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In this chapter, the writer wants to analyze the poem from unknown author that implied some figures of

Love is a dream
Love is a dream
Its gone as we wake up
Leaving some moments
To be cherished
Love is like a wind
It embraces us with passion
leaving the scent of fresh flowers
tingling our mind
Love is like a water bubble
Beautiful to see from far
Even rainbows are visible
But a tender touch will break it
Leaving a refreshing sprinkle
Love resembles a shadow
We try to escape but it follow
At times it makes us hollow
It disappears with the sun
And leave us in the Nights
To Haunt all over again
My love race along to your heart than water racing
Is all soft and strong
Between the mountain and beach

 Metaphor
The data: according to poem “Love Is a Dream”
a. In stanza I: Love is a dream
Comment: in my analysis for love is a dream is that human usually doesn’t realize that the love has been coming to
their hearts. As dream that comes while people sleeping. It gone as we wake up and leave some moments
 Simile
The data:
a. In stanza II: Love is like a wind
b. In stanza III: Love is like a water bubble
c. In stanza IV: Love resembles a shadow
Comment: according to the data above, the author describe love as wind means that wind blow and vestige some
senses of memories. And the author considers that love is beautiful by imagining it as rainbow that seems in water’s
 Personification
The data:
a. In stanza II: It embraces us with passion
b. In stanza III: But a tender touch will break it
Comment: based on the data that it refer to wind that imagined it can hold human with a strong feeling. Another
one described that love as air ball that broke if someone touches it.
 Hyperbole
The data:
a. In stanza IV: At times it makes us hollow
Comment: in my analysis that love sometimes suddenly disappear by the time. So, the author uses the exaggeration
word to show the reader how it happened.

 Metonymy
The data:
a. in stanza V: Between the mountain and beach
Comment: according to data, between the mountain and beach have meaning between them is a water flow.
 Paradox
The data:
a. in stanza V: My love race along to your heart than water racing
Comment: according to data, it has some reflection to make some sense between two different meaning races along
the heart and the water racing.

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