Administrative Interview

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Administrative Interview

EDAD 616: Fall 2018

Diana Salazar

Administrative Interview

Administrators have many responsibilities that require knowledge of the most recent

information. Every important decision that administrators make must be adhere to state and

federal laws, education codes, and district policies. I had the opportunity of interviewing an

inspirational principal, Stephanie Rosson-Niess who is improving the educational atmosphere at

Central Elementary by abiding and ensuring that educational policies are being practiced and

implemented appropriately. She emphasizes the importance of acknowledging the laws and ed.

codes so that student, staff, and administrators are protected.

Laws are constantly changing, and it is necessary for administrators to know when laws

change and how the changes affect their responsibilities. I asked Mrs. Rosson-Niess how she

stays current with constant changes of state and district policies and she simply responded with,

“I use the website”. The California Department of Education website has every education code

created for the state of California. Administrators, teachers, parents, and anyone else seeking

information about school laws may access the website and acquire information regarding the

different education codes. Administrators may also contact the The San Diego County Office of

Education to obtain more information regarding questions about California ed. codes.

Legal issues may arise when dealing with certain situations. I asked Mrs. Rosson-Niess

what legal areas she comes across more frequently in her position. She revealed that student

discipline and custodial issues between parents require most of her attention to the ed. codes.

Disciplinary actions such as suspensions and referrals follow a procedure and administrators

must ensure that they are abiding by state laws and district policies. Central Elementary follows a

Positive Behavioral Intervention System (PBIS) for student discipline. PBIS strategies are used

to assist students with behavior issues but when PBIS strategies are violated, Mrs. Rosson-Niess

will use the ed. codes to guide through the proper procedures.

The legal obstacles associated with separated or divorced families surpass school

policies. Mrs. Rosson-Niess explained the issues that arise when custodial parents try to prohibit

the other parent from seeing their child or try to forbid them from taking part in their child’s

education. If parents do not possess proper legal documents explaining their custodial

arrangements or have restraining orders against the other parent, schools cannot prevent parents

from having contact with their child or prevent them from making educational decisions.

Confidentiality is another legal issue that arises frequently. Parents and employees will

try to obtain specific information about students, staff or parents. Confidentially protects students

and staff from dispersing personal information to others. Administrators have an obligation to

uphold confidentiality for all students and staff and I asked Mrs. Niess-Rosson how she handles

parents or employees who request information that does not pertain to them. She refers parents to

their district handbooks and will refer employees to their contracts. Her priority is to ensure

everyone’s rights are protected.

There are many legal matters that administrators must deal with regarding students. There

are some instances where administrators are forced to deal with issues regarding employees as

well. When dealing with employee misconduct, Mrs. Niess-Rosson rationalizes how she deals

with these situations. She examines certified and classified contractual information and will then

schedule an observation that is within the employee’s contract. She is also trained in FRISK and

uses FRISK to deal with employee violations and evaluations. FRISK simplifies the process of

dealing with employee misconduct and forms are available through the district’s PowerSchool


It can be challenging ensuring that administrators follow ed. codes, school policies, and

school regulations. It is important administrators use their resources when making important

decisions or if ever unsure of current policies. The Human resource department is a means of

obtaining information regarding employees and school policies. There thousands of federal laws,

ed. codes, and district policies that are put in place to provide safety and equality for all students

and staff. It is important to be mindful that every decision made has to follow guidelines and be

within the ed. code. When asked what is the best advice to give to a future administrator, Mrs.

Niess-Rosson said to “know the Ed. code and if not, ask!”.

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