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Comparative Chart for the Scheme proposed for revision

1. Name of the Scheme :- Construction of Jannayak Karpuri Thakur chhatrawas building in Darbhanga

2. Date of Sanction / Administrative Approval :- AA Amount Rs. 187.00 Lakh

Name of Deptt :- Bihar Rajya Pul Nirman nigam Limited 3. Date of Agreement :-

4. Date of Completion of work as pe agreement :-

5. Date of earlier revision :-

As per Sanctioned estimate Work done as per Balance work to be done Revised estimate of the balance work New item to be ad
sanctioned estimate
S.N. Item
Quantity Amount
Qunatity Rate Amount Quantity Amount Qunatity Rate Amount Qunatity
(3-6) (5-7)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Earth work in excavation in foundation trenches or drains(not
1 excoding 1.5 m in width or 10 sqm on plan) including dressing of 159.65 93.70 14,959.21 - - 159.65 14,959.21 1,173.35 319.60 375,003.00 -
sides and ramming of bottoms, lift upto 1.5 m . including getting
out the excavted soil and disposal of surplus excavated soil as
Supplying and Filling
directed, within a leadinofplinth
50 m.with
Kindssand and under floors
of soil).
2 including, watering, ramming consolidating and dressing
Diluting and injecting chemical emulsion for PRE- 68.81 106.65 7,338.59 - - 68.81 7,338.59 499.70 238.60 119,228.00 -
CONSTRUCTIONAL ANTI-termite treatment and creating a
Supplying chemical
continuous chemicalemulsion in sealed
barrier under containers
and alround theincluding
3 delivery as
pits,wall specified.Chlopyrphos/Lindone
trenches,basement excavation,topemulsifiable
surface of plinth filling, - - - - - - - - 1,516.63
concentrate of 20%.
junction of wall and floor along the external perimeter of
building,expansion joints,over the top surface of consolidated
earth on which apron is to be laid surrounding of pipes and
4 conduits etc. complete as per specifications Chlorpyriphos - - - - - - - - - - 758.32
Emulsifiable concentrate of 20% with 1% concentration.

Sec (2) Mesonary Work -

Providing and average 150mm thick dry rammed khoa beaten to
122mm (compacte with watr) mae of well burned or jhama bricks
5 including ramming proterty till compactd thickness is achieved 981.56 178.30 175,012.15 - - 981.56 175,012.15 836.10 379.60 317,384.00 -
curing and carriage of water with all feads making proper sloper &
Brick work class desination 100A in cement mortar (1:6) (1 cement
6 corse sand in super structure with due filling cement mortar in
6 joints above floor lable or part etc all complete as per direction
690.00 2,701.96 1,864,352.40 - - 690.00 1,864,352.40 - - - -
cost of watering cutting arrangement for stageing etc.
Brick work with bricks of class designation 100 A in foundation and
7 plinth in cement mortar 1:6(1 cement:6 coarse sand) - - - - - - - - - - 400.00

Extra for brick work in superstructure above plinth level upto floor
8 V level
- - - - - - - - - - 371.42

9 Providing and half brick masonery with brick of 995.60 377.25 375,590.10 - - 995.60 375,590.10 - - - -

Half brick masonry with bricks of class designations 100 A in

10 foundation and plinth in cement mortar 1:4.(1 cement : 4 coarse - - - - - - - - - - 834.58
sand )

Extra for half brick masonry in superstructure, above plinth level

11 upto floor V level.
- - - - - - - - - - 834.58

Extra for providing and placing in postion 2nos 6mm dia MS bars
12 at every third curse of half brick masonary with F.P.S. brick in - - - - - - - - - - 834.58
raining partions, of half brick work etc all complete.

Work done as per
As per Sanctioned estimate Balance work to be done Revised estimate of the balance work New item to be ad
sanctioned estimate
S.N. Item
Quantity Amount
Qunatity Rate Amount Quantity Amount Qunatity Rate Amount Qunatity
(3-6) (5-7)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Reinforcement half (R/B) B/W class 100A in over-he water storage

13 tank
45.54 377.25 17,179.97 - - 45.54 17,179.97 - - - -

providing designation 100 A one brick flat soling joints filled with
14 local sand including cost of watering raxes royality as per building - - - - - - - - - - 660.86


Filling available excavated earth (excluding rock) in trenches,

14 plinth,sides of foundations etc. In layers not exceeding 20 cm in - - - - - - - - - - 419.87
Extra for every additional lift of 1.5 m or part thereof in :25% of
15 E/W.(ALL KIND SOIL) - - - - - - - - - - 293.34

Sec (3) P.C.C. & R.C.C. Work -

Making plinth protection 50mm thick of cement concrete 1:3:6(1

16 cement:3 coarse sand:6 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal - - - - - - - - - - 187.10
size) over 75mm bed dry brick ballast 40mm nominal size well
rammed and consolidated and grouted with fine sand including
Providingthe top smooth.
cement concrete 50mm thick in flooring with
17 CMM15…….all complete …..E/I.
66.74 140.70 9,390.32 - - 66.74 9,390.32 - - - -

REINFORCED cement concrete work in beams suspended floors

18 roofs having slope upto 15….
2.08 2,339.15 4,865.43 - - 2.08 4,865.43 - - - -

Providing and laying in position specified grade of reinforced

19 cement concrete excluding cost of centering,shuttering,finishing - - - - - - - - - - 112.27
and reinforcement-all work upto plinth level 1:3:6
Providing and laying in position specified grade of reinforced
20 cement concrete, excluding the cost of centring, shuttering - - - - - - - - - - 17.86
finishing and reinforcement, M-20[1:1.5:3]cement concrete.All
work from plinth level upto floor V level.
Providing and laying in position machine batched, machine mixed
21 and machine vibrated design mix cement concrete of specified - - - - - - - - - - 342.04
grade for reinforced cement concrete structural elements,
excluding the cost of centring, shuttering finishing and
Providing and laying
reinforcement, in position
M-25 grde machine
reinforcd batched,
cement machine
concrete.All mixed
work up to
22 and
level. vibrated design mix cement concrete of specified - - - - - - - - - - 455.34
grade for reinforced cement concrete structural elements,
excluding the cost of centring, shuttering finishing and
Providing and laying
reinforcement, dampreinforcd
M-25 grde proof course 50mm
cement with cement
concrete.All work from
23 concrete work
plinth level upto1:2:4
floor(1V cement
level. :2 coarse sand 4 graded stone 103.01 147.10 15,152.77 - - 103.01 15,152.77 58.61 245.50 14,389.00 -
agregate 20mm normal chips).
Providing and laying reinforcement concrete work in beam
supended floor roof slab having stop up to stair landing conctiliver
24 balconies shelyes, chajja, lintals, hands windows sits stair casees 26.49 3,013.25 79,820.99 - - 26.49 79,820.99 - - - -
and spiral stair case up to floor level excluding the cost of
M20 band at top parapet and fie as per qty item 12/6 3a of gross
25 total C=187.30x0.325x0.063 = 4.565
4.57 3,013.25 13,770.55 - - 4.57 13,770.55 - - - -

26 R.C.C. m20 in roof slab - - 205.00 914,992.90 - - - -

205.00 4,463.38 914,992.90
27 R.c.C. m20 in arch dome type roof slab in off + add. - - - - - - - -

28 arch roof - - 9.24 31,955.80 - - - -

9.24 3,458.42 31,955.80

Work done as per
As per Sanctioned estimate Balance work to be done Revised estimate of the balance work New item to be ad
sanctioned estimate
S.N. Item
Quantity Amount
Qunatity Rate Amount Quantity Amount Qunatity Rate Amount Qunatity
(3-6) (5-7)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
9.24 3,458.42 31,955.80
29 Net qty - - - - - - - -

30 R.C.C. M20 in cantiliver portico slab 1.81 4,463.38 8,078.72 - - 1.81 8,078.72 - - - -

31 R.C.C. M20 in down slab in Wc, bath 37.21 4,463.03 166,069.35 - - 37.21 166,069.35 - -

32 R.C.C. M20 in roof columns 62.11 4,463.03 277,198.79 - - 62.11 277,198.79 - - - -

33 R.C.C. M20 in roof beam 29.58 4,463.03 132,016.43 - - 29.58 132,016.43 - - - -

34 R.C.C. M20 in 1. stair rise slab - - 10.45 46,638.66 - - - -

10.45 4,463.03 46,638.66
35 F/t spiral stai (stp. 275mm, rise 150mm) - - - - - - - -

36 R.C.C. M20 in rear stairs 4.37 4,463.03 19,503.44 - - 4.37 19,503.44 - - - -

37 R.C.C. M20 in stairs in landing 1.53 4,463.03 6,828.44 - - 1.53 6,828.44 - - - -

R.C.C. M20 concrete work over head water tank and extra for
38 providing and fixing water proofing material in concret work in the 11.93 4,463.03 53,243.95 - - 11.93 53,243.95 - - - -
propration reinforcmeent by the manufacutrers.

39 R.C.C. M20 in chhaja below 0.6mt from roof bottom 12.94 3,458.42 44,751.95 - - 12.94 44,751.95 - - - -

40 R.C.C. M20 in slope in over chhaja at top look 12.37 3,458.42 42,780.66 - - 12.37 42,780.66 - - - -

Sec (4) Water proofing -

Providing and laying in situ nine course water proofine treatment

with glass fibre tissues reinforcement bitument primer @ 0.40kg
41 per sqm, 2nd, 4rd, 6th, 8th course of the boudning material @
410.85 337.90 138,826.22 - - 410.85 138,826.22 - - - -
1.60kg per sqm, which shall consist of below type bitumen of gra.
providing and laying integral cement based water proofing
treatment including preparation of srface as required for treatment
42 of roofs, balconies, terraces etc. consisting of following operations
- - - - - - - - - - 779.54
a) Applying and grouting a slurry coat of neat cement using
p/l water proofing treatment to vertical and horizontal surfaces of
43 depressed portions of w,c, kitchen and the like consisting of…..
- - - - - - - - - - 158.79

Extra for providing and mixing water profing material in cement

44 concrete work in the proportion recommended by the - - - - - - - - - - 35.42

Sec (5) shuttering & centering work

Centring and shuttering including strutting proping etc. and

45 remival of from work for……
- - - - - - - - - - -

Work done as per
As per Sanctioned estimate Balance work to be done Revised estimate of the balance work New item to be ad
sanctioned estimate
S.N. Item
Quantity Amount
Qunatity Rate Amount Quantity Amount Qunatity Rate Amount Qunatity
(3-6) (5-7)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

46 Lintals G+F / F…. 365.00 100.50 36,682.50 - - 365.00 36,682.50 - - - -

47 Lintals Floor 101.00 100.50 10,150.50 - - 101.00 10,150.50 - - - -

48 Base opening 545.00 100.50 54,772.50 - - 545.00 54,772.50 - - - -

49 Half walls 328.25 100.50 32,989.13 - - 328.25 32,989.13 - - - -

50 coloumns 571.75 145.10 82,960.93 - - 571.75 82,960.93 - - - -

51 roof qty. 658.28 119.45 78,631.55 - - 658.28 78,631.55 - - - -

52 Roof sides 652.32 119.45 77,919.62 - - 652.32 77,919.62 - - - -

53 stairs 63.85 118.70 7,579.00 - - 63.85 7,579.00 - - - -

54 sep/rises 88.10 118.70 10,457.47 - - 88.10 10,457.47 - - - -

55 stairs 14.45 118.70 1,715.22 - - 14.45 1,715.22 - - - -

56 spiral rise 45.02 114.30 5,145.79 - - 45.02 5,145.79 - - - -

57 doum roof 27.56 452.35 12,466.77 - - 27.56 12,466.77 - - - -

58 portico 518.32 148.20 76,815.02 - - 518.32 76,815.02 - - - -

59 down slab 3.28 34.45 113.00 - - 3.28 113.00 - - - -

60 Railing pillar 92.35 119.45 11,031.21 - - 92.35 11,031.21 - - - -

61 roof/beam 35.02 100.50 3,519.51 - - 35.02 3,519.51 - - - -

62 chhajas…….. 75.35 100.50 7,572.68 - - 75.35 7,572.68 - - - -

63 " 88.32 148.20 13,089.02 - - 88.32 13,089.02 - - - -

64 " 251.00 148.20 37,198.20 - - 251.00 37,198.20 - - - -

Work done as per
As per Sanctioned estimate Balance work to be done Revised estimate of the balance work New item to be ad
sanctioned estimate
S.N. Item
Quantity Amount
Qunatity Rate Amount Quantity Amount Qunatity Rate Amount Qunatity
(3-6) (5-7)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

65 " 54.86 148.20 8,130.25 - - 54.86 8,130.25 - - - -

66 " 257.00 148.20 38,087.40 - - 257.00 38,087.40 - - - -

67 " 67.07 148.20 9,939.77 - - 67.07 9,939.77 - - - -

68 " 67.07 148.20 9,939.77 - - 67.07 9,939.77 - - - -

69 " 585.00 171.75 100,473.75 - - 585.00 100,473.75 - - - -

Centring and shuttering including strutting proping etc. and

70 removal of form work for foundations, footings bases of columns.
- - - - - - - - - - 71.58

Centring and shuttering including strutting proping etc. and

71 removal of form work for foundation footings bases of column etc - - - - - - - - - - 398.90
for mass concrete……

centring shuttering including strutting, proping etc and removal of

72 form for lintels,beams, plinth beam girders
- - - - - - - - - - 1,882.96

centring shuttering including strutting, proping etc and removal of

73 form for columns pillars piers abutment post struts
- - - - - - - - - - 1,434.04

centering shuttering including strutting propping etc and removal

74 of form for suspended floor roofs ,landings balconies
- - - - - - - - - - 1,532.79

centering shuttering including strutting propping etc and removal

75 of form work for shelves (cast in situ)
- - - - - - - - - - 6.85

centering shuttering including strutting propping etc and removal

76 of form work for walls (any thickness) including attached plasters, - - - - - - - - - - 87.84
butteresses, plinth and string courses etc.
centering shuttering including strutting propping etc and removal
77 of form work for stairs (excluding landings )except spiral- - - - - - - - - - - 49.99

centering shuttering including strutting propping etc and removal

78 of form work for arches,domes,valults upto 6 M span.
- - - - - - - - - - 14.61

centering shuttering including strutting propping etc and removal

of form work for small lintles upto 1.5 M clear span,moulding as in
79 cornices,window sills,string courses,bands, coping, bed plate,
- - - - - - - - - - 140.41
anchor blocks and the like.
centering shuttering including strutting propping etc and removal
80 of form work for weather shade, chajjas, corbels,etc.including - - - - - - - - - - 129.93

Sec (6) Plaster work - - -

81 Providing 6mm celing plaster in cm 1:4 (4Cement) 2,645.31 66.34 175,489.87 - - 2,645.31 175,489.87 1,793.56 110.90 198,906.00 -

Providing 12mm cement plaster on rough surface of wall in CM

82 1:6 i.s (.1 cement 6 coarse sand) and
5,646.35 92.53 522,456.77 - - 5,646.35 522,456.77 4,514.97 126.20 569,789.00 -

Work done as per
As per Sanctioned estimate Balance work to be done Revised estimate of the balance work New item to be ad
sanctioned estimate
S.N. Item
Quantity Amount
Qunatity Rate Amount Quantity Amount Qunatity Rate Amount Qunatity
(3-6) (5-7)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

20 mm plaster 1:4 Extra for providing and mixing water proofing

83 material in proportion recommended by the manufacturers
544.32 137.80 75,007.30 - - 544.32 75,007.30 - - - -

84 20 mm cement plaster of mix 1:6 (1 cement : 6 coarse sand ) - - - - - - - - - - 2,098.67

Sec (7) wood/steel and aluminium fittings

Providing and fixing steel glassed door, windows, and ventilars of
standard rolled steel section joints mitred and welded with
85 15x3mm lugs 10cm long embeded in concrete blocks 282.93 2,205.75 624,072.85 - - 282.93 624,072.85 - - - -
15x10x10cm of 1:3:6 or with wooden plugsand steel screw orrawl
plug including.

Work done as per
As per Sanctioned estimate Balance work to be done Revised estimate of the balance work New item to be ad
sanctioned estimate
S.N. Item
Quantity Amount
Qunatity Rate Amount Quantity Amount Qunatity Rate Amount Qunatity
(3-6) (5-7)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Providing and fixing steel glazed doors, windows and ventilatrs of
86 standard rolled steel sections, joints mitered and welded with 15x3 - - - - - - - - - - 222.75
mm lugs 10 cm long with steel lugs embedded in cement concrete
blocks 15x10x10
spplying cm of
fitting fixing of aluminium
1:3:6(1 cement:
24swg3 sheet
coarseatsand : 6 graded
the shutters
stone aggregate
used for Wc and 20 mm nominal
bathrooms size) with
including or with woodenplugs
secrews and
or enameled
87 screws
nails etcorallrawl plugs and
complete screws
as per or with fixing
the direction clips or with bolts
and building
55.36 227.50 12,594.40 - - 55.36 12,594.40 - - - -
and nuts as required,
specification E/I. including providing and fixing of glass panes
with glazing clips and special metal-sash putty of approved make
Providing and fixingapplying
complete including angal iron 40x40x6mm
a priming coat ofin approved
door frame for
88 doors…………
primer; excluding the cost of metal beading and other fitting
1,428.00 76.30 108,956.40 - - 1,428.00 108,956.40 - - - -
except necessary hinges or pivots as required.
Providing steel work in buildup section/ frame work including
cutting hosting rixing in postion and a cort of approved steel
89 primeing using structural steel, instringers, tread landingsor staire
1,237.50 53.50 66,206.25 - - 1,237.50 66,206.25 - - - -
casesetc Railing in stairs.

90 Railing pipe 40x5mm N.B. dia for hand / rail 67.73 56.25 3,809.81 - - 67.73 3,809.81 - - - -

Providing and fixing M.S. fan clamp of 16mm dia and cicular cast
91 iron box for fan clamp as shapdrawing drawing and specifciaton 60.00 84.50 5,070.00 - - 60.00 5,070.00 - - - -
Providing and fixing ISI marked flush door shutters conforming to
92 IS2202[Part-1] non-decorative type,core of block board 152.00 740.10 112,495.20 - - 152.00 112,495.20 224.28 1,602.70 359,454.00 -
construction with frame of 1 st class hard wood and well matched
Providing and 3 ply veneering
fixing withsliding
alluminium verticaldoor
cross bands
and facenot
coating veneers on both
less than gradefaces
AC 10of as
shutters.35 mmthick
per IS :1868) including
transparent or
93 isi marked
dyed stainless
to required steel
colour butt
and hinges
shade with
with necessary
nuts and screwsscrew.
35.00 156.30 5,470.50 - - 35.00 5,470.50 114.00 220.40 25,126.00 -
Providing and fixing mmalluminium sliding tower bolt anodised
(anodic coating not less than grade AC 10 as per IS :1868)
94 transparent or dyed to required colour and shade with nuts and 35.00 70.70 2,474.50 - - 35.00 2,474.50 114.00 105.20 11,993.00 -
screws etc. complete:
Providing and fixing alluminium sliding tower bolt anodised
(anodic coating not less than grade AC 10 as per IS :1868)
95 transparent or dyed to required colour and shade with nuts and
35.00 42.28 1,479.80 - - 35.00 1,479.80 66.00 67.80 4,475.00 -
screws etc. complete:150x10 mm
Providing and fixing alluminium handles anodised (anodic coating
96 not less than grade AC 10 as per IS :1868) transparent or dyed to 70.00 48.40 3,388.00 - - 70.00 3,388.00 228.00 54.00 12,312.00 -
required colour and shade with necessary screws etc. complete:
Providing and fixing alluminium hanging floor door stopper
anodised (anodic coating not less than grade AC 10 as per IS :
97 1868) transparent or dyed to required colour and shade with
35.00 51.55 1,804.25 - - 35.00 1,804.25 114.00 40.40 4,606.00 -
necessary screws etc.complete:.Twin rubber stopper
Providing wood work in frames of doors,windows, clerestory
98 windows and other frames, wrought framed and fixed in position. - - - - - - - - - - 5.49
sal wood.
Providing and fixing glazed shutters for doors, windows and
99 clerestory windows using 10 kg/square meter {4 mm thick) glass - - - - - - - - - - 31.86
panes including black enamelled M.S. butt hinges with necessary
screws.35 mm thick.
Providing and fixing M.S grills of required pattern in frames of
100 windows etc. with M.S flats, square or round bars etc. all - - - - - - - - - - 3,341.25
complete.Fixed to steel windows by welding.
Providing and fixing M.S grills of required pattern in frames of
101 windows etc. with M.S flats, square or round bars etc. all - - - - - - - - - - 3,727.00
complete.Fixed to opening / woodenframes with rawl plugs screws

Work done as per
As per Sanctioned estimate Balance work to be done Revised estimate of the balance work New item to be ad
sanctioned estimate
S.N. Item
Quantity Amount
Qunatity Rate Amount Quantity Amount Qunatity Rate Amount Qunatity
(3-6) (5-7)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
providing 40x5 mm flat iron hold fast 40 cm long including fixing to
102 frame with 10 mm diameter bots,nuts and wooden plugs and - - - - - - - - - - 684.00
embeddings in cement concrete block 30x10x15 cm 1:3:6 mix (1
cement :3 coarse sand :6 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal
size) and fixing in position collapsible steel shutters with
103 vertical channels 20x10x2mm and braced with flat iron diagonals - - - - - - - - - - 7.65
20x5mm size with top and bottom rail of T-iron 40x40x6mm with
40mm dia, steel pulleys complete with bolts, nuts, locking
Providing andstoppers,
arrangement, fixing circular castincluding
handles, iron box for ceiling
applying fan clamp
a priming coat
104 140mm internal
of approved steeldia, 73mm height, 5mm thick rim bottom and top
primer. - - - - - - - - - - 86.00
lids, 1.5mm thick M.S sheet with its top surface hacked for proper
bonding top lid shall be screwed into the cast iron box by means
of 3.3mm diaandround
bright screws,
finishedonebrass casement
at the corners. window
105 fastners of minimum
shall be made of 12mm weight 200bar
dia M.S gms to side
bent hungassteel
to shape windows
per standard - - - - - - - - - - 452.00
with necessary welding and machine screws etc. complete.
Providing and fixing bright finished brass peg stays 300 mm long
106 of minimum weight 330 side hung steel windows with - - - - - - - - - - 452.00
necessary welding and machine screws etc. complete.
Providing and fixing hand rail by welding etc. to steel ladder
107 railings & staircases railing including applying apriming coat of - - - - - - - - - - 335.00
approved steel primer.G.I pipes 40 mm nominal bore (class B).

Sec (8) Flooring Work - - - -

Kota stone slab flooring over 20 mm (average) thick base laid

over and jointed with grey cement slurry mixed with pigment to
108 match the shade of the slab including rubbing and polishing
560.00 641.65 359,324.00 - - 560.00 359,324.00 805.19 1,119.60 901,491.00 -
Kota stone.11.26.1
slabs 25 (25mm thick).
mm thick in risers of steps skirting. Dado &
pillars laid on 12 mm (average( thick cement mortar 1:3(1 cement;
109 3 coarse sand ) and jointed with grey cement slurry mixed with 25.03 748.95 18,746.22 - - 25.03 18,746.22 - - - -
pigment to match the shade of the slab including rubbing and
Kota stone
polishing slabs 20 mm thick in risers of steps skirting. Dado &
pillars laid on 12 mm (average( thick cement mortar 1:3(1 cement;
110 3 coarse sand ) and jointed with grey cement slurry mixed with - - - - - - - - - - 132.41
Providingtoand match theCeramic
laying shade ofglazed
the slab including
floor rubbingmm
tiles 300x300 and
polishing complete.
(thickness to be specified by the manufacturer) of ist quality
conforming to IS : 15622 of approved make in colours such as
111 white , Ivory , Grey , Fume Red , Brown , laid on 20 mm thick
1,050.00 690.70 725,235.00 - - 1,050.00 725,235.00 1,038.96 736.40 765,090.00 -
Tile workmotar 1:4 (1risers
in skirting, cement: 4 coarse
of steps and sand ) including
dado(upto pointing
2m height) over
12 joints withbed
thick white cement mortar
of cement and matching pigment coarse
1:3(1 cement:3 etc., complete.
112 Providing
and jointedand fixing
with grey1st qualityslurry@
cement ceramic glazed
3.3 kg/sqm wall tiles
including 52.50 690.70 36,261.75 - - 52.50 36,261.75 - - - -
conforming to IS cement
pointing in white : 15622 mixed
(Thickness to be specified
with pigment by theshade
of matching
complete. of approved make in all colours, shades except
burgundy , bottle green , black of any size as approved by
113 Engineer-in-charge in skirting , risers of steps and dados over 12 580.00 599.50 347,710.00 - - 580.00 347,710.00 623.54 739.80 461,295.00 -
mm thick bed of cement Motar 1:3(1 cement: 3 coarse sand ) and
jointing with grey cement slurry @ 3.3 kg per sqm including
pointing in white Sec
with pigment Workof matching shade

Work done as per
As per Sanctioned estimate Balance work to be done Revised estimate of the balance work New item to be ad
sanctioned estimate
S.N. Item
Quantity Amount
Qunatity Rate Amount Quantity Amount Qunatity Rate Amount Qunatity
(3-6) (5-7)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Providing and applying plaster of paris putty of 2 mm thickness

114 over plastered surface to prepare the surface even and smooth - - - - - - - - - - 6,308.53
Finishing walls with water proofing cement paint of approved
115 brand and manufacture and of required shade to give an even - - - - - - - - - - 2,098.67
shade.New work ( Three or more coats)
Distempering with of approved brand and manufacture [two or
116 more coats ] and of required shade on new work , over and - - - - - - - - - - 6,308.53
including primer coat of whiting to give an even shade.

Applying priming coat with ready mixed pink or grey primer of

117 approved brand on wood work
- - - - - - - - - - 504.63

Applying priming coat With ready mixed red oxide zinc chromate
118 yellow primer of approved brand and manufacture on steel - - - - - - - - - - 396.10
galvanised iron/steel works
Finishing walls with water proofing cement paint of approved
119 brand and manufacture and of required shade to give an even 2,440.80 6.70 16,353.36 - - 2,440.80 16,353.36 - - - -
Painting with synthetic enamel paint of approved brand and
manufacture of required colour to give an even shade:Two or
120 more coats on new work over an under coat of suitable shade with
- - - - - - - - - - 900.73
Forming groove
ordinary paint of of uniform brand
approved size from
and12x12mm and upto
25x15mm in plastered surface as per approved pattern using
wooden battens, nailed to the under layer including removal of
121 wooden battens, repairs to the edges of plaster panel and
- - - - - - - - - - 548.00
finishing the groove complete as per specifications and direction
of the Engineer-in-Charge.
122 Colour washing such as green, blue or buff to give an even shade 5,366.10 6.70 35,952.87 - - 5,366.10 35,952.87 - - - -

Painting with ready mixed paint of approved brand and

123 manufacture in all shades to give an even shade:
505.00 36.40 18,382.00 - - 505.00 18,382.00 - - - -

124 New work (two or more coats) 342.00 10.90 3,727.80 - - 342.00 3,727.80 - - - -

125 Two or more coats on new work 191.50 36.55 6,999.33 - - 191.50 6,999.33 - - - -


Reinforcement for R.C.C. work including straightening, cutting,

126 bending, placing in position and binding all complete.
- - - - - - - - - - -

127 R.C.c. M20 144M3=5760 kg - - - - - - - - - - -

128 M.S. BARS 6MM DIA (R.B.) B/W - 900.0 KG - - - - - - - - - - -

129 M.S. 6MM DIA - 576.00 7,000.00 51.20 358,400.00 - - 7,000.00 358,400.00 303.47 76.10 23,094.00 -

130 T.M.T. BARS 8MM DIA 36,000.00 50.15 1,805,400.00 - - 36,000.00 1,805,400.00 26,553.03 77.40 2,055,205.00 -

131 T.M.T. BARS 10MM DIA 25,000.00 50.15 1,253,850.00 - - 25,000.00 1,253,850.00 13,649.94 76.70 1,046,950.00 -

Work done as per
As per Sanctioned estimate Balance work to be done Revised estimate of the balance work New item to be ad
sanctioned estimate
S.N. Item
Quantity Amount
Qunatity Rate Amount Quantity Amount Qunatity Rate Amount Qunatity
(3-6) (5-7)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

132 T.M.T. BARS 12MM DIA 1,440.00 49.00 70,560.00 - - 1,440.00 70,560.00 11,099.00 75.20 834,645.00 -

133 T.M.T. BARS 16MM DIA 1,540.00 49.00 75,460.00 - - 1,540.00 75,460.00 38,692.00 76.00 2,940,592.00 -

134 T.M.T BARS 20 MM DIA - - - - - - - - - - 11,847.86

135 TMT 25 MM DIA - - - - - - - - - - 2,942.00

Work done as per
As per Sanctioned estimate Balance work to be done Revised estimate of the balance work New item to be ad
sanctioned estimate
S.N. Item
Quantity Amount
Qunatity Rate Amount Quantity Amount Qunatity Rate Amount Qunatity
(3-6) (5-7)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13


Providing and fixing in position copper plate as per design for

136 expansion joints.
- - - - - - - - - - 144.18

137 Providing and filling in position, blown bitumen in expansion joints. - - - - - - - - - - 16.65

Providing and fixing sheet covering over expansion joints with iron
screws as per design to match the colour / shade of wall
138 treatment.non-Asbestos fibre cement board 6mm thick 150mm
- - - - - - - - - - 135.00
Providing and Fixing 25 mm thick shalitex board in expansion
139 joints Between two Column
- - - - - - - - - - 75.30
Making khurras 45x45 cm with average minimum thickness of 5
cm cement concrete 1:2:4( 1 cement: 2 coarse sand: 4 graded
stone aggregate of 20mm nominal size) over P.V.C sheet
140 1mx1mx400 micron, finished with 12mm cement plaster 1:3(1
- - - - - - - - - - 16.00
cement: 3 coarse sand) and a coat of neat cement rounding the
edge sand making and finishing the outlet complete.
Carriage of material

141 CEMENT -5 K.M - - - - - - - - - - 396.36

142 SAND-(1K+169P) 170 K.M - - - - - - - - - - 619.55

143 LOCAL SAND -(1K+2P) 3K.M - - - - - - - - - - 499.70

144 BRICK BATS lead-(3k+5P) 8 K.M - - - - - - - - - - 127.09

145 EARTH LEAD-(1k+2P) 3 K.M - - - - - - - - - - 942.00

146 STONE CHIPS -315 K.M - - - - - - - - - - 692.95

147 BRICKS -(3K+5P) 8K.M ( 290650 nos) - - - - - - - - - - 290.65

148 STEEL-5 K.M - - - - - - - - - - 105.09


149 BRICK - - - - - - - - - - 290.65

150 CEMENT - - - - - - - - - - 396.36

151 8 MM DIA BAR - - - - - - - - - - 26.55

Work done as per
As per Sanctioned estimate Balance work to be done Revised estimate of the balance work New item to be ad
sanctioned estimate
S.N. Item
Quantity Amount
Qunatity Rate Amount Quantity Amount Qunatity Rate Amount Qunatity
(3-6) (5-7)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

152 10 MM DIA BAR - - - - - - - - - - 13.65

153 12,20,25 MM DIA BAR - - - - - - - - - 25.89

154 16 MM DIA BAR - - - - - - - - - - 38.69

Work done as per
As per Sanctioned estimate Balance work to be done Revised estimate of the balance work New item to be ad
sanctioned estimate
S.N. Item
Quantity Amount
Qunatity Rate Amount Quantity Amount Qunatity Rate Amount Qunatity
(3-6) (5-7)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

P.H.E. Work (Sanitary Installation)

Providing designation 100 A one brick flat soling joints filled with
155 local sand including cost of watering taxes. Royalty all complete 25.64 123.05 3,155.00 - - 25.64 3,155.00 - - - -
job as per building specification and direction of E/I.
Providing and laying in position cement concrete of specification
grade exlcuding the cost of centering and shutter all work upto
156 plinth level 1:2:4 (1 cement 2 coarse sand :4 graded stone
6.00 2,339.15 14,034.90 - - 6.00 14,034.90 - - - -
aggregate 20mm nominal size tank 11'11x6x6x-0-6"=35 cft
Brick work with bricks of class designation 100A in founation and
157 plinth in : cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand)
27.90 2,394.90 66,817.71 - - 27.90 66,817.71 - - - -

Reinforcement for R.C.C. work including straighthening cutting

158 bending placing in position and binding all complete themo- 140.00 50.15 7,021.00 - - 140.00 7,021.00 - - - -
mechanically treated base (TMTC-415)
supplying materials and labour for fixing 20mm dia M.S. Bar steps
in stening wall at 0.3m interval and ataggered and fixed with
159 cement concrete (1:2:4) including scafolding and cutting etc all 16.00 65.20 1,043.20 - - 16.00 1,043.20 - - - -
complete as per specification and direction of E/I in seption tank 4
nos = 16 nos
Providing and fixing on wall face unplasticised PVc (Working
pressure 4 kgs per sqm) rain water pipes conforming to IS:4985
160 leaving 10mm gap for thermal expansion 75mm dia meter PVC
4.00 21.80 87.20 - - 4.00 87.20 - - - -
12mm cement plaster of Mix
161 1:3 (1 cement :3 corse sand) Neat cement punning
107.03 83.45 8,931.65 - - 107.03 8,931.65 - - - -

162 12mm cement plaster of mix : - 1:6 (1 cement : 6 corse sand) 51.68 47.40 2,449.63 - - 51.68 2,449.63 - - - -

6mm cement plaster to celing of mix 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse

163 sand)
18.60 40.20 747.72 - - 18.60 747.72 - - - -

Supply fiting fixing C.I. cover with frame for main hole and
164 inspection chamber (ISI-1726 marked in each ) 600mm x 600mm 5.00 112.10 560.50 - - 5.00 560.50 - - - -
= 1x4 nos
Providing and fixing on wall face unplastisised PVC pipe (working
pressure confimring to IS-4985 fpr severage
165 omc;idomg kpomtomg wotj sea; romg cpmfo,romg tp OS-5382 4.00 21.80 87.20 - - 4.00 87.20 - - - -
leaving 10mm go for thermal expension 75mm PVc cowel. Qty, 4
Providing and fitting oval shaped counter top with C.I./M.S.
brackets, 15mm C.P. brass pillar taps, 32mm C.P. brass waste of
166 standard pattern including paitings of titings and brackets, cutting
18.00 476.06 8,569.08 - - 18.00 8,569.08 - - - -
and maing good the wall where ever required.
With vitreous china orissa pattern W.C. pan of size 580x440mm
167 with isingle 15mm C.P. pillar tap.
28.00 1,401.57 39,243.96 - - 28.00 39,243.96 - - - -

Providing and fixing 600x120mm glass shelf with edge round of

supported on anosided aluminium angle frame with C.P. brass
168 brackets and guard rail complete fixed with 40mm long screws
18.00 493.65 8,885.70 - - 18.00 8,885.70 - - - -
rawl plug etc brick
constructing complete
road gully chamber 50x45x60cm with brick of
designation 75 in cement morter 1:4 (1 cement 4 coarse sand)
169 including 500x450mm price RCC horizental grating with frame 18.00 2,248.35 40,470.30 - - 18.00 40,470.30 - - - -
complete as per standared designe with FPS brick qty in nos=4
Internal P.H.E. Work (Sanitary Installation) - -

170 Single half stall urinal with 5 litre PVc automatic flushing cistem. 20.00 3,720.30 74,406.00 - - 20.00 74,406.00 - - - -

Providing fixing GI pipe complete with G.I flottings and clamps

171 including cutting and making good the walls etc internal work 49.00 105.85 5,186.65 - - 49.00 5,186.65 - - - -
15mm dia nominal bore.

Work done as per
As per Sanctioned estimate Balance work to be done Revised estimate of the balance work New item to be ad
sanctioned estimate
S.N. Item
Quantity Amount
Qunatity Rate Amount Quantity Amount Qunatity Rate Amount Qunatity
(3-6) (5-7)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

172 25mm dia nominal bore 45.00 219.60 9,882.00 - - 45.00 9,882.00 - - - -
Providing and fixing PTMT towel rail ocmplete with brickets fixed
to wooden cleats with CP brass screws with concealed fitting
173 arrangement of approved quality and colour 6mm long towel rail 8.00 329.50 2,636.00 - - 8.00 2,636.00 - - - -
with total length of 645mm width and effective height of 88mm
weighing not less than 190qms.
Internal P.H.E. Work (Sanitary
Unplasticised PVC connection pipe with brass uni on 45cm long
174 bore 8x2=16nos
16.00 25.00 400.00 - - 16.00 400.00 - - - -

175 PTMT pillar cock 25mm dia 7.00 150.00 1,050.00 - - 7.00 1,050.00 - - - -

176 Shower rose C.P. brass for 15-20mm inlet, 100mm dia 14.00 28.00 392.00 - - 14.00 392.00 - - - -



Providing and fixing G.I. pipes complete with G.I. fittings and
177 clamps, i/c cutting and making good the wall etc.

( a ) 20 mm dia. Nominal bore 78.00 133.85 10,440.30 - - 78.00 10,440.30 131.00 215.90 28,282.90

( b ) 25 mm dia. Nominal bore 82.00 116.60 9,561.20 - - 82.00 9,561.20 7.00 239.00 1,673.00

( c ) 32 mm dia. Nominal bore - - - - - - - - - - 26.00

( d ) 40 mm dia. Nominal bore - - - - - - - - - - 187.00

Providing & fixing G.I. pipe complete with G.I. fittings and clamps i/c
178 making good the walls etc.concealed pipe including painting with anti -
corrosive bitumatic paint, cutting chases and making good the wall.

( a ) 15 mm dia. Nominal bore - - - - - - - - - - 134.00

( b ) 20 mm dia. Nominal bore - - - - - - - - - - 81.00

Providing and fixing G.I. pipes complete with G.I. fittings including
179 trenching and refilling etc.32 mm dia. Nominal bore. - - - - - - - - - - 30.00

Making connecting of G.I. distribution branch with G.I. Main of

180 following sizes by providing and fixing tee, including cutting and - - - - - - - - - - 2.00
threading the pipe etc. complete.25 to 40 mm Nominal bore.
Providing and fixing brass stop cock of approved quality.20 mm Nominal
181 bore. - - - - - - - - - - 44.00

Work done as per
As per Sanctioned estimate Balance work to be done Revised estimate of the balance work New item to be ad
sanctioned estimate
S.N. Item
Quantity Amount
Qunatity Rate Amount Quantity Amount Qunatity Rate Amount Qunatity
(3-6) (5-7)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Providing and fixing brass gate valve with C.I. wheel of approved
182 quality.40 mm Nominal bore - - - - - - - - - - 6.00

Providing and fixing metal non-return valve of approved quality. 32 mm

183 nominal bore.Horizontal. - - - - - - - - - - 2.00

Providing and fixing metal non-return valve of approved quality. 32 mm

184 nominal bore.Vertical - - - - - - - - - - 2.00

Painting G.I. pipe and fittings with synthetic enamel white paint with two
185 coats over a ready mixed priming coat, both of approved quality for new

( a ) 20 mm dia. Nominal bore - - - - - - - - - - 131.00

( b ) 25 mm dia. Nominal bore - - - - - - - - - - 7.00

( c ) 32 mm dia. Nominal bore - - - - - - - - - - 26.00

( d ) 40 mm dia. Nominal bore - - - - - - - - - - 187.00

Providing and fixing G.I. union in G.I.pipe including cutting and

186 threading the pipe and making long screws etc.complete

( a ) 20 mm dia. Nominal bore - - - - - - - - - - 56.00

( b ) 25 mm dia. Nominal bore - - - - - - - - - - 4.00

( c ) 32 mm dia. Nominal bore - - - - - - - - - - 4.00

( d ) 40 mm dia. Nominal bore - - - - - - - - - - 26.00


Providing and fixing C.P brass bib cock of approved quality
187 confirming to IS:8931.15mm nominal bore. 20.00 157.00 3,140.00 - - 20.00 3,140.00 38.00 401.40 15,253.20

Providing and fixing C.P. brass long bib cock of approved quality
188 conforming to IS standards and weighing not less than810 gms.15 20.00 220.00 4,400.00 - - 20.00 4,400.00 16.00 599.50 9,592.00
mm Nominal bore.
Providing and fixing C.P. brass stop cock(concealed) of standard
189 design and of approved make confirming to8931.15 mm Nominal 14.00 157.00 2,198.00 - - 14.00 2,198.00 16.00 588.20 9,411.20
Providing and fixing C.P. brass angle valve for basin mixer and
190 geyser points of approved quality confirming to IS;8931.15 mm - - - - - - - 56.00 512.90 28,722.40
Nominal bore.
Providing and fixing CP brass shower rose with 15 or 20 mm inlet.
191 150 mm diameter - - - - - - - 16.00 94.10 1,505.60

Work done as per
As per Sanctioned estimate Balance work to be done Revised estimate of the balance work New item to be ad
sanctioned estimate
S.N. Item
Quantity Amount
Qunatity Rate Amount Quantity Amount Qunatity Rate Amount Qunatity
(3-6) (5-7)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Providing and fixing P.T.M.T. grating of approved quality &
192 colour .circular type.100 mm nominal dia, 23.00 30.00 690.00 - - 23.00 690.00 34.00 36.20 1,230.80

Providing and fixing water closet squatting pan(indian type
193 WC pan)with 100mm sand cast iron P or S trap, 10 litre low fixture 20.00 3,307.10 66,142.00 - - 20.00 66,142.00 32.00 3,390.90 108,508.80
complete , including ctting and making good the walls and level
white PVC flushing cistern,including flush pipe with manuall
controlled and fixing .white
device(handle vitreous
leer) china
cofirming to flat back with
IS 7231, or wall corner
all fittings
194 type lipped wherever
and floors front urinalrequired.white
basin of size vitreous
450 x 260 x 350mm
china Orissaand 340
pattern - - - - - - - - - - 4.00
xWC410 x 265 mm sizes respectively with automatic
pan of size 580X440mm with integral type foot rests flushing cistern
with standard flush pipe and CP brass spreaders with brass
unions and andGIfixing wash
clamps basin with
complete C.I. brackets,
including painting15 of
mm C.P.
195 brassbrackets,
and pillar taps, , 32 mm
cutting andC.P. brass waste
making good the of standard
walls andpattern,
floors - - - - - - - - - - 24.00
including paintings Range
wherever required. of fittings and urinal
of three brackets,
with 10and making
litre white
good the .wall wherever
PVC automatic flushing required. White vitreous china flat back
wash basin size 550X400mm with a single15mm CP brasssink
and fixing Stainless Steel A ISI 304 (18/8) Kitchen pillar
196 as
tap.per I.S. 13983 with C.I. brackets and stainless steel plug 40mm - - - - - - - - - - 2.00
inculding painting of fitting and brackets, cutting and making good
the walls wherever required.Kitchen sink with drain
Provding and fixing bowl
board.510X1040mm PVC waste
depth pipe for sink or wash basin
197 including PVC waste fittings complete.Flexiable pipe( 40 mm dia ) - - - - - - - - - - 2.00

Provding and fixing 600X450mm bevelled edge mirror of

198 superior glass (of approved quality) complete with 6mm thick hard - - - - - - - - - - 24.00
board ground fixed to wooden cleats with CP brass screws &
Provding complete.
and fixing 600X120X5 mm glass shelf with edges
rounded off supported on anodised aluminium angle frame with
199 CP brass brackets and guard rail complete fixed with 40 mm long
- - - - - - - - - - 24.00
screws ,rawl plug etc, complete.
Provding and fixing soil,waste and vent pipes .( 100 mm dia).Sand
200 cast iron S & S pipe as per IS:1729
- - - - - - - - - - 218.00

Provding and fixing soil,waste and vent pipes( 75 mm dia ).Sand

201 cast iron S & S pipe as per IS:1729 .
- - - - - - - - - - 155.00

Provding and fixing bend of required degree with access door

202 ,isertion rubber washer 3mm thick ,bolt and nuts complete .( 100 - - - - - - - - - - 34.00
mm dia).Sand cast iron S & S pipe as per IS:1729.
Provding and fixing bend of required degree with access door
203 ,isertion rubber washer 3mm thick ,bolt and nuts complete ..(75 - - - - - - - - - - 18.00
mm dia).Sand cast iron S & S pipe as per IS:1729.

204 Provding and fixing heel rest sanitary bend.( 100 mm dia).Sand - - - - - - - - - 28.00
cast iron S & S pipe as per IS:1729.

205 Provding and fixing heel rest sanitary bend.( 75 mm dia).Sand - - - - - - - - - - 20.00
cast iron S & S pipe as per IS:1729.
Provding and fixing double equal plain junction of required degree
with access door ,insertion rubber washer 3mm thick ,bolt and
206 nuts complete .100x100x100x100 mm.Sand cast iron S & S pipe
- - - - - - - - - 8.00
as per IS:1729.
Provding and fixing double equal plain junction of required degree
with access door ,insertion rubber washer 3mm thick ,bolt and
207 nuts complete .75X75X75X75 mm .Sand cast iron S & S pipe as
- - - - - - - - - - 2.00
per IS:1729.
Provding and fixing single equal plain junction of required degree
with access door ,insertion rubber washer 3mm thick ,bolt and
208 nuts complete .100 X100X100 mm .Sand cast iron S & S pipe as
- - - - - - - - - 2.00
per IS:1729
Provding and fixing single equal plain junction of required degree
with access door ,insertion rubber washer 3mm thick ,bolt and
209 nuts complete .75x75x75 mm.Sand cast iron S & S pipe as per
- - - - - - - - - - 4.00

Work done as per
As per Sanctioned estimate Balance work to be done Revised estimate of the balance work New item to be ad
sanctioned estimate
S.N. Item
Quantity Amount
Qunatity Rate Amount Quantity Amount Qunatity Rate Amount Qunatity
(3-6) (5-7)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Provding and fixing terminal guard.100 mm dia.Sand cast iron S &

210 S pipe as per IS:1729
- - - - - - - - - - 10.00

Provding and fixing terminal guard.75 mm dia.Sand cast iron S &

211 S pipe as per IS:1729
- - - - - - - - - - 6.00
Provding and fixing sand cast iron trap of self cleansing design
with sand cast iron screwed down or hinged grating with or
212 without vent arm complete, including cost of cutting and making - - - - - - - - - 4.00
good the wall and floors.100mm inlet and 100 mm outlet.Sand
cast iron Sand
& Sfixing sand
pipe as per cast iron trap of self cleansing design
with sand cast iron screwed down or hinged grating with or
213 without vent arm complete, including cost of cutting and making - - - - - - - - - - 30.00
good the wall and floors.100mm inlet and 75 mm outlet.Sand cast
iron S & Ssand
Painting pipe cast
as periron
/ centrifugally cast iron soil,waste,vent
pipes and fittings with paint of any colour such as chocklate, grey
214 or buff etc over a coat of primer of approved quality for new
- - - - - - - - - - 161.00
work.100mm diameter pipe.
Painting sand cast iron / centrifugally cast iron soil,waste,vent
pipes and fittings with paint of any colour such as chocklate, grey
215 or buff etc over a coat of primer of approved quality for new
- - - - - - - - - - 103.00
work.75 mm diameter pipe.
Provding and fixing PTMT bottle traps for wash basin &
216 sink.Bottle trap 31 mmsingle piece moulded with height of 270mm - - - - - - - - - - 24.00
, effective length of tail pipe 260mm from the centre of waste
coupling 77mm breadth with 25mm minimum water seal ,weighing
Provding and260
not less than fixing
gms. PTMT liquid soap container 109 mm
217 wide,125mm high and 112mm distance from wall of standard - - - - - - - - - - 24.00
shape with bracket of same materials with snap fittings of
approved quality and colour, weighing not less than 105 gms.
Provding and fixing PTMT towel rail complete with brackets fixed
218 to wooden cleats with CP brass screws with concealed fittings - - - - - - - - - - 24.00
arrangement of approved quality and colour.600 mm long towel
rail with total length of 645mm width78mm and effective height of
88mm,weighing not less than 190 gms.

Providing and fixing on wall face unplasticised-PVC (working

219 pressure 4 Kgf per sqm) rain water pipes conforming to 17.12 85.35 1,461.19 - - 17.12 1,461.19 138.00 238.30 32,885.40
IS:4985including jointing with seal ring conforming to IS:5382
leaving 10mm gap for thermal expansion. (110 mm ).
Providing and fixing on wall face unplasticised -PVC moulded
220 fittings/ accessories for unplasticised PVC rainwater pipes -
conforming to IS:4985 including jointing with seal ring conforming
to IS:5382 leaving 10mm gap for thermal expansion.

( a ) Coupler (110 mm ). - - - - - - - - - - 15.00

( b ) Bend 87.50 (110 mm ). - - - - - - - - - - 18.00

( c ) Shoe (Plain) ( 110mm Shoe) - - - - - - - - - - 18.00

Providing and fixing unplasticised -PVC pipe clips of approved

221 design to unplasticised-PVC rain water pipes by means of - - - - - - - - - - 120.00
50x50x50mm hard wood plugs, screwed with M.S screws of
required length including cutting brick work and fixing in cement
Providing and
mortar 1:4( fixing to 4
1 cement: thecoarse
inlet mouth
sand) of
andrain water good
making pipe cast iron
the wall
222 grating 15 cm diameter
etc. complete. (110 mm).and weighing not less than 440 grams. - - - - - - - - - - 18.00

Excavating trenches of required width for pipes, cables etc
223 including excavation for sockets and dressing of sides, ramming - - - - - - - - - - 276.00
of bottoms depth upto 1.5m ,including getting out the excavated
soil , and then returning the soil as required,in the layers not
exceeding 20 cm in depth including consolidating each deposited
layers by ramming watering and desposing of surplus excavated
soil as dirceted within a lead of 50m. (pipes cables etc exceeding
80mm dia but not exceeding 300 mm dia).

Work done as per
As per Sanctioned estimate Balance work to be done Revised estimate of the balance work New item to be ad
sanctioned estimate
S.N. Item
Quantity Amount
Qunatity Rate Amount Quantity Amount Qunatity Rate Amount Qunatity
(3-6) (5-7)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Providing and laying non -pressure NP2 class(light duty) R.C.C.
224 pipes with collars jointed with stiff mixture of cement mortar in the 46.00 202.85 9,331.10 - - 46.00 9,331.10 276.00 359.30 99,166.80
proportion of 1:2 including testing of joints etc. complete. (150 mm
dia R.C.C. pipe).
Constructing brick masonary manhole in cement mortar 1:4 (1
225 cement, 4 coarse sand.) R.C.C. top slab with1:2:4 mix(1 cement,
2 coars e sand, 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size)
foundation cocrete 1:4:8 mix (1cement, 4 coarse sand, 8 graded
a )Inside size 90x80cm
aggregate 40 mm and 45 cmsize.)
nominal deepinside
including C.I. cover
plastering 12 with
226 frame ( light
thick with duty) 455x610
cement mortar 1:3mm (1 internal
cement,diamension tatal weight
3 coarse sand.) of
finished - - - - - - - - - - 40.00
cover and fram
with floating coattoofbe notcement
neat less thanand38 kg (weight
making of cover23
channels in cementkg
and weight of frame
concrete 15with
kg floating
)With cmmon of burnt clay F.P.S. (non
(b) Inside1:2:4.
size with
120x90cm and 90 cm
class designation
neat cement
including complete
C.I. cover
as per standard design.
227 with frame (medium duty) 500mm internal diameter total weight of - - - - - - - - - - 16.00
cover and fram to be not less than 116 kg (weight of cover 58kg
and weight of frame 58 kg ) With cmmon burnt clay F.P.S. (non
Making soak pitwith
modular)bricks 2.5 class
m diameter 3.0 meter
designation 7.5) deep with 45x45 cm dry
228 brick honey comb shaft with brick of class designation 75 and 4.00 12,920.00 51,680.00 - - 4.00 51,680.00 4.00 32,412.70 129,650.80
S.W. drain pipe 100 mm diameter, 1.8 m long complete as per
standard design.With cmmon burnt clay F.P.S. (non
modular)bricksbrick masonry
with class road gully
designation 7.5)chamber (Catch Basin)
229 45x45x77.5cms with bricks in cement mortar 1:4(1cement: 4 c - - - - - - - - - - 2.00
coarse sand)with pre-cast R.C.C. vertical grating complete as
per standard design.With cmmon burnt clay F.P.S. (non
Providing & fixing
modular)bricks withsquare mouth SW gully
class designation 7.5) trap class SP1
230 complete with CI grating brick masonary chamber with water tight - - - - - - - - - - 1.00
CI cover with frame of 300X300 size(inside) with wt. of cover to be
not less then 4.50 kg. And frame to be not less than2.70 kg as per
standard design as per standard design. (150x100 p type) With
cmmon burnt Dimension
clay F.P.S. (non4800X1800X1500
modular)bricks with class
designation 7.5
cu-m(2 Nos.)
Earthwork in excavation in foundation trenches or drains including
231 dressing of sidesand ramming of bottoms,lift upto 1.5m,including - - - - - - - - - - 118.40
getting out the excavated soil and disposal of surplus excavated
as directed within a lead of 50m. (All kind of soil)
Supplying and filling in plinth with local sand and under floors
232 including watering,ramming consolidating and dressing complete - - - - - - - - - - 4.76

Providing and laying in position concrete of specified grade

233 excluding the cost of centring and shuttering all work upto plinth - - - - - - - - - - 4.76
level.(1:2:4(1cement:2 corse sand:4 graded stone aggregate
20mm nominal size).
Brick work with bricks of class designation 100A in foundations
234 and plinth in Cement morter 1:6(1 cement : 6 corse sand). - - - - - - - - - - 21.44

Work done as per
As per Sanctioned estimate Balance work to be done Revised estimate of the balance work New item to be ad
sanctioned estimate
S.N. Item
Quantity Amount
Qunatity Rate Amount Quantity Amount Qunatity Rate Amount Qunatity
(3-6) (5-7)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

235 12 mm cement plaster of mix 1:4 (1 cement : 4 corse sand). - - - - - - - - - - 201.22

236 Neat cement punning - - - - - - - - - - 201.22

Providing designation 100 A one brick flat soling joints filled with
237 local sand including cost of watering, taxes, royalty all complete - - - - - - - - - - 33.12
as per building specification and direction of E/l .
Reinforced cement concrete work in beams,suspended floors
238 roofs,having slope upto 15, landing,balconies, - - - - - - - - - - 6.78
shelves,chajjas,lintal,bends,plain window sills stair case,and spiral
staircases up to floor five level excluding the cost of
Centring and shuttering including
centering,shuttering,finishing strutting propping
and reinforcement with 1:2:4etc. and
239 removal of form for

(a) Suspended floors ,roofs,landings,balconies and access

platform - - - - - - - - - - 30.56

(b) Lintels,beams,plinth bams,griders,bressumers and cantilivers

- - - - - - - - - - 4.50

( c ) Columns,pillars,piers,abutments,posts and struts

- - - - - - - - - - 12.00

Reinforcement for R.C.C. work including straightening, cutting,

240 bending, placing in position and binding all complete.

( a )Thermo-Mechanically Treated bars TMTC-500-8mm dia.

- - - - - - - - - - 253.00

( b )Thermo-Mechanically Treated bars TMTC-500-10mm dia.

- - - - - - - - - - 253.00

Supplying and fixing C.I cover without frame for manholes. :500
241 mm diameter C.I cover (medium duty) the weiht of he cover to be - - - - - - - - - - 4.00
not less than 58 kg.
Providing M.S foot rests including fixing in septic tank with 20 x 20
242 x 10 cm cement concrete blocks 1:3:6 ( 1 cement: 3 coarse sand: - - - - - - - - - - 36.00
6 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size) as per standard
design:With 20 x 20 mm square bar.

Carriage of Materials

243 Derived Bricks - - - - - - - - - - 11.66

244 Derived Local sand - - - - - - - - - - 5.26

245 Derived sand - - - - - - - - - - 14.00

246 Derived stone chips - - - - - - - - - - 10.30

247 Derived steel - - - - - - - - - - 0.51

Work done as per
As per Sanctioned estimate Balance work to be done Revised estimate of the balance work New item to be ad
sanctioned estimate
S.N. Item
Quantity Amount
Qunatity Rate Amount Quantity Amount Qunatity Rate Amount Qunatity
(3-6) (5-7)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

248 Derived cement - - - - - - - - - - 6.60


Boring/drilling bore well DEPTH
of required TUBEWELL
dia for casing/strainer pipe, by
suitable method prescribed in IS: 2800 (part I), including collecting
samples from different strata, preparing and submitting strata chart/bore
249 log, including hire & running charges of all equipments, tools, plants & - - - - - - - - - - 90.00
machineries required for the job, all complete as per direction of
Engineer -in-charge,
Boring/drilling bore upto
well90ofmetre depthdia
required below
for ground level.Allpipe,
casing/strainer types by
soil.(300 mm dia).prescribed in IS: 2800 (part I), including collecting
250 suitable method - - - - - - - - - - 30.00
samples from different strata, preparing and submitting strata chart/bore
log, including hire & running charges of all equipments, tools, plants &
machineriesassembling, lowering
required for andall
the job, fixing in vertical
complete position
as per in bore
direction of
251 well, unplasticized
Engineer -in-charge,PVC
90 metrewell casing
depth below(CM) pipelevel.All
ground of required
soil.(300 mmtodia).
IS:12818, including required hire and labour charges,
fittings & accessories etc. all complete, for all depths, as per direction of
Engineer -in-charge.
(a) 100 mm nominal size dia - - - - - - - - - - 45.00

(b) 150 mm nominal size dia - - - - - - - - - - 30.00

Supplying, assembling, lowering and fixing in vertical position in bore

252 well unplasticized PVC medium well screen (RMS) pipes with ribs, - - - - - - - - - - 30.00
conforming to IS: 12818, including hire & labour charges, fittings &
accessories etc. all complete, for all depths, as per direction of Engineer-
Gravels packing
in-charge.100 mm innominal
dia in accordance with IS 4097
253 including providing graval fine/medium/coarse,in required grading & - - - - - - - - - - 7.08
sizes as per actual requirement,all complete as per direction of Engineer-
in charge.
Development of tube well in accordance with IS : 2800 (part I) and IS:
254 11189, to establish maximum rate of usable water yield without sand - - - - - - - - - - 48.00
content (beyond permissible limit), with required capacity air
compressor, running the compressor for required time till well is fully
develo ped,&measuring
fixing suitable
yield size threaded
of well mild steel
by V notch capor
method orany
255 plate to themethod,
approved top of borewell
measuring housing/ casing
static level pipe ,removable
& draw down etc. by as step
per draw - - - - - - - - - - 1.00
requirement,all complete water
down method, collecting for borewell
samplesof,&150 mm tested
getting dia in approved
laboratory, i/c disinfection of tubewell, all complete,including
Providing & fixing MS clamp of required dia to the top of hire &
labour charges of airof,removable
compressor, tools
as pe&tubewell
accessories etc., all as per
256 housing/casing
and direction ofnuts
as per IS;2800(part-I), - - - - - - - - - - 1.00
including necessary bolts & of required size complete .150 mm dia
Providing & fixing Bail plug/ bottom plug of required dia to the bottom
257 of pipe assembly as per IS;2800(part-I), 100 mmdia. - - - - - - - - - - 1.00


Establishment of 2.0 HP of submersible pump
258 - - - - - - - - - - 1.00
set (detail attchhed)


Wiring for Lignth/fan wall fan/exhaust fan call bell point with PVC insulated copper conductor cable in recessed PVC
259 conduit (Group C) Modular swithc with box etc as per 3 mit)
282.00 865.00 243,930.00 - - 282.00 243,930.00 - - - -
required standard make-Anchores

Work done as per
As per Sanctioned estimate Balance work to be done Revised estimate of the balance work New item to be ad
sanctioned estimate
S.N. Item
Quantity Amount
Qunatity Rate Amount Quantity Amount Qunatity Rate Amount Qunatity
(3-6) (5-7)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Wiring for Lignth/fan wall fan/exhaust fan call bell point with PVC insulated copper conductor cable in recessed PVC
260 conduit (Group C) Modular swithc with box etc as per 3 mit)
401.00 900.00 360,900.00 - - 401.00 360,900.00 - - - -
required standard make-Anchores
Wiring for Lignth/fan wall fan/exhaust fan call bell point with PVC insulated copper conductor cable in recessed PVC
261 conduit (Group C) Modular swithc with box etc as per 3 mit)
165.00 950.00 156,750.00 - - 165.00 156,750.00 - - - -
required standard make-Anchores
Wiring for power plug point with 15Amp soket and 15mp swithc
262 laong with steel/iron box, 3mm thick mica sheet as required. 142.00 780.00 110,760.00 - - 142.00 110,760.00 - - - -

: Wiring for light point / fan point / exhaust fan point / call bell point
263 with 1.5 sq mm FR PVC insulated copper conductor single core - - - - - - - - - - 455.00
cable in surface / recessed PVC conduit, with modular switch,
modular plate, suitable G.I. box etc. as required.Group A
: Wiring for light / power plug with 2 x 4 sq. mm FR PVC insulated
264 copper conductor single core cable in surface / recessed PVC - - - - - - - - - - 380.00
conduit alongwith 1 no. 4 sq. mm FR PVC insulated copper
conductor singlre core cable for loop earthing as required.

Work done as per
As per Sanctioned estimate Balance work to be done Revised estimate of the balance work New item to be ad
sanctioned estimate
S.N. Item
Quantity Amount
Qunatity Rate Amount Quantity Amount Qunatity Rate Amount Qunatity
(3-6) (5-7)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
: Wiring for circuit / submain wiring alongwith earthwire with the
265 following sizes of PVC insulated copper conductor, singlre core
cable in surface / recessed PVC conduit as required.

2 x 1.5 + 1 x 1.5 sq. mm earth wire - - - - - - - - - - 350.00

2 x 2.5 + 1 x 2.5 sq. mm earth wire - - - - - - - - - - 975.00

2 x 6 + 1 x 6 sq. mm earth wire - - - - - - - - - - 20.00

4 x 10 + 1 x 10 sq. mm earth wire - - - - - - - - - - 260.00

4 x 16 + 1x 16 sq. mm earth wire - - - - - - - - - - 10.00

4 x 25 + 1 x 16 sq. mm earth wire - - - - - - - - - - 5.00

: Supplying and drawing following pair, 0.5 sq. mm FR PVC

266 insulated copper conductor, unarmoured telephone cables in
existing surface / recessed steel / PVC conduit as required

2 Pair - - - - - - - - - - 100.00

: Supplying and drawing co-axial TV cable RG-6 grade, 0.7 mm

solid core copper conductor PE insulated, shielded with fine
267 tinned copper braid and protected with PVC sheath in the existing
- - - - - - - - - - 100.00
surface / recessed steel / PVC conduit as required.
S/F PVC conduit: Supplying and fixing of following sizes of PVC
conduit along with accessories in surface/ recess including cutting
268 the wall and making good the same in case of recess conduit as

20mm - - - - - - - - - 100.00

25 mm - - - - - - - - - - 100.00

: Supplying and fixing following modular type switch / socket on

the existing modular switch/ socketon the existing modular plate&
269 switch box including connections but excluding modular plate etc.
as required.

6/10A switch - - - - - - - - - - 76.00

5 pin 5/6 A socket outlet - - - - - - - - - - 76.00

Telephone socket outlet - - - - - - - - - - 6.00

TV antena socket outlet - - - - - - - - - - 6.00

: Supplying and fixing following size/ modules, GI box along with

270 modular base & cover plate for modular switches in recess as

Work done as per
As per Sanctioned estimate Balance work to be done Revised estimate of the balance work New item to be ad
sanctioned estimate
S.N. Item
Quantity Amount
Qunatity Rate Amount Quantity Amount Qunatity Rate Amount Qunatity
(3-6) (5-7)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

1 or 2 Module ( 78 mm x 78 mmx45mm) - - - - - - - - - - 12.00

3 Module ( 100 mm x 78 mmx45mm) - - - - - - - - - - 1.00

4 Module ( 140mm x 78 mmx50mm) - - - - - - - - - - 1.00

6 Module ( 205 mm x 78mmx50mm) - - - - - - - - - - 6.00

12Module ( 135 mm x205mmx 60 mm) - - - - - - - - - - 4.00

: Supplying and fixing blanking plate on the existing modular plate

271 & switch box excluding modular plate as required.
- - - - - - - - - - 100.00
: Supplying and fixing suitable size GI box with modular plate and
cover in front on surface or in recess including providing and
272 fixing 5 pin 5/6 amps modular socket outlet and 5/6 amps modular - - - - - - - - - - 120.00
switch, connection, painting etc. as required.( For light plugs to be
:used in residential
Supplying buildings.)
and fixing suitable size GI box with modular plate and
273 cover in front on surface or in recess, including providing and - - - - - - - - - - 24.00
fixing 6 pin 20/16 amps modular socket outlet and 20/16 amps
modular switch, connection, painting etc. as required.
: Supplying and fixing 2 pin, 5 amp. Ceiling rose on the existing
274 junction box / wooden block including connection etc. as required. - - - - - - - - - - 380.00

: Supplying and fixing stepped type eletronic fan regulator on

275 existing modular plate switch box including connection etc. as - - - - - - - - - - 80.00
: Supplying and fixing batten / angle holder including connection
276 etc. as required. - - - - - - - - - - 72.00


Providing and fixing Ding Dong Bell for surface Mounting all
277 inclusive as per specification and direction of E/I. - - - - - - - - - - 1.00

Supplying and installation of regular/ standard model A.C ceiling

278 fan of 1200 mm dia sweep , including wiring the down rod (up to - - - - - - - - - - 80.00
30 cm) with 1.5 F.R. pvc insulated copper conductor
cable etc. as required.,(Crompton,Havel, Khaitan make)
Supplying and installation of 300 mm dia 230V A.C. exhaut fan in
279 the existing opening , including making good the damage - - - - - - - - - - 44.00
,connetion, testing, commissioning etc as required.
Providing and fixing mounnting rail /box type fitting complete with
280 copper ballast ,1x4'-40w fluorescent lamp,etc.directly on - - - - - - - - - - 258.00
ceiling/wall including connection with 1.5 FR pvc
insulated copper conductor cable etc.all complete as per
Providing and fixing
specification and 15w LED lamp,etc.directly
direction of E/I. (singleon fitting,)MAKE:
ceiling/wall in
281 existing batten holder,or fixtures
PHILIPS,HAVELS) etc .all complete as per - - - - - - - - - - 72.00
specification and direction of E/I.

: Supplying and III :following
fixing BOARD way,& D.B.'s
three pole and neutral,
sheet steel, MCB distribution board, 415 volts, on surface/
recess, complete with tinned copper busbar, neutral
282 busbar, earth bar, din bar, detachable gland plate,
interconnections, phosphatized and powder painted
including earthing etc. as required. (But without

Work done as per
As per Sanctioned estimate Balance work to be done Revised estimate of the balance work New item to be ad
sanctioned estimate
S.N. Item
Quantity Amount
Qunatity Rate Amount Quantity Amount Qunatity Rate Amount Qunatity
(3-6) (5-7)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

( a ) 4 way (4 + 12), Double door, horizontal ty - - - - - - - - - - 4.00

( b ) 6 way (4 + 18), Double door, horizontal T - - - - - - - - - - 4.00

: Supplying and fixing 5 amps to 32 amps rating, 240 volts,

283 'C' series, miniature circuit breaker, suitable for inductive - - - - - - - - - - 120.00
load of following poles in the existing MCB DB complete
with TPN MCB: Supplying
connections, andcommissioning
testing and fixing followingetc.
as four
pole, (three phase and neutral),415 volts, Miniature circuit
284 required.Single pole.
breaker (MCB), in the existing MCB DB complete with
- - -
connections, testing and commissioning etc. as required.
- - - - - - - - - - 4.00
( a ) 40 amps

- - - - - - - - - - 4.00
( b ) 63 amps
Providing and fixing 4 pole ON-load/panel mounted Changeover
285 Switch ,IN EXISTING PANEL BOARD ,160 Amp Rating, making - - - - - - - - - - 1.00
connection and earting the body etc.all complete as per
specification and direction of E/I.
Suppying and fixing 3 ph degital volt meter in the existing cubicle
286 panel board including drilling holes in the panel board and making - - - - - - - - - - 2.00
connection, etc. complete as per specification and direction of E/I.
Suppying and fixing 3 ph degital ammeter in the existing cubicle
287 panel board including drilling holes in the panel board and making - - - - - - - - - - 2.00
connection, etc. complete as per specification and direction of E/I.
Supplying and Fixing of Wall/Floor Mounted Cubical Panel Board,
289 fabricated with 16 SWG MS sheet,suitable for Panel mounted - - - - - - - - - - 54.00
switch disconnector , including,busbar chamber, insulator and
painting etc. (But without busbar copper strip)
Providing and fixing 160 A / 415 V cubical Switch Fuse unit inside
290 the existing cubicle panel board with ISI marked HRC fuses - - - - - - - - - - 1.00
including drilling holes in cubical panel ,making connection
Providing and fixing 100A / 415 V cubical Switch Fuse unit inside
291 the existing cubicle panel board with ISI marked HRC fuses - - - - - - - - - - 4.00
including drilling holes in cubical panel ,making connection
S/F TPN MCB: Supplying and fixing following rating, four pole,
(three phase and neutral),415 volts, Miniature circuit breaker
292 (MCB), in the existing MCB PANEL complete with connections,
testing and commissioning etc. as required.

( a ) 40 amps - - - - - - - - - - 1.00

( b ) 63 amps - - - - - - - - - - 1.00

S/F MCCB in cubicle panel board: Providing and fixing following

293 rating and breaking capacity MCCB in existing cubicle panel - - - - - - - - - - 10.00
board including drilling holes in cubicle panel, making
connections, etc. as required.25/100 Amp, 16KA
Supplying and fixing 200 amps. TPN , copper busbar complete
294 with all acessories as required - - - - - - - - - - 1.00

Supplying and fixing 100 amps. TPN , copper busbar complete

295 with all acessories as required - - - - - - - - - - 2.00

Work done as per
As per Sanctioned estimate Balance work to be done Revised estimate of the balance work New item to be ad
sanctioned estimate
S.N. Item
Quantity Amount
Qunatity Rate Amount Quantity Amount Qunatity Rate Amount Qunatity
(3-6) (5-7)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
proving and laying earth connection from earth electrod
296 with 6 SWG dia G.I. wire in 15mm dia G.I. pipe earth - - - - - - - - - - 25.00
electrode, as required. all complete as per specification
and direction of E/I.
Earthing with G.I earth plate 600 mm X 600mmX6mm thick
297 including accessories and providing mansonry enclosure with - - - - - - - - - - 2.00
cover plate having locking arrangement and watering pipe of 2.7
meter long etc . With charcorl /cock and salt as required. .
Supplying and fixing25x6mmG.I. strip at 0.5 meter bellow ground
298 as strip earth electrod all complete as per specification and - - - - - - - - - - 15.00
direction of E/I.
Supplying and fixing25x6mmG.I. strip in 40mm dia G.i. pipe from
299 earth electrod ,including connection with G.I nut volt ,sprng - - - - - - - - - - 8.00
washer,, excavation refilling as required .all complete as per
specification and direction of E/I.
Supplying and laying of XLPE /PVC insulated PVC sheathed
300 (Heavy Duty) Armoured Electric Cables with aluminium conductor - - - - - - - - - - 20.00
for working voltage 1100 volts to IS:7098 (Part-1) / IS:1554 (Part-
1) as applicable, All complete as per building specification and
direction of and laying
E/I. 3.5 coreof
sqm /PVC insulated PVC sheathed
301 (Heavy Duty) Armoured Electric Cables with aluminium conductor - - - - - - - - - 125.00
for working voltage 1100 volts to IS:7098 (Part-1) / IS:1554 (Part-
1) as applicable, All complete as per building specification and
direction of E/I. 3.5 core 120 sqm

Work done as per
As per Sanctioned estimate Balance work to be done Revised estimate of the balance work New item to be ad
sanctioned estimate
S.N. Item
Quantity Amount
Qunatity Rate Amount Quantity Amount Qunatity Rate Amount Qunatity
(3-6) (5-7)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Distribution Board & Panal

Supply anf fixing of signal phase 16way S.P.N. D.B. board for light
point circuit distribution on surface / recess double door complete
302 with tinned copper bus bars, netural link earth bar, din bar 365.00 3,000.00 1,095,000.00 - - 365.00 1,095,000.00 - 2,388.00 - -
detachale galnd plant inter connections including painting
earthling etc. as required.
Supplying and fixing of following rating and poles 1, series
303 miniature circuit breaker in the exisitng MCB DB complete with - - - - - - - - -
connection testing and commissioning etc as per required.

6A SPM Single pole 98.00 140.00 13,720.00 - - 98.00 13,720.00 - 192.00 - -

6A SPN 52.00 450.00 23,400.00 - - 52.00 23,400.00 - 511.00 - -

40 AMP SINGLE POLE AND NEUTRAL 36.00 140.00 5,040.00 - - 36.00 5,040.00 - 729.00 - -

Distribution Board & Panel

Supplying anf fixing 200Amp, 35ka MCCB inlcuding with 25x5mm
(CU) buster, 40mp, 4 nos SP, MCB out going for out side light and
63 Amp change over swith, volt, pilot lamp as per required in
304 drawing, make in 16nos S.W.G. iron sheet with proper painting
1.00 4,600.00 4,600.00 - - 1.00 4,600.00 - - - -
and wring with lug and gland, netural link, earth bar metr box in
Installation, testing and
locking arrangement as commissioning
per drawing. of ceiling fan and regulator
including wiring the down rob of standard length (30cm) with 1.5
305 sq. mm PVC insulated copper condutcotr, single core cable etc. as
48.00 56.00 2,688.00 - - 48.00 2,688.00 - - - -
Installation, of exhaust fan up to 450mm sweep in the existing
openin,g including making the opening/hole to suit the size of the
306 above fan, making good the damages, connection, testing
21.00 127.00 2,667.00 - - 21.00 2,667.00 - - - -
commissiong etc. as requied.
Supplying and fixing 1x40watt tube lingh, CFL-14W cover provide
307 all fitting
97.00 280.00 27,160.00 - - 97.00 27,160.00 - - - -

Supplying and fixing 1x40watt tube lingh, CFL-14W cover provide

308 all fitting
97.00 130.00 12,610.00 - - 97.00 12,610.00 - - - -

Supplying and fixing 1x36/40W FTL power coated batter with PC

309 (LHIF 11104025) make Havels. 67.00 650.00 43,550.00 - - 67.00 43,550.00 - - - -

310 Exhaust fan 230& 300mm sweep VENTEIL AIR - TF make Havels 21.00 1,160.00 24,360.00 - - 21.00 24,360.00 - - - -

Suuplying and fixing 1x18/100W CFL Bulk head aluminaire

311 (LHYLO 1160099) make Havels.
30.00 320.00 9,600.00 - - 30.00 9,600.00 - - - -

Suuplying and fixing 1200mm sweep ciling fan model havels

312 make with rqgulator.
48.00 1,630.00 78,240.00 - - 48.00 78,240.00 - -

Supply Cable Main & Submain

Supplying and fixing for submain 2x6sqmm PVc including (CU)
313 conductor signal core cable in recessed pipe conduit along with 6 15.00 350.00 5,250.00 - - 15.00 5,250.00 - - - -
sq. dia bare copper conductor wire for loop earthing as requieed.
Supplying and fixing for main 95sg mm PVc insulated (AL)
conductor 3.5 core cable in recessed RCC hume pipe along with 8
314 no SWHG dia bare copper conductor wire for loop earthing as per
20.00 510.00 10,200.00 - - 20.00 10,200.00 - - - -

Work done as per
As per Sanctioned estimate Balance work to be done Revised estimate of the balance work New item to be ad
sanctioned estimate
S.N. Item
Quantity Amount
Qunatity Rate Amount Quantity Amount Qunatity Rate Amount Qunatity
(3-6) (5-7)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Supply Cable Main & Submain

Supplying and fixing hole cutting in earth as per drawing of G.I.

315 (600mmx600mmx3mm) plate elected earth.
2.00 8,000.00 16,000.00 - - 2.00 16,000.00 - - - -

316 Supplying and fitting Lightining condu kore with coper wire. 2.00 4,000.00 8,000.00 - - 2.00 8,000.00 - -

suplying,laying and fixing 8SWG copper conductor wire for loop

317 earthing as required
- - - - - - - - - - -

Sec - (1) wiring

Wiring for Lignth/fan wall fan/exhaust fan call bell point with PVC insulated copper conductor cable in recessed PVC
318 conduit (Group C) Modular swithc with box etc as per 3 mit)
82.00 311.00 25,502.00 - - 82.00 25,502.00 - - - -
required standard make-Anchores
Wiring for Lignth/fan wall fan/exhaust fan call bell point with PVC insulated copper conductor cable in recessed PVC
319 conduit (Group C) Modular swithc with box etc as per 3 mit)
88.00 376.00 33,088.00 - - 88.00 33,088.00 - - - -
required standard make-Anchores
Wiring for Lignth/fan wall fan/exhaust fan call bell point with PVC insulated copper conductor cable in recessed PVC
320 conduit (Group C) Modular swithc with box etc as per 3 mit)
65.00 469.00 30,485.00 - - 65.00 30,485.00 - - - -
required standard make-Anchores
Wiring for power plug point with 15Amp soket and 15mp swithc
321 laong with steel/iron box, 3mm thick mica sheet as required.
6.00 360.00 2,160.00 - - 6.00 2,160.00 - - - -

Sec - (2) Distribution Board & Panels

Supply anf fixing of signal phase 16way S.P.N. D.B. board for light
point circuit distribution on surface / recess double door complete
322 with tinned copper bus bars, netural link earth bar, din bar 4.00 1,611.00 6,444.00 - - 4.00 6,444.00 - - - -
detachale galnd plant inter connections including painting
earthling etc. as required.
323 6A SPM C.B. 118.00 105.00 12,390.00 - - 118.00 12,390.00 - - - -

324 40A SPN M.C.B. 28.00 286.00 8,008.00 - - 28.00 8,008.00 - - - -

325 16A, SP M.c.B. 24.00 105.00 2,520.00 - - 24.00 2,520.00 - - - -

Sec - (3) Erection of fixtures

Supplying anf fixing 200Amp, 35ka MCCB inlcuding with 25x5mm
(CU) buster, 40mp, 4 nos SP, MCB out going for out side light and
63 Amp change over swith, volt, pilot lamp as per required in
326 drawing, make in 16nos S.W.G. iron sheet with proper painting
5.00 34,300.00 171,500.00 - - 5.00 171,500.00 - - - -
and wring with lug and gland, netural link, earth bar metr box in
Installation, testing and
locking arrangement as commissioning
per drawing. of ceiling fan and regulator
including wiring the down rob of standard length (30cm) with 1.5
327 sq. mm PVC insulated copper condutcotr, single core cable etc. as
648.00 56.00 36,288.00 - - 648.00 36,288.00 - - -
Installation, of exhaust fan up to 450mm sweep in the existing
openin,g including making the opening/hole to suit the size of the
328 above fan, making good the damages, connection, testing
521.00 127.00 66,167.00 - - 521.00 66,167.00 - - - -
commissiong etc. as requied.
Supplying and fixing 1x40watt tube lingh, CFL-14W cover provide
329 all fitting
874.00 35.00 30,590.00 - - 874.00 30,590.00 - - - -

Work done as per
As per Sanctioned estimate Balance work to be done Revised estimate of the balance work New item to be ad
sanctioned estimate
S.N. Item
Quantity Amount
Qunatity Rate Amount Quantity Amount Qunatity Rate Amount Qunatity
(3-6) (5-7)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

3 Sec - (4) Supply of fixtures & fans

Supplying and fixing 1x36/40W FTL power coated batter with PC

330 (LHIF 11104025) make Havels.
267.00 650.00 173,550.00 - - 267.00 173,550.00 - - - -

331 Exhaust fan 230& 300mm sweep VENTEIL AIR - TF make Havels 521.00 1,160.00 604,360.00 - - 521.00 604,360.00 - - - -

Suuplying and fixing 1x18/100W CFL Bulk head aluminaire

332 (LHYLO 1160099) make Havels.
231.00 320.00 73,920.00 - - 231.00 73,920.00 - - - -

Suuplying and fixing 1200mm sweep ciling fan model havels

333 make with rqgulator.
225.00 1,630.00 366,750.00 - - 225.00 366,750.00 - - - -

Sec - (5) Supply Cable Submain

Supplying and fixing for submain 2x6sqmm PVc including (CU)
334 conductor signal core cable in recessed pipe conduit along with 6 325.00 244.00 79,300.00 - - 325.00 79,300.00 - - - -
sq. dia bare copper conductor wire for loop earthing as requieed.

16,473,384.00 - 16,473,384.72 11,506,909.90

Add Consultancy Fee (@1.75% OF "Total revised

Arch Fee 2.5% 411,835.00 3
0.5% site Survey 82,367.00 Add Labour welfare cess (@1% OF "Total revise
Sub-total 16,967,586.00

Contingency 1% 169,676.00

Sub-total 17,137,262.00

Centage 9% 1,542,354.00

Grand Total 18,679,616.00

Say 18,700,000.00

ilding in Darbhanga District.

New item to be added Total revised

estimate Reason for Remarks
Rate Amount (7+12+15)

14 15 16 17 18

- - 375,003.00

- - 119,228.00

199.40 302,416.00 302,416.00

85.65 64,950.00 64,950.00

- -

- - 317,384.00

- - -

4,799.20 1,919,680.00 1,919,680.00

702.20 260,811.00 260,811.00

- - -

596.80 498,077.00 498,077.00

74.70 62,343.00 62,343.00

87.70 73,193.00 73,193.00

Total revised
New item to be added estimate Reason for Remarks
Rate Amount (7+12+15)

14 15 16 17 18

- - -

277.50 183,389.00 183,389.00

- -

103.30 43,373.00 43,373.00

41.00 12,027.00 12,027.00

- -

450.35 84,260.00 84,260.00

- - -

- - -

3,461.40 388,611.00 388,611.00

4,902.30 87,560.00 87,560.00

5,192.50 1,776,017.00 1,776,017.00

5,859.00 2,667,849.00 2,667,849.00

- - 14,389.00

- - -

- - -

- - -

- - -

- - -

Total revised
New item to be added estimate Reason for Remarks
Rate Amount (7+12+15)

14 15 16 17 18

- - -

- - -

- - -

- - -

- - -

- - -

- - -

- - -

- - -

- - -

- - -

- - -

- -

- - -

2,553.30 1,990,387.00 1,990,387.00

444.30 70,550.00 70,550.00

52.35 1,854.00 1,854.00

- - -

Total revised
New item to be added estimate Reason for Remarks
Rate Amount (7+12+15)

14 15 16 17 18

- - -

- - -

- - -

- - -

- - -

- - -

- - -

- - -

- - -

- - -

- - -

- - -

- - -

- - -

- - -

- - -

- - -

- - -

- - -

Total revised
New item to be added estimate Reason for Remarks
Rate Amount (7+12+15)

14 15 16 17 18

- - -

- - -

- - -

- - -

- - -

185.90 13,307.00 13,307.00

186.30 74,315.00 74,315.00

335.30 631,356.00 631,356.00

425.80 610,612.00 610,612.00

362.60 555,790.00 555,790.00

362.60 2,484.00 2,484.00

321.30 28,223.00 28,223.00

384.70 19,231.00 19,231.00

976.50 14,267.00 14,267.00

198.50 27,871.00 27,871.00

468.40 60,861.00 60,861.00

- -

- - 198,906.00

- - 569,789.00

Total revised
New item to be added estimate Reason for Remarks
Rate Amount (7+12+15)

14 15 16 17 18

- - -

173.00 363,070.00 363,070.00

- - -

Total revised
New item to be added estimate Reason for Remarks
Rate Amount (7+12+15)

14 15 16 17 18

2,973.30 662,303.00 662,303.00

- - -

- - -

- - -

- - -

- - -

- - 359,454.00

- - 25,126.00

- - 11,993.00

- - 4,475.00

- - 12,312.00

- - 4,606.00

87,862.50 482,365.00 482,365.00

2,547.80 81,173.00 81,173.00

114.20 381,571.00 381,571.00

122.90 458,048.00 458,048.00

Total revised
New item to be added estimate Reason for Remarks
Rate Amount (7+12+15)

14 15 16 17 18

106.60 72,914.00 72,914.00

2,918.70 22,328.00 22,328.00

141.30 12,152.00 12,152.00

74.20 33,538.00 33,538.00

180.10 81,405.00 81,405.00

99.60 33,366.00 33,366.00

- -

- - 901,491.00

- - -

1,133.90 150,140.00 150,140.00

- - 765,090.00

- - -

- - 461,295.00

Total revised
New item to be added estimate Reason for Remarks
Rate Amount (7+12+15)

14 15 16 17 18

105.20 663,657.00 663,657.00

68.30 143,339.00 143,339.00

58.70 370,311.00 370,311.00

32.20 16,249.00 16,249.00

27.50 10,893.00 10,893.00

- - -

96.10 86,560.00 86,560.00

40.80 22,358.00 22,358.00

- - -

- - -

- - -

- - -

- - -

- - -

- - -

- - 23,094.00

- - 2,055,205.00

- - 1,046,950.00

Total revised
New item to be added estimate Reason for Remarks
Rate Amount (7+12+15)

14 15 16 17 18

- - 834,645.00

- - 2,940,592.00

76.00 900,437.00 900,437.00

76.00 223,592.00 223,592.00

Total revised
New item to be added estimate Reason for Remarks
Rate Amount (7+12+15)

14 15 16 17 18

359.80 51,876.00 51,876.00

534.40 8,898.00 8,898.00

123.40 16,659.00 16,659.00

1,097.70 82,657.00 82,657.00

172.30 2,757.00 2,757.00

325.00 128,817.00 128,817.00

3,447.94 2,136,171.00 2,136,171.00

259.46 129,652.00 129,652.00

328.44 41,741.00 41,741.00

262.37 247,154.00 247,154.00

4,930.50 3,416,590.00 3,416,590.00

955.10 277,600.00 277,600.00

325.00 34,153.00 34,153.00

- -

332.19 96,551.00 96,551.00

1,426.32 565,337.00 565,337.00

926.88 24,611.00 24,611.00

Total revised
New item to be added estimate Reason for Remarks
Rate Amount (7+12+15)

14 15 16 17 18

483.18 6,595.00 6,595.00

551.71 14,283.00 14,283.00

787.50 30,470.00 30,470.00

Total revised
New item to be added estimate Reason for Remarks
Rate Amount (7+12+15)

14 15 16 17 18

- -

- - -

- - -

- - -

- - -

- - -

- - -

- - -

- - -

- - -

- - -

- - -

- - -

- - -

- - -

- - -

- - -

- - -

Total revised
New item to be added estimate Reason for Remarks
Rate Amount (7+12+15)

14 15 16 17 18

- - -

- - -

- - -

- - -

- - -

- -

- -

- -

- 28,282.90

- 1,673.00

300.10 7,802.60 7,802.60

383.30 71,677.10 71,677.10

- -

256.00 34,304.00 34,304.00

288.50 23,368.50 23,368.50

246.10 7,383.00 7,383.00

338.40 676.80 676.80

303.00 13,332.00 13,332.00

Total revised
New item to be added estimate Reason for Remarks
Rate Amount (7+12+15)

14 15 16 17 18

630.30 3,781.80 3,781.80

596.10 1,192.20 1,192.20

658.30 1,316.60 1,316.60

11.50 1,506.50 1,506.50

15.30 107.10 107.10

17.90 465.40 465.40

21.40 4,001.80 4,001.80

155.20 8,691.20 8,691.20

192.60 770.40 770.40

230.00 920.00 920.00

292.20 7,597.20 7,597.20

- 15,253.20

- 9,592.00

- 9,411.20

- 28,722.40

- 1,505.60

Total revised
New item to be added estimate Reason for Remarks
Rate Amount (7+12+15)

14 15 16 17 18

- 1,230.80

- 108,508.80

7,048.30 28,193.20 28,193.20

1,800.20 43,204.80 43,204.80

4,217.70 8,435.40 8,435.40

86.20 172.40 172.40

741.90 17,805.60 17,805.60

521.20 12,508.80 12,508.80

916.20 199,731.60 199,731.60

756.30 117,226.50 117,226.50

368.80 12,539.20 12,539.20

293.70 5,286.60 5,286.60

343.90 9,629.20 9,629.20

299.90 5,998.00 5,998.00

739.50 5,916.00 5,916.00

573.90 1,147.80 1,147.80

523.20 1,046.40 1,046.40

390.80 1,563.20 1,563.20

Total revised
New item to be added estimate Reason for Remarks
Rate Amount (7+12+15)

14 15 16 17 18

269.20 2,692.00 2,692.00

214.00 1,284.00 1,284.00

780.30 3,121.20 3,121.20

709.30 21,279.00 21,279.00

38.00 6,118.00 6,118.00

29.10 2,997.30 2,997.30

332.80 7,987.20 7,987.20

149.50 3,588.00 3,588.00

402.40 9,657.60 9,657.60

- -

- 32,885.40

- -

113.50 1,702.50 1,702.50

124.70 2,244.60 2,244.60

108.52 1,953.36 1,953.36

157.37 18,884.40 18,884.40

44.90 808.20 808.20

- -

326.40 90,086.40 90,086.40

Total revised
New item to be added estimate Reason for Remarks
Rate Amount (7+12+15)

14 15 16 17 18

- 99,166.80

- -

7,660.80 306,432.00 306,432.00

17,463.50 279,416.00 279,416.00

- 129,650.80

4,115.30 8,230.60 8,230.60

1,542.10 1,542.10 1,542.10

319.60 37,840.64 37,840.64

238.60 1,135.74 1,135.74

4,151.40 19,760.66 19,760.66

4,799.20 102,894.85 102,894.85

Total revised
New item to be added estimate Reason for Remarks
Rate Amount (7+12+15)

14 15 16 17 18

139.90 28,150.68 28,150.68

38.60 7,767.09 7,767.09

277.50 9,190.80 9,190.80

5,258.20 35,650.60 35,650.60

- -

362.60 11,081.06 11,081.06

335.30 1,508.85 1,508.85

425.80 5,109.60 5,109.60

- -

77.40 19,582.20 19,582.20

76.70 19,405.10 19,405.10

2,937.30 11,749.20 11,749.20

240.90 8,672.40 8,672.40

- -

955.10 11,136.47 11,136.47

259.46 1,364.76 1,364.76

3,447.94 48,271.16 48,271.16

4,930.50 50,784.15 50,784.15

325.00 165.75 165.75

Total revised
New item to be added estimate Reason for Remarks
Rate Amount (7+12+15)

14 15 16 17 18

325.00 2,145.00 2,145.00

- -

388.70 34,983.00 34,983.00

453.50 13,605.00 13,605.00

- -

309.90 13,945.50 13,945.50

612.80 18,384.00 18,384.00

479.50 14,385.00 14,385.00

1,225.10 8,673.71 8,673.71

594.60 28,540.80 28,540.80

196.10 196.10 196.10

1,190.00 1,190.00 1,190.00

198.80 199.00 199.00

- -

41,845.00 41,845.00 41,845.00

- -

- -

- - -

Total revised
New item to be added estimate Reason for Remarks
Rate Amount (7+12+15)

14 15 16 17 18

- - -

- - -

- - -

513.00 233,415.00 233,415.00

200.00 76,000.00 76,000.00

Total revised
New item to be added estimate Reason for Remarks
Rate Amount (7+12+15)

14 15 16 17 18

- -

130.00 45,500.00 45,500.00

161.00 156,975.00 156,975.00

271.00 5,420.00 5,420.00

593.00 154,180.00 154,180.00

879.00 8,790.00 8,790.00

1,232.00 6,160.00 6,160.00

- -

18.00 1,800.00 1,800.00

29.00 2,900.00 2,900.00

- -

68.00 6,800.00 6,800.00

79.00 7,900.00 7,900.00

- -

81.00 6,156.00 6,156.00

122.00 9,272.00 9,272.00

108.00 648.00 648.00

103.00 618.00 618.00

- -

Total revised
New item to be added estimate Reason for Remarks
Rate Amount (7+12+15)

14 15 16 17 18

180.00 2,160.00 2,160.00

210.00 210.00 210.00

225.00 225.00 225.00

275.00 1,650.00 1,650.00

423.00 1,692.00 1,692.00

26.00 2,600.00 2,600.00

362.00 43,440.00 43,440.00

413.00 9,912.00 9,912.00

42.00 15,960.00 15,960.00

359.00 28,720.00 28,720.00

46.00 3,312.00 3,312.00

- -

138.00 138.00 138.00

1,618.00 129,440.00 129,440.00

1,483.00 65,252.00 65,252.00

517.00 133,386.00 133,386.00

302.00 21,744.00 21,744.00

- -

- -

Total revised
New item to be added estimate Reason for Remarks
Rate Amount (7+12+15)

14 15 16 17 18

2,388.00 9,552.00 9,552.00

2,905.00 11,620.00 11,620.00

192.00 23,040.00 23,040.00

- -

1,487.00 5,948.00 5,948.00

1,635.00 6,540.00 6,540.00

- -

7,903.00 7,903.00 7,903.00

1,337.00 2,674.00 2,674.00

1,643.00 3,286.00 3,286.00

1,382.00 74,628.00 74,628.00

5,754.00 5,754.00 5,754.00

4,419.00 17,676.00 17,676.00

- -

1,487.00 1,487.00 1,487.00

1,635.00 1,635.00 1,635.00

3,254.00 32,540.00 32,540.00

7,742.00 7,742.00 7,742.00

3,668.00 7,336.00 7,336.00

Total revised
New item to be added estimate Reason for Remarks
Rate Amount (7+12+15)

14 15 16 17 18

164.00 4,100.00 4,100.00

6,276.00 12,552.00 12,552.00

108.00 1,620.00 1,620.00

487.00 3,896.00 3,896.00

312.00 6,240.00 6,240.00

670.00 83,750.00 83,750.00

Total revised
New item to be added estimate Reason for Remarks
Rate Amount (7+12+15)

14 15 16 17 18

- -

- - -

- - -

- - -

- - -

- - -

- -

- - -

- - -

- - -

- - -

- - -

- - -

- - -

- - -

- - -

- -

- - -

- - -

Total revised
New item to be added estimate Reason for Remarks
Rate Amount (7+12+15)

14 15 16 17 18

- -

- - -

- - -

- - -

- -

- - -

- - -

- - -

- - -

- -

- - -

- - -

- - -

- - -

- -

- - -

- - -

- - -

- - -

Total revised
New item to be added estimate Reason for Remarks
Rate Amount (7+12+15)

14 15 16 17 18

- -

- - -

- - -

- - -

- - -

- -

- - -

28,662,536.21 40,169,446

75% OF "Total revised estimate")

@1% OF "Total revised estimate") 401,694.00

TOTAL = 41,274,105.00

Grand Total 46,134,714.00

Say 46,200,000.00


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