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The objective of this Hotel Management Software Project is to maintain the hotel

transaction with the COD (Customer order details) for customer satisfaction and the final
bills. This system generates a report which will be having details of daily transaction. It
maintains the database and also allows Adding new employee details, daily attendance, and
salary calculation of the employee.
The purpose of the Hotel Management system is to generate bills and item details to the
customer. The clear understanding of the hotel management and its functionality will allow
for the correct software to be developed for the end user and will be used for the
development of the future stages of the project.
The software to be developed deals with creating a Hotel Management system which will
automate the major hotel operations such as generating COD, billing and keeping track of
records of daily transaction.Admin have the authority to control and modify the database.

 Front End : 2008

 Back End : SQL Server 2008

Project title: Hotel Management Software


This project consists of following modules:

 Admin Module: Admin has a control over the whole project. This contains sub modules
such as Admin login module, Employee module, Item Master, Report module and
Discount module. Administrator can handle both the front end and back end process of
the system.
 User module: User can view only front end process of the system. In this module user
can view the information of the employee. This contains sub modules like COD module,
Bill module and Income and Expense module.
 Employee module: This module contains information about all the employees,
attendance and salary calculation based on the attendance.
 Item Master module: This module contains price and description of the items available
in the hotel.
 Report module: This module consists of the information about day to day transaction of
the hotel.
 Home delivery module: This module contains the home delivery details.
 COD module: This module contains the information about the items ordered by the
 Bill module: This module contains the information about the total amount to be paid by
the customer.
 Income and expense module: This module contains the information about payable and


At present this software does not contain Credit card facility. We can make this application
as online so that we can reserve the tables and do the online payment. So as the demand
increases we can add these modules as a future scope.

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