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Replication overview and information about the regions

Currently we are running replication in 2 regions Production and UAT, for each region we have 2 servers
one is application server in which original database resides and the second one is the replication server in
which replicated database resides.
BIS report runs in Production and UAT regions on the respective replicated databases, more information
about the servers is as follows:

Production Region

 Application server is SAFPRDEXJDDB (

 Replication server is SAFPRDEXJRDB (

UAT Region

 Application server is SAFUATEXJDDB (

 Replication server is SAFUATEXJRDB (

All the above 4 servers are locked boxes, to access them we need to get access from library control and
then library control will unlock the techsupport id for all of the above 4 servers.

We will send a skype message at IS_Help_Desk and will request library control to unlock the required
server, we will use techsupport as user id and jpjw6gwkt$ as password to login to the servers.
How to bring up the replication services in Production

We will request library control to unlock the servers SAFPRDEXJDDB & SAFPRDEXJRDB, and we
will login to the servers using techsupport as user id and jpjw6gwkt$ as password.

Connect the database in both the servers

Please login to the server SAFPRDEXJDDB and open Data Studio and connect the
database SAFPRDDB by right clicking on it and selecting the option connect
Now please login to the server SAFPRDEXJRDB and open Data Studio and connect the
replicated database S5PMJ1PA

Bringing up the channels

Once both the databases SAFPRDDB and S5PMJ1PA are connected, than make sure that receiver and
sender channels are up and running.
Open websphere MQ in the server SAFPRDEXJDDB and under the queue manager QM_SAFPRD_DDB
goto channels and check if receiver channel is running or not, if it is not running than please right click on
it and select the option start
In the server SAFPRDEXJRDB goto webpsphere MQ and under the queue manager QM_SAFPRD_RDB
goto channels and make sure sender channel is up and running, if it is not up than right click on it and
select the option Start
Bringing up Q capture and Q Apply

In the server SAFPRDEXJDDB on desktop there will be an icon Start DB2 Capture, run it by double clicking
on it this will bring Q capture up. In case, if library control does not opens the server by appsu user id
than on desktop we have a short cut APPSU desktop, open it and there we have Start DB2 Capture short
cut, run it.
In the server SAFPRDEXJRDB on desktop there will be an icon Start Start DB2 Apply, run it by double
clicking on it this will bring Q Apply up.

How to check Q Capture and Q Apply are running

In the server SAFPRDEXJDDB go to task manager and under details check Q capture is running or not
In the server SAFPRDEXJRDB go to task manager and under the details check whether Q Apply is running
or not
As we have migrated from the appsu user id to system user id, so we will not see Q Capture and Q Apply
running as commands.

If library control does not opens the server SAFPRDEXJDDB with the appsu user id than on desktop we
have a short cut APPSU desktop, open it and we will get all the required software there.
Stopping the replication services

For stopping the replication services we need to stop Q capture and Q Apply. In the server
SAFPRDEXJDDB we have an icon Stop DB2 Capture, run it by double clicking on it this will bring down the
Q Capture. In the server SAFPRDEXJRDB on desktop we have an icon Stop DB2 Apply, run it by double
clicking on it this will bring down the Q Apply.
Information about UAT region

Whole process for bringing up the replication services is same as the production region.

Connecting the databases

From the server SAFUATEXJDDB we will connect the database SAFUATDB, and from the server
SAFUATEXJRDB we will connect the database S5PMJ1MA.

For connecting the databases we will use Data Studio in both the servers.

Bringing up the Channels

From the server SAFUATEXJDDB we will bring up the receiver channel, and from the server
SAFUATEXJRDB we will bring up the sender channel.

For bringing up the channels we will use websphere MQ in both the servers.

Bringing up the Q capture and Q Apply

On desktop in both the servers we have the icon of Start DB2 Capture and Start DB2 Apply. We have to
run them by double clicking on them.

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