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Learning Objectives for Singing

(Ongoing Skills units 1, 8 and 15 in the QCA guidelines)

Years 1 & 2 Years 3 & 4 Years 5 & 6

To use different voices and find their To develop their singing voices To learn about breathing, dynamics
singing voice and accuracy of pitch
To develop an awareness of phrase To use the thinking voice To improve tone production and use
(internalising) diction and other vocal techniques e.g.
legato and staccato
To sing with others To use known songs to develop control To extend knowledge and
of pulse and rhythm understanding of pulse, rhythm and
To control pulse and rhythm To develop awareness of simple To extend knowledge and
structures (phrases) understanding of phrase and other
musical structures
To control pitch To control and recognise changes in To extend their control and
pitch understanding of pitch
To learn about staff notation

To control the expressive elements To express the meanings of songs To make expressive use of elements
e.g. dynamics, tempo and techniques and develop their
To listen carefully and develop their To listen with attention to detail and To listen with sustained concentration
aural memory develop aural memory To remember longer pieces of music

To develop physical response To respond to structure in music To respond physically to music with
through movement and dance understanding of musical features

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