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Statement of the Problem

With President Duterte’s revolutionary foreign policy which

reconfigures a century-old policy tradition, it is important to examine the
major foreign policy initiatives undertaken by the Duterte Administration
and how different are these from previous administrations. Furthermore, the
constitutionality of these changes should also be observed since Article II,
Section VII of the 1987 Constitution states that “The State shall pursue an
independent foreign policy. In its relations with other states, the paramount
consideration shall be national sovereignty, territorial integrity, national
interest, and the right to self-determination.” (please put footnote here cos
idk what number). More importantly, how it is in line with Republic Act
No. 7157 otherwise known as the “Philippine Foreign Service Act of 1991”
which provides the three pillars of the Philippine Foreign Policy which are
the (1) preservation and enhancement of national security, (2) promotion and
attainment of economic security and (3) protection of the rights and
promotion of the welfare and interest of Filipinos overseas should also be
observed. (here din footnote number)

Objectives and Significance of the Study

The primary purpose of this study is to investigate the

constitutionality and legality of major foreign policy initiatives undertaken
by the Duterte Administration. The study will analyze these policies through
the secondary data gathered. Furthermore, the differences between the
foreign policies of the current administration and that of previous ones will
be observed.

The major changes of these foreign policy initiatives and their

effects on the country provide a clear rationale for undertaking this study.
Furthermore, the knowledge and information that will be gathered from this
study can provide useful inputs on determining whether the Duterte
Administration is on track in abiding to the three pillars of the Philippine
Foreign Policy. Lastly, this study will provide a general awareness of the
course and direction of the Philippine foreign policy and will add to the
literature on International Law, Philippine Foreign Policy and Diplomacy,
and International Relation

Article 2, Section VII
Republic Act No. 7157

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