Joris Katkevicius - Paper About Social Morphology

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Social morphology

The rate of employment in Italy is about 58% but the distribution of the job is very different according to the regions.
The one with the higher level of employment, according to statistic taken in 2005)are Emilia
Romagna(68,4%),Trentino Alto Adige(67,1%) and Valle d’Aosta(66,3%).
This is an interesting data because Bologna is the main city of Emilia Romagna so we can say that the inhabitants of
the city have an higher level of occupation.

Going into more deep we can distinguish between gender saying that there is an high occupation of women(60,9%)
and men(75%).
From the analysis of the employment we can also distinguish between age saying that for young people between 18
and 30,after the high rate of occupation reached during 2008,the employment rate is diminishing.
Instead for people between 55 and 65 the rate is rising.

From the analysis taken by Comune di Bologna is possible to see where the money is distributed in the different area
of the city:
From the graph we can assume that:
the higher level of income is located in the area of Colli,in the areas of the city center(Galvani,Irnerio,Malpighi and
Marconi),and finally in the area of Murri and Costa-Saragozza;
-while the lowest level is in the suburban area of San Donato.

There is also a big gap between gender income and this is very marked especially in the area of Colli(where male
income is more than double of female one),Galvani(where male income is 87% more than female),Costa-Saragozza
and Murri and all the other areas of city center(where male income is always higher than 60% of female).

Following graphs represents changes in the housing value for sqm, Bologna city and it's province:

it is easy noticeable that il prices shows tendency to fall.


As is now well known, the resident foreign population in Bologna undergone in the last twenty years a remarkable
increase: for example, that Bologna citizens of non-Italian origin were less than 5,000 in the early nineties and there
are currently more than 55,000. The data on the resident population may, however, be pampered, even if only by
significant, the phenomenon of missing removals from the registers of the Registry.
This occurs, with some frequency, among foreign citizens, for whom Geographical mobility is extremely high and low
is the interest to subscribe to the registry office when they return home. The disparity between what is recorded in
the Registry and the real presence of foreign team has emerged quite clearly during the last recording census.
From the first preliminary results, it appears that foreigners counted in Bologna in 2011 were on the whole 44,085 of
• 41,664 former residents in our community;
• 2,421 residents routinely in our community, but do not
yet enrolled in Registry.
Conversely 10,273 foreign residents still formally in our town, were unavailable in the census. compared to piece of
personal data to 8 October 2011, it is almost 20% of foreign residents. From the graph we can see that are more
males than females among foreigners not registered. From this graph we can affirm that the foreign males results
unavailable to census are mainly from the Asian continent.
For women, we report a high presence of missing for Europe.

Population is distributed in 9 districts, and the most populated and with youngiest people is Navile district, 17.4 % of
gross number of residents, Borgo Panigale being the with old people and least populated district - 6.6%.

Borgo San Santo San

Quartiere Navile Porto Reno Saragozza Savena
Panigale Donato Stefano Vitale

25.279 66.162 31.835 33.572 31.340 49.766 47.282 36.344 58.499

Bologna city became main migration flows attraction node. As it is possible interpret from statistics Bologna's population is starting to increase and
has half of Bolognas region foreign residents.
Resident population in a Bologna city at 31 of October 2012 increased in 384.643 units, increase respect to annual base + 2.074 and also to
respect to 31 of December 2011 +1.859As time span shows it

The issue of immigration is still a matter explode, an issue that has always created problems and that no country has
followed paths legislative linear devoid of errors. But it is important to reconcile freedom and diversity. Regulations
are needed not only on the European immigration, regulation enlarged to which all must participate actively in the
first policy, business associations, trade unions, universities, in close synergy. The Bolognese policy in this case there
is the problem of figuring out what are the demands of immigrants in a 'perspective of the relationship between
rights and duties, keeping in mind that the immigration is a phenomenon lively.
For the good of the city you have to replace the politics of fear with the substance.
We take into account the opinions of various politicians.
Gianpiero Calzolari, President Legacoop Bologna Bologna fafferma who is also the protagonist of a reflection of a
multifaceted reality of the "new Italians", size that qualifies in a new town and requires a conscious reflection on
their social and economic contribution. In this reflection, the co-op experience plays a leading role thanks to the
number of foreign workers employed and qualifies to be an ideal reference for comparison, the networking and the
development of future integration policies.
As for The Honourable PDL Giuliano Cazzola explained the parliamentary question that has promoted the issue of
protecting the rights of immigrants in the light of the protests.
Senator PD Rita Ghedini said that the institutions have not enabled tools suitable for the integration of immigrants in
Italy and you have to go back to thinking about work permits with suitable times, so that these people are no longer
blackmail, but they can invest in their future .

3. Spatial segregation and social inequalities

During the last decade the percentage of immigrants in Bologna has considerably razed. Between 2004 and 2011 the
municipality of Bologna and the region of Emilia Romagna have devolved a high amount of money in order to
facilitate the social integration of immigrants (123 millions Euros, 17,6 millions per year).
It is pretty clear, that the council has run out of resources, after having spent so much on promoting the integration
of immigrants. Moreover, in a situation of economic crisis the majority of social spending in the Region should be
used to support the Italians, especially the young unemployed and those in their fifties, who are no longer able to
operate. The situation we have in Bologna nowadays has created a state of collapse in social services, services that
are no longer able to sustain.
The Municipality pays to give some private houses for rent to immigrants, who pay a very small fee. There are
already public housing managed by Acer that assigns approximately 12,400 apartments to citizens in the ranking of
all ethnic groups, and also with all types of problems, but not enough. So the City spends on rent only for immigrants
1 million 300 thousand euro. They are called "secondary care interventions" because "first care interventions" is the
transfer of the subject from where he is camped illegally into structures. In many cases they are Rom and
Romanians. The apartments where they end up are also of considerable quality, the fee could be 800 € monthly
extreme outskirts of the city. "We are completely out of our minds" is the declaration of Lucia Borgonzoni of the
Lega Nord, which has raised the case. "If an Italian ends up in the street I do not think we would work with the same
kind of help. Just look around and realize that disaster is making the crisis of all families. I do not understand why
there should be this difference in treatment”.
The number of immigrants in Emilia Romagna and Bologna keeps growing during the years: 555thousand people ,
12.4% of the total population of the Region of Emilia Romagna it 's the estimate of Caritas Residents. Last year, the
estimate of foreign people legally residing in the region was in fact 544thousand people, equivalent to 12.3% of the
total population. Considering only residences registries, to January the 1st, 2012 foreign residents were 530,015,
equal to 11, 9% of the population, compared to 500,585 in 2011 (11.3%). A percentage that is increasing over time
(in 2002 there were 4.1%). To confirm the trend towards a more stable settlement of foreigners in Emilia Romagna,
the presence of female minority in 2002 (46.9%), is now predominant (51.7%), the high presence of foreign students
in schools (14.6%, the highest percentage at the national level) and an increase of 7.2% from 2010 to 2011
enterprises with foreign owner.

The phenomenon of ethnic segregation has taken a lot of relief. With increasing frequency, it is possible to identify,
within the larger urban centers, neighborhoods in which the presence of immigrants is particularly concentrated.
From a theoretical point of view, it is possible to identify different types of segregation. On the one hand, there may
be the spatial concentration of economic activities that employ immigrants. Second, the spatial concentration can be
residential. With reference to the last type of segregation, in a now classic work Cutler and Glaeser found out that
African Americans receive a negative impact on the level of ethnic segregation in the neighborhood in which they
live in terms of:
• Education (lower levels of education for African Americans than whites segregated)
• Income (less income for African Americans than whites segregated)
• Social disadvantage (more likely to be single mothers or to be inactive in the labour market for African Americans
than whites segregated)
These results stress the importance of the analysis of the trend of ethnic segregation at the city level. In terms of
public urban policies, it is very important to understand if the segregation is increasing or decreasing since, as
demonstrated by these studies, an increase of segregation can lead to a worsening of the condition of immigrant’s
We found a very interesting article in which they calculate the performance indices of ethnic segregation:
“ We can calculate the performance following two indices of ethnic residential segregation from 1991 to 2009 in
Bologna for foreign nationals as a whole and for three specific ethnic groups: Chinese, Filipinos and Moroccans. The
indices of segregation compare the concentration of members of a certain ethnic group in a neighborhood with the
average member of that group at the level of the entire city. The more a segregated ethnic group is, the more there
will be neighborhoods with many more immigrants than the average city along with many neighborhoods with fewer
immigrants than the average city. For a complete review of the indices of residential segregation see Massey and
Denton (1988).
To calculate the indices of segregation have used data on the numerical strength of the various groups (and of the
total population) in terms of residents at the 90 statistical areas of the Municipality of Bologna for the years 1991,
1996, 2001, 2006 and 2009. The statistical area is a fine partition of the area and this makes it possible to assess
segregation with remarkable accuracy.
In the Figure we consider the Dissimilarity Index that satisfies, in each year, the following expression:

where P ≡ gruppototale / Total Total is the fraction, the total number of residents in Bologna, the particular group
in question totalei is the total number of inhabitants in the statistics, GroupThe is the total number of the particular
group in the statistics, Total Total is the total population in Bologna, gruppototale is the total of the group in

An analysis of the Index are obtained the following facts:

There was, for foreigners on the whole, a reduction in segregation from 1991 to 2009;
For Moroccans, there was an increase in segregation from 1991 to 1996, followed by a decrease;
Filipinos have a steadily decreasing trend;
For the Chinese, there was first a reduction of segregation and, from 2001 onwards, there was an increase. The
Chinese are also the ethnic group that currently shows the greater degree of segregation.
A problem common to the indices of segregation is to be sensitive to factors such as the degree of spatial
disaggregation to which conducts the analysis, the numerosity of the total ethnic group at the city level and more.
For this reason, several indices of segregation may give different results regarding the performance of the
segregation of the same group. Therefore, it is necessary to test the robustness of the analysis using more than one
index of segregation. In Figure we consider the performance of a new index, called the Isolation Index Modified:

where the variables retain the same definition as before. An analysis of the Index are obtained the following facts:
There was, for foreigners as a whole, before an increase in segregation (probably due to the segregation of
Moroccans) then a reduction, then again a slight increase (probably due to the segregation of the Chinese );
For Moroccans, there was an increase in segregation from 1991 to 1996, followed by a decrease; Filipinos have a flat
trend before then decreasing; For the Chinese, there is an increase in segregation between 1991 and 1996, then a
small reduction, then finally a marked increase from 2001 to 2009. The Chinese are the ethnic group that shows the
greatest degree of segregation.

In conclusion can be said that, the trend of ethnic segregation over time (1991-2009) is substantially decreasing for
foreigners on the site for two ethnic groups of three, namely, Filipinos and Moroccans. The only ethnic group
showing an increase of segregation in the last 10 years is the Chinese one. The Chinese are also those who, with
reference to 2009, show the greatest degree of segregation.
Analyses of this kind are very important to inform the choices of public decision-makers at the level of urban
policies. In the case of the Municipality of Bologna, the problem of ethnic segregation does not seem to have
worsened in the last twenty years. The only exception is ethnic Chinese, so segregation is increasing. Given the
potentially negative effects resulting from the aforementioned segregation on immigrants themselves, it is useful to
monitor the progress of segregation to identify policy measures urbanaatte to mitigate its adverse effects. This also
contributes to shaping the strategy to build dynamic and attractive city.

Cutler D. M., Glaeser E. L. (1997), Are Ghettos Good or Bad?. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 112, 3: 827-872.
Cutler D. M., Glaeser E. L., Vigdor J. L. (2008), When Are Ghettos Bad? Lessons from Immigrant Segregation in the
United States. Journal of Urban Economics, 63, 3: 759-774.
Massey D. S., Denton N. A. (1988), The Dimensions of Residential Segregation. Social Forces, 67, 2: 281-315.

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