Ethical Dilema

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Professional Codes of Ethics to improve decision-making

between Moral Dilemmas and solutions in the Field of:

HR Manager

Ari pakusmanto
HR manager is one of the career that many people choose as their career path.
Usually HR would be dealing with people instead of other. HR deal with other, but
commonly or mostly deal with people. HR is the one responsible for hiring new
employee, train employee, promoting employee, until the one who responsible for
firing the employee in a company. Become HR is not an easy there are step and
Requirements requirement to become an HR professional. Just like another professional job,
become a HR manager have some basic requirement. One of the basic requirement
of become HR manager is earn bachelor degree at minimum. There are another
com,pany which require master's degree to become an HR manager. This is common,
many other job field would require this in nowaday. Working experience is the other
requirement of becoming the HR manager. For graduates level usually become HR
assistant or specialist. While for manager it usually require 5 years working
experience in the field. The other requirement is certification. This is not necessarily
important to become HR manager. However sometime certification is needed to
become HR manager.
Problem 1
Problem Action to take Code/Clause #

Become HR manager ethical dilemma often The action could be done to in this situation is The code is
arise when dealing with hiring. Hiring could learn how the candidate's past work experience. If could be code
be a dilemma especially when the candidates the candidates is fresh graduates giving an number 2.4
accept and
is mostly have a good qualification. exercise would be good to see the quality. As if the
Sometimes it is happening that the one who condition all good, and the candidates is post the appropriate
being choose in the recruitment process is test and did not perform well than give them professional
have bad performance while the one who did chance. Not only give chance but also training if review. This
not being choose is perform well in other possible see what they lack of. And another way action could
lead the
company. It is dilemma to make sure to could be done is ask the employee his/her self
employee know
choose the right person which will be what they need to improve. what their
perform well after they being put in the job. weakness from
other instead
only looking at
their own
about the
Problem 2
Problem Action to take Code/Clause #

In the previous slide it talk about hiring To answer this problem, trustworthy and integrity Related clause
people. In this slide it will talk about data is is must for an HR. Hr must be a people who can number for this
security. Data related to HR is about privacy be trust, honesty and honor integrity. When dilemma is
code number
both for customer or employee. This data people work honestly, and put integrity they
1.8 honor
could be use in the wrong way. Data seling would not have the will to do something bad like confidentiality.
and manipulation is could be related to HR. selling or manipulating data for some people or
group advantages. Above all, creating code and
conduct so people would know how the rule to
work in this field.
Problem 3
Problem Action to take Code/Clause #

In the current situation bullying is one of the Action could be done is set a rule and regulation The code this
problem in working condition. How bullying about this problem. Make the employee always dilemma is code
related to information technology is through respect other and talk to the person directly if the number 1.2
social media and other media. The purpose of have a problem. HR could facilitate the employee which is avoid
technology is helping people to make their with counseling if they found differences in their harm to others.
task easy but sometime they use it in a wrong idea while they are in a working place. Because
way. Just for example in group of social media bullying could
because of a person have different idea than har other like
other people like to mock at them or do other they could be
thing. This would a dilemma for HR since HR feel stress.
need to maintain good working environment.
Problem 4
Problem Action to take Code/Clause #

The dilemma for HR this time is related to The action could be take for this dilemma is use The code which
training. To make the employee are qualified the technology as if the training would be failed if could be
with job they responsible for training is the not using the technology. Or the training is related to this
way to make it happen. Training would spend scheduled in a good way so the use of the dilemma is
cost for company. Nowadays the training technology would not be that much since it would code number
could be done easier by using technology. The be used only when training is conducted. 3.3 about
problem is, the cost for training use Sometime training is conducted as it needed to be, acknowledge
technology would increase. Especially to but for the use of the technology the training and support
train employee of the company in a far away could be put as a special in order to reduce cost of proper and
from the parent company. The cost is become using it. authorized uses
problem for the company. of an
computing and
Problem 5
Problem Action to take Code/Clause #

Competing in workplace is common. To prevent this problem or dilemma to be happen. The code that
However dilemma could come in term of The HR should keep maintain and watch the could be related
promoting of the employee. Just take for candidates when finishing the test and make sure to this dilemma
example There are two candidates for that they can proof if there any plagiarism or is the code
promotion they are given some task in order something related to the work. number 1.6
to be promoted. In finishing the task, they Give proper
compete and do anything including idea of credit for
other that they took in the internet or other intellectual
sources. This could be dilemma first it use property.
technology in wrong way, and the second
who need to be promoted as if the candidates
is do bad while the position for the promotion
is urgently needed employee to take
Problem 6
Problem Action to take Code/Clause #

The dilemma at this time is manipulating The action could be done for this dilemma is make The code
report for specific project. As an HR this sure that the employee is honor integrity of their related to this
could be big problem for company and the work. The second, there must be person who can dilemma is code
doer could be fired because of this action. control the technology so the use of it could not number 2.6
This can be happened because the report is be manipulated. The company could also see how Honor
did through some technology which can be the agreement for the people who working on the contracts,
manipulated so the report looked good while project. As if the agreement stated that if there is agreements,
not. Shal the employee is fired for the misuse any fraud the employee should be put out of the and assigned
of the technology for creating fake report but project or fired than HR should honor the responsibilities.
on the hand the employee is needed since the agreement.
project is on progress and no one would
handle if the employee is being fired.
Problem 7
Problem Action to take Code/Clause #

If in the previous slide it talk about misuse of The prevention of this problem is by giving the The code for
It purposely than this time the problem come employee more understanding about the this problem is
because the employee have familiar with the technology earlier before it being use. Provide code number
IT. This could be solved by give training. them the basic knowledge. After the technology is 2.7 Improve
However the dilemma is what should be done used, the information of using the technology is public
for the mistake just take for example wrong must be given clearly and controlled by expert so understanding
production because the technology is new the miss production could be minimized although of computing
and employee is not familiar. If the product is it could not be reduce become zero. and its
sold it does not fulfill standard, if not consequences.
company loos.
Problem 8
Problem Action to take Code/Clause #

Maintaining employee to be motivated is The action could be done is providing the good The code for
important. Keep them always perform their working environment. Maybe the HR could give this dilemma is
best is a must. Technology is tools to help the suggestion for company to have sport facility to could be code
employee to achieve this. However working make the employee could do activity like sport number 2.1
with complex technology and required to when they have a time to left their work. The HR Strive to
always perform above average is could make could also provide a room or place where the achieve the
the employee become more stress and employee could release their stress. For example highest quality,
suppressed. For example sitting in front of there is special room with a good aroma therapy effectiveness
computer for all day working with data and which make the employee feel more relax. and dignity in
complex design would make people feel more both the
stress while they are also required to finished process and
the job with good result in everyday. products of
Whistle blowing is action did by people because they see something wrong
in a company. Usually whistle blowing is bring bad news for company and also for
the person who become the whistle blower. Just take for example there is a fraud
did by a company about a financial report. One of the employee notice the report
was made wrong purposely. And then he/she try to spread this news to people
who incharge on dealing with this kind of problem in the company. This could be
classified as a voluntary whistle blowing since the employee there is problem and
try to bring the problem into a surface so the company would not loss from the
fraud. The consequence if there there is whistle blower about something bad for
the company, the company would receive bad image in front of other company or
business. While for the whistle blower it would put them in a problem it could be blowing
they would be discriminated by the doer of the fraud if they known by the person
who did the fraud. In Us there is law which protect the whistleblower. It called as
federal whistleblower protection.
From many of the workable ethical theory act of utilitarianism is the the
theory that govern the dilemmas. This is because act of utilitarianism is classified
an action into bad and good action. Most of the dilemma would become both bad
or good action. Just like the dilemma about data privacy it would be the bad
action if the data is being used for the advantage of people or group without any Moral
permission from the owner of the data. Like selling the customer data to other
company and get money from selling the data, this would be a bad action. Act of
utilitarianism explain about this problem. So most of the dilemmas, is governed
by Act of Utilitarianism.
by ethical
Code of Ethics. (2016, July 29). Retrieved June 14, 2017, from

How to Become a Human Resource Manager: Education and Career Roadmap. (n.d.).
Retrieved June 14, 2017, from

Wilmoth, M. J. (n.d.). Federal Whistleblower Protections. Retrieved June 14, 2017,


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