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MAR 4832-0001

BIP Attributes and Levels Report

Kathryn Crowley

Hayley Horvath

Ian Lugo

Carlos Sepulveda

Date: 1/30
Focal Brand: Wet Brush: Detangalizer (an extension of the Wet Brush product line).

Background of the Industry

It is clear that the industry we are trying to analyze is the Hair Care industry. In this

graph1, we can see the size of the

global hair care market from 2012 to

2024 (in billion U.S. dollars)

(projected). In 2018, the global hair

care market was worth about $87.73

billion USD.

As mentioned before, The Detangalizer is an extension of Wet Brushes product line. Wet

Brush also offers different brushes depending on the result the consumer desires, such as

detangling, drying, styling, etc. The Wet Brush is a product of the JD Beauty group. They also

sell detangling spray, hair rollers, and hair accessories.

In relation to the hair care industry players, we found various competitors, such as Braun,

Goody, Tangle Teezer, Paul Mitchell, and many others. For the customer segmentation of the

industry, we assumed that our main target market will be located in the US, and will most likely

be women between the ages of 12-60 years old. Further demographics that we projected are that

our target audience will be medium to high-class citizens with a high readiness to purchase.

Regarding market trends, the growth in the hair care market has been encouraging, which

has prompted a number of new entrants to gain market share and present opportunities for new

Link to the study:
products such as The Detangalizer. In the coming years, this trend is projected to continue,

especially as millions of consumers in developing economies are now becoming conscious about

styling their hair, coloring grey hair, and maintaining a healthy scalp.

Need for Product

We believe that the importance of our product serves multiple purposes which include the

detangling of hair in a healthy manner and the conservation of hair care products. A recent study2

which consisted of 24,845 respondents shows the frequency in which UK women use conditioner

once per day, which in 2017, was about 5.1 million women.

When conducting our focus group, we observed that 4/6 people have troubles with their

hair being tangled. Applying conditioner while brushing your hair in the shower will drastically

help with tangled hair, therefore most of the people in our focus group would solve that problem

with our product (Duncan).

From the information derived from the study, we can come to the conclusion that there is

a sufficient market and sufficient potential clientele to develop our product and generate sales.

Our product combines both brushing your hair and applying conditioner at the same time which

makes it easier for women to detangle their hair while they are showering.


Duncan, E. (n.d.). Topic: Hair care product and shampoo market in the U.S. Retrieved from

Link to the study:
Exploratory Research Activities

Focus Groups:

We conducted two focus groups to gather insights about potential product attributes,

target audience, and usage of the product. Our first focus group was conducted on January 22nd

around 7 pm at The Station apartment complex clubhouse and lasted approximately 30 minutes.

We used six students from the University of Central Florida. There were five females and one

male participant between the ages of 18 and 22. On January 29th at around 2:10 pm we

conducted our second focus group which took place at Trevor Colbourn Hall. This group

consisted of six individuals that attended the University of Central Florida. Four of these

participants were females and the other two males all between the ages of 18 and 23.

Brand Manager:

We have reached out to Lori Long, the Director of Product Development for JD Beauty

Group/Wet Brush. We chose Ms. Long because of her extensive career developing beauty

products and we feel that she would provide important insight into our product and business

plan. We are still awaiting a response from her. See appendix for the message that we sent to her

via LinkedIn. In the meantime, we composed a list of questions to ask her once she responds,

noted in the appendix.

Hair & Beauty Expert:

On January 28th at around 6 pm, one of our team members visited Sally’s Beauty Supply

in Hunters Creek and spoke to the store manager about the products they offered as well the

product we plan on creating. He asked questions about certain attributes such as price, size,

shape, and color. The store manager was extremely helpful and provided detailed feedback about

product and attributes and what customers are mainly looking for when purchasing a brush. The
input that the manager gave us about our product was very beneficial and we will take the advice

into consideration in the development of our product.

Web Search:

When conducting exploratory research, we also focused on the use of secondary data

sources from the internet to help us in the development of our product. The internet provides a

wide range of informational data that can be used such as the demographics of consumers and

also the hair care industry itself. The secondary sources allow us to see who is purchasing hair

brushes and how much they are spending annually on the product. This gives us a starting point

to construct are product regarding attributes and attribute levels based on consumer preferences.

Design Matrix:

Options Price Capacity Color Shape of Brush Socket Input Product

1 10.99 5 FL OZ Black Oval Included Gel
2 12.99 8 FL OZ Black Oval Included Gel
3 15.99 10 FL OZ Black Oval Included Gel
4 20.99 12 FL OZ Black Oval Included Gel
5 10.99 5 FL OZ White Oval Included Leave in Conditioner
6 12.99 8 FL OZ White Oval Included Leave in Conditioner
7 15.99 10 FL OZ White Rectangle Not Included Leave in Conditioner
8 20.99 12 FL OZ White Rectangle Not Included Leave in Conditioner
9 10.99 5 FL OZ Pink Rectangle Not Included Conditioner
10 12.99 8 FL OZ Pink Rectangle Not Included Conditioner
11 15.99 10 FL OZ Pink Rectangle Not Included Conditioner
12 20.99 12 FL OZ Pink Rectangle Not Included Conditioner
Not in
Option 12.99 15.99 20.99 10 FL 12 FL Rectan Includ Condit Condit
s Price Price Price 8FL OZ OZ OZ White Pink gle ed ioner ioner
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0
6 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0
7 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0
8 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0
9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1
10 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1
11 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1
12 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1

Discussion Guide:
1. Introduction
a. Tape recording
b. Casual, relaxed, Informal
c. No right or wrong answers
d. Be Honest
e. Discussion Rules
i. Talk one at a time
ii. Don’t dominate the discussion
iii. Talk in any order
iv. Listen to others
2. General Attitudes from Brushes
a. Do you use them? Is there one you use more than others? Specific brand?
b. Have you ever used a brush in the shower?
c. Do you struggle with detangling your hair?
d. Satisfaction of the brush you use?
3. Brush Usage
a. How often do you brush your hair?
b. How often do you purchase a new hairbrush?
c. Do you brush your hair in general?
d. When do you typically brush your hair
e. How long does it normally take to brush your hair?
f. Where do you keep your brush?
g. Would you like to be able to store it in the shower?
h. Do you typically take good care of your brush?
4. Brush Purchase
a. What price do you normally pay for your brush?
b. How often do you purchase a new hairbrush?
c. What is the maximum price you would pay?
d. Brand awareness of different brushes?
e. What are your preferred product attributes? (What do you look for when
purchasing a brush?
5. Attitude Toward Hair Health
a. How much conditioner do you use?
b. Do you think you use the right amount?
c. Is healthy hair important to you?
6. The Perfect Brush
a. Colors?
b. Suitable for all hairstyles? Or one size fits all approach?
c. Size of the brush? Travel size?
d. Shape preference?
7. Advertising Concept
a. Gender-specific?
b. Best mediums (influencers, social media, radio, tv)
8. Reaction to picture of the product
a. How do you feel about the look?
b. General thoughts/ feelings
9. Perception of product conservation
a. Do you care about it?
b. Would you be interested in a product related to conditioner conservation?

10. Product Benefits

a. Would you be interested in the product had a knob that adjusted to the
length of hair?
b. Is a type of bristle important?

11. Closing Remarks

a. Is there anything you would add/ change about products?
b. Would you purchase this product?
c. Do you think a lot of people would be interested in this product?
d. Any last comments? Remarks?

Focus Group 1

- Stephanie Norris

- Brooklyn Bailey

- Taylor Horvath

- Marissa Paul

- Thao Thai

- Jorge Serrano

Focus Group 2

- Keizah Aponte

- Alison Ortiz

- Xevia Frederick

- John Martinez

- Riylie Norton

- Jason Parigian

Hair & Beauty Expert:

- Lisa Rodriguez (Sally’s Manager)

Main Insights

Focus Groups:

The focus groups led to many insights into significant product attributes. For starters, we

learned that a good majority of women have difficulty with detangling hair. To combat this issue

they typically use large amounts of conditioner. Thus, we discovered a need for a product that
will make it easier to detangle hair. In addition, we determined from the participants that we

should focus on women of all ages as our target audience.

From the focus group, we discovered that one attribute should consist of different brush

shapes to accommodate women with different hair types. Depending on their hair style, they

either prefer an oval or rectangular brush head. In addition, they felt that different container

capacities for the conditioner is an important attribute. They felt that different sizes would appeal

to a variety of settings. For example, they would want a small container for traveling to meet

TSA standards versus a larger container to keep at home. Additionally, they expressed that

various colors would stand out to them when purchasing a brush. Another attribute that was

brought up during the focus groups was the addition of a socket to the back of the product to

make it easier to store The Detangalizer in the shower.

One of the most important attributes of The Detangalizer is the container attached to the

brush that holds hair care products. We are marketing that the container to hold conditioner but

in reality, consumers will be able to input any hair care products of their choosing into the

container. Lastly, the price of The Detangalizer is an overshadowing attribute to consider. We

based possible pricing options on the different size options that will be offered for The

Detangalizer and also on the maximum price the focus group participants expressed that they

would pay for the product.

Brand Manager

(Still waiting on a response)

Hair and Beauty Expert

During the conversation with the hair and beauty expert, Lisa, from Sally’s Beauty

Supply we learned a lot about the product attributes as it relates to customer preferences for our
product. Lisa provided input for each attribute including price range, size, shape, and color.

Although the price ranges in their store are from $6-$15 she stated that our price range from $11-

$21 would be acceptable because it is not just a regular hairbrush, it is advanced and serves a

greater purpose. She recommended that the size of the brush should be small to medium in order

to fit comfortably in a woman’s hand. She states that the shape of the brush does not really

affect the consumer because everyone has their own preference when it comes to attributes like

that. As for the color of the brush, people typically prefer basic colors such as black or white. If

the product was available in the store Lisa believes people would purchase it due to the fact that

consumers are always looking for the next big thing and really enjoy testing new products.

Competitors related to key attributes

Our competitors currently have a wet brush, that does not dispense conditioner. Our

proposition for The Detangalizer is beneficial to the consumer, regarding efficiency and personal

hair care. Compared to our attributes, our prices considerations are slightly higher. Regarding

color, socket, and shapes are relatively similar. One disadvantage that we acknowledge of having

is that our product depends on the consumer altering their behavior, which was a concern that we

noticed from our participants in the focus group.


Message to Brand Manager:

Contact: Lori Long

Company: JD Beauty Group / Wet Brush

Position: Director of Product Development

“Hello Ms. Long,

I hope you are having a nice week! My name is Kathryn Crowley; I am currently a student at the

University of Central Florida. In one of my current classes, we have an assignment to develop a

new product or creating an addition to an existing product. My group has come up with an

incredible product and I am reaching out in hopes to gain some insight from you regarding our

product and to understand, considering your professional expertise if you believe that our

product could be successful in the marketplace. If you have some time I would appreciate the

opportunity to ask you some questions via email. Any insight you could give us would be very

helpful. I look forward to hearing back from you!

Kind regards,

Kathryn Crowley”

Potential Questions to Ask Brand Manager

1. After learning more about our product, what are your first impressions?

2. Do you believe there would be a demand for this product?

3. Considering the attributes I mentioned for our product, do you think they are relevant?

4. Would you recommend other attributes to incorporate into this product to make it more

appealing to the market?

5. What would you recommend to be a good price point?

6. Do you foresee any problems that would arise with this product?

7. What do you see is the most effective marketing strategy to reach our target audience?

8. When thinking of distribution. Would you recommend e-commerce or selling to

wholesalers and retailers? Or both?

Attribute Chart

Price Shape of
Capacity Color Brush Input Product
10.99 5 FL OZ Black Oval Included Gel
Leave in
Not Included
12.99 8 FL OZ White Rectangle Conditioner
15.99 10 FL OZ Pink Conditioner
20.99 12 FL OZ

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