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in assessment

Table of content

Introduction ----------------------------------------- 1
Instruments / tools ----------------------------- 2
Situation analysis ------------------------------ 3
Mind map -------------------------------------------------- 4
Process- oriented ----------------------------------- 5
Product-oriented ----------------------------------- 6
Process (analytic & holistic) --------------- 7

Welcome to my Portfolio. My name is Jean Loury E. Relator, a 3rd year

education student. I am enrolled in this subject “Assessment of Learning 2”. I
am going to share what I have learned with this subject and also what I got
improved in my journey with Mdme. Hegie C. Anding. Sadly, it’s time to say
goodbye though I don’t want to because this subject really useful in my future
career. But I have to set my mind for another adventure of learning. Well, in
this compilation I included data or evidences of learning and personal
insights/ reflections. In the past few months, I think the most treasurable gift
that I have learned from this subject “Assessment of Learning 2” is the skill of
assessing students not just only to focus on the finished product or output
thus I have also to consider the process of learning. And of course, I was able
to familiarize the assessment tools by means of doing. I experienced to make
an assessment tool and I was the one who design and choose a topic.

There are a lot of assessment instruments or tools to measure students

learning in which it will be fitted to what specific degree of learning we are going
to measure. For example, I have done my lesson in 1-week coverage then I plan
to give them an assessment on how far they learned and what students cannot
do. So, I will give them right an assessment instrument or tools that will truly
fitted on what aspects or degree am I going to measure. There are sample
instruments stated before this page that will truly help us to be guided on
giving our assessment to our students. As a teacher, we need to know and be
an expert of what specific assessment tools we will give to our students, and also
it is not good to give an assessment without a plan or should I say an irrelevant
tool for assessing students learning.

In this activity we are given a situation in which it will test how we

captivate the previous lessons that we had. At first, I have no idea on how to
answer or to give an explanation towards the situation given by us. Since, I have
done my previous task in relation to assessment tools in which it is useful for
me in answering the activity. Moreover, this activity checks the creativity and
decision making of a teacher on how she/he respond to the given situation or
what specific assessment action does need to give. Furthermore, in giving my
explanation I’m having a hard time on thinking what or how I should react to
the situation. And I was just imagining myself into real situation, that what if
the situation given to us is really happened in real life. How do I decide or what
am I going to do? So then, it came up easily without noticing myself that I
already finished and done the activity.

In this activity I was done earlier since it was just completing the mind
map in connection to 21st century assessment however I didn’t notice that my
finished output is incorrect and I need to make again the activity because I was
not following instruction. I don’t know why I didn’t get the right instruction
that Ma’am Anding was gave to us. Possibly, during the instruction I was
talking or didn’t hear it properly. HAHAHAHA! So, every time she gives
instruction I always makes sure that I write down all the information and be
attentive always to her instruction. I’ve learned that following instruction is
important especially in making projects and answering task.

This time we asked to make a “Process-Oriented Performance Based

Assessment” and it will be by pair ( Brian was my partner) This is the first
time that we will be the one to make an assessment tool. We decided to make
or to choose a task. And our task is to perform a dance interpretation. In this
activity we will be presenting our work but I stand doubtful in presenting it to
my classmates and to Maam Anding because we were unsure of what we have
made. Thus, we were the first presenter because no one volunteer so we stood
up confidently that despite of the being doubtful we need to present it and
defend our work (KULBA KAAYU) We don’t mind any corrections that we
had as long as we learnt something in our own work. I realized that in making
a task I also have to consider the process of doing not just to focus on the
product because in process of doing the task that’s the time you can see the
effort, growth and development of the child.

At this moment it is time to make a “Product-oriented Performance

Based Assessment” but it is now an individual task for the reason that I was
absent the last meeting as well as some of my classmates. (WA SA MOOD SI
information to Miss Tirol that we will be presenting it individually. So I made
my own and I decided to have a task that somehow connected to Rizal’s
subject entitled “My Country”. During that time that I was making an essay in
Rizal’s subject it suddenly come up into my mind that why not this essay will
be my task in making competencies. As I finished my essay in Rizal’s subject I
take down notes of what are the things that needs to consider in making an
essay. Fast forward, I am now presenting my works and after that I was so
shocked that I don’t have any corrections. Wooooo! In my opinion it is easy to
make a product assessment rather than process. I don’t know why I am
having a hard time in making process assessment.

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