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Mission School Code: (CEEB) 672095

We pursue academic excellence in a place of grace so that Standardized tests
lives will be transformed by Christ to impact the world.
Community PSAT: All students in 10th and 11th grade take the PSAT

Mountainview is located in a beau ful, semi-rural area SAT: 2018 SAT® results
about one kilometer from the center of Sala ga, Indonesia.
Sala ga is located central to the major ci es and cultural Middle 50% ERW 599-612
centers of Yogyakarta, Solo, and Semarang, making the Middle 50% Math 654-674
school 1.5-3 hours from three interna onal airports.
School AP: In 2018 a total of 61 exams were taken in 17 subjects
Mountainview was founded as the Central Java Inter- 50% of the AP Exams received scores of 3 or higher
Mission School in 1981 to serve the families of expatriates Class of 2018
living in Indonesia, primarily those involved in the work of There were 19 graduates in the Class of 2018.
various service organiza ons. Mountainview Chris an 6 earned a 4.0+
School is a K-12 boarding and day school with a current 6 earned 3.5–3.99
enrollment of approximately 230 students from a number 3 earned 3.0–3.49
of countries and backgrounds, with the largest number of 4 earned less than 3.0
representa ves from the United States, South Korea and
Indonesia. Post High School Placement
Accredita on 80% admi?ed to 4-year colleges
Mountainview is fully accredited by the Associa on of 20% selected work, or volunteer service
Chris an Schools Interna onal and ini al accredita on
status by the Western Associa on Schools and College.

Recent College and University Matricula on

Anderson University (IN) Georgia Southern University Savanna College of Art and Design
Arizona State University Georgia Tech Seoul Na onal University (South Korea)
Azusa Pacific University Grace College Swiss Hotel Management School (sws)
Beijing University (China) Hun ngton University Union University
Biola University Indiana University in Bloomington University of Central Lancashire(U.K.)
Bocconi University (Italy) Korea University (South Korea) University of Hong Kong
Boise State University Liberty University University of Texas in Arlington
Bucknell University Leiden University (Netherlands) University of Virginia
Calvin College Marque?e University University of Washington
City University of Hong Kong Messiah College US Naval Academy
Clark University Milligan College Utrecth University (Netherlands)
Columbia University North Greenville University Webster University (Netherlands)
Cornerstone University Oral Roberts University Wheaton College
Drexel University Rhode Island School of Design Whitworth University
Eastern Mennonite University Rollins University York College in PA
Franklin & Marshall University Samford University in Alabama Yonsei University (South Korea)
Mountainview Christian School 2018-2019

Curriculum Secondary Grading and GPA

The academic program is organized on a rota ng block A – Excellent 92–100 4
schedule. Students take six 85 minute block classes and B – Above average 83–91 3
two 50-minute classes. Students a?end three block classes
and the regular class daily. Block classes are year-long; C – Average 74–82 2
each block class meets every other day. Block schedul- D – Below average 65–73 1
ing was ins tuted in 2012. F – Failure 64 or below 0
These AP® courses are offered: Calculus AB, Capstone, Class Rank: School does not rank students
Computer Science and US History. AP is an open- Student Body
enrollment program. In addi on, many students are plan-
Mountainview hosts a diverse student popula on.
ning to take AP tests in subjects we do not offer, therefore
we offer an addi onal hour of subject instruc on to help • 31% South Korea, 29% USA, 23% Indonesia, 13% other
students prepare in the following: Calculus and World His- • 48% Male 52% Female
• In Class of 2018, 50% progress to college in US, 15% to
Gradua on requirements college in Hong Kong, 35% college in other na ons
Mountainview awards two types of diplomas: • Student Teacher ra o 8:1
Moral&Ethics 4 years 4 years The school offers two, centrally located, on campus dormi-
English 4 years 4 years tories. Both dorms are staffed with professional “dorm
parents” with food and laundry services and high speed
Social Studies 3 years 4 years
internet. Capacity for 16 boys and 16 girls. (grades 7-12)
Science 3 years 4 years
Math 2 years 4 years
Foreign Lang 2 year 3 years Major Musical or Drama produc on annually. In 2012 it
was a produc on of William Shakespeare's A Midsummer
Physical Ed 1 year 1.5 years
Night’s Dream, set in pre-colonial India. 2016 featured Dis-
Fine Arts 1 year 2 years ney’s The Li*le Mermaid Musical. This produc on featured
Service 20 hours 80 hours one half of the secondary students on stage and behind
the scenes.
Technology aided learning Community Orchestra
Learning is further enhanced by the expansion of the Ba?le of the Books* The academic compe on assigns
online classroom and highbred learning. Launched in 2012 students readings in teams which they are tested on in a
this program seeks to offer students a variety of op ons “quiz show” type format.
not usually available at smaller schools. Sports
Technology • Girls Volleyball
Campus wide WiFi access connects students and staff to a
• Boys and Girls Football (Soccer)*
world of informa on. In addi on, an investment in tech-
nology made every classroom a global connec on point • Boys and Girls Basketball*
with projectors or TVs . Both elementary and secondary • Boys and Girls Swimming*
schools have computer labs that are equipped with the
• Boys and Girls Cross country*
latest hardware and soMware. The internet is upgraded to
a dedicated fiber op c connec on from Sala ga to Jakarta • Boys and Girls Badminton*
making it the fastest available in our area. * These teams compete in the annual IISSAC (Indonesian
Interna onal Small School Ac vity Conference) tourna-
ment. This is a compe on with 5 other interna onal
schools. Tournament site rotates among member schools.

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