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City of Malabon University

Maya –maya St., corner Pampano St., Brgy. Longos, Malabon City

Potrero National High School

Dunwoody St., University Hills Subd., Potrero, Malabon City


Grade &. Section: 10-PEACE Time: 9:40 – 10:30 AM Date: February 19. 2016


At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

a. Note details of the selection read and material viewed through graphic organizers;
b. draw conclusion from the selection read and the material viewed;
c. infer character traits;
d. recognize one’s strengths and weaknesses as factors in achieving dreams; and
e. engage willingly in various meaningful activities


Topic: Kaffir Boy (an excerpt) by Mark Mathabane

Skills: Noting Significant details, Drawing Conclusion, Inferring Character Traits
Comparing and Contrasting Ideas, Organizing Details
Domains: Reading and Literary Comprehension
References: Diversity: Celebrating Multiculturalism through World Literature, pp. 460 - 462


A. Daily Routine
1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Attendance Monitoring
4. Classroom Management
B. Lesson Proper
a. The 21st Century Education incudes a research – oriented task to develop students’ problem
– solving skills (TRUE)
b. Education can happen anytime, anywhere and in any manner but schooling formalizes the
learning. (TRUE)
c. The story of the Kaffir Boy narrates the life of a boy who never wishes to study and be
successful someday. (FALSE)
d. It takes one to have sense of determination to drink from the well of knowledge and refuse
to drink for the well of ignorance. (TRUE)
e. Good education promises good career and good paying job. (TRUE)



- There will be twenty (20) colored balloons that represent various professions in the world.
Inside each balloon is either a “task before the prize” or a “Instant Prize.”
- Six (4) students will be called randomly through a draw lot system. Each student to be
picked will choose a balloon to target and pop. (It depends on what profession the
students would like to target and pop)
- The student will be asked first about his/her target. A student will be given unlimited tries
until he/she pops his/her target..
- Once the balloon has popped, the student will either enjoy the prize already or do a task
before getting the prize.

Processing the content of motivation

Ask students to determine what do the following symbols of the game represents about
life’s purpose and goals.

Draw lot system – (Grab the opportunity when it knocks)

Targeting the balloons – (it means targeting one’s goal)
Task before prize – (There is no easy feat, we really have to work hard for our goal)
Instant Prize – (Sometime, some of us are lucky enough to achieve goal easily)
Unlimited Tries – (Try and try until you succeed)

1. Who are you after ten years?

2. What do you consider as your strengths in achieving the kind of person you want to be after
ten years?
3. What are your weaknesses and how do you plan to improve them?

Vocabulary Development

Determine the meaning of the underlined word in each sentence through context clues. Choose
your answer from the given choices.

A. Blasting/booming C. Bore
B. Terrible D. Unable to read and write
E. Breast
1. Her performance was absolutely dreadful. It was evident that she was not really prepared
in all aspects.
2. She didn’t want anyone to know that she was illiterate. She has little or no education.
3. Michael yawns during class discussion. He doesn’t like the subject the fact that it also falls
on siesta.
4. Her shirt has a plain color and ruffles at the bosom where she also clutched and held close
the flowers.
5. The audience responded with thunderous applause.

Author’s Background

The teacher will lead the discussion by providing brief information about Mark Mathabane.

Literary Exploration (Elemental Explication)

The teacher has pre - assigned and divided the class into 5 groups. Each group is asked to read in
advance the selection and accomplish the required task through graphic organizers

Each group will present its output in 5-minute time allotment

Group 1 - Retell the events by using a graphic organizer. Make sure that the relevant
details are highlighted. (Timeline)
Group 2 - Identify the character’s emotions, thoughts, and actions through meaningful
dialogues. (Actitude Analysis Chart)
Group 3 - Draw some scenes that contribute to the Kaffir Boy’s strong view of education.
Supplement the illustrations with explanations. (Filmstrips organizer)
Group 4 - Determine the different views towards schooling as seen in the excerpt from
“Kaffir Boy” and compare and contrast those views with that of the characteristics expected of the
21st Century Learners. (Concept Map)

Note: The teacher will process the output at every interval.


Literary Exploration (Content Exegesis)

Guide questions will be given to students as an initial comprehension check.

o Describe the boy’s initial attitude towards going to school?

o What is the boy’s realization towards the end of the excerpt?
o If you were the character, would you also be persuaded by the mother’s viewpoints?
Why/why not?
o Through what way does the character of the Kaffir Boy become an inspiration to today’s


- The students will be instructed to watch the interview of Iah Seraspi (TOP 2 in L.E.T.).
- Let the students point out the similarities and differences of Iah Seraspi and the Kaffir
Boy, specifically considering their desire to acquire a good education.


Kaffir Boy
Iah Seraspi

Group 1: Combine caricatures and organize it into how would you want to see
yourselves in the future.
Group 2: Make a short story (flash story) of you and your classmates reunited in one
setting 30 years from now.
Group 3: Create an educational law that you want to be implemented to help and/or
support the education of the marginalized youth in the country.
Group 4: Make a commercial skit showing great advocacy of the group for education.


to the Creativity Content Delivery Total
Self Peer Self Peer Self Peer Self Peer
G1 - Group 2
G2 - Group 3
G3 - Group 4
G4 - Group 1
a. The 21st Century Education incudes a research – oriented task to develop students’ problem
– solving skills. (TRUE)
b. Education can happen anytime, anywhere and in any manner; therefore, schooling is just an
option. (FALSE)
c. The Kaffir Boy chose to follow what his father’s advice and accept the life that he
d. Both Iah Seraspi and the Kaffir Boy realize the value of acquiring education as ticket to
achieving dreams. (TRUE)
e. The Kaffir Boy’s mother is an illiterate woman who has strong desire for her son to lead a
life different from hers. (TRUE)


1. Read the poem entitle, “The Martian Sends Home Postcards” and answer the comprehension
questions that follow.
2. Research for the meaning of deconstruction

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