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1. The students are getting very______ to learn new of company standard roles with the leader
of Batam Philips Company.
a. Please c. Pleasing
b. Pleased d. Pleasure

2. Oh! Now I am following the English mid test. This subject is a very_____ lesson for me and
the others students.
a. Interest c. Interested
b. Interesting d. To interest

3. It can’t be believed. It was a______ news on the head line of Batam Pos yesterday. Many
employee claimed their rights in front of the Mayor office at Batam Centre.
a. Shocking c. Frustrating
b. Shocked d Frustrated

4. We need to relax and prepared our self before the interview in the company. So, don’t be
too____ for the interviewing with the interviewer of Company.
a. Astonished c. Depressing
b. Astonishing d. Depressed

5. I am starting to believe that the social media is an important thing which______ many of
people as users in the world to use it properly. Some of them used as a media for promoting
some product.
a. Fascinated c. Stimulated
b. Exhausted d. Enchanted

6. The leader of team_____ me that he will check the result of working target two days next.
a. Says c. Said
b. Saying d. Say

7. The expert said on his research finding that the digital transformation era_____ a reality in
human life since 3 years ago.
a. Become c. had become
b. Became d. had became

8. The Manager of Batam Philips Company said that SMK Negeri 5 Batam will be_____ as
Basic Lean School Model next year.
a. Recommend c. recommending
b. Recommended d. recommendation
9. Alex : I think English is needed for business communication rules.
Shely : ______. So I spare a part of my time to follow the English class after school.
a. I totally confused on your thoughts
b. That’s true, but for me not too.
c. That’s just what I was thinking
d. I’m afraid I have to disagree

10. Alex : I think the school has been already violets the human rights by cutting the students’
long hair.
Shely : I couldn’t agree with you more. ______
a. They just ran the school regulation
b. They want the students to be good looking
c. They actually do not consider the school regulation
d. They never think the students’ feeling as a human

11. Alex : Good morning. I’m Alex from Dubai Property. May I speak with Mr. Max, please?
Shely : Good morning too. I’m Shely as his secretary. I’m sorry to let you know that he is
not being here. He told me yesterday that he has a meeting today at Bangkok.
Alex :_______
Shely : Of course you can, Sir.
a. Can you live a message?
b. Can you take me some notes?
c. May I leave message for him?
d. What agenda on his meeting, please?

12. Alex : I’m calling from Viesta International Corporation in Turkey.

Shely : I’m Shely, Sir in Indonesia. What can I do for you, Sir?
Alex : I want to speak with Mr. Karl now. Is it possible?
Shely : I’m sorry, Sir. He is being in an annual meeting now. May I take your message?
Alex : ______. I’ll call back later on. This’s a secret of memorandum of understanding.
a. Yes. Please c. With pleasure
b. No. Thank you d. No. He is not

Read the following conversation below and answer the questions 13 to 15

John : What is actually the head line of Batam Pos news today? I haven’t read it since 3
days ago.

Alex : Millions of foreign workers enter to Indonesia. They dominated some of working
position with higher salary than Indonesian workers.

John : It’s a shocking news and disappointed me on hearing that. Anyway! What is your
opinion on that news?

Alex : As an Indonesian, I totally disagree on the government policy that has given
permission for the foreign workers entered in Indonesia.

John : I completely agree with your thoughts. It can be caused that the Indonesian
workers difficult finding the job opportunities. So the jobless population will be
increased significantly. Am I right?

Alex : Yes. You are right. I think so. This case also could be lead the weakening of the
economic growth in Indonesia. It can be known that the values of the currency has
been weakened this week.

John : I see your point clearly.

13. What topic that they discuss in the conversation above?

a. Job opportunities
b. Government policy
c. Foreign workers
d. Head line of Batam Pos news

14. What is the most detrimental negative impact to Indonesian workers by entering the foreign
a. The weakening of value currency
b. The increasing of jobless population
c. difficult on finding the job opportunities
d. The weakening of economic growth

15. “…and disappointed me on hearing that.”

The sentences above expresses that….
a. John totally agree with the government policy
b. John strongly disagree with the entering the foreign worker
c. John is disappointed to get the job opportunities
d. John think that the news of Batam Pos is disappointing point of news
Read the following letter above and answer the questions 16 to 18
Dear Sherly,

For most, I want to express my best thanks through on my writing to you due to your emailing
last week. I am so sorry in replying lately. I wish you can find enjoying things at Australia.
And you can follow all your studies program well.

Related to your question on your email last week, “How is your studies at Gajah Mada
University?” Uhmm…Well! It’s actually ran well. But, I have problems with some lecturing
with my lecturer. Last week, I could not follow some meeting with my lecturer. I have many
project to do and it should be finished this week. How disappointed me now!

But I’ve asked many unclear point to my classmate so I can do necessarily my assignment on
time. I am afraid that I can not follow the mid test next week if the assignment uncompleted
yet. I wish I can follow the mid test unrestricted. Wish you too.


16. What does the writer tell about?

a. The profile of Gajah Mada University c. Her lecturing problems
b. Her apologizing to Sherly d. Her lecturer’s problems

17. Why the writer should be completed her assignment as soon as possible? So she can…
a. ask the classmate the unclear point c. enjoy the things at Australia
b. follow the mid test then d. complete her studies from campus

18. “How disappointed me now!”

The underlined word means…
a. Unsatisfied c. embarrassed
b. Exhausted d. depressed

Read the text bellow carefully and answer the questions 18 and 20


For : Mr. John

From : Mr. Karl
Time : 2.35 P.M. Date 12 September 2018
Phone : 081277788899

Mr. Karl leaved his message that he want to order twenty four sets Television
with the size of twenty one inch. He also said that the damage in shipping
process is not his company responsibility. He lined up that the ordering will be
arrived at least in this week.
19. What is the main message leaved above?
a. Ordering product
b. The damaging of shipping
c. The size of television
d. The ordering prediction

20. “He also said that the damage in shipping process…”

The underlined word has the same meaning with…
a. Distribute
b. Delivery
c. Bring
d. Send

The text below is for questions 21 and 22

Batam, 3rd November 2018

Dear Hasan

How are you? Hope everything is okay with you. I’m all right.

We are going to have the national examination, aren’t we? Are you well prepared for it?
well, to be honest, I just have some difficulties in preparing for it, especially in science.
There are extra lessons in my school and I take them all. But, I feel that they don’t help.
I’m still confused in solving mathematic problems. I’m just worried that I fail the national
examination. Do you have any suggestion for me? I really appreciate your help.
I look forward to hearing from you.

Your Buddy

21.What does the letter tell us about?

A. Asking for a friend to teach mathematic
B. Asking for a friend’s suggestion to solve a problem
C. Giving a solution to a friend
D. Having extra lesson at school

22. Why is Fahri worried that he may fail the national examination?
A. There are extra lessons at Fahri’s school
B. He is confused in solving mathematic problem
C. He appreciated Ivan’s help
D. His friends are all well prepared
Read the following text to answer questions number 23 to 26

Dear Ann Marry,

As you receive your diploma, remember it’s just your ticket to the big game of life.
Although I cannot be with you, my heart is full of happiness on your graduation day.
No more school-no more books. Now begins that the greatest adventure of all.
Congratulations and good wishes. Cheers and congratulations on your success. We are
sorry we cannot be there to applaud you when you take your diploma, but our proud
thoughts are with you.
Best regards,


23. What is the text about?

A. Congratulation on Ann’s life C. Congratulation on Ann’s diploma
B. Congratulations on Ann’s study D. Congratulations on Ann’s graduation

24. “As you receive your diploma, remember it’s just your ticket to the big game of life.”
The word diploma refers to …
A. Document awarded by a college on completion of a course
B. Certification received by a student after completing a course
C. Qualification given to a student after completing a study
D. Certificating a student on completion of a study

25. “We are sorry we cannot be there….”

The word ‘there’ refers to …
A. Certificate C. Graduation ceremony
B. Graduation certificate D. University

26. “What do you think about my new hairstyle? Am I beautiful with it?”
The underline expression is the expression of …
A. Asking opinion C. Showing appreciation
B. Giving opinion D. Giving invitation

For numbers 27-28

Alex : (37 )….. of my short story?
Yard : I think it is awesome. How about mine? Isit bad or good?
Alex : I think it is an excellent short story.
Yard : ( 38 )…. . I think it is bad because I don’twrite it seriously.

27. A. What do you thing C. How do you thing

B. What do you think D. Who do you think

28. A. Yes, I agree. C. I don’t think so.

B. Exactly right. D. I think so.
Read the following text to answer questions number 29 to 31

Dear Aunt Tia,

Aunty, I have some good news for you. Last month I passed my final examination. A week
ago I succeeded to join in a senior high school English competition. Last night my parents
promised to send me to a famous English course in my town. They also promised me if my
scores in English are good, they'll send me to a foreign university. Great, isn't it? I'll work
hard. I want to be a great pediatrician like you, Aunty.
Well, that's all for now. Looking forward to having your news.



29.What is the communicative purpose of the text above?

A. To inform some good news C. To retell the writer's experience
B. To describe the writer's school D. To entertain the reader with a joke

30. What did Debby's parents promise her?

A. To make her a pediatrician C. To send her to a senior high school
B. To send her to an English course D. To make her pass the finaexamination

31.How does Debby’s feel?

A. Glad C. Anxious
B. Scared D. Thoughtful

The text below is for question 32


1. Remove all frozen foods and ice cube trays. If you have a second refrigerator,
use it to temporary store these items. If not, put the food in a cardboard box and
cover it with newspaper. Dump the ice cubes.
2. Removes all other food stuff and place on your kitchen counter or in cardboard
3. Either turn the temperature control "defrost" or unplug the electricity to the
refrigerator (or both).
4. Never scrape or jab at the ice with a sharp instrument. You may cause serious
damage to the freezing unit. Allow it to melt.
5. Either put a flat pan under the freezer to catch the drips or put a large towel in
the bottom of the refrigerator.

32.What should we do after turn the temperature control "defrost"?

A. Scrape the ice with a sharp instrument
B. Remove all frozen foods and ice cube trays
C. Remove all other food stuff
D. Allow the ice to melt
Read the following text to answer questions number 33 and 34

Dear Nabiel,
How are you? Here is the information you need. The examination will be held soon,
starting on 3rd June. Calculator and dictionary are not allowed. Arriving late will not
be tolerated. The first day will be Indonesian, the second day will be English, the
third day will be Math, and the last day will be Science. Don't forget to bring your
examination card. See you soon. Take care.


33. Based on the text, what's prohibited during the examination?

A. To be punctual
B. To buy a calculator
C. To bring an examination card
D. To use a dictionary in class

34. From the text we can say that..

A. Nabiel does not need any information
B. Nabiel should study English for the first test of the examination
C. Ten minutes late is still tolerated
D. Calculator is prohibited during the examination

Read the following text to answer questions number 35 and 36

To all members of UPN Society Petroleum Engineer Student Chapter

I would like to remind you to come the weekly meeting on Wednesday, 23 August
2018, from 7 p.m. until 9 p.m. in our meeting room. There will be some souvenir
from Bali.

35. What is the communicative purposes of the text above?

A. To invite all the reader of the invitation
B. To remind all UPN Society Petroleum Engineer Student Chapter
C. To invite the members of UPN Society Petroleum Engineer Student Chapter
D. To reschedule the day and time of weekly meeting

36. Who will be given actually the precious souvenir from Bali?
A. All the members of UPN Society Petroleum Engineer Student Chapter
B. The weekly meeting participants of UPN Society Petroleum Engineer Student Chapter
C. The readers of invitation UPN Society Petroleum Engineer Student Chapter
D. The writer of the invitation UPN Society Petroleum Engineer Student Chapter
Read the following text to answer questions number 37 to 38

Dear Aunt Tia,

Aunty, I have some good news for you. Last month I (37)_______ my final examination.
A week ago I succeeded to join in a senior high school English Competition. Last night
my parents (38)_______ to send me to famous English course in my town. They also
promised me if my scores in English are good, they will send me to foreign university.
Great, isn’t it?. I will work hard. I want to be a great pediatrician like you Aunty.
Well, that’s all for now. Looking forward to having your news.



37. A. passed C. passing

B. pass D. To pass

38. A. promise C. to promise

B. promised D. promising

Read the following text to answer questions number 39 and 40

How to use a vacuum cleaner

These are below the steps to use a vacuum cleaner properly:

1. Examine the area of the vacuum cleaner where it deposits (39)_______

2. Check the vacuum height. Most vacuum have an adjustable indicator for carpets of
various lengths. If it is too (40)_______ it will not have enough suction but if it is too
short it won’t have enough air flow.
3. Move all of smaller items out of the vacuum.
4. Turn the vacuum on and PUSH the vacuum forward and backward over your carpet, in
slow, even strokes. If you move the vacuum too quickly it won’t pick up dirt as well.
5. Use the vacuum’s attachment such as the simple hose with exchangeable ends to clean
corner and under the edges of furniture.

39. A. Cardboard C. driest

B. metal D. oil

40. A. Tall C. High

B. fast D. Small

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