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7/23/2019 moon, Mars Conjunction - 2 Planets Conjunction

Moon Mars Conjunction Moon is a feminine

and cool planet
while Mars is a red
hot-tempered masculine energy. But both are friendly towards each other so
when these two conflicting energies meet in a house, the native becomes
overactive, emotional, short-tempered, unpredictable, stubborn and ambitious.
Moon-Mars conjunction also indicates that the native will be a work-efficient
person and will dedicatedly get involved in projects without having to worry about
the outcomes.

This however also poses unnecessary hurdles in the way sometimes. This
planetary arrangement also suggests that one should try to maintain a polite
conduct and control utterances. Such a person often ends up hurting people by
saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. Nevertheless, these natives enjoy a
sound financial position throughout. If an affliction occurs, this conjunction could
also result in loss of vitality, blood related disorders and inimical relationship with
mother. 1/1

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