Ias Prelims Csat 2011

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cov all these question

with step by ウエG セeウ ᄋ セ[@ B !i>@K E'f' ion

Time Allorced : Trm Hnur...

1. AイQe|iセdlNtfy@
.-\FTEH 'I'} I]<; C0:\11\U•:NCE:\lENT OF 'I'H E E:Xi\L\1li\A'TlON. YO .SHOC 1.11 Cl IECK
PACES OR lTEli!S ..KJ'C. IF SO. gャセG@ IT REPLACim BY :\ CP:\ll'LrJ 'E TE セIA N@ BC10KLET.
2. EJ\CODE: CLEAHLY thセ@ T!<.:ST HOOKLET Sr.:!<IES A, R, C 0 D AS TH E C:'\SE :t!AY m: lN THE

·1. Thn< T!':o>t Boc,klet 」オョエ[セゥウ@ 80 it;:oms •:q<u•stion<' ' r1t'lli . ._ t•rtntcd uoth in Hindi ;tnd f:nJ.!Ii.;h.
HGセc\ーエ@ fM Qu(•;;lil•!1$ nbtint: lo En;;lish L;1 セサQt ZijNャ@ "': tmlrm 1.Pn:-ion ll'hidl are in Rngti:sh on!y. Ea,·h T:t•tn
CClmprises four イ」セーョウエᄋ@ セ。ョウャ|エZイIN@ Yr•ll wi'l セ\、 ョ G@ th· rcspon,H: which )'0'11 want !" mark •m lhi·
aョNセキ・イ@ Rh1eet. In L':lf>(•. yuu feel tl::lt th iGセ@ ·-s ru e tlwn unc l'Mfl'd AGHセQIuョヲ[・N@ mark lhe イエGZェIャセc@ which
yuu txm::<idt'r the bC':>t. In any cnsc, d1ofls • l:1:\1S ONB ョウーッセl^@ lor e.nth item.
5. ON/, ••n the .st•Jmratu An..;wer ZNIィセ・エ@ provided. :-)(·{' dirrTticm:.: m
エィセ@ An;;wer .Sheet.
fi. All i!l•ms rarrs t•qua!P: セオォ G@

7. Bl'fon' :n•U proceed!· mnrk II .)., . .i.nswcr sィ・HGセ@ !.hl' イDーエGャ^セ@ tv \;;nt·Ll'' i:-:ms Jr. thl• 1';·<1 n....l-;],.1, ··''"
h:tw tu fill i1: , :nc セᄋ@ ... JLH .:Iars in thr ;\;}SWU SiM',·: LセZ@ p• ·r ,!,:<lr:JdH•Il:< ·*nt tc· -.-,,u \'. t:h -"'·•ur
:\dmission C..ltific.t'··. •

I 0. Penal fo キイッョセZ@ answers セ@

TII E!lF. WI LL BE l'K.N'AT.TY FOl\ WHONG ans|vセ[キN@ MAHin;n HY thセZ@ CANIHDATE l•:XCF:J'1' FUH
1- H .S'RIONS FnOM 73 '1'0 80. WHICH DO NOT Ci\RRY 1\NY pセZnaANty@ FOH WHONG anセ|GZエ」@
tィセイ・@ ェセ@ rouT' :Jitern;tlin·s for !hl· :mswer LCI l''.'t'r:· yul',;tiuu. r'ur ear.:h アオlᄋセエゥHjョ@ wilidl ィ。セ@ a
pt-nalty lor v.·hich a wrrm}; ;msw(·r has bN·n Y.i\'l'Tl hy !lw canJidate, one-third of the mark.-.
。NMウゥァョセ、@ to th;ll q1Jel'tion will bt• dr•duclPd ;1s )Wnalty.
>iit lr ;1 r:mt.lid:.n1· r::,t·sfm·n· AQZ[Mセョ@ o:w \セョウNキエイ@ it v.i!l he· Gョᄋ[セィ、@ ;u' a wrong answe•· e\·en if r•nc (•f

ts a
the gi\'.,n
if it
If a
h ー」ョセ@ to lx- rorrc·ct and therl' wdl [.,_. _qme

e,;tion Zセ@ ll'ft . bnk. if'., nn ;m:-wcr i,; ;!iH·r. h.\ Lht·
ー・ョ[セ@ It;; as Jbc•Ye ((I I h:1t

.:;moidatc. th<'re \\ill be .no pl'nalty for


that セャ」ウエゥイLョN@


of foeticide. This

with s BON セp@ P.• • g.step

Now India's children have n right society which is

tu rtn·ivP nl iAセZjウエ@ eight years of cducntion, traditional obstacles

the gnawin;:; tlucstion i::; whether it will
remain nn p:tper or hccomt• a reality. One

hardly need:; a reminder that エィゥセ@ right

is diflcn•r1l !"rum the others cnsh1·incd in able to address

the Constitution, that the beneficiary - it.
a six yPar old child cannot demand it. nor
can she or he fight a Iーセ。ャ@ hattie when

the right is denied l>r violated. ln ull case.'.

it is tht' adult セッエゥ」ャケ@ which must ad em

When 」ィゥャ、セ・ョ@ arc denied education,
:tdult society docs not ad on bdhalf
or them_
2. l{ight to Education ns a law cannot
be udrqnak (lr be enforced in the rountry.
ocs no t la:U.. If a legal
Which of the statements given above
<:half Df r child is
is/are corrl'Cl ?
may be of rttllc usc to
(a) I only
the opportunity

ョ ゥ セ Z ・ 、@ al :.-;chao! during childhood cannot Ih) 2 only

se Vl' Lhl' セ。イョ・@ ーオイッセ」@ );Jtcr 1n life. This
[c) Hoth land 2
may be painfully trnc for girls because
our sonct.y permits them only a short !d) Neror I nor 2

P-PFC·l-CGJB ( 2 0 }
Which one

with st ゥューャ・ョキエセ@
is not keen nn

a. The prejudice aga\nl't. the
intclledu al potential of セゥイウN@ (r)
of a
4. Improper セケAGゥエ」ュ@ of セ、オ」。エゥッョN@ safeguar ded.

Select thP corrr.ct ;msw(•r from the codes (d) education should
given below :
issue or Rt,ltht to
(a) 1 and 2 only
(bl 2, 3 and 4 cmly

(c ) I, :J and 4 only
(dl 1. 2, Zセ@ and 4 conveys }J1c..• ゥョヲHBtセ」・@ of the passagt· .,

:J. (a) 'l'tlC society has a tcnariflu!'

prcjuuin : against the intdlcc'tu al
1. potential of g-irlo;.

2. fb) t\rlulb rnnnut be relied upon tv

fight on behalf of children for their
H.ight to Education.

gi vcn ahl)\'c (cl The 1Pgal fighl lo セ・エ@ education l(w

childn·n is oflen protracte d and

fdJ Thr-r·p is no sufficient substitut e for

Rnlh 1 and 2
dral.io n ceccived in childhood.
fdl Nt•ithcl' 1 nor 2

P-PrC-L-CGJB I 4 - 0 l

ーイッヲ・ZM[セゥョ。|@ C is thr Nyッ。ョセ・ウエ@ p<!r:«m in
9. How many fcmall'-"
lhe family and ]) 1:-; tlw cldc•st. R is a ーイョセ。ャ@ ?
male. (a) ·J:10
(h.l EOO
!dl HIセP@
(al II uli h<1 ml
fbi Son

trl Fatlwr

ld I Wife

I low· many fl•mal;c:-; Wl'l:c not in Gvonr of

7. セNィ・@ propu:->al 'l
(a) 'l:·!O
!h.t セV@
ih} C and D ret i)Rfi

(d I ャRセHゥ@
(cl E ami A
12. In n queue, :VIr. X i::. fourteenth from tlw
front and l\Ir. Y is sエGカ」ョャセィ@ !'rom til{'
1 end. while .Mr. Z i:-; I'XIH:tly in bctwt;:(•n
1\-lr X and Mr. ,.. Ir Mr. X i.s ahead uf
Mr Y and thcr(' an· ,1S person!; in the
queue, how many persons are there
hPLwecn :\1r. X anrl :\1r. Z?
Ia I f)

!h) 7
It:• R
I 1!1
pセfcMlgjb@ I 6 - D )
Exa rial
H!'ad each
cover (I d

an.m:ers tu these item,.; should be ba.,·cd rm

with s lh<• >O R.<a "e<

1 1
/lva_ ag ) te p
For 。エZィQ」カゥョセ@ inclusive セッキャィ@

Lhr>re i$ a critical need to rethink the role to

of the StHlc. The early debate among
economists <t hout the sJzc of the
Government can be misleading. The need amL at the sanlc lime ph-tl'r's an important
of Lhe hour is to have an enabling role in directly hcipi ng the poor by
Government. India is too large and hZ セ@ get basic education
complex a nntion for the State to be a!Jic
to deliver ;.dl that if; ョ」・、ヲセN@ aセォゥョ@ thr.
Government to produce all the ei'!'lf'ntial
g(}{)(ls, create all the necessary job>. and
keep a curh till the prices uf aH goods セ@ to Tha objective of inclusi\fe growth
lead to a large cumbersvme burc;1ucr.· cy waa laid down by the .founding
and widespread corruption. fathers of Lhe nation.

2. Nl"l!d of the hour is to ha\'e an

enabling Government.

:l. The Government .should engage m

nation and 。ャセエQ@ to !ako a more modern maximum interference in market

カゥ・セ@ of what Hie S .te e.y;• イセ。ャゥウ」ケ@


..dchver. J 4. There is a need to change the size of

the Government.

Whirh of the ウエセイュョャ@ given above are

e na bli ng State. that is, a Government that.
correct ?
does not lry to directly clchver Aセ@ the
(a) 1 and 2 only
evPrything that they need.
JnstcHd 1 it OJ creates an エ^ョ\セィャゥァ@ ethos
(b) 2 and a only
(c) { and 4 only
for the mark('t so that individual
(d) l, 2. 3 and 4

p. PFC·L ·CGJB I 8 - D l
Exa erial
cover a)

with s ns.
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
(c) Controlling t.hc distribution uf
17. What is the essential
manu facta reel goods.

(d) Delivery of the ha:;ic services tu the

deprived sections of the society.
15. What constitutes an enabling

1. A 1argc bureaucracy.

2. Jmplcmcntat.inn of welfare 'rhere is a need lu rethink the role of

ーイッァZセュ」ウ@ through th8 State in achieving 'indusive
rcpre!'en !.ativcs.
:1. Creating an dhos The concept of 'creative l'ocicty'. refers
individual enterprise. to a ーィ\ャセエBA@ of developmt'nt of a soticly in
which a large number of potl.!niial
4. contradictions br;eome urticulat1: and
active_ This 1s most evident キィQセョ@
oppressed social groups get politically
the poor mobilised and demand their right;.;. The
upsurge of thE: pcasnnt!'i and tribal!'i, tl1e
movements for regional autonomy and
セ」ャイM、エョゥ。ッL@ t.he environmental
movcmcnL<;, and the women's movementc;
in the developing eounlrics arc :;igns of
emergen(:e of creative society in
contemporary times. The forms of !incial
movements and their intensity may \'ary
(c} ZセN@ 4 and 5 only fromJcountry to tounl.ry ;md place to plncr:
(dl I, 2, 3, 4 [Nセョ、@ 5 withF [セ@ country. But the very presf'nte of'

cover Z ョオAャ セ M II these
IH. \Vhat dot'..; tlw attthor imply

with s poh·Jif.li ll
I N セ@

curl! r:td ictinr:.;.; nnd [!Jll nid".

:\ s.ocid; where セエキゥZ、@ irwqu3litits ·
。ョセ@ an::ep!(·d ;1::; t lw norm .
Which uf tlw
:\ NセエャcZゥBAス@ wlwr<· ;1 イセM{・@「 nllrnbcr r,f ゥセ NG 。ョ@ curn·d 'i
」ッョエイ。、ゥ|G ッョZ セ@ ;up イャG Z ョセZゥG」、@
.J .\ :-:ocif'ty whet c· lla· ('Xploitt•d and •.:. ·, 1 urd.r
the ョーイ\ZセN Z 、@ J:rnnp-.; :;;row 」ョウエZゥッオセ@
or their lwm:m イゥセィャ@

upliftrn ent.
the cmTt>cl ;ln"wt'r using the codes
and <hi 2 unlv

( 1• •

ra l I, 2 :md セ@

·h.t ·l flli !y

1c l


:o.nd 4
:md ·I Only ウエNオZjセᄋョB@ rm1 p;1rtirip:!!P in ltw

1!}. 2. Some p:1rtwip ants m t.he イ。ョセ@ ar{'

:セ@ All Aセゥイャ@ p:1rticiran t" in tlw r:m• an·
I TH lll'd fo1· r•l:lChillJ.:.

\1 -' hicl: •tnt· nf llw fn!lnwing イオエQ、[ョセ@

can hl' drawll frnm the 。ィオキ セ@
N セ エ ZャcゥGセ@
. ?
(;, ·, All part1rip ants in tlu: rare arc
invited for イッュZィセM
:nl"wt:r オセ{ョァ@ the tork:;
lhl All セ ィャゥエョQZM@ ;uc invilt•d f(Jf
イッ。」ィjョセ N@
I and :! vnly
t C) :\II pari icip;Jnb m ! he ran· 。ョセ@
lh.l 2 :mel -1 nnl_\· st tukn1s
:) ;Jnd ·1 only
1. !..:\and I

PFFC -l-CGJB r1?.- D)


- Pcrccnl in age class

correct answa オNセゥョァ@ lhe gi tren
b!'low ench set o{ セエ。Hュ・ョィ@ .·
Which or them

22. Examine the following ウエ。ャセュイNョ@ ;

1. All animals arc carnivorous.
2. sッュセ@ :mima\!l arc: nut tarnivorous.
3. Animals Hrc not c<irnivorous.
1. Some animals arc carnivorous. (c)

(a) 1 。ョ、[セ@
fb) 1 and 2 · G セ@ c following fiKurc bas four 」オイカ・セ@
(c) 2 セュ、@ 3 namely A, 13, C a.nd D. Study, エィ・セ@
figure and answer the item that rolluw:-;.
(d) 3 and 4 i

23. J !i
]. :i'
2. c= 1
c:: -
3. !:. ッセウZ][⦅N@ ___.
·1. s arc l'IOl run Jy diesel (I セ@ lM iOO 600 800 1000 1200 1100 lf.M Jrol :ZIJfC

Which curvl! indicates the セZクーオョ」エゥ。ャ@
(a) A

{b) 2 and a (bl B

(c} C

{C) l and 3

(d) l and 4 !d) lJ

P-PFC-L-CGJB I 14 - D l
with · hout persons with
rh se:1!:C' from LIW!'!£!

Oistribution of diseases in Town- A (n)



28. e following Vnlocity- Time-
,. , ッセー ィ N@ nィッカNアMセ@ two tTnins 5t"arting-
セゥュ オ jエ[Z エョ 」ッオAGZャケ@ on parallel tracks.

With n:h·n.:no: til the above! graph, whkh
nr ャNィセ@
l!!1l' rnllowing slalcments is not

ia) Train B has an initial acceleration

セイ」l\@ than that of Train A.
!hl Train B is fns1.t:r than Trnin A at all
(!'! B1)th trains haVl! the sam1! vclodly
at lime t 1r
(d_l SョゥNャ⦅セイ。ウ@i エセhカ」ャ@ Lhc same clislancc
1n tJ Jc t 0 umt.s.

P-PFC.L-CGJB t 16 - D l
'l. heeomc revolut ionaries .

0 Wnkh lr lhn taCements given nbov<>

of <I vnnishl•d age, and lind!' consola tion
in |Gゥセッョウ@
i.s/.arc corr('c·t. '! セ@
of past greatne ss. Thal is <t (a) l and 2
foolish and dangerou:; ー。セエゥュ」@ in which
many of オセ@
(b,l 2only
indulgt'. An equally
quelitionablc ーイョ」エNゥ
セ イN@ fi>r オセ@
tll<lL wサセ@
gre:ll though we h:tvc comP down in the
。ョセ@ セlゥエャ@
in India is to
frll :l only
2 and 3
world in ッエィHセイ@ respcd s. Spirilu al or any 30.
othr.r greatness cannot he founded on
lack of freedom and opporlu nily, or on under foreign dorotn.tion
st;-Jrvalion and rnisNy. :\hny wcstl•rn c<H 110t indulge in spirituaJ P'UrsuiL
writPrs hnve encoura ged lhnt nnlion thal
Poverty is an impediment in t}Je
Indians are nther-worldly. I suppo!;C th t:
spiritua l pursuil .
poor and unlortu natc in every coun セ セ@
sオィェ」セ@ peoples may become •
other-worh! ly.

With rcfcrcm:c to tlw pa!'!>agc, whieh of

the :thovc 。ウセオューャゥッョ@ is/arc valid ?
nut Ia1 1 and 2
lbJ 2 only
(c) 2 and 3
(d) 3 only

31. 'fhc passage thcmatlcal1y centres 011

{a J the state of mind of oppressed people

• d an internal life. Where they mcd or
ォセ」ー@ do:-;c to each other, tlwre is an (bl starvat ion and misery
equilih1ium and lllability. When they (c) the growth of civilii'.ation
、ゥv\ セ イァ」@ connict arises セョ、@
torture the mind and spirit.
the ni:>es thal (d) hody,
min, and spirit of people m

P·PFC·L-CGJB l 1B - 0 I
cover fa l

with st (c) due to lark of equilibrium

ゥオ、」。ャエNセ@ the

atl 」クエセNZイョQャ@ life and an internal life.

(d) due to nne's inability to he either 34.
revolutionary or othcr-\\'orlcily.

Directions for the following Nセ@ (three)

Read lhe pa."osage giL•t:n beluu..r, study the (b)
graph that /ollou:s and answer flu> three
iic-ms gieen below f he ヲゥァイセ・N@
During a party, a pcn.;on was
exposed to cont<tminatcd watN A
days later, he dcvPlnped fever ar!d J,,f : Whieh ャGcセゥッョ@ of the curve ゥョ、」。エ・セ@ エィ。セ@
the treatnM:nt yielded effcctive relief?

going to a (It) c
starting the ih) D
hcltcr and

ltll Tht> I'UT\t' doe:; not 111diratt• !he


There are four routes to travel f'rom

city A to city R and six routPs from
1 dty B to city C. How ffi<lll}' roules arc
ーオセ[ウゥ「ャ」@ to tra\ll'l from the c..:it.v A to
cit.y c ?

I<J .l 24
lb) 12


ltll H

with s
penalty セィッオャ、@ Llw con1 ractor P<1Y if he
dclnys lh(' \Vork by IO days ?

(a) t セYUP@

(b) セ@ .-1250
(c.l セ@ 3600
(dl セ@ ヲャセo@

:J8. Consid1!r the figure gwen lwh•w an•l

answPr the item th::tt follows :


__l __ -
A :;quare i.s <.liv idcd i11lo l(nn· イ」エセャァ・ウ@ セ@。
shown above. '11tc length s of thl' sirlcs of
. J rcdang ies arc natura l numbN s. tィエセ@
areas of lwo rcctnn glcs <1re indicated in
Lhc figure. What is the length of c<u.·h セゥ、・@
or the sq uarc '!
faJ JO
fr) OpJlO!'itc and paralle l lo Lhc (b) 11
dircrti on S. (c) l!i
(d) Canno t be r,eterm int•d as tlw given
( d> ;\t E'iO" to the dim.:tion S.
dnta are inrnic ient

P-PFC-l CGJB ( 22 - 0 I
Exar l. rial
1;1 1 lf"• and:;; •
with s!he ; _,d .i 1ons.
frJ :w .•md :w (bl 20

(dl 2:i and 2!i (c) 18

ld) 15
42. ThrPe persuus :;tart walk inr, tr)gPthcr
and tltt!ir gteps mcasurl! <!U t"m, 112 em ,15. :\ village having a J:Jupulatirm of 4000
and 4!) rm イ・セー、ゥカャケN@ Wlwl is tlw I" I r e.s of wuter per htWd
minimum di.stancc each セィッオャ、@ walk セオ@ a tank ュ・。セ@
thai ead1 Citn cover the :-oamc riistann· The water of エャQゥセ@
in cumpiek ::teps .,

<rtl 25 m 20 em

lh) !)O rn 40 em :l days

Ir 1 i:l 111 ()() rm

(d J I0!1 m HO rrn (dl 5 rlays

43. If H ィョセ@ ll;lVC'ls N- in •I ャキオセ@ and Diredifms for ャィエセ@ サオャュエゥョセ@ 4 (fuur) items:
km セョ@ G hutlr.; at
lleml f)u_, f'ollou.:ing pas.w:ge ond nn:-ou•er
t e n wh(lt i!l &.he dtiu
the icj•ms thut (oUour. Your answers to
tmvl"'Ued hy tlwmj in
.. 1111'-''1! items :;;/wuld b.. haw on the
/lll SWift!' {111/_v.
A ウーセ」ゥ・@ that exert-<; an inOuencc
l out of' pr0portion to il.:; abundance in an·

pcッセケウエ」ュ@ is 」セエ、@ a keystone species .

!t) -I - !"}
The key>lonc r<-cies may innuonrc both
itl) - 2

P-PFC L-CGJB ( 24 D)
Ex a terial
cov 」オウカィセュ@ on Uw Pnci!ic coast of i'Jorth
With A 1 -r c. _ .· セiN@ n <1 1 Wil ple o · · p ;: ッ ョ Hセ@ S
spe:::ies. Its prefctred prey is the mussel
Mytilus nJ.lif(n-nianus. In the absence of Arneri<:a.
t;ea ウエオイZ[セ@ thest' mussels crowd out other
competitor::; in a broad be1t of the
int{!rtidal 1.onro Hy r.onsuming ュZ[セャウ N@
SP:::J st.ar creat!!s bare spaces th::lt rl.rc
taken over by a variety of other species. 2. f sea st.ai:l'l 1s
.by the
A セエオ、ケ@ at. the University or
Washington 、」ュッョセエイ。ゥ・@ ilw influence of the stat.emcmts g1vcn above
Pisas(a on 1->pecie5 richnesR by removing
sea st.ars from selected parls of the (a ) 1 only

intut.idal zone repeatedly ッカセイ@ a period of {b ) 2 only

five ycnrs. Two major ch:mgcs occur eo in (I:) Doth 1 and 2
the areas fi·om {d) Neither 1 nor 2
セ ᄋ@

removed. FiJ'st,
48. Which of the following is/are implied by
iut.o t.he passage ?
the intertidal zone, showing that sea ウエヲャイセ@ 1. l\·1ussels are always hard
ュ オセウ・ャ@ ron1plctdy competitors for セ・ZNQ@ stars.
whue they ar - co red with water most of 2. Sea stars of the Pacific coast have
reached the dimax of their
t.hc time. &!eon . tilld more ditlmatitally, evulut.ion.
28 of 。ョゥイセャウ@ セョ、@ i:llgae 3. Sea セエ。イウ@ constitute an important
from the sea star removal compun(!nt in the energy flow in !.
intertidal ecosystem. セ@

エャhセ@ 。「ッカ・セ@
only Mytilu8. the
'Which of statements given
dominnnt competitor, occupied the entire
itJ/are correct ?
substratum. Through its effcet on (a.lll and 2
competitive relationships, prcd3tion by
(h) 2 only
Pis(lslPr brgcly dotermines which セーQZ」ゥ・ウ@
(r.,l 1 and :1
ャゥカセ@ in エィ・Z[セ@ rocky intertidal ecosystems. (d) 3 only
with sf . fl;l N + 10
3. If the ォ」ケセエッョ@ spt'ries is romplclely (c) N ... 4
rerriovP.d rrom an 」ッウケセエ・ュL@ it. will {d) N +5
leal.! to the collapse of the
52. In a gToup
With rt!fercntr. to the pa!'sage, which of
the males are uarricd, what fraction of
the above 。ウセZューエゥッョ@ isfan.! valid ?
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 and 3 only
{r) 1 and 3 only
(d) 1, 2 anti :3

50. Consider l.he following argument :

"In order lu be a I cacher one The houses of A antl H face each ッエィQセイ@
un a road going north-south, N:; being
graduate from cnllcgc. All
on the wr.stern side. A comes out or his
Some Math('mntici;ms •t r c
house. turns ll"ll. travels 5 km, lurns
college gr;1duak ゥセ[@ poor.·•
イゥセィエL@ travels 5 km tJJ the front of D's
not a houl'e. H docs ex ad ly エィセ@ same and
' reaclws the front of c·l) house. ln thi:-
mntcxt, which one of the following
arc ウエ。」ュセョN@ ir-; correct ?
(a) C and D live on the same slreel.
not )b) C's hous<' faces south.

(cl The houses of C and D arc ]Nis

1cJ 'l'cachcrs arc not poor. than 20 km apart.

(d) Poets arc not teachers. !d) None of Lhcrhovc

P PFC-L·CGJB I 28 - D l
with ste セ。ァ ・ M tep •
ecosystpms· pnJvid£> people with a ZセN@ Putahlc ヲイ・セィ@ wate r
\'ariety of. goods and sPrviccs; fr)!ld, d(•an
water. clean air, Jlnod l'ontrol. soil
5. Biodiversity
stabilization, pollination. dima te
regulation, spirituill fulfihncnl and \Vhich nf the statc men
wrrc cl '!
Zhセエィ」ゥ@ t>njoyment. to name just a lew.
セ。I@ l,Za nd3o nl_v
J\-1ost of ャィ」セ・@ hl'nr:tits ・ゥエIhセイ@ are
i イ」ーャ。cHセ「@ m· the techno! of.,')' necessary (h)
to replace them is prohibitively expensive.
For example, pot(\hlc ヲイ」セィ@ wate r セZ。ョ@ be
provided by dc:mlinating ウ\セ。MキィイL@ but
only at great ('osl.
The r:lpiclly c:xpanding huma n
population has イ\Gセ M NQャケ@ modified 'J'hc ーョセァエ^@ rn<!nlions that ᄋセッイョ・@ people
havu ad:w.tny been harm ed Ly エィ・セA@
·clJ.il rigel:\•. Wha t does i l irn ply ?
l. The rapid expansion of pt1pulation
has adversely affected some pcnplc.
have contrihul.f'd ウオ「セAN@ ntiall. to 「オュ\セ@ 2. Suflki1·nt efforts have not he1•n
well being <lnd セョッュゥ」@ m<1de Ln increase the production of
de d opnleJ'It. The fond セョ、@ fihre .
「」ョセZヲゥエ@ ha•;e noL been cq ualJy disuibut..d.
4 3. In the shnrl term :;orne people may
Some カ\ ᄋ ッーャ セ@ hav a ually bcC'n harmedr
be harmed. but in the long Lcrtn
by these c ョァcGセN@ Morcow.r, ウィッイエM」セ@ cveryorw will benefit from
.. セ ッュエ_@ ec:osy:;tcm goods :1nd modifications m the e。イエィGセ@

dcg-r ndut ion of other:-;. セᄋッイ@ Which of \he statc mcnl s given abov e
.·amp e, efforts to ゥョ」イセ。ウ・@ lhc production islm·e currec.:l '!
of food and Jihre lwvc decrc:-tscd the Ia\ l only
ahility of ウッュセ@ ecosystems to prov1dr (h) 2
clean wate r, reg-uintc oッ、ゥョセ@ and セオーッイエ@
(cl 1 ami 3
ldJ None of lhe, alcm cnts given above

P-PFC -L-CGJB i 30 D I
Exa I.
with st shm.1ld
t'nnven t ion in order to he
isfarc corrC'd ?
Seled lhc correct answe r fro
(11) 1 only
rjvcn belnw :
(hl 2 only (a} 1 only
<ci Hoth I and セ@ (b l 1 and 1
(d) .:-Jcitlwr 1 n<; r 2 <c) 2 \セョ、@ :3

Passag e·2 58.

A moral ad must be our own ad; must
aero ding to th e writer ?
sp1ing from our nwn |セゥャN@ If we o-lcl t is .a mechanical action based on
mechanically, there il' no moral conll>nt in official orders from supEtriors.
our act. Such adinn would he moral. ir w(• IL is an action based nn our sense of
think it propl'r tu at·t. likP <1 ュョ」ィゥセB@ discretion.
[セ ョ 、@
ll is a dever adion baJ:.ed on the
do so. For, in 、ッゥョセ@ セ\M N@ we l'larity of ーオイッセ N@
discTimination . Wr:: l'hould bl'ar ·n nin {d) It ヲセ@ a religious action based Qn
Lhc distind icm uTldcN>t<wding.

59. 1'hs pnssagc contain s a J;latcmcnt "lets

l1 i msd f bC' !>wept alon IZ like a log of wood
by a curren t." aイョッセ@ the fullowing-
セ エ。・ュ」ョウL@ whirh is/are nC'aresl m
rneuning to エィゥセ_@
l. A JJCrson docs not use his own reason.
2. lle jg sャヲ[c・ーエゥ「セ@ to innuen cdpres sure.
:3. I lc cannot withst and difficulties/
orai one. llow ran a man challenf.{cs.
un r.rst<t na ュッイセu|ケ@ wht• doc:' not use liis 4. Hto is like a log of wood.
ow 1 ff'lligenoe and power of Lhought, bul Sclr.cl the correct answe r using the codes
t• s himsd f ャQ\セ@ swr>pl ;.dong セ ゥォ・@ J.,riveh hl'low :
a log of
wnoo by a rurren t ? SomNiml"s a man (a) I only
、エGヲャ・セ@ convention and ad!-! :m his own with (bi 1 and 2
(r J 2 and :3
a view to absolu te good .
(dJ 1 and 4

P-PFC-L ·CGJB l 32 D I
.5 !5

セM 1 セイMN ·-·t--------.r-- ..........,--.-

() [) 10 1.5 20 :l!) 3[1 :lfl ·10 .J-5
Distance in km ____..
With reference to Lhc セャ「ッカ」@ graph,
cun:.:irlt.•r tlw following slatemc·nts :
l. The イZャヲゥセ@ キ。セ@ won by A
2. H was ahead of A up to 25 'onsuler the following figure and answl·r
mark. II H ilem that follows :
セャッキケ@ frorn

What.is the lolal number of triangles i

Lhe above g-rid ?
Ia} 27

dJI s
·rl 23
セ」I@ 9
(d) 10

P-PFC L-CGJB I 34 - 0)
was wal'kinl{ thro ugh the
es ᄋ ッ セ ュ エイ [ Z ゥ@ ·s t Tlw 」ッャエZセァMjウ@
i es
:l. and f< rn c- r:' gan· him
s thal he muld sln:p
ヲエ セ、ゥョj@ hungry.
Whirh of lh1!
p。セA[ァ」NH@ ゥセ。@ re correct ?
He W<ilkcd several mih·s Lhal day bul (a ) 1 only
could not get anyth ing L(J t:al or drink !b) 2 tmly
exft!pl :-;omc dry bn:ad ;llld セイュキ@ w:11t•r.
kl Both l and 2
wh irh h.: got. from 」ッエ。ァ・イセ@ and farmers.
As ョゥセィエ@ fell , he slept under a ィ。ケセエ」ォ@
lying in a meadow fie felt ヲイゥLセィᄋョ」、@ at SS;l J!l!·ll

firl't. for the wind f.,],.w mvfully owr· the

the hng and packed· tlw
・ュセエケ@ lil·ld!;. l!e felt (:old and ィオョセイ⦅ケL@ and
W(IS ヲセ」jゥョァ@ OlOJ'C [ondy than he ィZMセ、@ (J\'Cf
lo."'e \l., a horrible idea セイ イ 」、@ t.<1 me.
felt bdon•. hセN@ howPvn, :;oon !'('II asleep.
Ifad I packed wy touthhrush ? T don't
kno'l'\, how if. is, h11t I ncvC'r do know
whdhct エ|ᄋQセ@ p3rkcd my Loothhru:-h.

:My toothbrush ゥセ@ a thing that

llallnt;-; nH· when I'm travelling, and
64. mnk{'S my life <1 misery I drva m thal J t
ィ\ャセᄋエョ@ packed it, and キ。ォエセ@ up in a t·old
pcr:-;piralion, aml get out of hcd and hun1
} fur it. :\nd. in the morning. I p.ack it befon
f have オセ・、@ it, and it is always lhe laS:

thi11g I Lurn out of the ィ。セ[@ and then .

rcpnck a11d forget it., ami have to ms
オー セ エ。ゥイj@ f<>r it at tlw last. mumcnl an
(bJ he was all ZNセャッョ・@ 」\Mセイケ@ il to the r<tilway station , wrapped u
tel he had not sh·pt for tlays
in my porkct-hanU kcrd•r
I d .l he WHS \'Cf,V f"rig-htencd

P-PFC-L -CGJB ( 36 - 0 )
EX a
67. Wlwn ht: W<l:O. gui ng o_ ·h f; (' th P ·tg fh(P 70.
ide· t ,dt"'tt eu n.· . to }u m \·; : [ Nー Zセ BG@ 'w· e) ""ate ri aI
hi, "
(a) \Hlplensant

cover ::: ;:"Jl these q s types

with S I'A'l
se I U: Jngb
What 1 lflhj:; hi:;; lif£" miserahle w ' enever
he undt•rt.akl'):: travelling?
71. Mother hear
fa 1 Go ゥョセA@ to railway station
lb) ForgPtting the エッオィイセ@ Ia)
ir! Parking ィゥセ@ bag
(d) Rad dn:·am.s
69. Hi:; toolhbru.sh is finally
(a) in his bag
(bJ in his bed
(<:J in hi.-. handkcn:hief
fu l!,)wing assumptions have Lcen made :
(dl lo;;t

Polar bears fast al' long as ei_ghl

montils due to non·availahility of

2. Pnl:tr !wan: alw;l_\':-> give hirl h to


Wlm:h or the a!'SUmptionf; gwen above

I セO。イエ@ va)i(l '?

Iii l er rorfeits many meals In stronger

si tll iJ:lgs. l'emales arc protective vf their (b) lonly
」 オ 「セ@ bulle:nd to ignore family riv:1lry over
(r .t Bulh I and 2
food. In 21 years of photographing polar
ャキ。イセN@ 1\·e only once セ」ョ@ the ;;malle,;L nf ld 1 :"Jcither 1 nnr 2
triplrts セオイカゥ・@ till HUI.umn.

P-PFC-l-CGJB l 38 - D l


(tl,t m•guti alc with

higlwr price.

75.. Y"'ou
pャ・。ウヲセ@ itllcm pf all the ilem.9. Thrre is
no penult )' for wrong
lhesr PiJ!hl item.(i.

n. You h;l \'L' lキエセョ@ <Is ked to i!iVt•

セ セ ク@ p! a 11 at Zイセ[Q@ for· no I <I ttf• !Hii ng
impnrl ant IJJTki::t] nwt·t!n;..;. -tt!!grsl 。ャエセョh・@ JlCl':)lln to
irnnwdiate ャAカセ@ whn l tcacl4uarh!•·:; v.·hn may do the
)'Oil [セャクョZ@ the ョhNtセゥァ@ n(.oedful.
ーイ[ッZNオョセ@ on HJtl
\d 1 "' ny away till you mcuvcr.
; t [ !l•!:;1 I 1< セᄋQ@

YQu an• .Qn tlf!in·r · in l'hHrJ.:t: lor prnviding

explnining- LLlSll.; JT1Cdical f;,cJiitic.-. to tlw Sllf\'1\'l tf:-' of
( ::n ;•:1ri hquak e a!kl't(' d :1n·:1 dセᄋーゥャNM vour
,1c-st post-;iblf' effort. Awヲャーゥセ@ put :..tllcgallullf
セ。ゥョエ@ you f(lr making- money out Aィセ@ or
lrunds given for relict'. YCtu would
i<ll ld an enquir y b(' set up tt) !t)ok in!4
tn !lw イNQ。ャヲセ@
;;a vc.: tlw
(b) ask }.vour s1mior Lo appoin t sornl
utht:r JH'r:-:on in your place.
:ti r pol Ow n•sp•ln:-;ihility on !he id nul pay atlt'nti un tu allegation); .

nmrdin alrJr l)f lhl' ュイエゥョセ@
informing .
r;w not ldl

undc.:.·rtakin:! apy
ma t10r i;.: resol vJd .
ゥョエセカ」@ tt-
r PFC I -CGJB [ 40 D
cove .
rcsidt•nts of tlw area n JOut the im:rP::'IsP

with to remove

(;(I n•jc:ct the propo!<al <inti rail fin· a

(a) ask lhr.•m to
fresh price.
(b) ar.cepl the ャッキ・セエ@ price.
rhl ::1ssure rcsi de into
kt refer the matter to I he Govr·rn nwnt
th(• matt.er.
:1nd waiL
!dl エィョZセ。ャ・@ !he boal owners about. a (c) to consider the
possible cancellation or the liceneP..

78. You <tre the oflirer-in-<:hargl' of <1 vilbgc

キャュゥョセエ」イァ@ di:-;tribution uf vaccine in
<m isnlated r:pirlcmic hit vilbge, and
you are ldl with only 001' vac · e.

You, as an セ、ュゥョウャイ。エカ・@ ;mtlmrity,

havr bePn
<1pproachcd. by the
、ョオセィエNctゥャMfj|v@ Of (ttl influential pPf:\Ofl
regarding haretssment hy her in-laws on
lttcount or im;unicient dowry. llcr
pa n:n t s {! rr not a ole to appro(lch you
ィ・ュエセ@ uf ZM[ッ」ゥ\セQ@ ーョAャGウオイ・セN@ You would

{;!I nlll the ゥョMZセᄋr@ for an cxplnnntion.

lh) coumwl the lady to 。、ェオセlN@ j...tlven
and such a circumstance.

get <1n input. ahouL the urgency. kl tpke acLion after her parents
apprO:ll'h you.
!d l arrangr> van:inc for the Gr<un
PnHlhan rrom the di!'lri but or of !d t ask lu•r to lodg-e a complaint with
anot.lter area. I h(:

P-PFC-L-CGJB ( 42- 0)

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