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Non-Disclosure Agreement


The estimated time to complete this course is 5 minutes.

Please note: There is no audio for this module

Course Objectives
To understand what types of
communication our Non-Disclosure
Agreement covers

To be able to effectively describe and

document your work with Appen

Learn how to deal with common

situations which may be impacted by
the NDA

A Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) limits the amount of

information consultants may legally share about the confidential
project or projects they are working on.

 Non-disclosure agreements are very common

in the technology field.

 Non-disclosure agreements are used to

protect sensitive, confidential and/or
proprietary information.

 Non-disclosure agreements really are easy to

Why Is This is Important to Me?

Hey, where are you What do I put

working these days? on my resume?

Hi Mom, let me tell

you about my great
new job!
Understanding the Intent

Understanding the Intent

• The intent of the NDA is to prevent inadvertently sharing
proprietary information with competitors and/or not revealing
proprietary, sensitive, or confidential information.

• Many direct and indirect competitors use similar programs and

processes for testing.

• Any specific information related to the client, program guidelines,

tools, or processes should be treated as Confidential.

• Consultants in violation of the NDA are subject to contract review

and may be subject to legal action.
Generally Speaking…

Common Questions
• All Appen Consultants have signed the Non-Disclosure
Agreement in conjunction with their contract and are bound to
maintain strict confidentiality with all aspects of Appen and the
Falcon programs.
• All work must be done from your home office using your personal
• Do not discuss the rating criteria, including the rating scales or
any related details of the rating process, with anyone outside of
• Do not discuss the tool and its operating details.
• Do not take or publish screenshots of the tool to any site or any
individuals other than Appen staff or support organizations.
• Do not share the URL or any part of the URL associated with the
What Can I Put on My Resume?

Do: Don’t:
• Do use the Appen name proudly! You are a consultant • Do not list Falcon or any other Appen client as your
working for Appen. You are not an employee of Appen employer or client.
or the client.
• Do not share the specific name of your project or
• Do specify that you are an independent consultant program, such as “Ads”, “News Feed”, “Needle” and so
under contract with Appen, when updating your forth, with anyone outside of the Appen organization.
resume or curriculum vitae (CV).
• Do not use the phrase “Single Review Tool” or the
• Do use the following language to describe your work: acronym “SRT” with anyone outside of Appen.
o “I do web evaluation using an Excel spreadsheet
or an annotation tool.”
o “I review and rate web content, using a web
application to support the measurement of
search data relevance.”
o “I evaluate online web content according to
detailed criteria.”

• For income or work verification requests, you may

provide the requestor a copy of your contract. Appen
does not provide references, income verification, or
work verifications for consultants.
Where Can I Go For Technical Support?

Do: :
• Whenever you encounter technical issues • Do not use web-based tools such as Flickr or
while working in production, you must escalate Snapfish to create or save screenshots.
through the Appen technical support team (via
Kayako). If you are unsure how to capture
screenshots, an article on how to do so is • Leaving the SRT tool open whilst a non-Appen
included in the Tech Support Knowledgebase.
technician works on your machine is a violation
of the NDA.
• If you are frustrated in your attempts to resolve
a technical issue with the Appen Technical
Support team do not take your questions • The use of any web-based tools or resources
online but do let your TM know and they in
turn will escalate as appropriate. not directly associated with and provided by
Appen, including photo or video sites, Twitter,
• If you need to take your PC or Laptop to a technical support forums and blogs, or any
service center, whether a local PC repair shop other non-related site is a violation of the
or a service like Geek Squad, you must first NDA
take the following steps:
o Remove any bookmarked links to the SRT
o Remove or protect any documents related to
the program, such as program guidelines.
How Should I Describe My Work
to My Friends and Family?

Do: Don’t:
• Use similar language as you would on your resume: • Do not discuss the objectives of the program with your
– You are an independent contractor providing friends or family.
services to Appen. • Do not reveal the identity of the client with anyone
– You are working on web evaluation using an outside of Appen.
Excel spreadsheet and/or an annotation tool. • Do not use the name of the program or the acronym
“SRT” with anyone outside of Appen.
• Do not discuss the rating scales you use with anyone
outside of Appen.
• Do not discuss the tool and its operating details.
• Do not share the URL of the tool.
• Do not do your annotation work on any public or
corporate computer.
• Do not check your email on any public or corporate
computer. Your contract explicitly states all work must
be completed on your personal computer.
Posting Online and Referrals

Posting Online • Very general reviews or recommendations for Appen are welcome!
• Posting specific details about contract terms, rates, project guidelines,
tools, or processes is expressly prohibited by the Non-Disclosure
• Posting on Facebook, Twitter, blogs, social media, or any other
websites is considered a violation of the Non-Disclosure Agreement.

Referrals • We are always happy to get referrals for qualified consultants!

• Interested applicants should apply online at
• If you have a recommendation for a job board or recruiting source,
please pass the information along to your TM.
• Do not forward the Appen Job Posting to any internet sites, job
boards, groups, or associations without prior approval.
• Only referrals from authorized postings will be considered for an


You’ve completed this

course on the Non-
Disclosure Agreement.
We hope that you find this
information helpful as you
embark on your work with
Appen. Good luck to you!

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