no pain. The
are inhaled analgesics, opioid drugs, general impact of afterpain can affect lactation
anesthesia, epidural analgesia. And in failure, especially in mothers who have not
nonpharmacological measures is relaxation, had experience after giving birth to first
hypnotherapy, massage, hydrotherapy, child. Thus the baby is not the maximum get
TENS (Transcutaneous nerve stimulation), milk on 2-3 days. At that time the milk that
acupuncture, mobilization and positioning, comes out is colostrum where the content of
treatment therapy. However, women's the most important colostrum is
perception of the severity of afterpain has immunoglobin G (IgG) that can not be
been studied primarily in two drug trials. found in other milk (PASI). With the
Both protocols assessed pain on a scale of 0- immunoglobin G then increase the immune
10 each representing no pain to severe pain system of infants against infection. We as
on an individual basis, 159 women rated health workers (midwives) have a role as
their pain ranging from 0.09 to 2.53. In educators, it must provide knowledge to
Norway, 64 women completed ten visual postpartum mothers, so they can understand
analog scales ranging from 'no pain' to ways to reduce postpartum abdominal pain,
'severe pain,' resulting in an average score especially on days 1-5 postpartum.
below 10. This research found that afterpain
was felt by more women and heavier on the The feeling of pain can be minimized by
first day, with the second and fourth days. pharmacological methods or conventional
Fewer primigravida women feel this pain methods. One of the efforts of conventional
and are felt heavier by multiparous women. methods is to use tapel. According to the
The maximum incidence and severity are Minister of Health of the Republic of
when afterpain is felt as moderate/severe Indonesia (1990), tapel is a traditional
pain by 56% of multiparous women on day medicine in the form of solid, pasta or like
one, and fourth day not only primigravida porridge used by smearing on the mother's
women who experience Afterpain as abdomen after giving birth. Tapel sold in the
moderate/severe pain, but 5% multiparous market is tapel shrink belly that contains
women still feel it (Rosemary, 2004). bangle, key, kedawung, kencur, fennel,
pulosari useful to shrink the stomach
Although contraction is desperately needed, postpartum, refresh the body after childbirth,
it is often disturbing because the relieve pain or heartburn, abdominal
contractions cause pain called 'lateral pain' bloating, and many more benefits. These
(Afterpain), especially in multipara. elements cause a touch of skin that is cold,
Menurut (Prawirohardjo, 2006) Afterpain warm and also refreshing smells. So it is
due to uterine contractions sometimes very possible that these elements can reduce pain.
disturbing the main 1-2 days postpartum. The purpose of this research is to know the
Afterpain this will be exacerbated by the influence of Tapel to Afterpain on
condition of the mother who is in the Postpartum Mother.
lactation period.
From the preliminary study conducted in The research design was to use the
Mojokerto regency, from 10 postpartum Preeksperimental Pretest-Posttest Design
mothers found five postpartum mothers (Hidayat, 2010). Population in this study
I nt e r n a t i o n a l Jo u r n a l O f N u r si n g a n d M i d w i f e r y , V o l u m e 1 , I s s u e 2 , Au g u s t-December 2 0 1 7
were all postpartum mothers in ANANDA
Clinic Mojokerto regency. A total of 20 According to the Minister of Health (1990),
people. The instrument used in tapel giving Tapel contains traditional ingredients that
variable is Standart Operational Procedure have different benefits in each ingredient.
(SOP) in tapel. While the afterpain variable Tapel sold in the market is a belly shrink
is the Mc Gill scale observation sheet, the staple containing bangle, cloves, fennel,
study was conducted in June - July 2017. pulosari, cinnamon, lime, eucalyptus oil,
useful to shrink the stomach postpartum,
RESULTS refresh the body after childbirth, relieve
Table 1. Tabulation of Tapel Effect on
1. The bangle rhizome contains saponins,
Afterpain on Postpartum Mother
flavonoids, and essential oils used to
Pre Tapel Post Tapel treat: abdominal pain, shrink the stomach
No Afterpai Afterpai after childbirth or due to obesity
F % F %
n n (Jamaluddin, Stuckey, Ariff, & Faizal
1. No pain - - No pain - - Wong, 2017)
2. Mild pain - - Mild pain 1 55, 2. Cloves are used for the pharmaceutical
5 6 industry and contain acrylic oil and
3. Moderate 1 55, Moderate 1 40, chemical compounds called eugenol,
pain 5 6 pain 1 7
oleanolic acid, glutamic acid, phenolic,
4. Severe 7 25, Severe 1 3,7
profilin, resin, and gom. This plant is
pain 9 pain
5. Very 5 18, Very - - useful for: blackening eyebrows, increase
severe 5 severe heart rate, measles, fever (Jamaluddin et
pain pain al., 2017).
2 2 3. Fennel fruits are containing acrylic oil,
Total 100 100
7 7
saponins, flavonoids, and polyphenols,
are used for irregular menstruation. The
skin of pulsars contains coumarin,
tannins, bitter substances, and alkaloids.
Wilcoxon test result test results obtained by
The pharmacological effects of pulsars
the output of 0.000 and α of 0.05. Since the
include antidiarrheal, anti-fever, as a
asymp value (2-tailed) <α 0.05 then Hο
curious for almost all Javanese, anti-
rejected means there is effect of Tapel on
asthma, febrifuge, antibacterial, and
astringent, pore-reducing agents
(Hariana, 2013).
According to (Prawirohardjo, 2006),
4. Cinnamon bark has a spicy and sweet
afterpain after labor due to uterine
taste, smells fragrant, and is warm. Some
contractions are sometimes very disturbing
of the chemicals contained in cinnamon
for 2-3 days postpartum. After pain can be
include eugenol asiri oil, safrole,
described as an unpleasant sensation that
cinnamaldehyde, tannin, calcium oxalate,
occurs when we suffer injury or damage to
resin, and tanners. The pharmacological
our body. After the pain is experiencing
effects that cinnamon possesses include
sensory and emotional discomfort resulting
farting liver, antirheumatic, appetite
from actual or potential tissue damage (S.
enhancer, and pain relievers (Hariana,
Suzanne & Brenda, 2002)
I nt e r n a t i o n a l Jo u r n a l O f N u r si n g a n d M i d w i f e r y , V o l u m e 1 , I s s u e 2 , Au g u s t-December 2 0 1 7
more days the amplitude of the contractions
Tapel does not contain chemicals that affect will decrease, so the mother will not feel
the body. Tapel postpartum given Tapel get pain anymore. But it depends on the
distracted from tape. This is due to the cold individual it self because the pain after
sensation and the warm feeling that the childbirth is an unpleasant sensation due to
patient feels when Tapel is smeared into the sensory nerve stimulation. Pain is personal;
front of the stomach as well as the everyone perceives a different pain to the
refreshing tape smell (the smell of same stimulus depending on the threshold of
traditional medicine) makes a distraction in pain it has. Because the pain in the time of
the mother who experiences Afterpain. Afterpain is very subjective, not only
depends on the intensity of his but also
This is the Gate Control Theory which states depends on the mental state of the person. If
that the mechanism of pain reduction is the he knows what happens to him, there is no
interaction between the pain stimulus and fear, and he can accept everything that
other sensations (warm sensations caused by happens and will happen. This calm makes
cold tapels and warm feelings in the body) the pain feel little or nothing. The feeling of
and the stimulation of fibers that send pain in his is probably due to ischemia in the
painless sensations block or decrease the uterine corpus where there are many nerve
transmission of pain impulses through the fibers. This event continues the feeling of
circuit gate resistor. Inhibitor cells in the pain through the sensory nerves in the
dorsal horn of the spinal cord contain hipograstikus plexus to the central nervous
enkephalin, which inhibits pain system.
This theory explains how certain activities There is a Chapel effect on Afterpain on
decrease the perception of pain. From tapel Postpartum Mothers with asymp.sig (2-
stimulates painless (non-nociceptive) fibers tailed) values of 0,000 due to asymp.sig (2-
in the same receptor site as painkillers tailed) <α 0.05. After pain can be minimized
(nociceptors) are activated. Stimulation of a by pharmacological methods or
large number of non-nociceptive fibers, conventional methods. One of the efforts of
which are synchronized to the inhibitor conventional methods is to use tape. The
fibers in the dorsal horn, inhibit (up to a puerperal mother given Tapel gets
level) the transmission of pain sensation in distraction from the tapel. This is due to the
the ascending fluid (S. C. Suzanne & cold sensation and the warm feeling that the
Brenda, 2002). patient feels when Tapel is smeared into the
front of the stomach as well as the
Tapel causes a cold sensation, warm refreshing tapel smell (the smell of
feelings, and a refreshing smell typical of traditional medicine) makes a distraction in
traditional medicine, so it becomes the mother who experiences Afterpain.
distracted for mothers who experience
Afterpain. The pain can not be lost because REFERENCES
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