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How to make masala coconut milk soup

Easily digestible, fiber rich dish which gives instant energy, so it
best suits as your before meals dish. Eating nothing but soup for a
meal can make one slimmer but it can be a difficult challenge. The
preparation of nutritious, delicious, and vegetarian dish as follows.

Ingredients requirement:
✔ Red gram – 4 spoons
✔ Coriander seeds – 2 spoons
✔ Cumin seeds – 1 spoon
✔ Fennel seeds – ¼ spoon
✔ Fenu greek seeds – ¼ spoon
✔ Cinnamon – 1 pce
✔ Black pepper – 1 spoon
✔ Small onion – 10 numbers
✔ Garlic – 4 numbers
✔ Tomato – 3 numbers
✔ Ginger – 1 pce
✔ Green chili – 1 number
✔ Turmeric powder – 1 pinch
✔ Coconut milk – 2 cups
✔ Chopped Coriander Leaves – as required
✔ Lemon juice – 10 drops
✔ Sesame oil – as required
✔ Water – if required
✔ Salt – as required

Process Description:
✔ Switch on the stove, place the pan, add red gram, coriander
seeds, fennel seeds, fenu greek seeds, cumin seeds, cinnamon and
black pepper and heat it dry until it turns brown.
✔ In the blender jar, add all the dried items and grind it
thoroughly until it turns into powder. It is the masala powder.
✔ In the stove, place a pan, pour sesame oil on it, add onion,
tomato, ginger and garlic, saute it well.
✔ After that, add the masala powder and saute it together.
✔ After saute, switch off the stove and immediately add coconut
milk and salt with it.
✔ Finally, add lemon juice and coriander leaves to complete the
cooking process.
✔ Thus the dish is ready. Enjoy it by consuming!

Health Benefits of masala coconut milk soup:

✔ Red gram is very low in saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium.
It is also a good source of protein and copper, and a very good
source of dietary fiber, folate and manganese.
✔ Coriander seeds is good in lowering blood sugar, ease digestive
discomfort, decrease blood pressure, fight food poisoning,
improve cholesterol levels, help urinary tract infections,
support healthy menstrual function.
✔ Cumin Seed is a herbal medicine aid in digestion, improve
immunity and treat skin disorders, boils, piles, insomnia,
respiratory disorders, asthma, bronchitis, common cold,
lactation, anemia, skin disorders, boils and cancer.
✔ Fennel has long been used as a remedy for flatulence and
indigestion in traditional medicines. Fennel seed decoction or
added as a spice in food has been found to increase breast milk
secretion in nursing mothers. Fennel water often is used in
newborn babies to relieve colic pain and help aid digestion.
✔ Fenu greek improves digestive problems and cholesterol levels,
reduces inflammation inside the body, increases libido in men,
promotes milk flow in breastfeeding, lowers inflammation from
outside the body, adds flavor and spice to food.
✔ Cinnnamon can lower blood sugar levels, reduce heart disease
risk factors, and has a plethora of other impressive health
✔ Black Pepper is a herbal medicine having antibacterial
properties and anti-inflammatory agent, which is also used to
preserve food. It is a rich source of manganese, iron,
potassium, vitamin-C, vitamin K and dietary fiber.
✔ Onions has phytochemicals that scavenge free radicals may also
reduce our risk of developing gastric ulcers. The chromium in
onions assists in regulating blood sugar. The sulfur in onions
helps lower blood sugar by triggering increased insulin
✔ Garlic contains a compound called Allicin, which has potent
medicinal properties. It is highly nutritious, but has very few
calories. Garlic can combat sickness, including the common cold.
✔ Tomatoes contain all four major carotenoids: alpha- and beta-
carotene, lutein, and lycopene. Also rich in potassium, vitamin
E, and vitamin C.
✔ Ginger is a herbal medicine used for relieving digestive
problems such as nausea, loss of appetite, motion sickness and
✔ Turmeric contains bioactive compounds with powerful medicinal
properties. Curcumin is a natural anti-inflammatory compound.
Turmeric dramatically increases the antioxidant capacity of the
✔ Fresh green chilies are rich in vitamins C (almost six times as
in a single orange) while the dried version is higher in vitamin
A. Their vibrant color signals high amounts of the antioxidant
beta-carotene, and it also contain vitamins B and E, iron and
✔ Coconuts are highly nutritious and rich in fibre, vitamins C, E,
B1, B3, B5 and B6 and minerals including iron, selenium, sodium,
calcium, magnesium and phosphorous.
✔ Coriander leaves are rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin K and protein.
They also contain small amounts of calcium, phosphorous,
potassium, thiamin, niacin and carotene.
✔ Lemons contain small amounts of thiamin, riboflavin, vitamin B-
6, pantothenic acid, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus,
potassium, copper, manganese and protein.
✔ Sesame oil has both antibacterial and anti-inflammatory
properties given by linoleic acid. They are also rich in
minerals like copper, manganese, calcium and magnesium. The oil
is rich in antioxidants, hence they are easily absorbed into the
skin, nourishes it from deep inside and promotes skin softness.

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