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HOW TO BESUCCESSFUL By Husniye Buket Caglarsular 2017

2. 2. 1. Start with a dream Dreams are motivating and inspire you to choose the best version of
your destiny. 2. Define what you want If you take random actions, you get random results. Is
it not? Make a plan of action for your needs and wants. Follow it, step by step; be prepared
to stand up again if you fall.
3. 3. 3. Keep your mind switched on positive Positive thinking is a skill. Therefore, if you don’t
have it yet, you can learn it. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.. :D 4. Make
people feel important Who wants to be invisible? Who wants to be left out? Who wants to be
small and insignificant? I guess, no one!
4. 4. Make people feel important and amplify your power of influence, win trust and respect and
you will become important to them as well. 5. Empower others It is down to you lift people up
to meet your standards. A leader knows that success comes from having the best team.
5. 5. 6. Build self-confidence through taking action Self-confidence is a feeling that comes from
the successes and accomplishments resulting from your actions and behaviors. It is not
about you not being good enough; it is about the way you try. When it is not working, try a
different way. 7. Value your time Time is precious and limited. Therefore, use it wisely.

Scribed waly motherchod bharway gandu

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