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Ward Green Primary School

Developing a Skills-Based Curriculum

Purpose of study

Music is a universal language that embodies one of the highest forms of creativity. A high-quality music education should engage and inspire pupils to develop a
love of music and their talent as musicians, and so increase their self-confidence, creativity and sense of achievement. As pupils progress, they should develop a
critical engagement with music, allowing them to compose, and to listen with discrimination to the best in the musical canon. .


 The national curriculum for music aims to ensure that all pupils:
 perform, listen to, review and evaluate music across a range of historical periods, genres, styles and traditions, including the works of the
great composers and musicians
 learn to sing and to use their voices, to create and compose music on their own and with others, have the opportunity to learn a musical
instrument, use technology appropriately and have the opportunity to progress to the next level of musical excellence
 understand and explore how music is created, produced and communicated, including through the inter-related dimensions: pitch, duration,
dynamics, tempo, timbre, texture, structure and appropriate musical notations.

Why develop a Skills-Based Curriculum?

A Skill-Based Curriculum breaks subject matter and learning content into units with clearly specified objectives which are pursued until they are
achieved. Learners work through each block of content in a series of sequential steps.

Students must demonstrate a high level of success on tests, typically at about the 80% level, before progressing to new content. Skill-based
learning can be contrasted with other approaches which require pupils to move through the curriculum at a pre-determined pace. In order to
teach the skills, topics are tailored to the children’s interests in order to ensure the coverage of the entire curriculum for each year group.
Teachers seek to avoid unnecessary repetition by regularly monitoring the skills covered and where potential gaps in learning need to be
addressed. There are a number of meta-analyses which indicate that, on average, mastery learning approaches are effective, leading to an
additional five months’ progress over the course of a school year compared to traditional approaches.
Tracking objectives at Ward Green Primary School

As curriculum content is covered, the year group colour will indicate what has been taught at each point to ensure
complete coverage of the curriculum.

Year 1 - Yellow

Year 2 - Green

Year 3 – Light Blue

Year 4 - Pink

Year 5 - Red

Year 6 – Grey

Point to note – This tracks the entire coverage of the curriculum content not the children’s understanding of the objectives.
Objectives should be highlighted when they have been taught to the year group entirely.
Ward Green Primary School
Music Progression of Skills Year 1
A – Children sing songs and repeat chants and rhymes expressively and creatively. I make and control long and short sounds using voices and instruments
I recognise changes in dynamics and pitch
I use my knowledge of dynamics and pitch to organise my music

I take part in singing songs, following the melody well

C – Children experiment with, creates, selects and combine sounds using the I perform with others, taking instructions from the leader
interrelated dimensions of music. I can create short musical patterns
I create short rhythmic phrases
I can identify the beat in music
I listen carefully and recall short rhythmic and melodic patterns

I order my sounds to help create an effect

I show control when playing musical instruments so that they sound as they

I can use changes in pitch to communicate an idea

I make my own signs and symbols to make and record music
I know that music can be played or listened to for a variety of purposes

I can think of ways to improve my music work

National Curriculum objectives: In this unit, children will be taught to…

Music Progression of Skills Year 2

A – Children play tuned and untuned instruments musically. I recognise how musical elements can be used together to compose music.

I can sing songs from memory with accurate pitch

I can sing in tune
When I sing songs I show control in my voice I play notes on instruments so
they sound clear

C – Children experiment with, creates, selects and combine sounds using the I can maintain a simple part within a group
interrelated dimensions of music. I compose and perform melodies and songs
I recognise and create repeated patterns with a range of instruments

I perform with control and awareness of what others in the group are
singing or playing
D – Children listen with concentration and understanding to a range of high I carefully choose, order, combine and control sounds with an awareness of
quality, live and recorded music. their combined musical effect
I describe music using words such as duration, timbre, pitch, tempo and
I use these words to identify where my music works well and how it can be
I describe the different purposes of music throughout history and in other
Music Progression of Skills LKS2

A – children sing in solo and ensemble contexts with accuracy and expression. I know how to make creative use of how sounds can be changed, organised
and controlled

I breathe well and pronounce words, change pitch and show control in my
I perform songs in a way that reflects their meaning and the occasion
B – Children play musical instruments in solo and ensemble contexts with I can play an accompaniment on an instrument
accuracy and expression. I can create rhythmic patterns with an awareness of timbre and duration

C – Children listen to sounds with attention to detail. I hold my part in a round

I can sustain a drone or melodic ostinato to accompany singing
I can improvise within a group
D – Children improvise using the interrelated dimensions of music. I can combine sounds expressively
I create songs with an understanding of the relationship between lyrics and

E – Children understands staff and other musical notations. I create music, which reflects given intentions and uses notations as a
support for performance

F- Children appreciate a range of high quality music from great composers and I can describe music using musical words and I use this to identify strengths
musicians. and weaknesses in my music
I use the venue and sense of occasion to create performances that are well
appreciated by the audience.
G- Children key things about the history of music.
I can discuss and compare key historic musical events and people.
Music Progression of Skills UKS2

A – Children perform in solo and ensemble contexts, using their voice with I sing or play from memory with confidence A
increasing accuracy, fluency, control and expression. I perform alone and in a group, displaying a variety of techniques BE
I take turns to lead a group B
I sing or play expressively and in tune A
B – Children perform in solo and ensemble contexts, playing musical I hold my part in a round B
instruments with increasing accuracy, fluency, control and expression. I sing a harmony part confidently and accurately B
I maintain my own part with an awareness of what others are playing B

C – Children listen with attention to detail and recall sounds with increasing oral
memory. I identify cyclic patterns C

I demonstrate imagination and confidence in the use of sound C

D – Children improvise and compose music for a range of purposes using the I show thoughtfulness in selecting sounds and structures to convey an idea
interrelated dimensions of music. I create my own musical patterns D
I use a variety of different musical devices including melody, rhythms and
E – Children understand and use staff and other musical notations. chords D
I appreciate the harmonies and work out how drones and melodic ostinato
F – Children appreciate and understand a wide range of high quality music are used to accompany singing D
drawn from different traditions and from great composers and musicians. I use musical vocabulary to help me understand how best to combine musical
elements E
G- Children develop an understanding of the history of music.

I understand the different cultural meanings and purpose of music, including

contemporary G F

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