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Physics ]

Physics is the branch of science which deals with the study of matter and energy and the relationship
between them.

It deals with atomic Nuclei

2.particle physics

It deals with the ultimate particle of which the matter is composed.

3.Relativistic Mechanics

It is the branch of physics deals with the velocities approaching that of light

4.solid state physics

It concerned with the structures and properties of solids.


It concerned with the behavior of physical system under the action of forces .

6.Fluid Dynamics

The branch of mechanics which deals with the study of fluids in motions is called fluid dynamics
.Newton’s Laws and law of conservation of energy are used to analyze fluid dynamics.
7. Acoustics

The application of the scientific study about the sound in designing a building ,halls, concert rooms etc
is called acoustics


It is the science of light and vision

9. Heat and thermodynamics

Thermodynamics deals with various phenomena of energy and related properties of matter,

Especially the transformation of heat into other forms of energy.


Electrostatics is the branch of physics in which we study stationary charges.

the picture here shows that Like charges repel

each other while opposite charges attract each


The study of the relation between electrical

,magnetic and mechanical phenomena.

12. magnetism

Phenomena involving magnetic field and their effect upon materials

A magnetic field exerts a force on particles in the field due to the Lorentz force.

Its derived from Greek word magnesia

13 electronics

The branch physic which deals with the principle and ways by which the flow of electrons is controlled

Here is a list of Electronic devices include televisions, DVD players, laptops, desktop
computers, mobile phones, iPods, iPads, cameras, fans, ovens, washing machines, game
consoles, printers and radios. That should give you a simple reference point in under standing
the term Electronic devices.

Basic Units
There are seven base units
These seven base units are the building blocks of a lot of units which are called derived units
These unit are used in alot of works our daily life is full of these units

Each and every unit has its own dimension analysis

• the kilogram (kg), for mass.

• the second (s), for time.
• the kelvin (K), for temperature.
• the ampere (A), for electric current.
• the mole (mol), for the amount of a substance.
• the candela (cd), for luminous intensity.
• the meter (m), for distance.

Supplementary Units
The General conference on weights and measure has not yet classified certain units of the system
international under either base or derived units .These units are called as supplementary units
These are units of plane angle and solid angle

The radian is the plan angle The angle subtended at the center whose Arc length AB Is equal to the
radius of the given circle
While steradian is the solid Angle mean three dimensional angle where radian was two dimension angle
subtended at the center of the sphere by an area of its surface equal to the square of radius of sphere as
shown in figure b) above

SI units are derived from base physical quantities which are used to measure all other quantities

unit of measurement obtained by multiplication or division of the base units of a system

without the introduction of numerical factorsThe
unit of volume is obtained by
multiplying three lengths, which is called cubic meter.

Derived unit is more use than basic but basic has strength over non
Dimensionaly the units are more use are basic units other uits are

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