COMPUTER - Expected Questions

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COMPUTER – Expected Questions

 DNA Computers: Superfast computers made of DNA Molecules that grows as it

 Higher Memory
 Works on the Principle of Reading Codes

 Michigan Micro Mote (M3) – World’s Smallest Computer

 1 cubic mm in size
 Developed by the University of Michigan
 Designed for Internet of Things (IOT)

 DigiLocker – Cloud based platform for storing certificates.

 Started in 2016

 Go What’s That – India’s first Phone Guide & Mobile app

 Part of establishing National Skill Training Institute (NSTI) at Mohali, Punjab
 Helps in growth of Tourism

 ICTAI – International Centre for Transformative Artificial Intelligence,


 National Digital Communications Policy, 2018

 Redesigning of Telecom commission as ‘Digital Communications
 Customer focussed and application driven

 Digi VAARTA – Vehicle to Accelerate Access & Reach to Transformational Action

 A Chat-app that provides help to the first time users of Digital Payment.
 Enables financial & social inclusion.

 Centre of Excellence for Data Analysis (CEDA) – Delhi

 Jan Dhan Rakshak – App by the Finance Services as part of Financial inclusion

 Women safety portals in India:

1. Cyber Crime Prevention Against Women & Children (CCPWC)
2. National Database of Sexual Offenders (NDSO)
 9th world nation to have such a portal
 Database of the offenders maintained for 15 years – Low danger cases
 25 years – Moderate danger cases

 SHAKTI – India’s first indigenous microprocessor

 Developed by IIT, Madras
 Aimed to create industrial grade microprocessors.
 ISA - a new programming/machine language

 Digital Sky Platform launched

 For Remotely Piloted Aerial Systems (RPAs) or the Drones
 3 types of permissions are introduced:
1. Green Zone – Intimation of the flying time alone is needed
2. Yellow Zone – Prior permission needed
3. Red Zone – No entry zone.

 Web-based tools to monitor Fake News:

1. Iffy Quotient
2. Newswhip & Media Bias/Fact checker

 Sophia – Social Humanoid Robot

 Developed by Hong Kong based company - Hansen Robotics
 Won the first ever Innovation Championship of the UN
 Citizenship given by Saudi Arabia

 Countries launching 5G by 2019-2020: South Korea, China, Japan & USA

 9 pillars of Digital India

1. Broadband Highways
2. Universal Access to Mobile Connectivity
3. Information to all
4. E-governance
5. E-Kranti
6. Information Highways
7. Electronic manufacturing
8. IT Jobs
9. Early harvest programs

 India Stack – API to solve problems of paperless & cashless service delivery
 4 distinct tech pillars: Presence less Layer, Paperless Layer, Cashless Layer &
Consent Layer

 PPI – Prepaid Payment Instruments

 3 Types: Close (Can be used at specific locations alone. Eg: KFC’s Gift Card),
Semi-close, Open
 Eg: Food Coupons, Discount coupons, Discount cards from supermarkets etc.

 Father of Computer – Charles Babbage

Father of Modern Computing – Alan Turing

 EEPROM – Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory

 These ROMs can be written/changed via electrical devices.
 Components of Various Gen. computers:
1st Gen – Vacuum Tubes
2nd Gen – Transistors
3rd Integrated Circuits
4th Gen – Microprocessors

 Full Duplex channel – Can send and receive data at the same time
Half- Duplex – Send and receive data, not at the same time
Simple Duplex – Operates only in 1 direction

 Repeaters – Used to regenerate & replicate signals that are weakened/distorted by

long distance transmissions
 Bridge – Connects between LANs

 Hard/Cold Boot – Booting up of a computer from powered down or off state.

 Warm Boot – Boot up from the RESTART.

 Spear Phishing – Fishing for random victims via spoofed/fraudulent emails.

 Whaling – Top level hierarchy (like CEOs) or top level data is stolen
 Clone Phishing – A replica of the existing info is created for cheating.

 GIGO – Garbage In and Garbage Out (Data errors due to incorrect inputs given)

 KIOSK – A computer station that provides the public with specific & useful info and

 2 types of URLs – Absolute & Relative

 Cloud Computing – Distributed computing over a network & involves large no. of
computers connected via real time communication network like internet.

 MO-CD: Magneto Optical Compact Disk

 Magnetic Fields are used for storing data.

 Eternal Blue – File sharing service of Microsoft used in ‘Wannacry’ virus attack

 PRATYUSH – India’s fastest Supercomputer

 Used for weather forecasting
 MIHIR – Another supercomputer used in weather forecasting & modelling.

 Saposhi, Reaper & Mirai – used for distributed denial of service attacks

 Secure Internet Protocols – HTTPS, SSL (Secure Socket Layer) & TLS (Transport
Layer Security)

 KIBIBYTE – New and exact value of 1024 bytes

 1024 Bytes = 1 Kibibyte
 Smaller than KB

 Balong 5G01 – World’s 1st 5G Chip

 Released by Huwaei

 1st Indian State to have Hindi URL – Rajasthan

 Bloomsbury – British AI company acquired recently by Facebook.

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