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NOUN : Name of person, thing, and place.

Examples : President, Jakarta, Apple… etc.

PRONOUN : Refers to and replace nouns ( names of

things, person, or place ) that have been mentioned.

Examples : He, She, It, That, Those …. etc

VERB : A status of the noun OR an activity that the

subject (Noun) do.

Example : Walk, study, Are, Write………..etc

ADJECTIVES : Word that describe /modify NOUN or


Example : beautiful, tall, blue, Indonesian, Silver … etc


ADVERB : Word that modify VERB, ADJ, or another


Example : again, always, sometimes, also, here


PREPOSITION : Joining words, used to show a time,

position, or ownership between two nouns/pronouns OR
noun and verb

Example : In, at on, behind, from, to, under,……….etc

CONJUCTION : connecter words to words OR group of

words OR sentences.

Example : F.A.N.B.O.Y.S

INTERJECTION : Word that expresses strong feeling or


Example : Aw !, Oh !, Hurray!, Well yeah, Wow,


Noun in General is called A noun that can be detected Nouns that can be counted
Common, meanwhile Noun in by 5 senses is called is called Countable Noun,
Specific is called Proper. Concrete, and vicevers. and the ones that can not
Proper Noun usually used be counted is called
Capital Letter. Eg :
Uncountable Noun.
Eg : Concrete : Eg :
Common : Rose, lips, handphone, Coutable : an apple, two
hospital, woman, school,
laptop,book, ……… etc apples, a book……..etc
newspaper, month, day,
Abstract : Uncountable : water, sugar,
Honesty, truth, faith, beauty, salt, ……etc
Proper :
pride, speed, swiftness …etc
Oliver sykes, BMTH, The
Raptores, Uhamka…..etc


Nouns that just one existing Name of group of collection A word especially used for
called Singular, meanwhile of people, places, things. men and boys, and male
Noun that more than one animals is called Masculin.
called Plural. Eg :
A word used for women
Team, group, band, gang, and girl, and female
Eg :
audience, choir, orchestra, animals is called Feminine.
Singular : A book, a bird, a class, jury, panel, crowd,
flower. people, cattle. Eg :

Plural : Two books, many Masculin : bridegroom,

birds, some flowers, couple actor, brother, gentleman,
days, several years. headmaster…etc.

Feminine : bridge, actress,

lady, mother, niece,
daughter, stewardess,
Personal Indefinite Demonstrative
Its used frequently in English A pronoun that doesn’t refer to They are :
to make writing and speaking any particular person or things.
THIS (for something close to
more interesting.
Eg : the subject; singular)
First person : (Singular : I, me,
Everybody should get in the THAT (for something away
my mine) (Plural : We, us, our,
class. (Everybody is indefinite) from the subject; singular)
Following Indefinite pronoun: THESE (for something close to
Second person : ( S/Pl : you,
the subject; plural)
your, yours.) Everyone, everybody,
everything, someone, THOSE (for something away
Third person : ( S : he, him,
somebody, something,anyone, from the subject; plural)
his, she, her, hers, it, its) (Pl :
anybody, anything, no one,
they, them, their, theirs) Eg: That is my dog
nobody, nothing.
Those are my books.

Reflexive Interrogative
The following are reflexive pronoun: A pronoun that used to ask a question
about something or someone.
Myself, Yourself, Himself, Herself,
Itself (singular) The following are the Interrogative
Ourselves, Yourselves, Themselves
(plural) Who, Whom, Whose, Which, What.

Eg: Eg:

I live by myself. Whom will you go to the party?

We go to café to buy ourselves Which do you like best, Oliver or

somelunch. Kellin?

Who is going to the competition


Action and Non-action Helping (Aux) and Main Verb

- Action Verb : often a physical action; - The word that express the action is
eat, run, walk, listen, watch, read, called Main verb, and
write, hit, kick, kiss, breathe, drive,
touch, drink, cook, buy. Example : He walked to school.

- The other words that tell when the

- Non-active : Verb that CANNOT be situation took place are called
used on present progressive ; hate, auxiliary verb.
like, love, desire, know, need, prefer,
care, envy, fear, mind, want, Example : Did you write that peom?
appreciate, own, belong, possess,
I will travel to Thailand.
hear, see, resemble, equal, entail,
consist, measure …. Etc. Note : Did and Will are a helping verb. The
main verb are Write and Travel.

Transitive and Intransitive

- Transitive verbs is a verb that need
an object.

Example :

 My mom cook soup.

 The soup is cooked by my mom.

- Intransitive verbs is a verb that need

no object.

Example :

 Bonang goes to school.


Adjective is a word that describes or modifies more about nouns or pronouns.
Some words are Adjective, but some are not. The verb that changes to be an
adjective is called participle.

Adjective Endings Participle

1. –less and –ful : careful , careless, helpful, A verb that change into adjective with add –ing
(for present) and –ed (for past) is called
helpless, colorful, colorless.
2. –ly : daily, friendly, lonely, clearly, weekly,
- Amusing, amazing, charming, failing,
lively, lovely, costly.
tempting, discouraging.
3. –ive : active, talkative, creative, expensive, - Amused, amazed, charmed, failed,
attractive. tempted, discouraged.
4. –y : noisy, oily, sleepy, sunny.
5. –ing : caring, interesting, smiling, dazzling,
6. –able , and –ible : comfortable, horrible,
adorable, loveable, terrible
There are 4 important types of determiner :
7. –ish , and –ous : famous, delicious,
poisonous, childish, foolish. - The
- Your
8. –al , and –en : national, musical, woolen,
- Those
wooden. - any
An adverb is a word that modifies a verb, an adjective, or another adverb.

 Many adverb in – Ly, some are not.

 Adverbs answer any of these question : where? When? How? To what
 Adverb make writing more specific.
 Here some adverbs that do not end in –LY :
 Again  So  Already
 Always  Then  Ever
 Nowhere  Yesterday  Not
 Seldom  Alone  Quite
 Soon  Even  Somewhat
 Very  Never  Today
 Just  Perhaps  Never
 Almost  Sometimes  Also
 Away  There  Here
 Later  Yet  Now
 Often  too  Rather

 Adverbs modify Verbs : how was she driving? He is driving quickly.

 Adverbs modify Adjectives : The sunset was very beautiful
 Adverbs modify other adverb : The dog eats very quickly
 Conjunction adverb is used to join two complete sentences that are very
closely related in meaning. Here some conjunctive adverbs :
Therefore Moreover Thus However Consequently
As a result Hence Still Anyway Furthermore
Nevertheless instead Besides Meanwhile Otherwise
Preposition are joining words, sometimes called connective, which are used
to show a time, place, or ownership relation between two nouns/pronouns or
a noun or a adverb.
- Common preposition : behind, aboard, among, beyond, during, onto,
opposite, above, below, underneath, without, since, until, round, across,
- Compound preposition : according to, ahead to, aside from, because of, in
front of, as of, by means of, next to, out of, in addition to, a view of.
- Prepositional Phrases : Prep + noun / pronoun . ex : in the house
- Preposition of time :

At - specific time on the clock At one o’clock

- night At night
In - specific month In September
- specific year In 1994
- morning, afternoon, evening. In the afternoon
On - specific day of week On Saturday
- specific date On September 10, 1994

- Preposition of Location

At An address At 4472 Hill street

In - a country In Indonesia
- a city In Jakarta
On - a street On Peta Barat street
- an avenue On Rawalele
- a road …. etc On Ahmad Yani street
A conjunction connects words or group of words. There are 3 types of conjunction:

1. Coordinating conjunction
2. Correlative conjunction
3. Sub-ordinating conjunction

 Coordinating Conjunction is a single connecting word. There are 7 words,

they are : For And Nor But Or Yet So. Ex : The boys and girls are

 Correlative Conjunction are pairs of connecting words. These the five

pairs of words are :
1. Both / and ( the correlative conj join two names. )
Example : Both Jenny and Shane are dancing in the party.
2. Not only / But also ( join two sentences or complete ideas .)
Example : Not only they will stay here now, but also they will help us.
3. Either / Or ( illustrate a choice )
Example : Either go with friend or stay here and help.
4. Neither / Nor ( join two prepositional phrases.)
Example : he went neither to the stadium nor to the concert hall during
this vacation.
5. Whether / Or
Example : I don’t know whether she likes cooking or not.

 Subordinate Conjunctions
This conjunctions are usually used for complex sentence. ( An independent
clause and dependent clause ).
The conjunctions are : After, although, as, as if, because, since, while,
than, though, unless, whether, where, why,
when, how, before, until, even if, if, … etc.
 Interjection is a word that expresses strong feeling or emotion.
 An interjection usually comes at the beginning of the sentence.
 Interjection is often followed by an exclamation point ( ! ) when the emotion
is strong or a comma ( , ) when the emotion is mild.

Here are some interjections.

 Aw  Gee  No way
 Eek  Gosh  Hey
 Goodness  Hurray  Well done
 Horrors  Oops  Ssh
 Oh  Really  Look out
 Phew  Whoops  Cheers
 Well  Yes  Amazing
 Yea
 Dear me  Wow
 Bravo
 Golly  Akh
 Eh
 Hallelujah
 Gracious
 Mmm
 Hurrah
 Oh no  Ouch
 Rats  Ugh
 Whoa  Wow
 Yeah  Yippee
 Darn  Damn

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