Netflix's Mindhunter: Changing The Way To Catch A Murderer

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Netflix’s Mindhunter:

Changing the way to catch a murderer

In every society created by man there has always been evil

lurking in every corner and every heart, man and woman that are just
broken people and give in to their urges thinking is the only way and
there is nothing wrong with it, but this urges can sometimes become
deadly desires inside these people’s minds, to keep this under control
society created law enforcement agencies mainly just to maintain
order and discipline among citizens.

When a human commits a violent act against another is called

a crime, these crimes can go from punching someone to something
as gruesome as murdering someone, all civilizations had to fight
these kind of crimes but is not an easy task without any information
to go on, so, they established a system called MMO (Means, Motive
and Opportunity), this system worked fined for hundreds of years or
so everyone thought.

The first notorious case where this system failed to find a culprit
was the famous London street prostitute’s slayer “Jack the reaper”
who started leaving corpses in the streets of London since 1888 and
according to official reports 1891 (this is unknown due to lack of a
culprit), this case left all the police officers and authorities in general
in the dark, it was something never seen, a man killing multiple victims
in different ways and in different times.

Minhunter is a television show based on the book written by

Mark Olshaker and John E. Douglas called “Mind Hunter: Inside FBI's
Elite Serial Crime” and it basically shows us how this team formed by
2 FBI agents realized that the MMO system was a good one but had
many flaws, so they started thinking how these “concurrent
murderers” never filled the profiles for a MMO approach and
developed a new approach, started studying behavior instead of a
single crime scene, they opened their mind and saw the bigger picture
so they would be able to classify these murderers into categories they
created themselves and after interviewing some of the most notorious
concurrent killers that the police had catch (the smarter ones just let
themselves be captured), they used this knowledge to build profiles
for the murderers and then adopted the term “Serial Killer” as a mean
of referring to people who kill multiple people in different periods of
time and in different ways, but in most cases always following a
pattern that could be studied and analyzed to be able to catch them.

In the end, this television show introduces us to the mind of the

investigators and the mind of the murderers so we can be able to
watch the story and feel like we are solving these crimes ourselves
as FBI agents.

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