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Mid-Term Exam 2

Physics 2130
Modern Physics
Tuesday October 23, 2001
Point distribution: All questions are worth points 5 points. Questions #1 - #16 are multiple choice
and answers should be bubbled onto the answer sheet. Questions #17 - #20 are long-answer questions,
and partial credit will be given. Alot your time accordingly.
Constants and Conversion Formulas
Speed of light c = 3:0  108 m/s
Coulomb's Force Constant k = 8:99  109 Nm2 /C2
Rydberg Constant R = 1:10  10,2 nm,1
Rydberg Energy ER = hcR = 13:6 eV
Bohr Radius aB = h2 =(ke2 me ) = 5:29  10,2 nm
Stefan Constant  = 5:6703  10,8 W/m2 K4
Planck's Constant: h = 4:414  10,15 eV s = 6.63 10,34 J s
h = h=(2) = 6:58  10,16 eV s = 1.05 10,34 J s
hc = 1240 eV nm = 1240 MeV fm
hc = 197 eV nm = 197 MeV fm
Mass conversion 1 MeV/c2 = 1:78  10,30 kg
Momentum conversion 1 MeV/c = 5.34 10,22 kg m/s
Elementary Charge e = 1:60  10,19 C
Mass of Electron me = 0:511 MeV/c2
Mass of Proton mp = 938 MeV/c2
Electron Volt 1 eV = 1.60 10,19 J
Spectroscopic Series Lyman (n ! 1), Balmer (n ! 2), Paschen (n ! 3)
1. Which of the following experiments involved light shined onto to an electrode to generate electrons?
a. Blackbody radiation.
b. Bragg di raction.
c. Photoelectric e ect.
d. Compton e ect.
2. Which of the following experiments did NOT yield a measurement of Planck's constant, h?
a. Blackbody radiation.
b. Photoelectric e ect.
c. Duane-Hunt experiment.
d. Davisson-Germer experiment.
3. Which experiment is credited with establishing that light carries momentum?
a. Compton e ect.
b. Blackbody radiation
c. Photoelectric e ect.
d. Millikan's oil drop experiment.
4. Which of the following experiments provided the FIRST evidence for the quantization of energy?
a. Blackbody radiation.
b. Photoelectric e ect.
c. Duane-Hunt experiment.
d. Davisson-Germer experiment.
5. Which of the following was a fundamental problem of the Thompson model of the atom?
a. Electron orbits were unstable.
b. The atom was too large.
c. The atom was too small.
d. The distribution of charge was wrong.
6. Which of the following was a fundamental problem of the Rutherford model of the atom?
a. Electron orbits were unstable.
b. The atom was too large.
c. The atom was too small.
d. The distribution of charge was wrong.
7. Which of the following graphs most accurately represents the spectrum of blackbody radiation?
(a) (b)
1 1
normalized spectral amplitude R(λ)

normalized spectral amplitude R(λ)

1250 K
0.8 1650 K

0.6 0.6
1450 K 1450 K

0.4 0.4

1650 K 1250 K
0.2 0.2

0 0
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000
wavelength (nm)
(c) (d) wavelength (nm)

normalized spectral amplitude R(λ)

normalized spectral amplitude R(λ)


1250 K
1650 K
1450 K 1450 K

1250 K 0.4 1650 K


0 2000 4000 6000 8000
0 2000 4000 6000 8000
wavelength (nm) wavelength (nm)

8. What's the frequency of a photon with a wavelength of 550 nm?
a. 3.43 1015 Hz
b. 1.843 1015 Hz
c. 5.45 1014 Hz
d. 5.45 1015 rad/s
9. What's the energy of a photon with a wavelength of 550 nm?
a. 2.4 eV
b. 3.6 eV
c. 1.0 eV
d. 0.1 eV
10. An electron has a kinetic energy of 3 eV. What's its wavelength?
a. 413 fm
b. 512 fm
c. 716 fm
d. 0.72 nm
11. An electron has a kinetic energy of 2 MeV. What's its wavelength?
a. 195 fm
b. 380 fm
c. 504 fm
d. 756 fm
12. Which of the following formulas describes the shortest wavelength in the Balmer series?
a. 4hc=ER
b. 4hc=3ER
c. 3hc=4ER
d. 3hc=ER
13. Which of the following formulas describes the longest wavelength in the Balmer series?
a. 5hc=ER
b. 5hc=4ER
c. 36hc=5ER
d. 36hc=ER
14. Using the Bohr model of the hydrogen atom, what's the diameter of the orbit of the electron with
n = 100?
a. 5.29 nm
b. 1.06 m
c. 0.053 nm
d. 1.53 nm
15. The \work function" of Cesium is 1.9 eV. What's the maximum wavelength of light that can eject an
electron from Cesium?
a. 1240 nm
b. 652 nm
c. 347 nm
d. 186 nm
16. The speed of an electron is observed to be 100 m/s with an uncertainty v = 0:01%. Approximately
what is the fundamental uncertainty in its position measured simultaneously with its speed?
a. 3 mm
b. 6 m
c. 1.5 mm
d. 600 m

Mid-Term Exam 2
Physics 2130
Modern Physics
Tuesday October 23, 2001
Problems 17 - 20 concern a E0 = 1 MeV photon that collides with a free electron and scatters through
90 . Show all your work neatly in order to receive full credit. Please place the nal answer in each
box provided.
17. What is the wavelength of the incident photon? Call it 0 and present your answer in fm.

18. What is the wavelength of the scattered photon? Call it  and present your answer in fm.

19. What is the energy of the scattered photon? Call it E and present your answer in MeV.

20. What is the kinetic energy of the recoiled electron. Call it Ke and present your answer in MeV.

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