He Wake

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He wake......... up. He see........... the sun rise. He brush......... his teeth.

teeth (be)........ white. He put........ on his clothes. His shirt (be) ..............
blue. His shoes (be( ......... yellow. His pants are brown. He go ........
downstairs. He get ........ a bowl. He pour............. milk and cereal. He
eat...... He get.... the newspaper. He read....

He wake..... up. He see.... the sun rise. He brush..... his teeth.His

teeth (be).... white. He put..... on his clothes. His shirt (be) ...... blue.His
shoes (be).....yellow. His pants (be)....... brown. He go...... downstairs. He
get..... a bowl. He pour.... milk and cereal. He eat...... He get..... the
newspaper. He read......
She goe........ to the zoo. She see........ a lion. The lion roar.......... She
see........ an elephant. The elephant has/have a long trunk. She see...... a
turtle. The turtle (be)....... slow. She see....... a rabbit. The rabbit has/ have
soft fur. She see...... a gorilla. The gorilla (be)..... eating a banana.

It (be) ..... Christmas. Dad give........ Tim a toy. The toy (be) .... in the box.
Tim take...... off the lid. He see........ the toy. It (be)..... a car. The car
(be)...... red. The car make....... noises. The car move...... fast. Tim like....
the gift. He hug...... his dad. Dad smile...........
She go.......... out to play. She run........ around. She fall.......... down. It
hurt........ She crie....... She get...... up. She go........to the nurse. The nurse
(be) ...... nice. She look..... friendly. The nurse give........ her a lollipop. It
taste........ good. The nurse give........ her a bandage. She (be)..... okay
now. She walk.......... back to class.

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