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Journey of a Device:

Digital Camera

Ari Pakusmanto
Take your device on a journey
In this case i would try to imagine bring the device which is digital camera to mountainous jungle in
Kalimantan, There is place in Kalimantan called Betung Kerihun National Park. this place also for tourism
destination for who likes to hiking activity. Betung Kerihun is the home for many species in Kalimantan Indonesia.
This place is generally a mountainous place and also a large of jungle area. Actually there was no mountain in
Kalimantan so it is actually more to kind of hill. In this kind of places the device which is digital camera would still
operate well. As been mentioned before that this place also place where tourist usually come. Digital camera is
going to operate well in this place. Since it is only a digital camera not that really high technology this kind of device
was already familiar with local people. Although there are range of the camera start from the low technology until
good technology. For sure using digital camera is already familiar for local people.
Al camera wass familior
Take your device on a journey

©2016IndonesiaNatureFilm Society
Here is the link video to know more about Betung Kerihun National Park in Kalimantan Indonesia.
Light, Air, and Space
Indonesia currently have no big power to control the sky space, light waves and air waves. The technology
which can control these three aspect is still far away from the government target. In the past Indonesia have ever try
to sent satellite to the out space. The satellite that called as Palapa B2. However it was not success until finally the
satellite was sold.
Although Indonesia does not have the control over the three but still have gorm communication like radio
frequency or Wi-Fi. The law related to the form of communication through radio frequency ios can be article 5
frequency allocation in regulation of frequency.
There are not much infrastructure telecommunication in Indonesia. One of the company or organization which
provide telecommunication infrastructure is PT Telkom Indonesia. The most common infrastructure of
telecommunication in Indonesia is cellular network. This cellular network commonly called telkomsel network.
Telkomsel operated “GSM/DCS, GPRS, EDGE and 3.5G networks”. In 2013 Telkomsel supported by 69,864 BTS
overall network capacity which provide for more than 100 million customer.
Builders of Capital
As it is been explained in the previous slide the most provider of Internet service Indonesia is Telkomsel. This is
because telkomsel can be reach by people who live far from city. Telkomsel provide internet service by cellular
network since cellular is the easiest to get. Through the cellular network Telkomsel provide GSm until 3G network.
Beside cellular network, Telkomsel also provide internet service which called Indihome fiber. However telkomsel is
not the only provider in Indonesia there are some other provider like Biznet Wi-Fi, Indosatm2 and many other
internet service provider.
The cost of service by the internet providers are vary depend on internet service people used. Just take for
example telkomsel indihome fiber. There are many service that offer by telkomsel related to indihome fiber. Each
service offer with different price. The range of the price is started from IDR 300,000 until IDR1.7 million per month.
The profit telkomsel earn from the internet service their provide is quit big. In 2016 the profit of telkomsel from
internet and IT service is about IDR 42.99 trillion.
In Indonesia the law related access of information is regulated under the national constitution which is UUD
1945. Specifically the law is include in article of 28F which regulate and guarantee everyone have the right to
communicate and earn information. Indonesia also adopted another law which called public information disclosure
act. These are some regulation and law related to information access in Indonesia.
Indonesia is still have problem with net neutrality, censorship, digital divide and mobile justice. Just take for
example about censorship. Different with US and other European countries Indonesia play a bit strict on censorship.
Not so long ago, PT telkom Indonesia blocking Netflix as part of censorship since the contain in netflix is not match
Indonesian regulation.
Basically digital camera was an disruptive technology anymore. In the past digital camera is could be categorize
as disruptive technology, however this time there are more camera product like smartphone camera or other camera.
Compare to other technology like smartphone, PC or laptop digital camera was not really a disruptive technology in
Indonesia. Related to the impact of digital camera to the society again it was not that big like smartphone and pc or
laptop. The positive effect of digital camera to the society is for the one who focus on or interested in photography
they can find the best camera for them. While the negative impact is not directly with the camera but more to the
result of picture taken by using the camera.
Internet is a
Iceland: right covered
no censorship
by taxes
South Korea:
Libya: Fastest speed
Cuba: Slowest
Most expensive speedextreme

Map of Access
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Petronzio, M. (2014, December 17). The countries with the most and least Internet freedom. Retrieved May 29, 2017, from

Rasyad, F. (2017, May 19). Harga Tarif Paket Internet IndiHome Fiber & Speedy Mei 2017. Retrieved May 29, 2017, from

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Wauters, R. (2009, October 14). Applause For Finland: First Country To Make Broadband Access A Legal Right. Retrieved May 29, 2017, from

Which Country has the World's Slowest Internet Speed? (2016, May 11). Retrieved May 29, 2017, from

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