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+Ve - Ve No.of Total
Section Question Type
Marks Marks Qs marks

Questions with Multiple Correct

Sec – I(Q.N : 1 – 8) 3 -1 8 24

Questions with Comprehension Type

Sec – II(Q.N : 9 – 16) 3 -1 8 24
(4 Comprehensions – 2 +2+2+2 = 8Q)

Sec – III(Q.N : 17 – 20) Matrix Matching Type 3 -1 4 12

Total 20 60

PHYSICS Max Marks : 60


(One or more options correct type)

This section contains 8 Multiple Choice questions. Each Question has Four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D). Out of
Which One or MORE are correct

1. Two spherical black bodies A and B, having radii rA and rB where rB = 2rA emit
radiation with peak intensities at wavelength 400 nm and 800 nm respectively. If
their temperatures are TA and TB respectively in Kelvin scale, their emissive
powers are EA and EB and energies emitted per second PA and PB then

A) 2 B) 4 C) 8 D)  16

r r r r r
2. Force acting on a particle is given by F  a  p , where , a is a constant vector and P

is linear momentum of the particle. Choose the correct option(s):

A) speed of the particle remain same

r r r
B) If F is constant and a  p path described by the particle is a circle

C) Linear momentum of the particle is conserved

D) Kinetic energy of the particle is conserved

3. A particle of mass m is doing horizontal circular motion with the help of a string
(conical pendulum) as shown in the figure. If speed of the particle is constant then,
(point O is point of suspension).




A) the angular momentum of the particle about O is changing

B) magnitude of angular momentum about O remains constant

C) Z component of the angular momentum about ‘O’ remains conserved

D) Z component of torque about ‘O’ is always zero

4. A particle of mass m moves on the x – axis as follows: it starts from rest at t = 0

from the point x = 0, and comes to rest at t = 1 at the point x = 1. No other
information is available about its motion at intermediate times (0 < t < 1). If 
denotes the instantaneous acceleration of the particle, then

A)  can not remain positive for all t in the interval of (0 < t < 1)

B) |  | cannot exceed 2 at any point in its path

C) |  | must be  4 at some point or points in its path

D)  must change sign during the motion, but no other assertion can be made with
the information given

5. The figure shows a potentiometer arrangement. D is the driving cell and C is the

cell whose emf is to be determined. AB is the uniform potentiometer wire and G is

galvanometer. J is sliding contact which can touch any point on AB. Which of the

following are essential conditions for obtaining balance ?




A) the emf of D must be greater than the emf of C

B) either the positive terminals of both C and D or the negative terminals of

both C and D be joined to A

C) the positive terminals of D and C must be joined

D) the resistance of G must be less than resistance of AB.

6. The temperature drop through a two layer furnace wall is 900°C. Each layer is of

equal area of cross section. Which of the following actions will definitely result in

lowering the temperature  of the interface?

Inner Outer
layer layer

1000°C 100°C

A) by increasing the thermal conductivity of outer layer

B) by increasing the thermal conductivity of inner layer

C) by increasing thickness of outer layer

D) by increasing thickness of inner layer

7. Just after a K shell capture, which of the following come out from the atom ?

A) Neutrino B) Antineutrino C) x – Ray photon D) Electron

8. A parallel glass slab of refractive index 3 is placed in contact with an equilateral

prism of refractive index 2 . A ray is incident on left surface of slab as shown.

The slab and prism combination is surrounding by air. The magnitude of

minimum possible deviation of this ray by slab-prism combination is

A) 30º B) 45º C) 60º D) 60º  sin 1


(Paragraph Type)
This section contains 4 paragraphs each describing theory, experiment, data etc. Eight questions relate
to four paragraphs with two questions on each paragraph. Each question of a paragraph has only one
correct answer among the four choices A,B,C and D.


A very small circular loop of radius a is concentric with a much larger circular loop
of radius b (>>a). A constant current I is passed in the large loop which is kept
fixed in space & the small loop is being rotated with constant angular velocity 
about a diameter as shown. The resistance of the small loop is R & its self
inductance is negligible. The current in the larger loop is clockwise. At t = 0 smaller
loop lies in plane of large loop.

a b

9. Calculate external torque required to rotate smaller loop with constant angular

2 2
   b 2 0 I sin t     b 2 0 I 
A)   B)  sin  t cos  t
R 2b R  2b 

2 2
   a 2 0 I sin  t     a 2 0 I 
C)   D)  sin  t cos  t
R 2b R  2b 

10. At the moment both the loops are in the same plane

A) the induced current in small loop is zero

B) the induced current in small loop is clockwise

C) the induced current in small loop is in anticlockwise direction

D) can’t be determined

The planet Venus has following characteristics

Time period of spin motion 220 days

Radius 6000 km

Mass 4 × 1024 kg

Orbital period 220 days

Orbital radius 108km

Venus Spin


Orbital Path

The spin is in sense opposite to orbital motion as shown. The planet is spherical in
shape and uniformly dense. It’s orbit is essentially a circle.
11. If we assume spin angular velocity to be perpendicular to the

plane of orbit,

A) It’s total angular momentum about centre of Sun has same direction as orbital

angular momentum but is lesser in magnitude

B) It’s total angular momentum about centre of Sun has same direction as orbital

angular momentum but is more in magnitude

C) It’s total angular momentum about centre of Sun has opposite direction as

orbital angular momentum but is lesser in magnitude

D) It’s total angular momentum about centre of Sun has opposite direction as

orbital angular momentum but is more in magnitude

12. If the axis of rotation is nearly perpendicular to the plane of its orbit. (The angle

between axis and a line perpendicular to orbit is 4°). As venus moves to the

diametrically opposite point in it’s orbit the axis of rotation will be tilted in which



4° 4°

A) Sun B) Sun

4° 4°

C) Sun D) Sun

Three identical metal plates of area S are at equal distances b as shown. Initially
metal plate A is uncharged, while metal plates B and C have respective charges +Q0
and – Q0 initially as shown. Metal plates A and C are connected by switch K through a
resistor of resistance R. The key K is closed at time t = 0

R +Q0

- Q0

13. Then the magnitude of current in amperes through the resistor

at any later time t is :

 bt 2 bt 2 bt  bt
Qb Qb Q0b RS 0 Q0b RS 0
A) 0 e RS 0 B) 0 e RS 0 C) e D) e
RS  0 RS  0 2 RS  0 2 RS  0

14. The total heat dissipated through resistor of resistance R is:

Q02b Q02b Q02b 3Q02b

A) B) C) D)
4S  0 8S  0 2S  0 4S0

Figure shows a convex lens of focal length 12cm lying in a uniform magnetic
field of B of magnitude is 1.2 T parallel to its principle axis. A particle having a
charge 2  10 3 C and mass 2  105 kg is projected perpendicular to the plane of the
diagram with a speed of 4.8ms 1 . The particle moves along a circle with its centre
on the principal axis at a distance of 18cm from the lens.

15. The radius of the circular path of the particle is

A) 2 cm B) 4  10 2 cm C) 4cm D) 8cm

16. The distance of the image point on the axis of the particle from the lens.

A) 36cm B) 18cm C) 7.2cm D) 14.4cm


(Matching List Type)

This section contains 4 multiple choice questions. Each question has matching lists. The codes for lists have
choices A,B,C and D out of which ONLY ONE is correct.

17. An ideal monatomic gas undergoes different types of processes which are described in

Column – I match the corresponding effects in column – II. The letters have usual

Column – I Column – II

a)PV-2 = constant P) If volume increases then temperature

will also increase

b) PV2 = constant q) If volume increases then temperature

will decrease

c) C = Cv + 2R r) For expansion, heat will have to be

supplied to the gas

d) C = Cv – 2R s) If temperature increases then work

done by gas is positive

t) If pressure increases the work done by

gas is negative

A) a-p,s;b-q,t;c-r,s,t;d-qt

B) a-q,t;b-p,r,s;c-p,q,r,s;d-q,t

C) a-p,r,s;b-q,t;c-p,r,s,t;d-q,t

D) a-p,r,s;b-p,s;d-r,s,t;d-p,s
18. A square loop is placed near a long straight current carrying wire as shown.

Match the following

Column – I Column – II

a) If current is increased P) Induced current in loop is clockwise

b) If current is decreased q) Induced current in loop is anticlockwise

c) If loop is moved away from the wire r) wire will attract the loop

d) If loop is moved toward the wire s) wire will repel the loop

A) a-q,s;b-p,r;c-q,s;d-p,r B) a-q,s;b-p,r;c-p,r;d-q,s

C) a-p,r;b-q,s;c-q,s;d-p,r D) a-p,r;b-q,s;c-p,r;d-q,s

19. Match the following

a) Boltzmann constant p) ML2T 1 

b) Coefficient of viscosity q) ML1T 1 

c) Plank constant r) MLT 3 K 1 

d) Thermal conductivity s) ML2T 2 K 1 

A) a-q;b-s;c-p;d-r B) a-s;b-q;c-p;d-r C) a-p;b-q;c-s;d-r D) a-r;b-q;c-p;d-s

20. Match List I of the nuclear processes with List II containing parent nucleus and one of the
end products of each process and then select the correct answer using the codes given
below the lists :
List-I List-II
15 15
a) Alpha decay p) O N  .....
8 7

238 234
b)   decay q) U Th  .....
92 90

185 184
c) Fission r) Bi  Pb  .....
83 82

239 140
d) Proton emission s) Pu  La  .....
94 57

A) a-q;b-p;c-s;d-r B) a-p;b-q;c-s;d-r C) a-r;b-p;c-s;d-p D) a-s;b-r;c-q;d-p


1) ABD 2) ABD 3) ABCD 4) AC 5) AB 6) AD

7) AC 8) A 9) C 10) A 11) A 12) C

13) B 14) A 15) C 16) A 17) C 18) B

19) B 20) A

1. rB = 2rA..................(I)
TA= 2TB ...................(II)
E   eT 4
 16
 4
r r r
2. F aP
r r
F is always perpendicular to P
It can’t change speed hence KE also.
P will change
F will be constant; so particle will move on a circular trajectory.
3. Angular momentum vector about point ‘O’ is changing but magnitude of AM is
constant about ‘O’.
r r
Lz remains constant; hence Z z = 0
4. Conceptual

5. Conceptual

l l 1
6. Net resistance of two wall=  1  2 
 k1 k2  A
 
 T  l1
Temperature of interface =   1000    .....1
l l 
 1  2  k1
 k1 k2 
 
 T  l2
or     100............ 2
l1 l2  k2
  
 k1 k 2 
equation 1 & 2 shows on increasing thermal conductivity of outer layer temp of
interface certainly decreases.
IN same way on increasing thickness of Inner layer temperature of interface
7. Nuclear proton absorbs one k – shell e- and as the result proton changes to neutron
and a neutrino is emitted. Out side nucleus one e- jumps to k – shell valancy and
emits characterstic X – ray.
8. (A) The slab does not contribute to deviation. For minimum deviation by prism,

r1  r2  30º as shown in figure.


i i
r1 r2

 sin i  2 sin 30º or i=45º

 Minimum deviation =2i – A =90º - 60º =30º

 0 I  2
9.    a cos t  
2 b 
0 Ia 2 sin  t
i  current in small loop 
 
 due to magnetic field =  a 2i B sin 
  0 a 2 I 2 
 sin t 
R  2b 
10. At t = 0; Induced current in loop is zero.
11. Orbital A.M = mR2 
Spin A.M  I 
2 2
mr  I
I  mR 2
as mr 2  mR 2
12. Conceptual
Q0  q q
13.  iR 
Q0  2q dq

2CR dt
2 t
Q0  
q  1  e Rc 
2  
Q0 2t RC
i e
14. In steady state change on both capacitor is ; Hence heat produced
 Q0 
Q02  2  Q2
 2 0 b
2C 2C 4S 0

mV 2 105  4.8
15. r  3
 4 102 m
qB 2  10 1.2

1 1 1
 
16. V  18 12

1 1 1 1812
  V   36cm
V 12 18 6

17. f = 3
3 R
A; C = R
2 3
3 R
B; C = R 
2 3
C; Cv + 2R
Process equation for option 3
 2R
1 a
1  a  12

a  12
PV 2
= constant
D; C = Cv – 2R
Process equation for option D
 2R
1 a
1  a  12

a  32
PV 2
= constant
18. Conceptual
19. Conceptual

20. Conceptual

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