Mosfet Transistor Summary

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NMOS Transistor (p. 249):

NMOS Cross-section (p. 249):

MOSFET Operating Regions (p. 258):

MOSFET Equations (p. 266):

p. 267

p. 275
Process transconductance parameter (p. 254):

k’n = nCox (n-channel) or k’p = pCox (p-channel)

For MOSFET transconductance parameter (p. 255):

k’n(W/L) = nCox(W/L) = kn (n-channel) and

k’p(W/L) = pCox(W/L) = kp (p-channel).

Overdrive Voltage VOV (p. 251):

Defined at the triode-to-saturation point of MOSFET I-V curve
where vDS = VOV and vGD = Vt (note that Vt is either Vtn or Vtp)
at channel pinch-off VDS,sat = VOV.
VOV = VGS – Vt or VGS = VOV + Vt

Transconductance gm equations (p. 388):

There are three expressions which are useful for computing
the transconductance parameter (depending upon the known
MOSFET parameters at hand).
gm = k’ (W/L)(VGS – Vt) = k’ (W/L) VOV

or gm = [2k’ (W/L) ID]½ ,

or gm = [2ID/VOV]

where k’ represents either k’n or k’p, respectively, for n-channel

or p=channel MOSFETs.

Graphical determination of transconductance gm – Figure 7.14

on page 389:
Enhancement-mode versus Depletion-mode MOSFETs:

Depletion-mode is also called “normally on,”

and enhancement-mode is “normally off.”

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