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John Parochial School

Tiaong, Quezon



Teenage Pregnancy

Largodizimo, Angelica Marie S.

Grade 11 – St. Albert

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
 To aim knowledge about teenage pregnancy
 To spread awareness about the teenage pregnancy
 To develop solutions regarding problems about teenage pregnancy

II. Introduction

Teenage pregnancy is a prominent dilemma in our nation for this continues to place
adolescents into delinquency. It is one of the most pressing issues that affect societies all
over the world today for several reasons. Teen pregnancy continues to be a problem for
families, educators, health care professionals, and the government for this may become a
national epidemic if the country will continue experiencing the alarming escalation of it.
Little by little this will destroy the youthfulness of our generation. It does not only separate
teenagers from their peers, but it plays a major role in their education and their future.

III. Problem Statement

1. What ways can you give to minimize teenage pregnancy so that teenagers can reach

their full potential in studies?

2. Does teenage pregnancy can cause some health complications in one's life?

3. Do you think that teen parenting is hard? Why?

4. In your own perspective, how does it feel to be a teenage mom? And what do you think

are the struggles that they will face in their everyday life?

5. As a parent, do you think teenage mom's will regret being a parent? Why?

6. In your own perspective, does having a child as a teen affects her relationship with

other people?

7. What can you say about the continuous increase of teenage pregnancy? And what are

your advices to the youth?

IV. Data Gathered
Name: Cecelia S. Largodizimo
Age: 47 years old
Address: Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Mrs. Cecelia Largodizimo is a 47 years old mother who is an overseas Filipino worker
and currently living at Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. She stated that the ways to lessen the teenage
pregnancy is always listen to the advices of their parents because as a parent, she will do
everything to avoid her children getting in the wrong path in life. They should spend more
time with their family rather than their friends, but above they should always put God in
the center of their lives. Teenagers should focus more in their studies to achieve a better
lifestyle in the future.

According to Mrs. Largodizimo, teenage pregnancy can cause some health

complication in one's life. This may cause physical, mental, emotional and psychological
problems to the relatives, parents, and especially to the teenagers for their bodies are not
yet ready for this matter. Lacking of knowledge as a young mother has the potential to have
premature birth and other complications related to physical and mental illness. Being a
mother at an early age can cause some body disorder where some of it is having a chronic
respiratory disease, body impairment and especially the sexually transmitted diseases
which is also known as STD.

Teen parenting is difficult as specified by Mrs. Largodizimo for being a young mother
holds a big responsibility because being a mother is a huge role to play. She will serve as
the light of the home where she would take care and guide her child. Growing up as a
young mother can be hard to raise and care for a child especially if the mother is not yet
mature and is not yet ready to have a child.

She also stated that being a teenage mom is a very difficult task. They can deal with
many daily challenges or problems such as taking care of the child and finding money or
financial resources to provide the child's daily needs.

As a parent, Mrs. Largodizimo thinks that the young mothers have repented that they
have become a parent in an early age where they should have been enjoying and studying
hard at their houses. On the other hand, they may be happy for having a child is a gift from
our god almighty which cannot be compared to anything else in the world. Considering
that not all can experience being a parent because there are other women who have not
been blessed to have children. However, even though it is a gift from God, she still does
not advice teenagers getting pregnant in an early age. She also added that before planning
on getting pregnant, it should be at the right age and time to have an enough preparation
for your future before having a child.

Having a child in an early age as a teenager can affect her relationship with other people
according to Mrs. Largodizimo. It is not the same as before where they can do whatever
they want to do in particular, enjoying and having fun with their friends. Now that they
have a child they need to put their child's welfare first before their luxuries.

Lastly, Mrs. Largodizimo answered my seventh question by saying that the youth
nowadays needs guidance and understanding of their parents in order to avoid rebellion.
They should be open to their parents regarding the problems that they are facing to resolve
them immediately and to avoid bad situations such as getting pregnant at an early age. She
also added that the things that she would advice to the youth is that always listen to the
advices of parents for they will lead you the right path because a parent will do everything
to their children to have a better life. Teenagers should not feel hatred when they are being
admonished for every parent is always thinking about the welfare of their child from time
to time.

V. Research Strategy
I first started my research paper by making an objective where it will help me make
a step that will provide me with a clear purpose to focus my learning efforts. Before making
a problem statement and introduction, I first browse the internet to have an additional
information regarding to the teenage pregnancy for this could help me know more about
the topic where it will be easier for me to construct a problem statement. When the problem
statements are ready, I immediately asked my respondent if when could she have a free
time to be interviewed for she is an OFW and have a very hectic schedule. While waiting
for my respondent’s free time, to avoid wasting time and effort I started conducting an
introduction and some possible recommendation about the topic. As soon as the interview
was done I started translating the information gathered to finish early and to have a free
time proof reading my research paper.

VI. Evaluation
The information gathered are taken from a mother of two who have some
experiences about giving birth and being a mother. Mrs. Largodizimo can prove the
validity of our information for she answered all my questions based through her own
experiences, perspective and in her capabilities as a mom. I can also say that all my
information are credible for I can see that she is a very responsible and thoughtful mom
not only basing in her answers but also in her actions in real life.

VII. Revision
When I have all the information needed, I started making a hard copy of the
gathered data by consructing a draft of it. Then I started translating the information
gathered for most of the answers of the respondents were in Tagalog. I also applied my
basic knowledge about summarizing and paraphrasing for this would help me get all the
relevant ideas and information that the respondents answered. Lastly, when I was done
making the hard copy I started proofreading to correct the grammar, typographical errors
and format that I had made.
VIII. Documentation
In documenting the interview, I used my mobile phone as an instrument in taking
the video and audio recordings, with an app called screen recorder it helped me record the
whole interview. Another tool that I have used is paper and pen where this helped me
gathered and listed the important parts of the interview.

IX. Conclusion
I therefore conclude that teenage pregnancy is a serious problem not only here in the
Philippines but in the whole world. It is important to know more things about teenage
pregnancy for this is a major social concern today and this may help the prevention of the
continuous increase of it. Many teenage mothers were simply not prepared by education and
maturity to undertake the dual responsibility of parenthood and economic support. Going
through a teen pregnancy is probably not going to be easy. However, it is definitely possible
for many young women lacks knowledge about teenage pregnancy. Many people say it is hard
just being a teenager by itself, adding in pregnancy and all that planning and preparing that
comes with it, it becomes even more challenging.

X. Recommendation

I recommend that the solution regarding to the teenage pregnancy is to strengthen

the relationship between parents and child to guide the teenagers to the dangers of
indulging in pre-marital sex especially that they are still studying. As a young woman, we
should be aware and have an adequate information about pregnancy before making a
decision. We also recommend to listen and learn from those who have gone through
teenage pregnancy. They know the mistakes and disadvantages, and can help us to avoid
making the same mistakes. We should listen from our parents about their life
experiences. If they put restrictions on us, it is not necessarily because they want to make
us suffer. Usually, it is because they want the best for us, so they do it to help and protect
us. I recommend this research paper to all the teenagers and students to read and
study about the Early pregnancy. This would help them understand, learn
and realize the effects and disadvantages of having an early sexual intercourse.

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