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Kids Camp Innovative Learning Academy

First Long Test

S.Y. 2019-2020

Name: Date:
Teacher: Mr. Arlou C. Garces Score:

GENERAL INSTRUCTION: Erasures and Superimpositions are considered WRONG.

I. Read the sentence carefully then write your answer on the space provided.


B___1. I tried to stay away from that third piece of cake, but I just couldn’t help myself.
B___2. You should not do the repair to the air conditioning unit yourself.
B___3. Brian offered to drive me to Boston himself but I just couldn’t see putting him out like
B___4. Little Sara tried to reach the bucket herself but the shelf was way too high.
B___5. The alligator ate the large bird and found itself feeling quite full.
B___6. One should always brush daily or risk finding oneself in the dentist’s chair.
B___7. Our band struck up another of the crowd’s favorite songs and found ourselves
receiving a standing ovation.
B___8. You people need to hurry and get yourselves some water before the race.
B___9. The crowd of standby actors cheered the movie star and found themselves in awe
of his grace and style.
B___10. The troops themselves helped the people escape the burning building.
A___11. You yourselves can win this game.
A___12. We ourselves made the meal.
A___13. The cat itself caught the mouse.
A___14. The actress herself wrote those lines.
A___15. The president himself appeared at the rally.
A___16. You yourself are responsible for this mess!
A___17. I myself am sick of the heat.
A___18. She herself went to the market and bought the vegetables.
A___19. You yourself can easily transform your body: All it takes is a proper diet and plenty of
A___20. You must learn from the mistakes of others. You can't possibly live long enough
to make them all yourself.
A___21. You yourself are to blame for this confusion.


C___22. I will get back to you in a moment.
C___23. I am calling to confirm your appointment.
C___24. I hope you’re having a good time on your birthday.
C___25. This used to be mah favorite restaurant!
D___26. They are looking into making an investment.
C___27. How’re ya doin’?
C___28. You’d better get down here fast!
C___29. I will have completed my project by next week
C___30. C’mon over! I’m ordering pizza!
C___31. I ain’t goin’ to that party tomorrow.
C___32. I am not planning to attend the meeting.
C___33. He could have sent his email yesterday
C___34. I have got to get more accomplished today.
C___35. I’ll ‘ve finished all of my projects by then.
II. Make an Interpretation of the Non-Linear Illustration below.


TRAITS 5 4 3 2
Student is able to interpret the
Interpretation of Student is able to interpret Student is able to interpret the Student wasn’t able to
graph with a more than 3
Data the graph with no errors. graph with few errors. interpret the graph.

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