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Family- is a socially defined set of relationships between at least two people related by birth, marriage,

adoption, or in some definitions, long-standing ties of intimacy

Political Kinship- is the structuring networks in politics to gain support to facilitate ease of work such as
winning election posts, or facilitate comfortable communication and transactions.
Political Dynasty- is the absolute holding power of a single family from one election to the next. Its aim
is to control power, influence, maintain prestige and economic gains.
Alliances – it is a fixed or loose associations and organizations or ties of members, group of individuals,
or states so as to gain political support or social connections.
Bands – is a small egalitarian, kin-based group of about 10-50 people.
Tribe – it is comprised of a number of bands that are politically integrated. They share a language,
religious beliefs, and other aspects of culture.
Nation – is a large area of land that is controlled by its own government.
State – a politically organized body of people usually occupying a definite territory especially one that is
Charismatic Authority – it is found in a leader whose mission and vision inspire others.
Reciprocity – A social norm that involves in-kind exchanges between people responding to another’s
action with another equivalent action.
Transfer Payment – used by governments as a way to translate money through programs such as, but
not limited to, old-age limited pensions, medical and health insurance, scholarships, and students grants
or vouchers.
Redistribution – it is a manner of giving back what employees have worked either yearly, end of contract
or retirement.
Corruption - it is a serious obstacle to the social and economic development of the country
Banks – a firm which collects money those who have it spare.
Corporation – a legal entity that is separate and distinct from its owner
Trade Unions – an organization whose membership consists of workers united to protect and promote
their common labor related interests
Development Agencies - they strived to help develop and support economic growth within specified
city, region or state by providing necessary resources and assistance.
Education – it is a basic human right that can empower every individual to enjoy his/her other human
Universities – these are established to have a place to transfer the knowledge of the old generation to
the present generation.
Cooperatives - these are business governed on the principle of one member, and vote. It is the aggregate
of members grouping together for a common purpose.
Consumer cooperative – the people buying the cooperative’s goods and services
Producer Cooperative - the people collaborating to process and market their products.

Social Mobility System

Open Class System – people have freedom to move around, freedom in business enterprises, freedom
of assembly, freedom of speech, freedom to congregate. Democratic process and varied organizing are
Closed Caste System – there are limits to one’s social ranks and status. Legitimate actions are controlled
by social status. Segregation between male and female, state of lifestyles are strictly imposed. It can be
totalitarian, authoritarian and aristocratic.
Social Inequality – possibly attributed to poor management, greed and corruption of government
officials, abuse of power, elite democracy, imperialistic governance and unequal distribution of wealth
Global Inequalities – defined as signaling the systematic inequalities that exist between countries,
allowing for the simultaneous existence of inequalities within countries.

The Greatest Generation – is claimed to have been born between 1910 and 1925. This generation grew
up and suffered from the ruins of the First World War and probably suffered again and even fought
during the Second War. They call this greatest because they fought for what was right rather than
fighting for selfish reasons.
The Silent Generation – they have been born between 1923 and 1944. This generation was born before
and during the Second World War when the world was suffering from economic and political
depressions. They are called silent generation because unlike the generation before them who protested
against war, they are not loud.

Baby Boomers – they have been born between 1945 and 1964. Members of this group grew up when
the world was rising from the ruins of war and economic depression.
Generation X – they have been born between 1961 and 1979. This generation is well loved by their
parents who vowed to prevent them from experiencing the difficulties they suffered as children of war
victims. Education was offered to this generation as a road to progress.
Generation Y – they have been born between 1980 and 1995. Members of this generation are also called
the “the Millennials”. They are raised under the creativity and hard work of generation X. they had the
internet and the computer except for few third world countries.

Generation Z – they have been born between 1996 and 2010. Members of this group are called the
“digital natives” who know how to operate technological gadgets and manipulate the computers even
before knowing how to read and write. They go to school armed with laptops and state of the art of

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