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1. They… just now so they … time to unpack yet.

a) arrived/haven’t had
b) have arrived/haven’t had
c) arrived/didn’t have
d) have arrived/didn’t have
2. We used to laugh at what others said about us.
a) we could laugh at what others said about us.
b) we will laugh at what others said about us.
c) we would laugh what others said about us.
d) we should laugh at what others said about us.
3. I….a book last night before going to bed and even though I….it yet, I can tell you I….it very interesting.
a) had read/didn’t finish/ found
b) was reading/ haven’t been finishing/found
c) read/haven’t finished/find
d) was reading/haven’t finished/found
4. We started learning as soon as our parents had left home.
a) we waited until our parents have left home before we started learning.
b) we waited until our parents had left home before we started learning.
c) we have waited until our parents had left home before we had started learning
d) we waited until our parents had left home before we had started learning
5. “It’s about time you learned the truth about your past”, my mother told me.
a) My mother told me it was time I learned the truth about my past.
b) My mother told me it is about time I learned the truth about my past.
c) My mother’s told me it was about time I learned the truth about my past.
d) My mother told me it was about time I had learned the truth about my past.
6. Do you mind telling me where…
a) is the woman who was sitting here
b) the woman who was sitting here is
c) the woman is who was sitting here
d) was the woman who was sitting here.
7. People say that she has spent all his money.
a) She is said to have been spending all his money.
b) She was said to have spent all his money.
c) It was said that she has spent all his money.
d) She is said to have spent all his money.
8. The maid will have vacuumed my room by then.
a) I will have my room vacuumed by the maid by then.
b) I will have had my room vacuumed by the maid by then.
c) I will have vacuumed my room by the maid by then.
d) I will have had my room vacuum by the maid by then.
9. My parents demanded that I….the orders they imposed.
a) have respected
b) had respected
c) respected
d) respect
10. Would she sooner they….her a visit so early in the morning?
a) not pay
b) didn’t pay
c) don’t pay
d) won’t pay
11. I wish it….snowing already because this weather depresses me!
a) will stop
b) should stop
c) stopped
d) would stop
12. Try to tiptoe into the room lest you…your parents who asked that you…home earlier.
a) shall wake/come back
b) should wake/should have come
c) shouldn’t wake/ should come back
d) might wake/should had come
13. Far…to tell you how to live your life but … you should do sth to straighten your affairs.
a) be it from me/ be that as it may
b) from me be it/ be that as it may
c) be this from me/ be that as it might
d) it be from me/ that may be like it
14. Whatever they… you about me, I wish you…to them.
a) may tell/ haven’t listened
b) might tell/ wouldn’t listen
c) may have told/ hadn’t listened
d) would have told/ hadn’t listened
15. The parents demanded that measures… to protect their children.
a) were taken
b) should take
c) be taken
d) must be taken
16. I try…her see my reason, but she won’t listen which means…lots of fight with her.
a) to make/ having
b) making/ to have
c) to make/ to have
d) making/having
17. They stopped…this brand of cigarettes five years ago , but I remember…them a lot when they were
on the market.
a) to make/ smoking
b) to make/ to smoke
c) making/ smoking
d) making/ to smoke
18. Not until everybody had been seated,… .
a) has the show begun
b) the show did begin
c) the show began
d) did the show begin
19. The puppy was so cute that I bought it.
a) so cute the puppy was that I bought it.
b) the puppy so cute was that I bought it
c) so the puppy was cute that I bought it
d) so cute was the puppy that I bought it
20. What your father is… .
a) are a tyrant
b) a tyrant is
c) is a tyrant
d) be a tyrant
21. Although she tries hard she cannot make him love her.
a) try as she may she cannot make him love her.
b) try as she must she cannot make him love her
c) try as she may not, she cannot make him love her.
d) try as she might she cannot make him love her.
22. It wasn’t necessary for your sister to bring me the book, but it’s ok.
a) your sister needn’t have brought me the book.
b) your sister shouldn’t have brought me the book
c) your sister didn’t need to bring me the book.
d) your sister needn’t have to bring me the book.
23. Can you please bring me my spectacles? … on the table. I also need… scissors.
a) it is/ a pair of
b) it is/ some
c) they are/ one
d) they are/ a pair of
24. My wages… not so big, so the odds of being able to afford a diamond ring… slim.
a) is/are
b) are/are
c) is/is
d) are/is
25. In the past the clergy…rich and well-fed while the poor… for them.
a) were/were toiling
b) was/was toiling
c) were/was toiling
d) was/were toiling
26. … Falklands are… islands in… South of… Atlantic Ocean.
a) -/the/the/-
b) the/-/-/the
c) -/the/the/the
d) the/-/the/the
27. We had dinner at… and then we went for… .
a) Giovanni’s/ a two mile’s walk
b) Giovanni’s/ a two miles’ walk
c) Giovannis’/ a two mile’s walk
d) Giovanni’s restaurant/ a two mile walk
28. That white… has two black… which I find unusual given that the… which sired them is white as well.
a) stud/fillies/mare
b) she-horse/ filly/he-horse
c) mare/babies/horses
d) mare/colts/stallion
29. While I was turning a… I caught a…. of a rare bird.
a) bend/sight
b) corner/glance
c) corner/glimpse
d) slope/peep
30. At the funeral people came to…their last respects to the person who had… away.
a) to give/left
b) to show/ passed
c) to pay/ passed
d) to have/ gone

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