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What should Amazon do if a faulty order is being delivered to a customer?

Ans) This question involves a lot of subjectivity based on the situation. Let’s assume:

• Client is calling for the first time after receiving the product

• Call is regarding the faulty appliance which is not working

• Order is received by the customer an hour back

Now, as the customer is facing the issue, the first priority should be the customer satisfaction
and try to fulfill what customer wants.

If the need is too urgent, you can show customer obsession by providing alternatives to get the
job and by taking care of the bills.

Case 1: Let’s assume that he wants the product to replace with new one. In this situation, first
assure the customer about the things he wants and do the needful to get it done ASAP.

Next should be investigate why this happened, if there is any trend in past, issue occurring for
first time or has happened in past.

Take this back if the issue is occurring on a regular basis to find the possible brand or seller at
fault if possible and rectify the issue.

Case2: If customer is interested in getting the money returned, try to convince him but if not
possible, assure him about fulfillment of his request.

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