Guidelines For The Preparation of Internship Report: A.1 Introduction

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Guidelines for the preparation of internship report

A.1 Introduction

Internship report is one of the components of evaluation in Summer internship evaluation

process. After the completion of the Summer internship, a student submits a report on the internship
carried out by him. This report is usually termed as Internship report. The weightage given to this
component of evaluation is 50%.
Writing a report is an art. It is a written presentation of the work, which tells about the
experience in the industry, tasks taken up, methods used in finding the solutions, final results,
conclusions and suggestions if any etc. It is not a document, which is meant only for the
author/student. It is a valuable record, which is often referred to by industry persons working in that
area. It is written to inform the reader and acquaint him with the hands on experience gained,
professional and life skills acquired, results arrived at and the conclusions reached. It is therefore
essential that the report is written and organized in such a manner that a reader has no difficulty in
understanding it.
All the students who are pursuing the internship must have already done a course in report
writing and comprehension. However, this report being specific in nature and content wise, format
and guidelines in writing SI is provided after considering all aspects involved. It is therefore all the
students are expected to submit the reports complying with this.

A.2 Physical Appearance

The size of the report should be such that it is easy to use, handle, and preserve the report.
Also, the writing should be such that a reader is able to read it with ease.
For this purpose, please note the following:
(a) Size 9” x 11”, which is called the quarto size and is usually known as the “thesis size” (A4).
(b) Writing of the report: The report should be written or typed in double space on one side of the
sheet and the pages should be numbered serially.
(c) Margin: About 1” on all the four sides of the sheet.
(d) No. of copies: One plus One or as many as the authors who are pursuing SI in a given location.
(e) Distribution: One to industry supervisor, one to internal supervisor and one to department library
and one to each of the authors.
A.3 Sequence of the information

1. Cover Page & Title Page

2. Bonafied Certificate
3. Internship Certificate
4. Acknowledgement
5. Abstract
6. Table of Contents
7. List of Tables
8. List of Figure
9. Chapter-1 : Introduction
10. Chapter-2 : Profile of the company
11. Chapter-3 : Tasks taken up and problem definition
12. Chapter-4 : Methodology and learning
13. Chapter-5 : Conclusions & suggestions
14. Appendices
15. References

Elaborate information about these items is given below:.

1. Cover page& Title Page
These are the first pages of the report. It should contain the title of the report, name(s) of the
author(s), name of the organization and the name of the institute. The format of these pages should
adhere to the specifications. Specimen copies of the Cover page & Title page of the report are given
in Appendix 1.
2. Bonafide Certificate:
The Bonafide Certificate duly signed by the authorized Signatory/Supervisor from the industry,
Faculty supervisor and respective department HODs shall be in double line spacing using Font Style
Times New Roman with Font Size 14, as per the format in Appendix 2.
3. Acknowledgements
There may be many people who have helped during the work carried out in the industry. It is one’s
courtesy and duty to acknowledge by thanking them for their support. Customarily, thanks are due to
the following in the order given below:
(i) Head of the organization(Principal & Vice Principal)
(ii) Concern department HOD
(iii) Head of Internship at the institution and department coordinator
(iv) Industry supervisor.
(v) Internal faculty supervisor.
(vi) Other persons (form the institute and/or outside as felt appropriate)
4. Abstract.
The abstract is written to allow the reader to determine what kind of information is presented in the
report and point out its key features. It is never intended as a substitute for the original document, but
it must contain sufficient information to allow the reader to ascertain his interest. The abstract should
be concise. The nomenclatures used should be meaningful and only standard terminology should be

5. Table of Contents
The table of contents shall be in the same sequence as it is found in the report. The
main divisions as well as the subdivisions should be listed together with the number of the first page
on which it appears. The title page and Bonafide Certificate will not be figured in the table of
Contents but the page numbers of which are in lower case Roman letters. A specimen copy of the
Table of Contents of the project report is given in Appendix 3.

6. List of Tables – The list should use exactly give the same captions as they appear above the
tables in the report.
7. List of Figures – The list should give exactly the same captions as they appear below the
figures in the report.

8. Chapter- 1- Title: Introduction- This gives the over view of Summer internship explaining
about its true spirit behind in bridging the gap between the industry and academia. This give the
information how the students get advantage from SI.

9. Chapter- 2- Title: Profile of the company-This should contain the brief details of , type of
Governance, status of incorporation, Product range, technologies used, infrastructure details, HR
strength, financial information like turn over, client base, demography of the business etc..

10. Chapter-3 – Title: Task taken up and problem definition -This should talk about the Job
entrusted/ Problem definition/ /Department or section to which the student is attached/ the details of
the technologies that are put in to practice.

11. Chapter-4- Title: Methodology and learning-This should talk about the Solution
suggested/Methodology adopted for the solution/New technologies learnt, suggested or
implemented/ Scope for use of new materials /Scope for further improvement in product design.

12. Chapter-5- Title: Conclusions & suggestions- The conclusions and recommendations are
based on the discussions and interpretations of the results obtained. It would be helpful to the reader
if other possibilities pertaining to the stated conclusions and recommendations are discussed. This
should talk about the Suggested solutions/technologies for the problem/Suggestions related to
optimization in terms of planning, process & product design/

12. Appendices (if necessary)

The contents of an appendix are essentially those that support or elaborate the matter
in the earlier chapters. The matter, which is essential but which will unnecessarily divert the
attention of the reader from the main problem, is generally put into the Appendix. Give below are
some items, which normally form part of the appendix. These are formats, templates, Calculation
Sheets, Derivations of mathematical formulae, flow charts, computer code and nomenclature.

13. References

The listing of references should be typed 4 spaces below the heading. The reference material should
be listed in the alphabetical order of the first author. The name of the author/authors should be
immediately followed by the year and other details. A typical illustrative list given in Appendix 4


Reasonable care should be taken in the choice of words and sentence structure while writing
the report. In SI usually happens that a group of students will working in same Industry/Department
assigned with different problems. In such case all student shall work in a group and prepare a
common draft for all the common chapters/topics. The portions written by each of the group
members must be integrated into a final version and a single writer among the group who can easily
spot repetition, redundancy, and omission to make sure that the message flows smoothly does this.
The integration of the sections and polishing of the style is essential. Avoid unnecessary words and
phrases. The final draft common to the entire group members from a given industry shall be
presented to the faculty and also to the industry expert who will return may suggest or make
corrections if needed.

Once the common portion of the report is ready each of the group member shall integrate this with
report written for the individual task. This final report after getting wetted with both the supervisors
(industry and Faculty) will be submitted to HOD within 7 days after the completion of the internship
along with no due certificate (Appendix-4).


Submitted by



in partial fulfillment for the award of the degree





GMR Institute of Technology, Rajam

Andhra Pradesh, India
MAY 2019

Internship carried out at


Report Submitted by



in partial fulfillment for the award of the degree





GMR Institute of Technology, Rajam

Andhra Pradesh, India
MAY 2019

Certified that this internship report TITLE


is the bonafied work of “NAME OF THE CANDIDATE.


who carried out Summer internship under our supervision at M/S Name of the


<<Signature of the Faculty supervisor>> <<Signature of the Industry Supervisor>>

<<Name>> <<Name>>
<< Designation>> << Designation>>
<<Department>> <<Department>>

<<Signature of the Head of the Department>>

Title of Internship Report


Certificate i
Acknowledgment ii
Abstract iii

List of table iv
List of figures v

List of symbols vi

1 Introduction
1.1 …….
1.1.1 ………. 2

2 Profile of the company

2.1 ……

Tasks taken up and problem

3. definition

3.1 ………
3.2 ……….
4. Methodology & learning
5. Conclusions & suggestions

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