Research 2

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Approval Sheet…………………………………………………………………………………………………:




Statement of the Problem……………………………………………………………………………….2

Significance of the study………………………………………………………………………………….3


Definition of Terms………………………………………………………………………………………….5


Presentation of Data and the Related Literature……………………………………………..6

Table of Graphs……………………………………………………………………………………………….7


Findings and Analysis………………………………………………………………………………………8





First and foremost, praise and thanks to God Almighty for showering us the
wisdom throughout our research work and for making this task possible.

We are extremely grateful to our parents for their Love, prayers, care and
sacrifices, for supporting and preparing us for our future.we also want to thank them for
understanding, guiding us to the venture of this study and unending support to complete this
research work.

We would also like to thank our dear Friends and groupmates for their help in
obtaining the necessary data and information relevant to the study.

And Lastly, our special thanks to our dearest Principal in Don Andres Soriano
National High School for her approval in conducting the mini-research that serve as a
requirement in Mathematics 10 and want to thank Mrs. Elisa Garcia our Mathematic Teacher
for guiding and supporting us in this research study, and also a special thanks to Mrs. Nea
Aniñon and Ms. Genevieve Mende for providing us the grades of 70 respondents under their


The Researchers will be conducting a Comparative study on the academic performance

Between Grade 10-Burgundy and Grade 10-Pink in Filipino during the third quarter.which
comprises 40 male and female students in the corresponding section.The result of this study
will help the researchers, future researchers, Students, Teachers and Parents to know which
section performs Better in their Filipino subject.The researchers will assure the respondents the
confidentiality of their ranking/performance towards the subject matter.

This study aims to determine which of these sections in grade 10 performs better
in Filipino.Burgundy/Pink ?; and what factors/reasons that led these students to achieve
high/low in Filipino?, and what interventions and remediations can be implemented to enhance
the learning needs/development of these particular students.

Statement of the Problem

Ho1: There is no significant difference on the academic performance of grade 10-Burgundy and
Grade 10-Pink in Filipino.

Ha1: There is a significant difference in the academic performance of Grade 10-Burgundy and
Grade 10-Pink in Filipino.

Ho2: Attendance is not significant in obtaining high/low academic Performance among Grade
10-Burgundy and Grade 10-Pink students.

Ha2: Attendance is significant in their academic Performance among Grade 10-Burgundy and
Grade 10-Pink students.
Significance of the Study

This study is significant to the ff:

Students: This study may serve as a guide and reference for the students, who will pursue
research studies in the future and for the researchers; it will enhance their basic skills in
gathering data and informations relevant to the qualitative approach of their study.

Parents: It will help the parents to understand and know the activities or task that their children
are participating in order to fulfill the requirements of any subject area.

Teachers: The result of this study will help the Teachers to know the area of much emphasis in
their teaching methods and style in the interventions and remediations that can be
implemented for the development of the individual learner.

Future Researchers: This Study will be useful, since it will served as a reference and basis for
further study in any related subjects. Who would plan to make any related study of this

Stakeholders: refers to private companies/corporations, banks, alumni foundations is

corporated who always extend their hand/help to the students in terms of scholarships and
projects for school and student’s development.

Community: This study will benefit the community by providing valuable information,
knowledge, and progress about the comparative study and its processes. And as a citizen of the
community it could help us to understand such study and be able to know the formula's of
percentile, quartile, and how to get the mean, median and mode.

Overall, this research study will aid the DASNHS students, Parents, Teachers and Future
researchers in giving a standard and synchronized way of making their work accessible of the
student’s ability to function in the society.In view of Ifeyinwa(2002) noted that, many students
have poor background of knowledge in English Language because of unqualified teachers that
might be allocated to teach English Language, in view of what Ifeyinwa said, that there is a need
to improve our teaching method to enable student acquire good knowledge in English
Language In order to be useful in the Society.


Statistical Analysis

Mean: Type equation here.

Mean- Type equation here.Mean-Type equation here.

Interview Students and Teachers

“Why did you get a grade of 95”

Respondent 1: I get a grade of 95 because I am able to understand the discussions well and I
got to enjoy the class, since the teacher will give an energizer first before starting the
discussion.Her technique or method too in teaching have great impact in my grade since the
teacher explained the lesson well in a very detailed way.And isn that case I learned a lot and
gain a good grade.

“Why did you get a grade of 83?”

Respondent 2: I got a grade of 83 because I can’t understand well, and the class was a bit too
strict and serious that I don’t have time to relaxed or enjoy a bit.Her discussion is a little bit
boring and because if that I did not pay attention and do things that Interest myself during
discussion, like playing gadgets.

“How did you teach your student and that they are able to get good grades?”

Teacher 1: I did used a method that will get their attention and Interests, Also in my discussion I
connected the lessons in real life situations.In every lesson I discussed I am always direct to the
point so that the students will not be bored.And I am always ready for questions or any
clarifications that confuses my students in a particular lesson.

“How did you teach your student and that they are able to get “not so” good grades?”

Teacher 2: I did my best in any teachings.But it really depends on the students on how they
take it.Mostly of my students are a bit lazy and not interested in my subject but still, I did all I
could to teach them.Its not a teacher’s fault that they are able to get such low grades because it
depends on the students if they really wanted to learn or not.My method in teaching is just like
any teachers would do But it have different impacts on students so I just let them decide what
they wanted to do.

Research Design

The researcher’s study Utilized the qualitative approach; Comparative study design is
being used by the Researchers that will possibly Determine the Important difference on the
academic Performance of the Researcher’s 80 Respondents which involves 40 Grade 10-Pink
and 40 Grade 10-Burgundy.

The Researchers used a Comparative study for the researchers to know on which
section performs Better in the academic performance in Filipino during their 3 rd Quarter.

Research Respondents
The Respondents of this study are the 80 students which Involves 40 Grade 10-
Burgundy and 40 Grade 10-Pink.This two sections have approximately 45 students for each

The Researchers decided to chose 80 students which is 40 Students for each

section.Those chosen students serves as the bases for the researcher’s comparative study on
their Performance in the English subject that focuses on their mean, median and mode.

Research Instrument

The researchers made Questionnaires that was used as an Instrument to gather

the data that the researchers need for the grade of those students.The Instrument that was
used was agreed by the teacher who guided the researchers.So, the Instrument is Permitted to
obtain raw and reliable data from the researcher’s Respondents.The questionnaires don’t have
any enumeration and the researchers just give some choices so that the respondents would
only check their chosen answer.

Research Environment
In Don Andres Soriano National High School this study was conducted at Don
Andres Soriano, Toledo City.DASNHS is Public Secondary School which offers K-12
curriculum.The school has also Facilities, required for different majors such as CSS, Beauty care,
Dress making, Cookery and Electricity.The said school was approximately 3000 and above
students, 108 instructors and 1 Principal.

Definition of Terms

Mean- Refers to the average of the numbers; a calculated “central” value of a set of
numbers.By adding all the grades in each section and dividing into its corresponding number,
the researchers would be able to get the mean of each section.

Mode- Refers to the value that appears most often.It is the Value of X which it’s Probability
mass function takes its maximum value.

Median- Refers to the Value which separates the higher half from the lower half of the data
each section.
Academic Performance- It is the performance of the students inside the classroom and is also
one of the basis for the teachers to know what area is the strength and the weakness of their
srudents.Tool for individualizing students.

Comparative Study- Refers to the researcher’s method used to be able to know which section
got high/low grades and which section performs better in Filipino Subject, for Third Quarter and
also used to compare the two sections in terms of grades and their mean, median and mode.

Percentile - is a measure used in statistics indicating the value below which a given percentage
of observations in a group of observations falls.
Quartile - is a type of quantile. The first quartile (Q1) is defined as the middle number between
the smallest number and the median of the data set. The second quartile (Q2) is the median of
the data. The third quartile (Q3) is the middle value between the median and the highest value
of the data set.


Presentation of Data and its Related Literature

Hamisi Ramadhan Mubarak is the author of the Journal entitled “A comparative

study on the Academic Performance of Students in Bachelor’s Degree of Information
Technology Having Arts and Science Background in Uganda”.The Journal was published on
March 2017.

Variations in the academic performance among students at all levels of education

are one issue for years now that has attracted the attention of many researchers across the
globe.This has prompted researchers and educationists to find out what factors or reasons can
be attributed to these variations.Numerous studies have been conducted to determine the
various reasons to explain this cause.The purpose of this Study therefore, was to compare the
academic performance of students in the Bachelor’s Degree of Information Technology (BIT)
having Arts And Science Backgrounds in Universities of Uganda.In order to achieve the objective
of this study, a sample of 202 final years BIT students were purposively selected from two
universities in Uganda.These Students were categorized on the basis of their A’ level of
backgrounds(130 Arts and 72 Sciences).A descriptive approach employing the Welch’s test was
used to determine the difference between the performance of the two groups and a simple
linear regression analysis was used to examine the correlation among students performance
between semesters.The results indicated that there’s a significant Difference in the academic
Performance of the two groups, with the science group out performing Arts.

However, it was found that there is more linear increase in the performance of
Arts Students from semester one through semester five.Furthermore, Arts students performed
slightly better than Science Counterparts in some course units.Thus, the study concludes that
science students perform better than Arts students in the overall semester final Examination
with Art Students having room for Improvement in their Performance.


F d d Fd cf LB
95-99 0 3 9 0 40 94.5
90-94 9 2 4 36 40 89.5
85-89 5 1 1 5 31 84.5
80-84 10 0 0 0 26 79.5
75-79 14 -1 1 14 16 74.5
70-74 2 -2 4 8 2 69.5
N=35 Fd=53

F d d Fd cf LB
95-99 3 3 9 24 40 94.5
90-94 16 2 4 60 37 89.5
85-89 4 1 1 4 22 84.5
80-84 4 0 0 0 18 79.5
75-79 8 -1 1 8 14 74.5
70-74 6 -2 4 24 6 69.5
N=40 Fd=123

Table of Graph









Findings and Analysis

Based on the Statement of the Problem, the academic performance of Grade 10-
Burgundy is higher than the academic performance of Grade 10-Pink because of their mean,
which is Equal to 98 and 97 in a difference of 2 points.

What is more, this study provides sufficient information on the academic Performance
between Grade 10-Burgundy and Grade 10-Pink, During the third Quarter of S.Y. 2018-2019.
Another point is, Section Burgundy Performed better in Filipino Subject than Section
Pink.In addition, Listening to the class discussion, passing projects, activities and Journals on
time are the reasons that led these students to perform high in Filipino Subject.

However, Ho2 which states there is no significant difference between academic

Performance of students in Grade 10-Burgundy and Grade 10-Pink is Decline while Ha1 agreed
because there is a significant difference between the academic performance of the said
section.Ho2 disapprove while Ha2 approved because based on the data attendance is
significant in academic performance of students in Grade 10-Burgundy and Grade 10-Pink.In
General, the Interventions Implemented by the Teachers or facilities such as library, CSS
laboratory and etc. helps to enhance the learning needs of these students.


Based on the findings, the following conclusions are:

This study revealed that section Burgundy has higher grades than Grade 10-Pink for
Third Quarter in the Filipino subject under the advisory of Mrs. Aneñon for the S.Y. 2018-2019
with the mean of 98, mode of 84.1 and a median of 91.

The researchers conclude that those students participated well in class, submit their
projects, activities and journal on time and always listen to their teacher’s Discussion.

The researchers used random sampling under quantitative method by giving

questionnaires to 5 random students in every section.The questionnaires serves as basis for the
findings and analysis.Therefore, Students should participate well in class and submit their
projects, activities and journals on time.

Based on the result of the study , the researchers would like to recommend the following:

1) Parents must support and guide their Children and help them to do more or to perform
Better in their academic performances.

2) Teachers must Encourage his/her students to work hard and help them to enhance their
abilities.they should give activities that was based on the capability of the students.

3) Student Should have a friend to have some comfort and someone they can talk to and
the person should be trust worthy.

4) Student should prioritized their Health first like having enough sleep so that it won’t be
hard for them to cooperate during class discussion.


February 11, 2019

Mrs. Yolanda Dela Cerna

Principal II

Don Andres Soriano National High School

Don Andres Soriano Toledo City

We would like to ask your good office to allow us to undergo a “Research study” in
Grade 10-Burgundy and Pink.This is connection with our requirements in the Performance task
in Statistics in fourth Grading.we are Looking forward for your approval regarding this matter.

Very respectfully Yours,

Nable, Mylene Billesta, Marygrace

Angco, Kemp Caspe, Honelette

Approved by: Noted by:

Yolanda T. Dela Cerna Elisa A. Garcia



Mubarak, H.(2017). A comparative study on the academic Performance of students in

Bachelor’s Degree of Information Technology Having Arts and Science Background in
Uganda. Abstract 1.

Electronic Device
Don Andres Soriano National High School

DAS, Toledo City



A Research Study Presented to:

Mrs. Elise A. Garcia

Submitted by:

Mylene Nable

Honelette Caspe

Mary Grace Billesta

Kemp Angco

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