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PANEL 2 Manure Preparation for agriculture and use of Bi-prodcut

Team 4

as part of CSE3999-Technical Answers for Real World Problems

Apoorv Tyagi

Taitiksh Sharma


Prof Abdul Gaffar H

School of Computer Science and Engineering

March 2019

Chapter Topic Page No.
1 Importance of idea & problem statement 3
2 Objectives 4
3 Literature Review 5
4 Requirements 6
4.1. Hardware 7
4.2. Software 12
5 Architecture 14
6 Development Details 15
7 Implementation 19
7.1. Pseudo Code 20
8. Applicability category 26
9. Conclusions 27
10. References 27
Brief Biography of Each Team Members 28

Chapter 1

 Today our country is shifting towards green agriculture it will help the farmer to get
manure and biogas at lower price if there is higher production.
 Use of green energy such as biogas for cooking, electricity generation etc. can be used
so that it will not lead to pollution.
 It will the farmer to lower their budget for getting manure from other companies at
higher prices as they will be able to produce their own manure in more efficient way
 It helps to encourage farmer to use composting method as a way to get manure which
is completely healthy for environment.

Our country is moving towards green agriculture. Some of the states in India has completely
shifted towards green agriculture. So, for such a huge movement they need green substance
like manure and bio-gas in huge amount at suitable price or cost.

If the process of composting continues in the same way, the cost of manure per kg will be
increased in near future. As the consumption of goods increases and processing power
decreases the price increases. As the farmer, cannot afford increase in price we need to find the
efficient way of preparing manure and making use of by-product.

This can we achieved using IOT device inside the composting system so as to get the
temperature, humidity and pressure without opening it and can be changed as per the optimum
value. We believe in making a product most suitable to detect the condition inside compost and
as the funds increases we can make a system so as to control these using valves, sprinklers etc.

So as per research done by many researchers there are some of the most used and efficient
materials for composting. The given table describes the material which can be composted and
which cannot.

Keywords: Compost, Manure, Biogas, Android App, Arduino


1. We aim to develop an IOT system which can help farmers to

prepare manure using compost in more efficient way. The system

consists of different sensors.

2. For easy accessibility of the system we aim to develop android app

to get the real-time data of the compost without opening it.

3. The use of Bi-product produced such as bio-gas etc. can also be

used inside the container to get the data using sensor for efficient


4. To study various sensors and related technologies

5. To develop a centralized supervising/monitoring system for

compost management.



[1] In this paper the author Bera, R., Datta, A. and Bose, S. made an attempt to make a
comparative evaluation of compost quality and process convenience of various
composting methods which are available in the current world like Vermi, Indigenous,
Biodynamic and Novcom composting methods. They performed all four methods on a
tea estate in Assam and at the end it was resulted that the Novcom Composting method
was having higher potential and CQI (Compost Quality Index).

[2] In this paper the author Saleh Ali Tweib , Rakmi Abd Rahman and Mohd Sahaid
Kalil tries to do the literature survey of different methods for waste management
treatment to help in addressing environmental pollution concerns. In this they stated
different benefits of compost and its long-term effect on soil.

[3] In this paper the author Abigail A. Mynard. has researched about the optimum
environment for the microorganisms doing the decomposing. He also talked the way
with manure preparation can be accelerated and made more efficient. He also talked
about the different compost experiments performed.

[4] In this paper the author Attila Meggyes and Valéria Nagy has worked on Sustainable
agricultural development and increasing the rate of renewable energy sources have
become an economic issue after Hungary joined the EU. The paper introduces biogas
production and utilization methods that are suitable for providing continuous operation
of existing biogas plants and also for determining the parameters of establishing biogas
plants. Experimental variants (mixtures of liquid pig manure and plant additives) were
developed to produce biogas and intensify biogas yield, and then gas engine tests were
done for the energy utilization



4.1. Hardware Requirements

4.1.1. List of Hardware Components (Example)

a) Arduino UNO

b) BMP 180

c) LM-35

d) Android Smartphone

e) Wires

f) Soil Moisture Sensor

g) Bluetooth Module

h) LED Bulbs

4.1.2. a. Description of Hardware Component: Arduino UNO

Fig. 1: Arduino UNO

Name of Item: Arduino UNO

– Model: UNO

– Vendor: Ark Techno solutions

– Price: 689 Rs

– Spec:

Component Functionality:

The Arduino Ethernet is essentially a normal Arduino Uno where the ATMega8 chip and USB
plug are changed for an Ethernet port. The PoE (power over Ethernet) version means you don't
need a separate power supply (wall adapter for example), although your router must also be
PoE compatible. A similar setup can be done using a standard shield-compatible Arduino and
an Ethernet shield.


 Traffic Light Count Down Timer

 Parking Lot Counter
 Weighing Machines
 Medical Instrument
 Emergency Light for Railways

Reference URL:

b. Description of Hardware Component: Pressure Sensor

Fig. 2: Pressure Sensor

Name of Item : Pressure Sensor

– Model: BMP 180

– Vendor: Abhith India

– Price: 220 Rs

– Spec:

Component Functionality:

The BMP180 barometric sensor (model GY-68) is the one in the following figure (front and
back view). It is a very small module with 1mm x 1.1mm (0.039in x 0.043in). It measures the
absolute pressure of the air around it. It has a measuring range from 300 to 1100hPa with an
accuracy down to 0.02 hPa. It can also measure altitude and temperature.


 Weather Observations
 Determining Altitude
 Measuring Absolute Pressure.
 Temperature Effects

Reference URL:


c. Description of Hardware Component: Temperature Sensor

Fig. 3: Temperature Sensor

Name of Item: Temperature Sensor

– Model: LM 35

– Vendor: rhydoLABZ

– Price: 70 Rs

– Spec:

Component Functionality:

LM35 is a 3-pin temperature sensor which gives 1 degree Celsius on every 10mVolt change.
This sensor can sense up to 150-degree Celsius temperature. 1 number pin of lm35 sensor is
Vcc, second is output and third one is Ground.


 It is used to calculate temperatures at different cases for any hardware project.

Reference URL:

d. Description of Hardware Component: Soil Moisture Sensor

Fig. 4: Soil Moisture Sensor

Name of Item: Soil Moisture Sensor

– Model: LM393

– Vendor:

– Price: 103 Rs

– Spec:

Component Functionality:

The Soil Moisture Sensor uses capacitance to measure the water content of soil (by measuring
the dielectric permittivity of the soil, which is a function of the water content). Simply insert
this rugged sensor into the soil to be tested, and the volumetric water content of the soil is
reported in percent.


 Soil moisture module is most sensitive to the ambient, generally used to detect the
moisture content of the soil.
 When the module cannot reach the threshold value, DO port output high, when the
soil humidity exceeds a set threshold value, the module D0 output low;
 The small board digital output D0 can be connected directly to the MCU, MCU to
detect high and low, to detect soil moisture;
 Small board digital output DO can directly drive the buzzer module or relay module
in our store, which can form a soil moisture alarm equipment;
 Small board analog output AO and AD module connected through the AD converter,
you can get more precise values of soil moisture;

Reference URL:


e. Description of Hardware Component: Bluetooth Module

Fig. 1: Bluetooth Module

Name of Item: Bluetooth Module

– Model: HC - 05

– Vendor: Geekcreit

– Price: 242 Rs

– Spec:

Component Functionality:

HC‐05 module is an easy to use Bluetooth SPP (Serial Port Protocol) module, designed for
transparent wireless serial connection setup. The HC-05 Bluetooth Module can be used in a
Master or Slave configuration, making it a great solution for wireless communication. This
serial port Bluetooth module is fully qualified Bluetooth V2.0+EDR (Enhanced Data Rate)
3Mbps Modulation with complete 2.4GHz radio transceiver and baseband. It uses CSR Blue
core 04‐External single chip Bluetooth system with CMOS technology and with AFH
(Adaptive Frequency Hopping Feature).


 Embedded Projects
 Industrial Applications
 Computer and portable Devices
 GPS receiver

Reference URL:

Summary of Components in Tabular form

S.No Item Model Spec Vendor Price

In Rs.
1. Arduino UNO UNO UNO R3 Ark 689 Rs
board with Technosolutions
2. Pressure Sensor BMP 180 Vin: 3 to Abhith India 220 Rs
3. Temperature LM-35 Vin: 3.3 to rhydoLABZ 70 Rs
Sensor 5V DC
4. Soil Moisture LM393 Vin: 3.3 to 103 Rs
Sensor 5V DC
5. Bluetooth HC-05 Geekcreit 242 Rs

Table 1: Summary of Hardware Components

4.2. Software Requirements

Table 1: Summary of Software Components

S. Item versions Vendor Price Description Reference
1. Arduino 1.8.9 / Open Free The Arduino
integrated 15 Source integrated
development March development
environment 2019 environment (IDE) is
(IDE) a cross-platform
application that is
written in the
language Java. It is
used to write and
upload programs to
Arduino compatible
boards, but also, with
the help of 3rd party
cores, other vendor
development boards.
2. App 2.0 MIT Media Free App Inventor for
Inventor for Lab, MIT Android is an open- App_Inventor_for_Android
Android Computer source web
Science application originally
and provided by Google,
Artificial and now maintained
Intelligence by the Massachusetts
Lab Institute of
Technology (MIT).
It allows newcomers
to computer
programming to
create software
applications for the
Android operating
system (OS)

It consists of different sensor connected to the Arduino UNO board along with valves to do the
physical work according to the need of the farmer.

Pin Diagram:

Block Diagram:



So as per research done by many researchers there are some of the most used and efficient
materials for composting. The given table describes the material which can be composted and
which cannot.

Suitable materials for composting

We consider and face a lot of problems when we go for composting. With the help of IOT
devices like sensors etc. we can work on the problems and try to manage or reduce them. We
aim to provide 90% efficiency with proper use of device. As per future researches we may be
able to increase efficiency by getting proper reading and values for different ways of

Below table describes the problem faced while composting. Some of these aspects can me
managed with the help of the IOT device.

Problems faced

The android app is developed using MIT App Inventor. Some of the details regarding the User
Interface and the Bluetooth module connectivity and passing of data to the App is given in the
following Images.

For passing the data and cheking conditon whether the given reading is less than or greater than
the optimum value.

Creating the IOT system using Arduino Uno board along with different sensor and Bluetooth
Module. The Pressure Sensor gets the value of pressure and temperature inside Biogas
container for efficient generation of Biogas and the temperature and soil moisture sensor is
used to get the humidity and temperature for preparing manure efficiently. Using the firebase,

the data is given to the android app and further processing of the reading is done to notify the




#include <SFE_BMP180.h>
#include <Wire.h>
String msg="";
// You will need to create an SFE_BMP180 object, here called "pressure":
const int sensor=A1;
SFE_BMP180 pressure;
int sensor_pin = A0;
int output_value ;
float tempc;
float vout;
String n;
#define ALTITUDE 1655.0 // Altitude of SparkFun's HQ in Boulder, CO. in meters

void setup()

// Initialize the sensor (it is important to get calibration values stored on the device).

if (pressure.begin())
Serial.println("BMP180 init success");
// Oops, something went wrong, this is usually a connection problem,
// see the comments at the top of this sketch for the proper connections.

Serial.println("BMP180 init fail\n\n");

while(1); // Pause forever.

void loop()

output_value= analogRead(sensor_pin);
output_value = map(output_value,1023,0,0,100);
// Serial.print("Mositure : ");
// Serial.println(output_value);
msg=msg+output_value ;

// Serial.print("in DegreeC=");
// Serial.print(vout);
msg=msg+","+(vout-12); //soil temperature
char status;
double T,P,p0,a;

// Loop here getting pressure readings every 10 seconds.]23235

// If you want sea-level-compensated pressure, as used in weather reports,

// you will need to know the altitude at which your measurements are taken.
// We're using a constant called ALTITUDE in this sketch:

//Serial.print("provided altitude: ");
//Serial.print(" meters, ");
// Serial.println(" feet");

// If you want to measure altitude, and not pressure, you will instead need
// to provide a known baseline pressure. This is shown at the end of the sketch.

// You must first get a temperature measurement to perform a pressure reading.

// Start a temperature measurement:

// If request is successful, the number of ms to wait is returned.
// If request is unsuccessful, 0 is returned.

status = pressure.startTemperature();
if (status != 0)
// Wait for the measurement to complete:

// Retrieve the completed temperature measurement:

// Note that the measurement is stored in the variable T.
// Function returns 1 if successful, 0 if failure.

status = pressure.getTemperature(T);
if (status != 0)
// Print out the measurement:

// Serial.print("temperature: ");
// Serial.println(T,2);
//Serial.print(" deg C, ");
//Serial.println(" deg F");

// Start a pressure measurement:

// The parameter is the oversampling setting, from 0 to 3 (highest res, longest wait).
// If request is successful, the number of ms to wait is returned.
// If request is unsuccessful, 0 is returned.

status = pressure.startPressure(3);
if (status != 0)
// Wait for the measurement to complete:

// Retrieve the completed pressure measurement:

// Note that the measurement is stored in the variable P.
// Note also that the function requires the previous temperature measurement (T).
// (If temperature is stable, you can do one temperature measurement for a number of
pressure measurements.)
// Function returns 1 if successful, 0 if failure.

status = pressure.getPressure(P,T);
if (status != 0)
// Print out the measurement:
// Serial.print("absolute pressure: ");
// Serial.println(P/1000,2);
// Serial.print(" mb, ");
// Serial.println(" inHg");

// The pressure sensor returns abolute pressure, which varies with altitude.
// To remove the effects of altitude, use the sealevel function and your current altitude.
// This number is commonly used in weather reports.
// Parameters: P = absolute pressure in mb, ALTITUDE = current altitude in m.
// Result: p0 = sea-level compensated pressure in mb

p0 = pressure.sealevel(P,ALTITUDE); // we're at 1655 meters (Boulder, CO)

//Serial.print("relative (sea-level) pressure: ");
// Serial.println(p0/1000,2);
//Serial.print(" mb, ");
//Serial.println(" inHg");

// On the other hand, if you want to determine your altitude from the pressure reading,
// use the altitude function along with a baseline pressure (sea-level or other).

// Parameters: P = absolute pressure in mb, p0 = baseline pressure in mb.
// Result: a = altitude in m.

/*a = pressure.altitude(P,p0);
Serial.print("computed altitude: ");
Serial.print(" meters, ");
Serial.println(" feet");
else Serial.println("error retrieving pressure measurement\n");
else Serial.println("error starting pressure measurement\n");
else Serial.println("error retrieving temperature measurement\n");
else Serial.println("error starting temperature measurement\n");

else if(n=="50")
else if(n=="51")
else if(n=="52")

delay(1000); // Pause for 5 seconds.


User Interface of android application:

Working of the Circuit Diagram:
The LED glowing the given diagram shows that the valve is turned ON. The farmer can control
the valves to maintain the moisture for the compost using sprinklers and opening the holes for
the biogas container to maintain the pressure inside the container for preparing it at optimum


Applicability category

i. Society relevant:
The product developed can be useful asset to society as it will help the farmer
gaining more profit as their cost of production is less. It will lead to decline in
suicide of farmers due to unpayable loan and other financial reason.

ii. Health Care:

The method used are completely healthy for environment. It will help to reduce
the burning of woods and destroying forest as biogas can be used as a fuel for
cooking. Use of pesticides will be reduced hence the soil fertility will be

iii. Social Networking:

As the use of our product increases each and every farmer will help the other
one to give knowledge about the use of the tool. It will help to develop social
networking and ultimately lead in a big step toward green agriculture.

iv. Interdisciplinary (other school’s involvement):

Our friend from Sense school helped us to work with IOT based system and
manage connection for development of product.

v. Team involvement:
As our team only consist of two members all the work done in the project is
mutual understanding of both the members. We believe in working as a Team
helps you judge all the aspects of pros and cons related to the project. We helped
each other in working of the product as well as the documentation part.

vi. Hardware based:

Our IOT based product part is completely hardware based. It consists of
different sensor connected to the Arduino Uno board along with Bluetooth
module to connect to the android app.

Chapter 9


• From our research, we figured out that a lot of things is still to be done in
the field of agriculture to make it more efficient and profitable for farmers
as well as for the environment.
• The product we made during this project supports our theory and provide
a small step to increase the efficiency of the making manure.
• In future work, we would like to connect our app with some cloud service
and try to collect data of different crop or organic substance to figure out
more accurate optimal values.


1. Bera, R., Datta, A., Bose, S., Dolui, A. K., Chatterjee, A. K., Dey, G. C. ... & Seal, A.
(2013). Comparative Evaluation of Compost Quality, Process Convenience and Cost
under Different Composting Method to assess their Large Scale Adoptability Potential
as also Complemented by Compost Quality Index. International Journal of Scientific
and Research Publications, 3(6), 406-417.
2. Tweib, S. A., Rahman, R. A., & Khalil, M. S. (2012). A Literature Review on the
Composting. In International Conference on Environment and Industrial Innovation.
3. Maynard, A. A. (2000). Compost: the process and research. Bulletin-Connecticut
Agricultural Experiment Station, (966).
4. Meggyes, A., & Nagy, V. (2012). Biogas and Energy Production by Utilization of
Different Agricultural Wastes. Acta Polytechnica Hungarica, 9(6), 65-80.


Apoorv Tyagi
• Apoorv Tyagi is a student pursuing Bachelor of Technology(BTECH)
in Computer Science and Enginneering(CSE) from Vellore Institute
of Technolgy,Vellore. He has a prior experience of working in 3
IOT- based project. He is hard working student and does work
with perfection. He does work with patience and full support of
the team. He is a helping student and help other in day to day life.
He is determined to achieve his goal.

Taitiksh Sharma
• Taitiksh sharma is a student pursuing Bachelor of
Technology(B.TECH) in Computer Science and Enginneering(CSE)
from Vellore Institute of Technolgy,Vellore. He is determined to
achieve his goal. He is a consistent performer and a student who
do work with perfection and tries to work with the the team.


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