Naveed Sultan Updated CV

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Curriculum Vitae

Naveed Sultan


Exceptionally gifted Clinical Psychologist with foreign qualification over 8 years’ experience in
diagnosing and evaluating mental and emotional disorders of individuals through observation,
interview, and psychological tests, and formulating and administering programs of treatment, seeking
to obtain a mid-career level, permanent position in which I can contribute my organizational/ clinical,
human relations in a dynamic work environment.

I'm working since 2011 in the field of Psychology. Currently serving as Psychological consultant in
different organizations of Pakistan e.g., Health Department, Embassies, UNHCR, INGOs and
commercial banks in Pakistan. During my career I used to deal following cases.

Identifying psychological, emotional or behavioural issues, diagnose psychological, emotional or

behavioural disorders. Develop and implement treatment plans and therapeutic processes. Help clients
define goals and plan action to achieve personal, social, educational and vocational development and
adjustment. Monitor client progress through regular meetings or sessions, conducting researches &
Trainings for different sectors.

Personal Information

Telephone: +92 3459584883, +92 3000945066

Date of birth: 7th April, 1987

Languages: Urdu, English, Hindko, Punjabi, Sindhi & Pashto


Address: House no 128, Jarral Abbottabad, 22010

Current: Head of Department, Mental Health,

Medicines Sans Frontiers Belgium (Timergara Project)

Curriculum Vitae

International Qualification

Degree: 14 Mental Health Certifications (2018)

Major (subject): Mental Health in Emergencies

University/Board: Medicines Sans Frontiers Holland

National Qualification

Degree: M.Phil (First Division)

Major (subject): Applied Psychology

University/Board: Riphah International University Lahore

Degree: BS Hons Clinical Psychology (First Division)

Major (subject): Clinical & Forensic Psychology

University/Board: Virtual University of Pakistan Abbottabad

Degree: Advance Diploma in Clinical Psychology

Major (subject): Clinical Psychology, Testing and Measurement

University/Board: Government College University Faislabad


Organization: American Psychological Association Since 2012 (yearly Updated)

Membership Number: A-153033

Membership type: International Affiliate

Summary of Qualification

 Immense ability of counselling to the clients with the less emotional and behavioural problems
especially childhood disorders, marital issues and career selection.
 Thorough knowledge of principles and practices of modern clinical psychology, including
abnormal psychology, diagnostic testing, personality theory, organic defects, psychological
therapeutic counselling, statistics, and casework.

Curriculum Vitae

Clinical Psychologist Experience

Clinical Psychologist
Specific responsibilities
 Heading a team of clinical psychologist at DHQ Hospital Timergara since 8 February
2016 to date.
 Provide counselling to GBV cases in District Bagh (AJK).
 Assess, plan, prepare and conduct capacity building trainings and project trainings for
different groups from Govt., local NGO’s, CBO’s and community.
 Administer and implement Program activities in accordance with the Rahnuma.
 To supervise and facilitate the GBV cases in the disaster affected areas and prepare
emergency response based on the assessment.

Total Professional Experience

 Total Experience 8 years

Researches and Publications

 Unemployment as a factor of Suicidal Ideation in Hazara Division. Published in

 no 259-272
 Psychological impact of Kasur Child Sexual Abuse Incident at ATV 2015
 Youth and excessive use of social medica Voice of America 2018
 Mental Health Situation and Service availbilty in Pakistan 2018 (Holland)
 Impact of Islamic extremist and conflicts on Education in Bajur Agency, Pakistan 2016

Seminars and Workshops

 20-24 5 days training on Dimensions of Gender Based Violence in Disaster situation

conducted by Rozan Organization.
 1 day training on Gender Preference at Hazara University.
 27-28 2 days training on Gender Based Violence conducted by Rahnuma Organization at
Sangam Hotel Muzafarabad.
 Trauma Buster technique October 2014 Conducted by Rehana Webster

Trainings Profile

 Psychological First Aid Module Development and training cinducted at ,edicines Sans Frontiers
 Mindfulness training conducted at MSF
 How to deliver Bad News in Humainterian Setting series of Traininsg conducted at DHQ
Hospital Lower Dir.

Curriculum Vitae

 Mental health and its Importace seminar conducted at hazara University Mansehra october 2015
 Mental retardation and parents responsibilities,(Symptoms, causes and treatment).
 More than 100 training conducted all over Pakistan on Mental Health and Adolescent health.
 More then 12 training conducted on HIV/AIDS at Muzaffarabad, Islamabad, Lahore, Sukkur,
Jaffarabad, Noshero Feroz& Moro (Sindh).
 Appeared Voice of America Radio program on Mental Health and usage of Internet.
 Appeared in TV program effects of sexual Abuse on Child mental health and parents

International Certifications (Netherlands)

1. Mental Health policy & Implementation

2. Advocacy and Mental Health

3. Mental health Assessment & emergency program planning

4. Community work & MH

5. Training of Trainers

6. Group Intervention (Group Therapies)

7. Counselling trauma symptoms

8. Sexual Violence & MH support

9. HIV/TB counselling and patient education

10. Motivation enhancing communication

11. Psychiatry (Basic Medication)

12. Working with Children

13. Clinical Supervision of Psychologists

14. Psychological First Aid

National Certifications

15. Trauma Buster Technique

16. Therapist Self Care

Curriculum Vitae

17. Child Sexual Abuse

18. Gender Based Violence

19. Help Line Counselling

20. Pursuing Career in Industrial Psychology

21. Palliative Care, Greif & Trauma Counselling

22. Sharing Bad News in Medical Setting.

23: Mindfulness & Meditation

24: Child Issues and Role of Teachers


Educational: Hazara University Mansehra (Department of Psychology)

Roll No: 17107 Registration No: 0468AMPX-BA-7 Roll No: bc110402326

Experiential: Psychologist Officer Program Officer Counselling MSF Timergara City District Lower Dir PKBJ829

Researches: page no 259-272

Profile Detail:

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