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What Are Clinical Technologists/Clinical

laboratory technologists/Medical laboratory

Clinical technologists, also known as medical or clinical laboratory technologists, work in
laboratory settings, performing tests and using medical technology to examine and diagnose
diseases. Professionals in this field play an important role in the healthcare system by testing
blood, fluid, and tissue samples.

Technologists may be employed in hospitals, clinics, laboratories, or by postsecondary schools.

Pay in the medical field is generally good, and those that are able to secure government-paid
positions will enjoy benefits and a measure of job security. The majority of such professionals
work full-time, and those that serve in 24-hour care centers, like hospitals, may work evenings,
nights, and/or weekends. Protective clothing and gear are required to keep technologists safe
from infectious diseases and the chemicals and materials with which they work to process

Examples of the type of work they undertake include:

 Advising, diagnosing, interpreting, and treating patients.

 Advising health and social care professionals in the diagnosis and treatment of patients.
 Researching the science, technology, and practise used in healthcare to innovate and
improve services.
 Designing, building, and operating technology for diagnosing and treating patients.
 Ensuring the safety and reliability of tests and equipment used in healthcare.

Specialty areas

Most Medical Laboratory Scientists are generalists, skilled in all areas of the clinical laboratory.
However some are specialists, qualified by unique undergraduate education or additional training
to perform more complex analyses than usual within a specific field. Specialties include clinical
biochemistry, hematology, coagulation, microbiology, bacteriology, toxicology, virology,
parasitology, mycology, immunology, immunohematology (blood bank), histopathology,
histocompatibility, cytopathology, genetics, cytogenetics, electron microscopy, and IVF labs.
What a Medical Technologist Does
Note that the term ‘medical technologist’ covers many medical professions, but the main type
the term refers to has to do with medical laboratory technologists and technicians. These
professionals also may be called medical laboratory scientists.

Medical technologist work usually focuses on collecting bodily fluids or tissues from
patients, and then performing many types of tests on the samples. Then, they record what has
been found and give the information to the supervising physician who ordered the tests.

Some of the specific duties of these medical professionals include:

 Conduct analysis of blood, urine and tissue samples, and record any findings.
 Study blood samples that will be used in blood transfusions to determine blood type,
blood group and the cell morphology.
 Use equipment and instruments to perform a variety of blood tests at the same time
 Record data from the medical tests and enter the results in the medical record
 Discuss lab test results and findings with doctors

Medical technologists do tests and procedures that doctors and other healthcare professionals
order. Some medical technologists will perform more complex tests than regular technicians
do. A technologist will often have to prepare specimens and perform detailed, manual tests.

Where a Medical Technologist Works

Medical technologists may work in small or large laboratories. Some may specialize in doing
specific types of tests, and others may have more general lab testing duties. Some of the most
common types of specialized laboratory technologists include the following; each of these
different types of technologist job will usually work in a different type of company or

 Blood bank technologist: Collect blood and classify it by each type; prepare the blood
for transfusions
 Clinical chemistry technologist: Prepare samples and analyze the hormonal and
chemical contents of various bodily fluids.
 Cytotechnologist: Prepare the slides of cells of the body and look at the cells with a
microscope for anything that is abnormal.
 Immunology technologist: Look at various elements of the immune system and how it
responds to foreign bodies.
 Microbiology technologist: Look at and identify bacteria and various other

Licensing and Certification

Many states require all laboratory personnel to have a license. This will vary based upon your
state and your exact medical specialty. You should contact your state department of health to
determine if you need to have a license for your speciality in your state. You also may
visit The American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science.

You also have the option of obtaining a general certification to show that you have the
advanced skills of a medical laboratory technologist. Or, you can get a specific certification
for a certain type of medical technologist, such as medical biology or cytotechnology. For
more information, you can visit the National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory

Types of Degrees in Medical Technology

You can earn various degrees in medical technology, depending upon your interests and the
level of education you want.

Associate’s Degree in Medical Technology

An associate’s degree in medical technology will ready you for an entry level position as a
medical laboratory technician. You will learn about clinical microbiology, anatomy,
chemistry and biochemistry. Other classes often include:

 Computer science
 Health technology
 Immunology
 Organic chemistry

Many entry level medical technologists earn an Associate of ARts in Medical Laboratory
Technology. This is a two year program that will teach you how to perform a variety of basic
clinical tasks. For example, you will learn how to collect and analyze bodily fluid, and also
obtain blood cell specimens for testing.

Associate degree programs in this field are available in person at various community and
technical colleges across the country. You should ensure that the program has been accredited
by the National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Sciences.

Bachelor’s in Medical Technology

A bachelor’s degree in medical technology will teach you how to perform sophisticated
laboratory tests with advanced instruments and computers. You also will learn how keep this
equipment in good condition, as it has to be kept in top condition so that it gives accurate test

The volume and the degree of sophistication of lab tests is growing rapidly, so it is important
to obtain a bachelor’s degree in this field so that you can perform the more advanced tests.

A bachelor’s program to consider is the Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Science

from Ferris State University. This program has been fully accredited by the National
Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Sciences.
In this four year program, you will learn how to perform and interpret many different
laboratory tests from samples that have been collected by phlebotomists. You will learn how
to give blood products for people who need blood transfusions, and how to determine which
bacteria is causing an infection.

This degree program also will teach you to identify the types of blood cells that are causing
leukemia, and how to measure various chemicals in the blood, such as drugs, hormones and

Required courses include:

 Medical Microbiology
 General Microbiology
 Human Anatomy and Physiology
 Pathophysiology
 Introduction to General Chemistry
 Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry

Master’s in Medical Technology

If you have already worked as a medical technologist and are certified, you may desire to
advance your training beyond the undergraduate level. If so, you may want to consider the
online Master of Laboratory Science degree that is offered by the University of Southern

The coursework in this two year, online program consists of 18 credit hours, and you must
pass both oral and written examinations. You may transfer six hours from another university
to earn this master’s degree.

You are required to take these courses:

 Comparative Diagnosis of Microbial Pathogens

 Clinical Oncology
 Professional Development for Medical Laboratory Scientist
 Toxicology
 Special Problems
 Epidemiology
 Environmental Health
 Infectious Disease Epidemiology
 Lean Production System
 Instructional Design and Development

If you are interested in a degree in medical technology, you will be making a substantial time
and monetary investment. You will want to ensure that your program has been properly
You should check if your degree program has been accredited by the National Accrediting
Agency for Clinical Laboratory Science. If you see that it is so accredited, you know that the
degree you earn will be seen with high value by potential employers.

Written by Robert Sanchez

Robert Sanchez is's Chief Editorialist. Robert Sanchez has over 10 years
experience in the Healthcare field and more recently has become an avid writer advising on
career and job topics in this exciting field.

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